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Skullgirls DLC Character vote | The Campaign united us, The Voting will destroy us


I can see what you like voting for.
A character with projectile trap set ups and a character with strong rushdown and oki game?

That doesnt really tie into minette at all :p

But I thought Annie's thing was bringing justice to the world not Minette's.
Annie probably gets drunk and beats up kittens.


I don't think the general voting populous would deteriorate so much that 6% would be a major factor, especially since that group will be as nuanced as any other region.
I wouldn't call it a major difference, but Ravid was clear that the differences in votes are slim as it is. Beowulf was, again, out by nine votes. Six percent, who's importance has increased to ten percent isn't enough to put a character well into the lead or set the pace of the poll, but it is enough to tip one character over the other.

Man, this result hype has shot me awake more than any amount of caffeine. Probably would've gone to bed two hours ago were it not for it.

Tits and ass. And vagina. Because fish.
I don't fucking know.

I'm just salty okay?
Return the favour and vote Annie. Out of all the characters, it's her who'll make Q the saltiest. He said it himself!
I wouldn't call it a major difference, but Ravid was clear that the differences in votes are slim as it is. Beowulf was, again, out by nine votes. Six percent, who's importance has increased to ten percent isn't enough to put a character well into the lead or set the pace of the poll, but it is enough to tip one character over the other.
But this is assuming that the 6% is voting mostly the same, which I don't believe is true.

I think Beowulf suffered more from people splitting the male vote. Stanley and Panzer making the top 8 probably hurt Beo and Isaac. But as I said before, his just missing the last round is most likely a blessing in disguise. Next round, I think most people wanting another male character will switch their support to Beowulf and push him to the top.

No more messing around in round 2. People are gonna be hustling hard.


Your name is SolarKnight, you are by default bias to speak in her favor. Those kittens were pure evil.
I noticed you didn't leave a period, so clearly you forgot to finish your sentence!

But this is assuming that the 6% is voting mostly the same, which I don't believe is true.

I think Beowulf suffered more from people splitting the male vote. Stanley and Panzer making the top 8 probably hurt Beo and Isaac. But as I said before, his just missing the last round is most likely a blessing in disguise. Next round, I think most people wanting another male character will switch their support to Beowulf and push him to the top.

No more messing around in round 2. People are gonna be hustling hard.
Point, but I still don't think we should be underestimating Japan, when margins are as slim as they are.


So, next to Squiggly and Robo Fortune a third girl character is garanteed. Big Band is still the only male character in the game and the 2nd round voting should be very interesting.

Beowulf only narrowly missing out on top 4 is also very interesting and I wonder how many people are now regretting their 'strategic' votes.

Aeon being top 4 is unexpected and she seems to have an army of voters who don't seem to be extremely vocal, I wonder if they're just reading all of this and laugh.

Out of the 4 remaining characters I think Eliza has the most potential, although, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Aeon snatches a surprise victory.
Point, but I still don't think we should be underestimating Japan.
I'm not underestimating them, but I don't think they are just a loli voting block like some people assume. People were convinced early on that they would push Marie to the top, but that didn't happen. (She didn't even make top 8.)

I think they have just as many sub groups and alliances as the US and other regions.


I'm not underestimating them, but I don't think they are just a loli voting block like some people assume. People were convinced early on that they would push Marie to the top, but that didn't happen. (She didn't even make top 8.)

I think they have just as many sub groups and alliances as the US and other regions.
I don't think I said that they'll be a loli voting bloc. Honestly, I'm not willing to call what they are, and it's not unreasonable that they're among Aeon's invisible benefactors, or Annie's, or Minette's. They're the wild card that we don't have a read on, is what I'm saying.

And to be fair, people were convinced early on that Marie would be pushed to the top when we still thought Japan made up a significant voting bloc. We dropped Marie from our predictions about as soon as we heard the true story.
I don't think I said that they'll be a loli voting bloc. Honestly, I'm not willing to call what they are, and it's not unreasonable that they're among Aeon's invisible benefactors, or Annie's, or Minette's. They're the wild card that we don't have a read on, is what I'm saying.

And to be fair, people were convinced early on that Marie would be pushed to the top when we still thought Japan made up a significant voting bloc. We dropped Marie from our predictions about as soon as we heard the true story.
My main point is that I don't think they are really a block to begin with. More likely a collection of smaller sub groups, just like everywhere else.


Oh man.

Oh man she made it!


My votes are gonna be really male-focused next round though, I'd like at least one more to get in


WTF?! Fucking all girls final?! Fucking fish C*** made it?! WTF is happening?! And who the fuck let the fucking hourglass in?! I can see Annie, even Eliza making it but those two? Fuck. Fuuuuuuuuck!

But seriously, how the hell did Aeon make it? I wasn't too surprised Minette made but Aeon has no hype behind her.

Fuck, no Beowulf. I's so disappointed in you guys, so disappointed.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
The only thing to be disappointed in is that those shoes made it all the way to the top 8.

Y'all done good.


Next round of voting speculation! The characters who were just eliminated were:
B.Dahlia- Skanky Female
Brain Drain- Bad-ass Male
Umbrella- Moe Female
Feng- Moe Female
Marie- Moe Female
Molly- Non-skanky Female
Scythana- Non-skanky Female
Venus- Skanky Female

So there were two skanky females eliminated, two non-skanky females eliminated, three moe blobs eliminated, and one bad-ass male eliminated. Vast majority of characters who were eliminated were female, which would lead me to guess that people who liked those characters will turn their votes toward other female characters. Team moe blob will put their votes toward Annie and Minette. Eliza gets the skanky female votes left from the aftermath of Venus and B.Dahlia's elimination. Aeon gets the non-skanky votes from Molly and Scythana getting bopped. People who voted Brain Drain probably voted dudes for their other votes so with one less vote next round, I expect team male won't get much of a boost.

My prediction for top 4:
Annie (moe too strong)
Minette (moe too strong again)
Eliza (enough people want a sexy character)
Beowulf (while the male vote seems split, seems like almost everybody who is voting dude is using one of their votes for this guy)

End result: Beowulf will win due to the female vote split.
I look forward to eating crow

Time to compare prediction and reality- Beowulf missed the cutoff by nine votes?! I was nine votes away from my prediction being correct!! (probably)

Also there are no dicks left, and I am sad :(
Voting Minette in the finals. No male characters is a bad thing for folks who want to see the game become more popular...

Also, wtf with Aeon getting through.


All of my characters got eliminated ;_; I voted all male.

So we get two votes this time? I'll go with Annie and Eliza. Annie support has really got me interested in her, and I always thought that Eliza was an interesting concept.

RIP Panzerfaust and Issac.


Sketchbook Picasso
This is just amazing. So amazing. That you so much for posting that. If you made that, bless your face.

Haha, my face thanks you :)


Also, a lot are surprised Aeon's still in.

Wow, my image popped up on 4chan? That's... a first for me, as far as I know, so I'm glad:)


Ok, now.... WOW, ALL FEMALE TOP 4!! (O_O)

Actually didn't expect it. I'm happy with about 75% of those choices, and would try to play almost everyone that's left... but any will make a nice addition to the cast, overall.

No men at ALL. That's... wow. And Eliza is the only obviously mature woman out of the group. She's my prefered 2nd in this round, I think you should know who my first is from todays drawings, ha.

Ladies first... I hope the guys get a more serious chance in character round 2, though I wouldn't complain if Molly won that one... ;)

No Salt from me over this, either... I'm actually impressed with the variety of concepts, design styles, and ideas that have popped up with the selections in this voting poll. The strongest feeling I have, after watching voting, passionate fans speak their minds, and artist draw up concepts and ideas for the characters that touched them... is that I really wish we had more available slots!!

New Characters, no matter almost who, are a win for us all. (Some might be worse for the game than others, but that's another topic entirely!) No matter which character makes it, we all win; wheither it be a new main, a new sub, or a new punching bag for practice mode!


Damn it team #sharktank has been eliminated :(. None of the top 4 are interesting to me fuuuuu. One thing for sure is that I won't vote for Aeon since she'll so break the game it's not even funny.

Time to read the 3rd character page again *sigh*.


Neo Member
Damn it team #sharktank has been eliminated :(. None of the top 4 are interesting to me fuuuuu. One thing for sure is that I won't vote for Aeon since she'll so break the game it's not even funny.

Time to read the 3rd character page again *sigh*.

If you want to continue the badass potential of your team #sharktank, consider voting Eliza as she is the only character left who looks and plays like a badass.



Wow, I'm shocked that Aeon got in over Beowulf. That's crazy. Who the fuck wants Aeon in so bad?

Oh well, I'll be happy with either of the other three, although my vote's going to Eliza for this one, and back to Feng in vote 2 again.



Also, a lot are surprised Aeon's still in.
I myself declared that Aeon would make it in but I'm still surprised.

An even bigger shock for me is that not a single guy made it in and Minette did. She was the only character I said they absolutely wouldn't make it and I still don't get it.

Beowulf was 9 votes away from being #4, BTW. :\


Well next round I'm only voting guys and Molly since Juju won't be around.

Good night, everyone.

Hope it's been as entertaining for you as it has been for me.


Crazy that Beowulf missed by 9 votes. If he got in and it was 3 females and 1 males he probably would have ran away with the whole thing. IMO those 9 votes didn't just keep him out of the finals, but out of the game (at least this round)

Still praying for that Stanley next round even though it won't happen


So guys, where is all the Q is going to be so SALTY I CANT WAIT TO POST STUFF AND MOCK HIM stuff at huh.

We can still mock you. Or hit you with sticks and stones. Either way.

Justice: No Chairs Among Us.

LOL. Injustice: Fish Among Us.

Dammit, I switched my Beo vote for Isaac.

All of you meta voters were crazy. "My invisible data tells me the voting looks like...." And you've made people so salty. I hope you're happy. Just move to Florida right now and take a career in ruining elections.

Eliza, you're my last vote.

Going with Eliza as I cling to the only semblance of maturity that's left in this massacred voting pool. Her blood mechanics sound pretty amazing.

The only logical answer is Eliza of course!

Vote Eliza


Vote Eliza.

Also, Vote Eliza.

Vote Eliza. Please.

GAF peoples is good peoples. Vote Eliza.

Seriously, who the fuck is voting for Aeon



Good night, everyone.

Hope it's been as entertaining for you as it has been for me.



So much for my picks surviving - at least Beowulf should do better in the next character vote, I expect...

Of the remaining characters I discard Aeon because boss and Minette because glorified NPC.

Not that I completely like the remaining options - Annie, concept is OK, but I really dislike her default colors, which would be there in story mode, and I generally don't favor villains, especially when they're scope-expanding sequel material ahead of time, which is Eliza's case.

So I look to the character inspirations list for a tie-breaker - the only SNK reference in the whole lot is the mention of Garou's TOP system for Eliza, so there ya go.
I guess Annie can cameo in her ending to stop her from getting the Skullheart.


My hunch is that either Minette or Eliza is gonna take this home. Annie obviously has the most vocal support, but so did Beowulf and look what happened there.

I'd be pretty okay with 3/4ths of the finalists winning, though! The only disappointment for me would be Aeon. It's just too early. We're in the first chapter of the Skullgirls saga, why are so many people trying to flip to the end of the book?


I hope people vote

Minette + Eliza
Annie + Eliza.

Just to make sure neither of Minette or Annie make it out. Eliza will win muhahaha


poop meter feature creep
Of my original votes in order of Andy, Scythana, Isaac and Panzerfaust, none have made it to the final 4. Fuc* this shit, I'm voting Eliza! She's the least offensive character now. Minette is just some loli furry bait, Annie is too "badass magical girl", and Aeon has no character to speak of. Eliza is both technically good and visually appealing, so she's always been my default final resort vote. And fuc* all the meta voting.

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