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So say Galactic Empire (Star Wars) invades the Star Trek galaxy...

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I wish I could find the link, but some Star Wars & Star Trek geeks sat down and did the math, years ago, to calculate what it'd take to do everything they did (weapons & defenses) and it came out that Star Wars was so radically far ahead of the Star Trek Universe, it'd be the same outcome as a Hulk Hogan vs. Steven Hawking cage match. (This was assuming ST:TNG Universe's Starfleet)

*edit* Repeated Star Wars twice. Oops.
Sielys said:
And not those incompetent Stormtroopers

what is this i don't even

Stormtroopers (outside of their terrible showing on Endor, which makes me curse Lucas every morning when I wake up--though I'd like to note it's pretty damn easy to get ambushed by elite terrorist commandos and distracting puppets when you're wearing your non-cammo'd white armor in the fucking woods on a secret planet that shouldn't have been found) never lost in the movies and show as much awesomeness in the EU.

DiatribeEQ said:
I wish I could find the link, but some Star Wars & Star Trek geeks sat down and did the math, years ago, to calculate what it'd take to do everything they did (weapons & defenses) and it came out that Star Wars was so radically far ahead of the Star Wars Universe, it'd be the same outcome as a Hulk Hogan vs. Steven Hawking cage match. (This was assuming ST:TNG Universe's Starfleet)

my god.
The_Technomancer said:
Right, but the Force works in both universes, and I have a hard time believing then that the Q and Organians don't operate within the Force at all. Hell, for all we know at this point in their evolution they might just be creatures of pure Force.

OK, now a battle between Q and the ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi is playing out in my head.

Chris R

I was thinking about how much the empire would kick ass, but then again, weren't all of the hyperspace routes traveled on charted by a much older civilization? So upon entering a brand new galaxy, the empires FTL travel mechanic would initially be useless (they could start charting stuff right away though, using droids and clones and whatnot). How fast can SW ships fly on regular engines?


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Trent Strong said:
No contest. None of the Star Wars ships can go faster than the speed of light, they have to make a "jump to light speed". All of the Star Trek ships can go much, much faster than the speed of light. Not to mention that people in the Star Wars universe can't seem to understand that a parsec is a measure of distance and not speed.

Yes they can, hyperspace is a dimension which allows ships to travel thousands of times faster than the speed of light.

Star Trek ships warp spacetime in our dimension for interstellar travel.
DiatribeEQ said:
I wish I could find the link, but some Star Wars & Star Trek geeks sat down and did the math, years ago, to calculate what it'd take to do everything they did (weapons & defenses) and it came out that Star Wars was so radically far ahead of the Star Wars Universe, it'd be the same outcome as a Hulk Hogan vs. Steven Hawking cage match. (This was assuming ST:TNG Universe's Starfleet)

This is what I'm saying.


Shanadeus said:
I believe that Jedis can pool together their power and in that way accomplish great feats with their combined individual force. Now imagine trillions of force capable beings pooling together their power.

The Borg Collective would become a God.
I seriously would enjoy watching this happen. Watch your futures end, indeed.

DoctorWho said:
Also, I can't take the Borg seriously. They got their asses handed to them by the federation after years at war. That means the Borg is no more powerful a force than the Federation is. If the Federation can't beat the Empire (which they can't) the Borg isn't going to do much better.

The only thing the Star Trek universe has going for it is the Continuum and they aren't going to get involved.
The Federation and Species 8472 seem to be their only competition though. The rest of the galaxy hasn't put up much of a fight. This isn't to say that the Federation can obliterate the Borg, they can't, they've taken time to learn what the Borg are capable of, give them a wide berth, but are able to dish out as good as they get when it comes to a fight.

The Empire having not faced anything like the Borg before would be at a disadvantage. It wouldn't take the Borg long to adapt to their shields (if the Empire is even using shields for all their ships) and take over a ship. Once they are in, they are in, and with all the personnel, computers, droids, it's a virtual font of information on everything Empire. It's a huge flaw to underestimate the Borg here.

I doubt Empire ships even have intruder warnings. Borg would beam onto the ship and take it over before anyone would be able to sound any alarms.

Another issue in all this - time travel? Seems to happen a lot in the Trek universe and not at all in SW other than visions of the future. Not sure if it would be considered an advantage to Trek, they haven't perfected using that tech (although I assume they have it from the Voyager). Borg were able to time travel on command in the one movie, but don't really do it often that I'm aware of; so I don't know if they can use it or not. We know the Federation eventually perfects it enough to travel through time/space, but they wouldn't get involved in changing the past.

The point is that the tech for time travel is both possible and closer to reality in the Trek universe than the Empire could dream of. So I would say it puts them at a disadvantage technologically speaking, along with the other tech advantages Trek universe has.
Sielys said:
IIRC, the star wars ships canon energy output is incredibly more powerful than anything in the startrek universe. The Millennium Falcon could take down a borg cube in one shot.

The only thing that could possibly appose any sort of empire fleet is the Q, and they probably wouldn't get involved.

What? Are you serious?

Also, wouldn't there be no Jedis on the Galactic empire side?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I mean if Star Wars has those death stars with holes that make them explode, any single star trek ship could destroy one nearly instantly.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Guardian Bob said:
What? Are you serious?

As long as the proton torpedo doesn't impact on the side.
Guardian Bob said:
What? Are you serious?

He's serious.

Star Trek universe weapons are only about 200 years evolved beyond our own while Star Wars weapons have been evolving for thousands of years. Hell, the Knights of the Old Republic era ships are probably far more powerful than anything in Star Trek and that took place 1000 years before A New Hope.

Edit: Koomaster makes a good point about time travel.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
DoctorWho said:
This is what I'm saying.
Right, not disputing that the Millenium Falcon could one shot a Borg Cube or whatever. Like I said earlier, the entire argument is pretty moot because while the Empire vastly overpowers the Federation, the Q and Organians vastly overpower the Empire, and there's no good reason to disqualify any of the three tiers.

(And don't tell me that a Jedi could take on a Q. Yes, they probably could. But how many Jedi are left in the Galaxy after VI? A few hundred, if we take expanded universe into account? A few hundred Jedi against the entirety of the Q Continuum and whoever many Organians there are. The Organians seem to have decided to let the factions of the Trek galaxy squabble things out among themselves, but if a full fledged invasion force threatened everything from another Universe, I'm pretty sure they'd intervene)

(also, re: the Q. The regular Q we normally see is an exception, he's kind of a dick who just likes messing with people. The rest of them are just lazy asses who lounge around bored in Q-space. But if there was even a chance of a threat to them? They'd act)


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
teh_pwn said:
I mean if Star Wars has those death stars with holes that make them explode, any single star trek ship could destroy one nearly instantly.

How can you do the death star trench run in the USS Enterprise?
The_Technomancer said:
Right, not disputing that the Millenium Falcon could one shot a Borg Cube or whatever. Like I said earlier, the entire argument is pretty moot because while the Empire vastly overpowers the Federation, the Q and Organians vastly overpower the Empire, and there's no good reason to disqualify any of the three tiers.

(And don't tell me that a Jedi could take on a Q. Yes, they probably could. But how many Jedi are left in the Galaxy after VI? A few hundred, if we take expanded universe into account? A few hundred Jedi against the entirety of the Q Continuum and whoever many Organians there are. The Organians seem to have decided to let the factions of the Trek galaxy squabble things out among themselves, but if a full fledged invasion force threatened everything from another Universe, I'm pretty sure they'd intervene)

If the Continuum and Organians were to involve themselves (which I highly doubt in any circumstance) this fight would get interesting. Empire ships disappearing in the blink of an eye. I really don't know how the Jedi would fight it. What kind of power do Force Ghosts really have?


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Shanadeus said:
You just teleport in a bomb at the end of the trench.

That's cheating. Have you ever played rogue squadron?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Shanadeus said:
You just teleport in a bomb at the end of the trench.

That and well just targeting from a distance. They do it all of the time in Start Trek, especially against the borg.

Anyway, the real question is Jedi vs Samurai. I give Samurai the edge for originality.
The Federation also has cloaking, that could be very handy. And beaming. Once shields are down nothing is stopping a nuke from appearing inside a ship.
teh_pwn said:
That and well just targeting from a distance. They do it all of the time in Start Trek, especially against the borg.

Anyway, the real question is Jedi vs Samurai. I give Samurai the edge for originality.

They wouldn't have time to target. Their ship would be obliterated by a Star Destroyer first.

Guardian Bob said:
The Federation also has cloaking, that could be very handy. And beaming. Once shields are down nothing is stopping a nuke from appearing inside a ship.

They wouldn't have time to do this. I'm saying that Star Destroyer weaponry and shielding is thousands of years more advanced. We're talking one hit kills here.

The only thing that is saving the federation is Q.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Re: the Borg. The Borg just need to get lucky once, they just need to get one empire ship and BAM all of their technology jumps by thousands of years. Suddenly the Cubes aren't a pushover any more, suddenly the Empire has an actual credible threat, suddenly the Borg are actually pumping out things that can go toe to toe with a Star Destroyer.
DoctorWho said:
If the Continuum and Organians were to involve themselves (which I highly doubt in any circumstance) this fight would get interesting. Empire ships disappearing in the blink of an eye. I really don't know how the Jedi would fight it. What kind of power do Force Ghosts really have?

How about the entirety of star wars disappearing in a blink. Hey, Picard and Q are tight.


then warhammer 40K wormhole rips open


game over



Way too many variables here (especially Q and the Borg). Chances are, any incursion by the empire into the Alpha Quadrant would lead to the same scenario as the Dominion War itself- an alliance between the Federation, Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians. Yeah, the empire has a ton of ship, but so do the combined forces of the four largest factions in the quadrant, not counting the numerous other alien races that probably wouldn't just sit around and wait for the entire galaxy to be overtaken (i.e. the Breen).

Technologically, I just haven't see that much in the SW universe that would cause any major concern for the ST universe aside from the death star, and that was taken out without much incident by a relatively small rebel force. Warp + AQ star maps + tons of ships + numerous weapon advances (photonic/chronitonic/transphasic/quantum torpedos and phaser/disruptors) vs a huge space fleet + huge ground fleet + the force = ST win, but at a huge cost.
Fuck. A Star Trek movie just started on MovieTime.

Edit: Star Trek Insurrection :lol

You ask why the Federation would fall - I GIVE YOU INSURRECTION!


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Guardian Bob said:
The Federation also has cloaking, that could be very handy. And beaming. Once shields are down nothing is stopping a nuke from appearing inside a ship.

*Geek hat on*

The sith infiltrator (mauls ship) had a cloaking device.

Ah the old beaming nukes aboard enemy ships trick. They did that in stargate, and the beaming codes just got jammed ;)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
DoctorWho said:
If the Continuum and Organians were to involve themselves (which I highly doubt in any circumstance) this fight would get interesting. Empire ships disappearing in the blink of an eye. I really don't know how the Jedi would fight it. What kind of power do Force Ghosts really have?
I was thinking that a Jedi actually could fight a Q if we assume that the Q are beings of Force. I mean think about it, if you're fighting a cloth monster and you just so happen to be a seamstress with lots of tools for sewing and cutting, you might have an edge.


Yeah the Q as a whole don't get involved with lower beings; Q being the exception as he likes upsetting the status quo. He would probably get involved for sure, although for how long is up in the air. And who knows on which side he'd fight. Hell he'd probably get bored before long and scamper off through the new wormhole to explore an entirely new universe to him. That would probably be of more interest than humanoids duking it out.

Q is a complete wildcard, I wouldn't depend on him helping the Trek universe out.
Guardian Bob said:
How about the entirety of star wars disappearing in a blink. Hey, Picard and Q are tight.

Again. It all depends on the continuum getting involved.

As for the Borg, I consider them a non-issue. They've shown their weaknesses on more than one occasion. They're a joke race IMO.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Someone should mod Starcraft 2 to add races. Add the empire and Federation, and we can decide this.
The_Technomancer said:
I was thinking that a Jedi actually could fight a Q if we assume that the Q are beings of Force. I mean think about it, if you're fighting a cloth monster and you just so happen to be a seamstress with lots of tools for sewing and cutting, you might have an edge.

Cloth monster? Sounds like a Doctor Who villain.
Transphasic torpedo:

Based on generating a destructive subspace compression pulse. Upon detonation the torpedo delivers the pulse in an asymmetric superposition of multiple phase states. Shields can only block one subcomponent of the pulse. The other subcomponents deliver the majority of the pulse to the target. Every torpedo has a different transphasic configuration, generated randomly by a dissonant feedback effect to prevent the Borg from predicting the configuration of the phase states.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
The_Technomancer said:
Okay, after this thread is over then its "What if the Daleks invaded the Empire/Star Trek?"

I call OP

It would be like duck hunt, but shooting floating daleks instead. Not to mention stairs. Fucked.


The_Technomancer said:
Okay, after this thread is over then its "What if the Daleks invaded the Empire/Star Trek?"

I call OP
Daleks would win.
No contest.

The borg manage to get their hand over a jedi/sith and then use their new collective force powers to control and assimilate at least one dalek.

Suddenly they'd have the same technology and knowledge as the daleks, combined with the superior adaptability of the Borg!
curls said:
It would be like duck hunt, but shooting floating daleks instead. Not to mention stairs. Fucked.

Daleks stood ground against the Time Lords. Daleks would obliterate the Federation and stand toe-to-toe with the Empire.

The Cybermen on the other hand. The Borg are based on them so that would be an interesting battle.


Another thing to consider - holo technology. Star wars holo tech is laughable compared to the fully realized holo tech that Trek has. Not only do they have real life producing holodecks, but holo technology has been shown being used as a distraction (projecting ships into space) and as a weapon.

This also feeds into star trek's replicators. They need it, they can make it and repair it. If I recall correctly they installed this all over the Voyager ship with future tech so that it was self repairing like a borg ship.

Check & mate. 8)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ah hell, screw it. Okay, when the Empire discovers the wormhole into Trek, they disturb the Dalek Voidship floating in limbo or wherever. The Daleks, being at least reasonably intelligent follow along into Trek, realize that they're outnumbered, and so travel back several thousand years to build their empire in the new universe. And yet nowhere in that span do they actually take over the Trek universe, they just wait until the epic space war between Wars and Trek and then show up in full force. Why? Because they are just that stupid. Seriously. They did something very similar on the show once or twice, if I recall.


I'm embarassed to say I used to be very involved in the scifi "versus" community :D There was a whole newsgroup, multiple websites and message boards. In the end I think the general consensus was that the Star Wars ships would win due to sheer numbers, industrial capacity and faster faster-than light capability.

Sime interesting sites:
Koomaster said:
Another thing to consider - holo technology. Star wars holo tech is laughable compared to the fully realized holo tech that Trek has. Not only do they have real life producing holodecks, but holo technology has been shown being used as a distraction (projecting ships into space) and as a weapon.

This also feeds into star trek's replicators. They need it, they can make it and repair it. If I recall correctly they installed this all over the Voyager ship with future tech so that it was self repairing like a borg ship.

Check & mate. 8)

If essentially a ship the size of the Millennium Falcon can destroy a Borg ship, then what do you think the Federations chances will be against thousands of ships that size & bigger?

"Ooooh, look a pretty hologram. Captain, destroy the ship making the hologram. But first, take a picture of it, I'd like to set it as my desktop background, as the one with me, Vader & the Emperor at the beach is getting kinda old...."


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
DoctorWho said:
Daleks stood ground against the Time Lords. Daleks would obliterate the Federation and stand toe-to-toe with the Empire.

The Cybermen on the other hand. The Borg are based on them so that would be an interesting battle.

Yeah I know fuck all about Dr Who. Can't you tell?

Does star trek include the 29th century timeships and crewman Daniels?
This entire argument is BS. Star Trek is largely based on science and physics while Star Wars is just a fantasy that makes shit up (the force, faster than light, etc.)


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Meus Renaissance said:
Meanwhile, on Earth on stardate 30620.1

San Francisco Gazette

Breaking News: Darth Vader accused of rape

Nothing but a smear campaign by rebel scum.


Guardian Bob said:
This entire argument is BS. Star Trek is largely based on science and physics while Star Wars is just a fantasy that makes shit up (the force, faster than light, etc.)
Star Trek is based on technobabble



Captain Ruk was startled by the shimmering humanoid form that suddenly appeared on his bridge. "Chang?"

"Yes, Ruk. I'm back."

"Something which looks like Chang is standing on this bridge, but you aren't Chang. You're a clone."

"More of that religious nonsense, eh Ruk?" Chang's demeanor of subservient humility had evaporated now that he was in the presence of Starfleet Command.

"You can call it nonsense if you wish. But my perception of time, space, and life extends beyond yours. You are but the latest in a long line of transporter clones created from the corpse of the original Commander Chang. The original Commander Chang has been dead for years."

I see the Jedi have a sound view of teleportation :lol
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