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Show off your GF/Fiance/Wife/Lover. (Be Nice)

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Sniper McBlaze said:


In this picture she kind of reminds me of Meryl Streep circa Kramer Vs. Kramer (1979):


...Although your girlfriend looks even better


More than a member.
like this one mmm

i discover myself a lot of photo on her fcbk page.

goin to work in 30min jeez, see ya guys !
I have a keikaku right here.

During a photo shoot for some portfolio projects, with Alba, our common friend (strange history there).


Giving her the warning finger




And the photoshoot afterparty/Saturday night out preparty.

Vox-Pop said:
love how she dresses.


but that Popeye hoodie is the shit.

soultron said:
Mr. Spinnington
(01-11-2011, 08:44 PM)
Reply | Quote

Buh. Why?

Some joke posts with play asia referral links signatures and whatnot. He'll be back in a couple of weeks.


Contains Sucralose
J. M. Romeo said:

but that Popeye hoodie is the shit.

Some joke posts with play asia referral links signatures and whatnot. He'll be back in a couple of weeks.

i'm into girls who wear skater shoes and baggy pants. I think girls in baggy clothes is so hot.
Vox-Pop said:
i'm into girls who wear skater shoes and baggy pants. I think girls in baggy clothes is so hot.

She jumps freely between baggy and fitting.

Personally, I'm more of a fitting clothes person. Asses are best appreciated that way.


FunkyPajamas said:
Looks like a keeper, congrats.

Doesn't she?:) I'm not her boyfriend, though. She doesn't want one right now. Maybe that'll change, maybe not... We'll see. Sucks that we can only meet once a week (our shedules don't synchronize well) + I have 2,5 hours of train trip to her city... But it's worth it.
J. M. Romeo said:
She has a very cutsey look to her, yeah. I hope nobody thinks that I'm screwing a 13 year old or something :/
Not at all, she doesn't look underage or "barely legal", judging by the pictures I'd say she's in her late 20's (that's not a bad thing).
Alastor said:
Doesn't she?:) I'm not her boyfriend, though. She doesn't want one right now. Maybe that'll change, maybe not... We'll see. Sucks that we can only meet once a week (our shedules don't synchronize well) + I have 2,5 hours of train trip to her city... But it's worth it.
She looks super classy and I love that in a girl, so yeah, she seems awesome. :D Keep it up, maybe things will change down the line.


Wow, just got caught up on this thread, haven't been here in months. Glad to see the exception to the GAF rule is still shining strong. Lots of great updates and beautiful ladies all around. I'm still with my lady, just celebrated 3 years together a couple months ago. Still not my longest relationship but she's definitely going to destroy it. Thinking about possibly proposing a certain proposition to her sometime this year, possibly spring ;) I'll update with a few pics below.


At the Tidal Basin with the Jefferson Memorial in the bg, during the Cherry Blossoms last year right around dusk. Really beautiful evening, that.


At a Halloween party with one of her college friends. She's on the left obviously. I totally geeked out with a combination nerd-on/hard-on when she came out in that ST uniform.


The two of us at the Grand Canyon 3 weeks ago.


And my favorite... playing GT5 with a racing wheel (and loving it!)

Sorry to hear about your last lady JM. I remember you being pretty excited over her, but I think you have a great attitude about former relationships and future ones. How could you not with that adorable new lady you've got there! I think I'll try it out (the attitude, not your lady of course). My current GF tends to think negatively towards exes in that they pretty much never existed once the relationship ends. It's a sad way to look at it I think (abusive relationships notwithstanding of course).


Alastor said:
Impossible. Must be fake!

Kidding. Amazing girl. Do you two play together?
Thanks! She's not actually the 'gamer' type aside from casual iphone and DS games, so getting her to sit down in front of a racing wheel with a racing game wasn't too hard ;) But she doesn't play beyond arcade mode. We do play together though, and it's good fun :D

even though she prefers mario kart...
J. M. Romeo said:
One of these days I'm gonna end up believing all that praise <3

She has a very cutsey look to her, yeah. I hope nobody thinks that I'm screwing a 13 year old or something :/
I'll be in Barcelona mid May. Wanna meet up for hot, steamy sex? :x


Strider2K99 said:
Your girl still looks amazing Carlisle. That tag should be changed. :p
Kozak said:
Carlisle's girls face is amazing. The symmetry is crazy.

Sorry to make it awkward but I had to get that out there.
Haha, wow thanks guys. Yeah she's pretty special. She's half Japanese, which I think gives her an interesting look about her.
Tence said:
Your girlfriend is very pretty.

Also I imagined you were white.... must be that avatar of yours that is misleading me.


Yeah I think he wins the award for the Most Misrepresenting avatar.

EDIT: And yes, your girlfriend looks great. Mixed women FTW.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Alright well last relationship lasted only a couple a months but on to a new women now.

Have our second date this weekend. :D Here she is!

As a blond.

And how she wears her hair now.

Only problem right now is that she likes some pretty crappy tv shows...
Two and a Half Men
Working on correcting this. lol


Really cute girl, Jelly. Definitely getting a strong Kristen Bell vibe from the blonde pic. The brunette pic looks an awful lot like a girl I know (not the same girl though, haha).

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
haha Thanks everyone. I too have been enduring Two and Half Men...but that is just the tip of the iceberg sadly. Completely opposites on television shows, movies but she has a younger brother who is an Otaku...gives me someone to geek out with.

Edit: I don't think it is that weird, have known her for over a year now. It was a bound to happen kind of situation.
Jealous much? =P
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