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Smash Direct coming December 15th

Who do you want announced as a new fighter for Smash?

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Tell me you don't want that magician moveset in the game.

That Magician dorf is beautiful. If I could have my way I'd keep the side special, replace warlock punch with a chargeable dead man's volley, replace wizard kick with the sword charge in the video, and replace his up+b with hovering. I'd probably replace all his smashes with sword strikes too, aside from the down smash which should be the ground pound from OoT. That way he takes out the sword for a special and his smashes so it's not awkward looking with him quickly whipping out a sword for his fast moves and then putting it away.

Alternatively, just find some way to shove a second Ganon in the game. I mean Link and Zelda each get two different representations of themselves, why not Ganon too.


Good job with that generalization of people. Maybe soon you'll realize that we are individuals with different opinions and not one collective being.

Look, what if you give him two swords like in Wind Waker or Hyrule Warriors? No other character in Smash has that, right? Or how about giving him an assortment of weapons; characters like Mega Man or Link use a lot of different weapons, and so could Ganondorf.

I really don't want that because Ganon doesn't used a sword that often, yet people keep trying to make him a swordsman. Even in TP he didn't touch his sword until the last phase of the fight after he threw a bunch of magic at you and transformed into a pig. Ganondorf also don't use an assortment of weapons in none of his appearances. The comparison to Mega Man and Link makes no sense.

And I do know about people's individual opinions. But I find it ironic that the meme of too many swords and then I see, 'give this character a sword, despite only using one twice in their history'.

Some times, it like people don't play Zelda and just look at Youtube clips.

Azure J

Catching up:

I think there is no Mii Maga archetype, because there is no real mage user in Smash. Zelda would be the closest fit, but she isn't really a mage. There is no character who is a straight magic user who cast spells from a distance, hit hard, and dies if they're smack.

Personally, I want a character like that in the next Smash.

This is probably the biggest reason why I hate that Robin had to get saddled with a sword/blades. (S)He could definitely have brought something really cool just off of tomes and spells alone as much as I love the FE item triangle gimmick for silly reasons.

Don't remember where or when, but I believe Sakurai said something along the lines of "despite initially cutting up transformation characters because of 3DS limitations, I think it was for the better."

So I wouldn't expect to see Pokemon Trainer ever return. Ice Climbers are pretty much Sakurai's character so if he returns and the NX handheld isn't weaker than a gamecube then I'm sure they'll be back. If Smash sees a new director their chances may be up in the air though. :(

Yeah I remember this bit of info as well but couldn't tell you what interview it came from off the top of my head.

On other topics: Wolf and Ice Climbers (probably ICs more) will be back. Pichu & Young Link are the hardest sells but they have their fans. I could see Squirtle and Ivysaur's move sets coming back with some modifications as Blastoise and Venusaur just to make it easier for the team to do final smashes and for parity with Charizard. Snake... Snake has had a hard life. ;________;

On Ganondorf: You know, Project M tried their best to change Ganondorf into something crazier and I thought the sentiment was good but I actually wound up missing Warlock Punch when they gave him the float and made his forward smash a faster Warlock Punch. I feel like at this point, Ganondorf SHOULD be the brutish warlock, a dude that just disrespects with raw strength, but he should also finally have unique animations and even some twists on how things are done:

Neutral Special: Warlock Punch + Dead Man's Hand hybrid: He stands in place and collects energy into a large orb in his palm, when fully charged he leaves it hanging in the air in front of him then Warlock Punches it making it explode into a volley of X number shots depending on how long you held it. Getting hit where the orb explodes has power comparable to the current warlock punch.

Up Special: Twilight Warp: Flicks a Twili realm portal over the area specified by the player and gets destablilized and dragged into it before launching out of the portal in a lunge similar to the current uppercut he does if his current up B misses.

Down Special: Wizard Stomp: On the ground it's a single hit shockwave about himself similar to Donkey Kong's Hand Slap but with more launch force and cooldown/no rapid fire. In the air, it's the current Wizard Foot.

His current move set is equal parts too fun to part with and craving one or two little flairs to make it his more so than vaguely his. I'm sure that everyone feels that Flame Choke (Side Special), dair (what I call "Thunderstomp"), ftilt (Sparta Kick), his jab (please make it more like Melee's though), and his up smash all feel fitting for the brutishness he embodies.The rest of his kit just needs to feel the same way instead of inspiring thoughts of "Captain Falcondorf".

Edit: Yea, I kinda don't want Ganondorf to become a sword character because I feel like a brutish warlock fits better and would be interesting versus other characters in the roster already.
I have to question how many fighting games and fighting game fanbases you follow. While everyone expects and is willing to accommodate some degree of change between entries in a series for a series mainstay, wildly changing how a character plays is going to be met with resistance. That doesn't you can't do and that some people won't like such a big overhaul. It does mean though that if you do go ahead with such a massive change, you are going to piss off a lot of casual and hardcore players. A character they may have enjoyed using in previous iterations is now essentially unplayable to them and even if they can adapt, they may just not like the new playstyle. Again, its fine if you personally want a complete moveset redo but what balladofwindfishes is a real issue pretty much every fighting game developer has to deal with and balance. You're talking about overturning 15 years of gameplay history. There are real costs irregardless of which path you choose and sometimes those costs aren't worth making those sorts of changes.

There are multiple points to address here. First of all, in its core, Smash is far, far, far simpler than most other fighting games. Secondly, Ganondorf is barely ever used competitively because of how bad he is, and most people favour Captain Falcon, who is pretty much the same character, except much faster and superior. And thirdly, as Sakurai has stated on multiple occasions and as Brawl is living proof of, Smash was never really created for the "hardcore" 1v1 fights, even if that idea has been embraced more with this game. I believe there will be more people in favour of it than in resistance. Thus, I simply cannot agree with you.

I really don't want that because Ganon doesn't used a sword that often, yet people keep trying to make him a swordsman. Even in TP he didn't touch his sword until the last phase of the fight after he threw a bunch of magic at you and transformed into a pig. Ganondorf also don't use an assortment of weapons in none of his appearances. The comparison to Mega Man and Link makes no sense.

And I do know about people's individual opinions. But I find it ironic that the meme of too many swords and then I see, 'give this character a sword, despite only using one twice in their history'.

Some times, it like people don't play Zelda and just look at Youtube clips.

Please elaborate on how my comparison with Link and Mega Man made no sense. I don't follow.

And like I said, it doesn't even have to be a sword. Whatever, it's just an example.


There are multiple points to address here. First of all, in its core, Smash is far, far, far simpler than most other fighting games. Secondly, Ganondorf is barely ever used competitively because of how bad he is, and most people favour Captain Falcon, who is pretty much the same character, except much faster and superior. And thirdly, as Sakurai has stated on multiple occasions and as Brawl is living proof of, Smash was never really created for the "hardcore" 1v1 fights, even if that idea has been embraced more with this game. I believe there will be more people in favour of it than in resistance. Thus, I simply cannot agree with you.

Please elaborate on how my comparison with Link and Mega Man made no sense. I don't follow.

And like I said, it doesn't even have to be a sword. Whatever, it's just an example.

Ganodorf never used an assortment of weapons, ever. The only weapons he has ever used is a sword and a trident. Everything else he was either physical or shot magic. So him suddenly using weapons before that he never touched in any of his appearance would make as much sense as Link suddenly having eye lasers like ROB.


Hyrule Warriors counts about as much as Smash does for what Ganondorf can do.

And thank you again. Hyrule Warriors is about as canon as Smash. In the main games, Ganon used a sword twice with two different styles. If you prefer Hyrule Warriors Ganodorf, that's fine, but don't pretend that he truer to the source material because he really isn't.
Ganodorf never used an assortment of weapons, ever. The only weapons he has ever used is a sword and a trident. Everything else he was either physical or shot magic. So him suddenly using weapons before that he never touched in any of his appearance would make as much sense as Link suddenly having eye lasers like ROB.

I never said that he would use weapons that he has never used before. I suggest you play some Zelda games to familiarize yourself with Ganondorf's different attacks.


I never said that he would use weapons that he has never used before. I suggest you play some Zelda games to familiarize yourself with Ganondorf's different attacks.

I played every Zelda game, thank you very much. And Ganon's attacks are attacking with magical balls that can be deflected to hit him, he can hit it back given us the famous tennis ball match, he can turned into a giant pig and used powerful melee attacks, in his pig form he often uses a trident that can product fire bats or cloud himself in darkness to make himself impossible to hit, he can float, ect.

I know my Zelda stuff, which is why I call making Ganon a swordsman BS. So, what are you talking about when you say give Ganon assortment of weapons.
So, what are you talking about when you say give Ganon assortment of weapons.

Magic, swords and fists, along with his abilities to fly and his famed agility. He could quickly bring out a sword as a side special, use magic during certain smashes and quick fists during others. There should be an emphasis on sorcery.


I always wanted a Ganon version in here (prior to Gannondorf's appearance). Big, blue trident wielding pig.

I have mixed feelings on that. Zelda's characters in Smash is already two Links and two Zeldas. Adding another version of Ganon make me groan on the inside.
I think transforming characters should be the base line for Smash 5. I'd rather have worse visuals than lose out on characters like PT, Ice Climbers, and the Inklings.


Whoever started calling Ganondorf's projectiles "Dead Man's Volley"...
I don't like you.

Dead Man's Volley is the official name of the move. Whether that's something Nintendo thought of first or something Nintendo picked up on from fans though, I don't know.

I think transforming characters should be the base line for Smash 5. I'd rather have worse visuals than lose out on characters like PT, Ice Climbers, and the Inklings.

Ice Climbers and Inklings aren't transforming characters. A transforming character is one character with multiple unique movesets (so pretty much multiple characters shoved into a single character slot).


I have mixed feelings on that. Zelda's characters in Smash is already two Links and two Zeldas. Adding another version of Ganon make me groan on the inside.

It wouldn't make any difference to me, but I wouldn't be upset if blue pig replaced the other.


Magic, swords and fists, along with his abilities to fly and his famed agility. He could quickly bring out a sword as a side special, use magic during certain smashes and quick fists during others. There should be an emphasis on sorcery.

You said an assortment of weapons. In fact, here is your quote:

"Or how about giving him an assortment of weapons; characters like Mega Man or Link use a lot of different weapons, and so could Ganondorf."

A lot of what you name can easily be covered in his customs than rebuilding the character from the group up.

Also, Gandorf's sorcery isn't the same like a mage. He often used his powers on top of physical attacks, except in OOT. So his primary play style in Smash can be left in tact.


"Dead man's volley" actually comes from Phantom Hourglass, and is a pun an Agatha Christie novel. I don't think it was ever in use before that - it was always just "energy tennis" and stuff like that.

I still just call it tennis.


There are multiple points to address here. First of all, in its core, Smash is far, far, far simpler than most other fighting games. Secondly, Ganondorf is barely ever used competitively because of how bad he is, and most people favour Captain Falcon, who is pretty much the same character, except much faster and superior. And thirdly, as Sakurai has stated on multiple occasions and as Brawl is living proof of, Smash was never really created for the "hardcore" 1v1 fights, even if that idea has been embraced more with this game. I believe there will be more people in favour of it than in resistance. Thus, I simply cannot agree with you.

A) What does Smash's simplicity, which is mostly in its control scheme and its inputs not its actual gameplay, have to do with anything? Some number of people will always find it difficult to adjust or straight up not want to a heavily retooled character. It's not a function of being unable to do the inputs but if the playstyle of the smash character still fits that same actual player. Even among characters that are "clones", be it in this game or any other fighting games, tons of people like one character but dislike or downright hate how the other plays.

B) Ganondorf isn't a strictly worse Captain Falcon. That's not how tiers work. Even if your aim is to win in a competitive environment, if you can't play a "higher" tier character well or you just don't like how they play, it doesn't serve you to actually use them. Tiers are fluid and "lower tier" characters still see plenty of play in competitive environments in any decently balanced game.

C) Casuals who have a history with the series will be put off with big changes just as any other person, competitive or not. In some games Ryu has his donkey kick. In some games he has a parry. In some games he had a Dejin Mode. In ALL games he has a Hurricane Kick, Dragon Punch and Fireball - this never changes. That isn't an accident. I'd also be wary of trying to dismiss the feelings of the more competitively oriented, though as I said major overalls would be an issue for casuals as well. This is the man who just ended the last Smash Direct calling it a "competitive action game", where nearly ever balanced patch is geared towards competitive play in mind, etc. It's clear given how Sakurai has interacted with the community and developed this version of Smash that he cares more about the competitive community that he did when he made Brawl.

Again, its not that you can't make major overhauls but rather there is a large cost and its not always worth it to pay that cost.


Junior Member
You said an assortment of weapons. In fact, here is your quote:

"Or how about giving him an assortment of weapons; characters like Mega Man or Link use a lot of different weapons, and so could Ganondorf."

A lot of what you name can easily be covered in his customs than rebuilding the character from the group up.

Also, Gandorf's sorcery isn't the same like a mage. He often used his powers on top of physical attacks, except in OOT. So his primary play style in Smash can be left in tact.

Right, this is like talking to a wall. I've already answered to all of this. And no, this sure as hell can't be "easily covered" in customs. Again, I'm talking about rebuilding the character from the ground up, using what I just described.

This discussion is going nowhere. I've covered all of your arguments; you've got nothing left. Look, if you're happy with Ganondorf being a shitty clone that has few interesting moves, none of his agility or magical abilities, then fine, don't let me ruin your day. The next Smash is so far into the future anyway, so who knows what'll happen.


It wouldn't make any difference to me, but I wouldn't be upset if blue pig replaced the other.

Thing is, Nintendo don't used Pig Ganon that often anymore. In almost of his modern appearance, he is Ganodorf. Pig Ganon only make appearances in the 2D games that are supposed to be throwbacks to Link to the Past. Well, I guess you could count the final fight in OOT, but that version of Pig Ganon is never seen again.

If they did put Pig Ganon, I would be okay with it, but I want a Zelda character that isn't just another version of an existing character. Especially since I've been stuck with the same three characters since Melee.


Right, this is like talking to a wall. I've already answered to all of this. And no, this sure as hell can't be "easily covered" in customs. Again, I'm talking about rebuilding the character from the ground up, using what I just described.

This discussion is going nowhere. I've covered all of your arguments; you've got nothing left. Look, if you're happy with Ganondorf being a shitty clone that has few interesting moves, none of his agility or magical abilities, then fine, don't let me ruin your day. The next Smash is so far into the future anyway, so who knows what'll happen.

Please, you are the one who said, "Or how about giving him an assortment of weapons; characters like Mega Man or Link use a lot of different weapons, and so could Ganondorf."

When I called you out, you suddenly went 'I meant Magic, swords and fists, along with his abilities to fly and his famed agility'. And you went posts about giving Ganon a sword as his primary weapon, which he only used two times in the main games.

You don't like Smash Ganon, fine, but don't act like your version truer when you talk about giving him a sword on top of telling fans like this version of Ganon to go screw themselves.
Thing is, Nintendo don't used Pig Ganon that often anymore. In almost of his modern appearance, he is Ganodorf. Pig Ganon only make appearances in the 2D games that are supposed to be throwbacks to Link to the Past. Well, I guess you could count the final fight in OOT, but that version of Pig Ganon is never seen again.

Since the creation of Ganondorf, Pig Ganon has actually appeared in the same amount of Zelda games as Ganondorf himself. I'm not counting the beast forms in Ocarina or Twilight, or Puppet Ganon in Wind Waker. I'm also not counting games where Ganondorf is mentioned but never appears.

- Oracle of Ages/Seasons
- Four Swords Adventure
- Link Between Worlds

Three games, which is the same amount that Ganondorf has.

So Beast Ganon is still relevant. Ganondorf for 3D games and Ganon for 2D games is generally how they do it.


And thank you again. Hyrule Warriors is about as canon as Smash. In the main games, Ganon used a sword twice with two different styles.

And every other time, and by that I mean actually the one other time, he fought mainly with magic, not with fists either. So, two sword battles, one magic battle. If you include the horse riding bit from TP, then it's two sword battles vs two magic battles. Either way, Smash's moveset is pretty distant from all his appearances there, even if they added a few animation references.

Also, Gandorf's sorcery isn't the same like a mage. He often used his powers on top of physical attacks, except in OOT. So his primary play style in Smash can be left in tact.

He only does that in Smash. The only magically enhanced physical attack that he uses in the Zelda games is the groundwave punch in Ocarina of Time, his other physical attacks in the Zelda games have been just minor actions that aren't visually boosted by magic at least. His actual attacks in battle have always been magic or swords, with only that TP keep away kick as an exception.

If you prefer Hyrule Warriors Ganodorf, that's fine, but don't pretend that he truer to the source material because he really isn't.

HW's Ganondorf fights with two heavy swords, but also uses magic spheres and explosions, and even summons a Ganon shaped aura for two of his attacks. It's an original moveset, but it's much closer to a mix of the various abilities of canon Ganondorf than what Smash portrays him as.
Please, you are the one who said, "Or how about giving him an assortment of weapons; characters like Mega Man or Link use a lot of different weapons, and so could Ganondorf."

When I called you out, you suddenly went 'I meant Magic, swords and fists, along with his abilities to fly and his famed agility'. And you went posts about giving Ganon a sword as his primary weapon, which he only used two times in the main games.

You don't like Smash Ganon, fine, but don't act like your version truer when you talk about giving him a sword on top of telling fans like this version of Ganon to go screw themselves.

Right, you've childishly quoted me twice now, and I'm well aware of what I said. Assortment of weapons: sorcery (several possible abilities), swords and fists. I don't know what part you don't comprehend, but who cares at this point. And I've never said that Ganondorf (note that Ganon and Ganondorf are technically different characters, though you don't seem familiar to the Zelda lore so I can understand the confusion) should use a sword as a primary weapon, though I'm open to the idea and I've happily suggested that he could use two swords, however, for the billionth time, whether he uses a sword or not is not even the point.

Look, you're deliberately misreading everything I write. This is just tiresome at this point. Again, the discussion is going nowhere and this thread is just taking a turn for the worse, especially since you're so hostile. Again, enjoy Ganondorf however you want, man. I'm out of this disaster.


Since the creation of Ganondorf, Pig Ganon has appeared in the same amount of Zelda games as Ganondorf himself. I'm not counting the beast forms in Ocarina or Twilight, or Puppet Ganon in Wind Waker. I'm also not counting games where Ganondorf is mentioned but never appears.

- Oracle of Ages/Seasons
- Four Swords Adventure
- Link Between Worlds

Three games, which is the same amount that Ganondorf has.

So Beast Ganon is still relevant. Ganondorf for 3D games and Ganon for 2D games is generally how they do it.

I specifically said those game were throwback to Link to the Past, especially Link Between Worlds which is a direct sequel. Outside of those, all of Ganon's appearance have been human form, including Hyrule Warriors. In fact, there have never been a 3D model of Pig Ganon, unless you count OOT and his big beast form in TP.



The only place I feel safe is here on GAF. And even then, I'm feeling like I've been pushing it a bit. It sucks that I have to avoid the Internet until after seeing it on Sunday...

I like playing as Ganondorf in Smash 4, it's the first time he's felt decent. Changing him now would be like changing Luigi to have all of his moves based on Poltergust and keeping his fireball. I mean, when has he ever launched himself sideways or scorched someone in a game by jumping? I don't recall him landing on his head in any other game. Or using the tornado in a game. But he's used a Poltergust in 2 games now, we should have that be his default moveset instead.

Yet we won't, because Luigi is fine and reps how...odd he is. Just like Dorf is fine, and still reps how he's a powerhouse. He could run faster, but nah- he's gonna saunter over there like a bad ass and use super armor to punch you off screen. Smash has become personal, so he's gonna get up in their face all evil-like. He won't even use a projectile, he's gonna choke you and slam you to the ground himself because that's just how he rolls.
I specifically said those game were throwback to Link to the Past, especially Link Between Worlds which is a direct sequel. Outside of those, all of Ganon's appearance have been human form, including Hyrule Warriors. In fact, there have never been a 3D model of Pig Ganon, unless you count OOT and his big beast form in TP.

He had a 3D model in Link Between Worlds.

The Oracle games are also not really based on Link to the Past (unless you really stretch that they're based on Link's Awakening, which is based on Link to the Past, but that's a serious stretch).


I specifically said those game were throwback to Link to the Past, especially Link Between Worlds which is a direct sequel. Outside of those, all of Ganon's appearance have been human form, including Hyrule Warriors. In fact, there have never been a 3D model of Pig Ganon, unless you count OOT and his big beast form in TP.

Pig Ganon is in Hyrule Warriors too. And, yeah, aLbWs has 3d models, in spite of 2d style gameplay.


I know Wolf was slow because Fox was the "fast" guy from SF. But IRL, wolves are faster than Foxes. 31 – 37 mph for Wolves, while Foxes max out at 31 mph on average. GIMME DAT SPEED

Inkling. If Sakurai responded to that choice with "they're already planned, choose someone else" I'd say Ashley :p

That's a great choice.


Right, you've childishly quoted me twice now, and I'm well aware of what I said. Assortment of weapons: sorcery (several possible abilities), swords and fists. I don't know what part you don't comprehend, but who cares at this point. And I've never said that Ganondorf (note that Ganon and Ganondorf are technically different characters, though you don't seem familiar to the Zelda lore so I can understand the confusion) should use a sword as a primary weapon, though I'm open to the idea and I've happily suggested that he could use two swords, however, for the billionth time, whether he uses a sword or not is not even the point.

Look, you're deliberately misreading everything I write. This is just tiresome at this point. Again, the discussion is going nowhere and this thread is just taking a turn for the worse, especially since you're so hostile. Again, enjoy Ganondorf however you want, man. I'm out of this disaster.

When people say 'assortment of weapons', it usually means physical weapons, not a moveset. You also used Link and Mega Man of all character as example, both who uses physical tools, instead of Zelda or Palutena who used a mix of magic and physical attacks.

Ganon and Ganondorf are also not different characters, unless you are talking about Four Swords Adventures. Ganon, if you go by Link to the Past, is simply what Ganondorf calls himself after he touches the Triforce. They are the same character, but Ganon usually fights with a trident on top of magical projectiles, while Ganodorf is far more physical and some times uses swords.

Like I said, I played every Zelda game, I know the lore. You seemed to be the one confused here and I am only acting hostile towards you post have an underline of jerkass behind it.


Ganon and Ganondorf are also not different characters, unless you are talking about Four Swords Adventures. Ganon, if you go by Link to the Past, is simply what Ganondorf calls himself after he touches the Triforce. They are the same character, but Ganon usually fights with a trident on top of magical projectiles, while Ganodorf is far more physical and some times uses swords.

Even though storywise they are the same character, Smash considers them different ones. Ganondorf's first appearance is listed as Ocarina of Time, not Zelda 1.


He had a 3D model in Link Between Worlds.

The Oracle games are also not really based on Link to the Past (unless you really stretch that they're based on Link's Awakening, which is based on Link to the Past, but that's a serious stretch).

Almost all the 2D Zelda games are based on Link to the Past, that include the Link's Awakening and Oracle series, much like the 3D games are based on OOT. Maybe I should say, they used similar engines.

Although, you are right about Link Between Two Worlds and I didn't know there was Pig Ganon and Hyrule Warriors.


Sakurai gives you have one character choice. Choose wisely.
Wolf + retooled slightly moveset

That's a great choice.
Thankies :3

The list of characters I'd genuinely like is long but those two sit at the top :D
I seriously pondered switching Ashley for Miku Hatsune just due to the cultural impact and my love of playing characters who use songs to fight but I just like Ashley too much: She's like Nintendo's nod to Wednesday from the Addams family :p


Even though storywise they are the same character, Smash considers them different ones. Ganondorf's first appearance is listed as Ocarina of Time, not Zelda 1.

Oh, I know. I was countering LonelyGreyWolf's point about Ganon and Ganondorf being two different people in the main games, which isn't true outside of Four Swords Adventure. Which is weird since they claimed I didn't know Zelda's lore and was confused.
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