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Shadows of the Damned: Beautiful, stylish, fantastic music ...and an absolute bore =(


This game would be so much better if they removed those unbelievably terrible STG stages, tightened that dodge invincibility window, and gave bosses more attack variety to justify the amount of health they have.

As it stands, it was okay. As far as Grasshopper goes, it's at least way better than the No More Heroes games.
Im at the last world I think. Mechanically its RE but it has zero plot and I got bored; I might push through one of these days and wrap it up.

but I'll be damned if the big boner stages won't so ridiculously .. absurd.

Not surprised this bombed. EA also probably looked at what they got and thought "we're not going to market this"


Eh. It was ok. I kinda had to push myself to finish it, I just really wasn't feeling it. I don't regret playing it, but I have no inclination to go back.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
No offense, but you play ALOT of 3rd person shooters this gen?

SO MUCH MORE better stuff out there.

That being said, the controls are satisfying ...now if only the enemies were, you know, actually fun to shoot.

Yep, sincerely think the world is pretty rad ...dat gameplay though =(

Wow, name 5 TPS games that are better than this. I'll go Uncharted, Gears, Vanquish....then what?


I finished this but didn't finish Vanquish.

I thought SotD was pretty short so it shouldn't take too long to buckle down and finish that sucker, OP. The gameplay was fairly solid, I thought they kept throwing new stuff at you frequently enough to keep things from getting boring.

The fun writing (those books!) and the Suda-trademark punk style kept me interested long enough to finish it.
Wow, name 5 TPS games that are better than this. I'll go Uncharted, Gears, Vanquish....then what?

lol okay,

Binary Domain
Resident Evil 5
Saint's Row 3
Dead Space1
Dead Space2
Dark Sector (yeah, I went there. Shit story but fun, solid shooting that held my interest)
Red Faction Armageddon
Alan Wake


I enjoyed the shooting in SoD, but it was a bit slippery, especially with the pistol. Getting the five headshots in a row Achievement was really annoying.
Taste my big boner

I live in an apt, so I have neighbors in close proximity. For the last round, I didn't know there were more lanes than just left, middle, right, so I kept dying (not knowing there were guys behind me). I was completely stumped on what was killing me, but played this over and over and over, for like much longer than I should have. I had the volume up and I'm certain the neighbors were all WTF hearing "Taste my big boner!" for like 45 min straight
The fact that the game made any top ten list of 2011 amazes me. This game was trying to be a Godhand shooter and failing in every way. Boring in art, content and gameplay for me. I stopped playing on the board you have to run away from your zombie/vampire/demon/whocares girlfriend.


I wanted to like SotD much more than I actually did. It left a great first impression; the first hour of the game had witty dialogue, endearing characters, a unique world and fluid gameplay. But by the end of the game, it felt like a real chore to keep playing. Everything besides some of the puzzles and occasional short story book had become stale, the combat especially had worn out its welcome long before the end of the game.


The fact that the game made any top ten list of 2011 amazes me. This game was trying to be a Godhand shooter and failing in every way. Boring in art, content and gameplay for me. I stopped playing on the board you have to run away from your zombie/vampire/demon/whocares girlfriend.

No it wasn't.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
lol okay,

Binary Domain
Resident Evil 5
Saint's Row 3
Dead Space1
Dead Space2
Dark Sector (yeah, I went there. Shit story but fun, solid shooting that held my interest)
Red Faction Armageddon
Alan Wake

You can't name sequels, that is cheating.

Alan Wake stands out to me as really bizarre. How could a game be more boring than that? You walk or run (slowly) through low-res repeating forest settings for 6 hrs fighting the same amorphous monsters with no unique attacks and no enemy variety.

Maybe you just like different things.


Honestly liked the characters at the start but I got bored quick with the combat, and some weird part of the 2d section cockblocked (had no idea what I was doing wrong even after watching youtube video of the section) me for 30 minutes I said fuck it and sent it back to gamefly since it wasn't worth the hassle.

Agree 100% on above poster. Honestly if Alan Wake wasn't hyped and in development forever from Remedy not sure anyone would give a shit about it's bad combat and poorly written self serious story.


Gold Member
I wanted to like SotD much more than I actually did. It left a great first impression; the first hour of the game had witty dialogue, endearing characters, a unique world and fluid gameplay. But by the end of the game, it felt like a real chore to keep playing. Everything besides some of the puzzles and occasional short story book had become stale, the combat especially had worn out its welcome long before the end of the game.

same. got through most of chapter 3, found myself seriously uninterested in whatever might happen next, quit, &'ve never gone back. hard for me to explain exactly what it was lacking, but it was definitely lacking it :) ...
I'm all for critiquing games. But Shadows did not sell very well, and EA didn't have any spare fucks to give in it's pocket to promote it. So a thread like this will only doom it to even further obscurity.


I'd be in the dick
There was a point where I felt the game started to drag on but the crazy upgrades your weapons get towards the end and the excellent boss fights at the end took it right back up to greatness.
It's the part where you justify your claim that SoD was trying to be like God Hand, except that you can't, so you don't.

graphics, style, music, tone. everything but gameplay because one was a brawler and one wasnt.
at first I was excited it was copying aspects of the game but when it failed in the cool factor it lost me. Suda tries and tries to obtain the cool factor, but he really just isnt as cool as he thinks he is. average gamemaker in ideas and execution. i think ive played everything he has made except NMH2.

anyway, opinions.
wasn't a fan of this one at all. The humor fell flat for me, and a lot of it just seemed to be weird for the sake of being weird. goat heads, sex phone calls, endless boner jokes...not my thing. and I didn't really like the overall monster/environmental design.

Without those two things to carry the game, it was really a chore to get through.

I agree with the above poster. Vanquish, Dead Space (both), RE5, and even silent hill homecoming destroy this game.

Also chase sequences. Fuck that. Didn't know about the secret until after I did them all but still. Scary, yes. Frustrating? Even more so.

What secret? I would just hit her with the light shot over and over (I upgraded that one early) so she couldn't really move- took the challenge out of it, since you can literally just run rings around her if you do.


I don't think so really. This was the most fun I've ever had with a Suda game. Killer 7 and No More Heroes were wayyyy more boring in the gameplay department.


I'd be in the dick
The fact that the game made any top ten list of 2011 amazes me. This game was trying to be a Godhand shooter and failing in every way. Boring in art, content and gameplay for me. I stopped playing on the board you have to run away from your zombie/vampire/demon/whocares girlfriend.

But this game was actually playable and tolerable so it's nothing like God Hand.
But this game was actually playable and tolerable so it's nothing like God Hand.

God hand was perfectly playable. It just took skill and practice.

Both lean heavily on oddball humor to keep the game going, but God Hand actually had unique and surprisingly good fighting mechanics going for it.


SotD's shooting may not be as good as the top games of the genre but it was really fun IMO...personally I liked the game a lot.

Also as much as I love Alan Wake it's shooting was the weakest part of the game and definitely worse than SotD.
You can't name sequels, that is cheating.

Maybe you just like different things.

lol, sorry, okay then no sequels

Alan Wake leaves much more of an impression and while the gameplay loop is pretty tiny, it's punch is enough to have kept me going. That and the story/characters are just something I greatly preferred.
God hand was perfectly playable. It just took skill and practice.

Both lean heavily on oddball humor to keep the game going, but God Hand actually had unique and surprisingly good fighting mechanics going for it.

Whether or not he means it, he was just going for a zing and by god he achieved it.
Yeah, I rented this game and was bored by the gameplay. The script was not "clever" stupid either, it was just stupid.

Great art direction and music though.
I have a very open mind about games, and also really like some of Suda51's work, but I hated SoD and couldn't wait to be done with it.

It had the making of a good game, but I think lack of funds that translated to feeling of being unfinished, unrefined and not properly realized was what turned me off of it.


I enjoyed the game, but it's not something I'd ever want to play again. The gameplay was very by-the-numbers.

Oh, I meant it. I'm a huge fan of Mikami and humor like that so while I found God Hand funny I thought the gameplay was abysmal. I was really looking forward to it too.

God Hand has some of the most refined beat 'em up gameplay ever.


lol okay,

Binary Domain
Resident Evil 5
Saint's Row 3
Dead Space1
Dead Space2
Dark Sector (yeah, I went there. Shit story but fun, solid shooting that held my interest)
Red Faction Armageddon
Alan Wake
I'm glad someone else appreciates dark sector.
I enjoyed the game, but it's not something I'd ever want to play again. The gameplay was very by-the-numbers.

God Hand has some of the most refined beat 'em up gameplay ever.

Yup. Controls on that are virgin tight. getting past some of those bosses really felt like an accomplishment.

I could never pull it off myself, but seeing videos of people doing the "kick me" challenge on that game was damn impressive.


I enjoyed SoTD. It did everything right with its gunplay. Its visual aesthetics, music and errrm, phallic humor fused very nicely to make another Suda 51 game of corny craziness, with great gameplay. That said, I don't think I'd replay it. But then again, I don't replay many games I like.

You can't name sequels, that is cheating.

Alan Wake stands out to me as really bizarre. How could a game be more boring than that?

It can't.

Resident Evil 5
Saint's Row 3

Most certainly, you jest?
I have a very open mind about games, and also really like some of Suda51's work, but I hated SoD and couldn't wait to be done with it.

It had the making of a good game, but I think lack of funds that translated to feeling of being unfinished, unrefined and not properly realized was what turned me off of it.

every game he makes feels this way. methinks the "punk style" might be more about a general lack of talent. punk = boobies, wackoff jokes and rockabilly music to the japanese I guess. god bless him though, I hope he keeps making them for those that enjoy them. I'm out though. Lollipop looks more of the same.

a better vision of a punk game would be Deadly Premonition albeit a bit of fanservice to...the beautiful mystery you see to the left.
I'd say RE5 is better than Shadows of the Damned, sure. What's so ridiculous about that?

RE5 gets a lot of grief on this board for not being RE4 part 2, but the game is solid- especially if you're playing Co-op. I can't see anyone seriously making the case that it's a worse game.


I picked this game up on the cheap at Best Buy last week and was playing it over the weekend. I'm glad I snagged it; a stylish diamond in the rough. I know it's loaded with derivative elements, the phallic references are everywhere and the dialog has enough cursing to earn the game "bro" status, but it's still fun.

Garcia Fucking Hotspur, FTW!


I found SoTD to be great until the chase section with
and the "Taste My Big Boner!" part. After that, I haven't touched the game since.

Oh and there is
2D sidescroller sections that Alice: Madness Returns did slightly better?
Forget that.
It just feel like a RE4 mod. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but I'd say it was one of Mikami's lesser games....though about on par with Suda's work.
SotD is like that one goth kid you knew with the "unique" playlist on his iPod. He wasn't very good at social situations, so he just told the same dick joke over and over again for hours.


This would've been my game of the year in 2011 if it wasn't for the retarded explosion in software quality we got in the last leg of the year (Gears 3, Arkham City, among others). Shadows of the Damned is a top notch game in every facet in my opinion. The game play isn't groundbreaking, as it's really just Resident Evil 4's controls slightly improved. But the game is fun, fast-paced, is funny, incredible music, and is beautiful to look at.

I always crack up thinking about Garcia reciting the story about the flying kid in his poor English. "Pheh - oh - neeeeex."


The forced co-op (I played with a computer for most of it) was everything wrong with the title. Some people said they had a great experience with CPU Sheva. That would have been the stuff of dreams for me, my ammo and healing herbs. The story...*looks at SotD* erm, okay, they're pretty on-par with that (mediocre). Had a great deal of less fun with Chris and whatsherface.

And I was too glad that SotD was RE4 controls, but better because RE4 gun play was great.

SotD is like that one goth kid you knew with the "unique" playlist on his iPod. He wasn't very good at social situations, so he just told the same dick joke over and over again for hours.

You forgot the fetish for awkwardly controlling pop up books.


I thought it was an ok game, but I paid $60 for it and beat the day I bought it. It only took about 4 hours to beat, and about 45 minutes of that is level four (which means that almost 1/4th of the game is horrible). Kinda falls into the standard Suda 51 trap of being fun to look at, but a bore to play. Nothing was as bad as the parking lot fight from NMH2 though.
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