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Skullgirls PC Beta Thread | Gettin' Squigly Wit It


So what all came in the latest patch? Bug fixes or did they expand the animation frames with less place holders on Squigly or were there other things of interest?
Subbed. I don't know that I'll have time to play to make it worth $36 right now, but I'm looking forward to picking up the final product.


Here are some variations on DiscoShark's BnB. Nothing too special, just messing around in training mode to see what I can do. I left the one with the green escape on so that when it's addressed in the patch, people will know they may be able to combo off of the ender.


So, does the opening go too fast and desyncs with the audio for anyone else?

The opening is wonky, most likely because it was timed around console load times. And the PC loads are faster, so it throws the timing off.

We really just need to completely redo it, but I don't think we're going to have time to for a while. Would make the most sense to redo it once, when all the DLC characters are added.


Here are some variations on DiscoShark's BnB. Nothing too special, just messing around in training mode to see what I can do. I left the one with the green escape on so that when it's addressed in the patch, people will know they may be able to combo off of the ender.

That's actually an incredible way of letting people play a character while still in dev. Really like that.

Didn't get into the Beta, but SG on Steam is a definite purchase or two--for a friend.


Jesus, I just had an absolutely insane matchup against someone with 178 ping but in reality was like COMPLETELY SLOWING DOWN THE GAME LIKE MAD. Like, you'd jump and Fillia would freeze in place, stutter uncontrollably, and teleport to the other side of the map.
Jesus, I just had an absolutely insane matchup against someone with 178 ping but in reality was like COMPLETELY SLOWING DOWN THE GAME LIKE MAD. Like, you'd jump and Fillia would freeze in place, stutter uncontrollably, and teleport to the other side of the map.
Not even GGPO can help people with terrible connections when they're probably doing all kinds of crap with their internet while playing. It's like trying to ride a tandem bicycle with a drunk partner. :p

Nyoro SF

I have no more bugs to report. Everything looks and runs great. So here's hoping Squigly is finished soon, as she is by far and away my favorite character. Kudos to the SG development team.
From MikeZ in IRC
[10:59] wippler-workn: IMPORTANT MESSAGE
[11:00] wippler-workn: and tell your opponent.
[11:00] wippler-workn: except you can't :^P
[11:02] wippler-workn: ESPECIALLY if you are NOT experiencing crappy online. It will help your opponents.
[11:02] wippler-workn: Yeah well...apparently there's something wrong with the frame limiting code. >.<
[11:02] wippler-workn: fullscreen will put you at 60hz

Just spreading the word.


I have no more bugs to report. Everything looks and runs great. So here's hoping Squigly is finished soon, as she is by far and away my favorite character. Kudos to the SG development team.


Not that I expected anyone to hate her, but it's still really gratifying to see everyone liking her so much.

And glad the bugs were fairly minimal. We're working on rolling lobbies our for testing as soon as possible. It's a complicated piece of UI and code, especially with All-Play.


God I can't wait for proper arcade mode and just more, more, more people online.

I don't really know how the netcode's worked up but I can't figure out a way to just steam message people I randomly find in a quick match... there was a squigly player I ran into three times who I was having fun with.


I'm having so much fun playing as Squigly. Even though I have been mostly losing. I'm going to have to hit the lab and get some combos down.
New update~

MikeZ said:

New button config, hopefully fewer problems. (Can't see what your current config is, though it's much easier to set up.)
The Cancel button should follow your button that is set as Medium Kick now, as well as Select. All menus should work as expected with your set buttons/keys.
Should no longer crash with 3+ controllers plugged in, and recognize buttons > 10.
Can now plug in controllers during gameplay without crashing. :^)
Renamed/reordered video modes: Windowed, Fullscreen, Borderless Fullscreen. Fullscreen is what you EXPECT from other games and is what Alt-Enter gives you, Borderless Fullscreen is a giant window the size of your screen. You may have to redo your video settings. (Please play online in what-is-now-called Fullscreen if you or your opponents are having problems...)
Alt-Enter should always give you the correct resolution when going back to Windowed mode now.
Disable Steam's geolocation "help" on matchmaking - you should now match simply based on region settings with no other hidden bias.

Unlocked her tutorial. Yes, there are still rough edges, don't tell us unless it breaks REALLY badly. :^)
Daisy Pusher is now QCB+Throw.
Squigly Battle Opera is now QCB+KK; different button combinations still place it in various spots. (Both listed in move list)
99% final boxes on:
- Air hitstuns; should now be able to combo her regularly.
- Stand idle, crouch idle, stand/crouch hitstuns, stagger.
- Standing LP LK MP MK HP HK

Road Roller does 500 chip like all other fully-charged items
Lv3 super now does 6200, more than throw/item/argus/drop/bang/argus does. Scales badly in combos though.

Lv3 final hit has minimum damage scaling of 45% (2000 dmg)

Lv3 has minimum damage scaling of 45% (2250 dmg)

Kanchou feint is now done by holding MK. If the button is not held, Kanchou will come out. See if this is better for ya.

New super inputs for Squigly means people shouldn't be having any issue stance cancelling out of Dragon Stance and such so yay.


Is the notation of this combo available somewhere?

Not that I know of but you could PM Guitalex for it. Squig's normals are pretty obvious so it shouldn't be too hard to transcribe it by looking at the video. He has posted two more corner combos with higher damage already so yeah.

New update~

New super inputs for Squigly means people shouldn't be having any issue stance cancelling out of Dragon Stance and such so yay.

Nice changes overall. Hurray for proper button following on menus !


Finally bought it. I have no idea who to pick though.

What type of playstyle does Double have? I've been thinking about playing her, painwheel, Ms. Fortune, or Valentine.
Finally bought it. I have no idea who to pick though.

What type of playstyle does Double have? I've been thinking about playing her, painwheel, Ms. Fortune, and Valentine.

Double's got a little bit of everything. You can zone to an extent with her gunshots and wait for the right time to dash in and attack and you can play her pretty pressure / mixup oriented with frequent use of jumping heavy punch and dash.
I wish everyone would play full screen mode, I come across people with excellent pings but the game still lags really badly. It's killing the fun.


what playstyle is Squigly? How does she play? I for sure want to use Valentine and I think I only want to pair her up with one other character.
what playstyle is Squigly? How does she play? I for sure want to use Valentine and I think I only want to pair her up with one other character.

She can play a sort of zoning game with her j.HP while getting into j.HK -> Divekick range where she fucks shit up with rushdown / easy mode combo / reset madness. If you're running her with Val consider using Squigly's cr.HP assist as it hits low, has a great hitbox, and locks the opponent down for 4 hits.

Something about stances too, I dunno.


She can play a sort of zoning game with her j.HP while getting into j.HK -> Divekick range where she fucks shit up with rushdown / easy mode combo / reset madness. If you're running her with Val consider using Squigly's cr.HP assist as it hits low, has a great hitbox, and locks the opponent down for 4 hits.

Something about stances too, I dunno.

So she's a hybrid zoner/rushdown character? interesting.


Can't wait for full release and/or lobbies. Everyone I get matched up against has 300 or higher ping. AUSTRALIAAAAAAAA
Today is Thursday so I hope you all know what that means. Salty Cupcakes is going to happen tonight, but not at the usual time. This week's show will start earlier at 6PM EST for those of you East Coast and UK folks who are forever free to California and their punk ass Pacific Standard time.

I wish everyone would play full screen mode, I come across people with excellent pings but the game still lags really badly. It's killing the fun.
I went fullscreen only once I found out about the issue.
Today's patch notes, fresh from MikeZ himself:

Fix ranked matching searches, was not correctly setting the region on a created room before. Searches and region settings should be much more uh, correct, now. :^)
Esc backs up a button in Config All.
Add a bunch more mappable keys (PtrScr/Scroll Lock/etc)
Fix a bug in video options where it would not offer video modes close to but not exactly 60hz, like 59hz.
Alt-Enter should restore window to the correct size.

Fixes to Innsmouth Day and Casino.

LP nails hits closer to her, no longer whiffs on point-blank Squigly.

Add color 14...my favorite...
More VO (cr.K's, etc)
All stancels are the same speed now (19f Lv1 / 12f Lv2)
Add temp hitboxes on cr.MP and cr.MK to make them slightly less amazing until we get the real ones.
I remember the arguments people would make saying that the patch fees kept devs from breaking their own games and ADDING bugs lol.

God. Glad I wasn't here for pre-release 360/PS3 GAF, that'd get me raging with knowing what I know now.

Haha, I had a feeling for the longest time that Kick stance cancel was slower than Punch stance cancel. Hat's off to Mike to normalizing them. With EVO tomorrow I don't think it's likely that we'll be getting Lobbies this week, here's hoping we can nab em by sometime in the middle of next week.

I don't know how intentional it was, but releasing this so close to Evo is really making it hard to resist.

Right? I can't imagine resisting playing the beta version of the game if I was an EVO attendee.


Do you guys have anything that lets you know when you get a CTD, I just got one.

No idea what would have caused it, didn't see anything unusual. Any sort of files you would need- I'll refrain from playing tonight.

Noticing I'm enjoying the game more when I'm not having to face killers in every match.

One thing I am enjoying- since this isn't GFWL, I can keep my stick on PS3 settings and it works just fine on my PC, I don't have to switch to 360 like I did AE and Giana.
Been playing on the Windows side of my iMac.

Dear god this game was beautiful on my TV, but on my computer screen it's face meltingly delicious.

I can never go back.


quick match me nao

/edit man I don't get it, even within the AU region I'm still getting matchups with almost 300 ping. What's going on here


I really like how far Squiggly has developed in such a short time, animation wise at least. Gonna miss those sketches.
Rise and shine to the smell of a fresh patch. (yeah, I know this was released this morning and it's the afternoon now, I only just got it)
- One Kanchou wallbounce per combo.

- LP nails no longer uses up your stagger, still only one long stun per combo.

- HK divekick no longer uses up your stagger, still only one followup per combo.

- Undizzy stun does not accumulate until IPS stage 5.
- Stun will be added in any IPS stage if the opponent already has stun.
- Stun does not immediately reset after recovering from hitstun, instead it counts down over a maximum of 90 frames.

- ACTUALLY really add support for more than 10 buttons per pad.
- Can press Esc to go back a button in Config All.
- Can press Start to skip setting macros in Config All for 6-button controllers.
Rise and shine to the smell of a fresh patch. (yeah, I know this was released this morning and it's the afternoon now, I only just got it)

- Undizzy stun does not accumulate until IPS stage 5.
- Stun will be added in any IPS stage if the opponent already has stun.
- Stun does not immediately reset after recovering from hitstun, instead it counts down over a maximum of 90 frames.

This ... is interesting. It seems to directly curb the ability of players to do extremely long combos into ambiguous resets into more extremely long combos in order to kill a character. If a person wants to do so they'll be hit with an undizzy stun encouraging 1 of 2 options.

1. More resets from stages 1->3 which will of course give the opponent more opportunities to block a reset and potentially put the game back in neutral

2. Longer combos simply ending with a knockdown state to give players time for the stun counter to go down before reapplying pressure.

I like the idea fundamentally, at EVO we saw a lot of instances of the first hit on a character leading inevitably to a dead character because of the power of resets in the game. With this the defending opponent is put at less of a disadvantage and thus is given a higher capability of turning the tides before being killed.
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