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Should Pokémon evolve or morph?

Zoramon089 said:
Ok, so they can reach for a gun in a holster quicker than you can a pokeball on a belt? That makes no sense. Using "weapons" in pokemon games is dumb and always will be. Pokemon are extremely dangerous creatures. It makes no sense to attack a trainer with poekmon able to fight when you don't

you keep your pocket balls on a belt? I've been doing it wrong all these years.


Jive Turkey said:
Bumblebee! I choose you!



FunkyPajamas said:
I always thought Krusty was Homer's second identity. Like Homer was Krusty's secret identity or something. But then I saw them together in that mob episode.

When I was listening to the Simpsons DVD commentaries, I remember Matt Groening saying that he initially wanted to do that, but he dropped the idea before the series started.
Do you think that there's pressure on Professor Oak to accept Arceus design as a valid theory in textbooks?

Digimon was around before Pokemon even came out, discuss
Black-Wind said:
I'm pretty sure they don't.

Why? Because these people are in a world where through out history they have been able to protect themselves with Magical Monsters that can do FAR more harm than shit like guns.

Just think about it ... a Lil Girl could be BFFs with a beastly dragon that can slice through steel beams and take down buildings.

You think that early people with a LONG history of having such power at their command would ... make guns? Guns were made to hunt/ kill/ protect us from things that want to harm us in our world ... in THEIR world thats covered by having Pikachu watching your back and a ball in your pocket.

I feel like making a theory as to how the humans interacted with Pokemon in the early days of their evolution. How we seem to only see human weapons get to the point of swords and spears with a huge jump to the rare usage of lasers in the current day. Will do that after I play Pokemon BW (I hear the story is different and interesting)



Super Member
Axion22 said:
It doesn't fit the Darwinian version of evolution because it's referring to one organism's change, as opposed to an entire species. True evolution would be Pikachus becoming immune to ground attacks.

That said, I don't see why it needs changing.
But they can indeed learn a move that makes them immune to ground attacks (Magnet Rise). Bipeds and quadrupeds suddenly become nonpeds!

booyah survival of the cutest


shadyspace said:

A bit unrelated but it always bugged me in that other Safari Zone episode when that woman accused the group of poaching. Yeah man, catching a Chansey is totally poaching...

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
N4Us said:
A bit unrelated but it always bugged me in that other Safari Zone episode when that woman accused the group of poaching. Yeah man, catching a Chansey is totally poaching...

I've heard them lucky eggs are in high demand. :(


Hitlersaurus Christ said:
Well, at least in America it was! Me and my friends back in second grade had them. They were the tail end of the whole Tamagotchi craze. Then in third grade pokemon came out and became The New Thing.

Yeah, in America they were actually first. I had one, loved my Digimon virtual pet. I still collect Tamagotchis, too.


shadyspace said:
Do they still make Tamagotchis? Are they any different?

Yes, a new one came out at the end of 2010. I mean, it's still a Tamagotchi but they've added stuff like school and minigames over the years. Plus they added some online website, but I don't mess with that.
Credo said:
When I was listening to the Simpsons DVD commentaries, I remember Matt Groening saying that he initially wanted to do that, but he dropped the idea before the series started.
:O So I'm not crazy! <3 Credo.
Gravijah said:
Yeah, in America they were actually first. I had one, loved my Digimon virtual pet. I still collect Tamagotchis, too.
My parents still have like 20 tamagotchis that they bought thinking theyd be worth a lot of money in the future back when they were new. I imagine they're still sitting in a closet somewhere unopened, and still worth virtually nothing. I loved virtual pets like Tamagotchi and Digimon but now that im a college student the closest thing to a virtual pet that I can use is the Pokewalker. Or Monster Tale but I haven't started it yet.


Maturity, bitches.
What? Grandma is dead?


Your grandmother's corpse evolved into Yamask!

Da da da diddlydiddlydee.


Hitlersaurus Christ said:
My parents still have like 20 tamagotchis that they bought thinking theyd be worth a lot of money in the future back when they were new. I imagine they're still sitting in a closet somewhere unopened, and still worth virtually nothing. I loved virtual pets like Tamagotchi and Digimon but now that im a college student the closest thing to a virtual pet that I can use is the Pokewalker. Or Monster Tale but I haven't started it yet.

I need to play Monster Tale. We need more virtual pet/pet sims that aren't total shit. :(


Evolution is a vague term anyway. Raichu isn't naturally selected through reproduction from Pikachu. Evolution refers to changes over time and doesn't even necessarily refer to natural selection or state a specific minimum amount of time it must occur over. Pokemon evolve through gradually gaining experience or being exposed to radioactive rocks and stuff.


It's obvious to reasonable people that the correct answer is: Evolve. If my Pokemon merely morphed into their next incarnation, I probably wouldn't play it or at least would be unsatisfied. When something evolves, it turns into something better. Ipso facto Pokemon should evolve.
Professor Beef said:
How does it play? I've been interested in it for a while, but never bit on it.

Pretty much SMT with some typical MMO trappings but nothing as pronounced as some of the stuff you'd find in WoW. It's free to play so if you liked Nocturne you should def. check it out.


Black-Wind said:
Also why that one episode is on the banned list and is the only one with guns. :p

There was also an episode with reference to guns. It was one of the earlier episodes I think, "Pokemon Paparazzi".

At the very beginning Ash, Misty, and Brock set up camp and Brock begins making rice balls.
Ash notices that something is glimmering in the sunlight in the bushes (it's really the lens of a camera) but he imagines that it's the scope of a rifle, and then he has this pretty brief delusion (complete with imagery) that Misty, Brock and Pikachu have been shot and are all bent over, clutching themselves in pain.

I remember it so distinctly because I used to watch Pokemon before I had to go to school, but because of the timing I could only see a few minutes of the beginning of the episode, and with this one my sister turned the T.V. off right when that happened, so I went the entire day thinking they had actually been shot.
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