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So the Wii is pretty much over, what did you think?

Tried to like it. Couldn't. Felt like I was being treated like a kid with the (exclusive) game selection, GUI, general presentation, online setup, etc.

As I played it I always had this lingering feeling of "I could turn this off and play PS3 instead and actually have some fun...". Which I eventually did for good. Not even a jailbroken Wii could turn me back.

Girlfriends a mega Zelda fan. She got bored of SS and fell off the wagon. Wii was a let down looking back, and wiiu looks like its barely doing anything to remedy the failed strategy. (As in failed to win people like me over)


It gave me many, many hours of tremendous fun. Here are the games i enjoyed like hell:

- Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Probably the best game since like ever. And I simply adore the music and art style

- Wii Sports - From the release and several months on, i played, played and played to achieve the goal of platinum medals in every discipline and practice game. Did not suceed though...

- Donkey Kong Contry Returns - The rythmic feel, the graphics and the nostalgic yet totally fresh feel made this game a blast to play. And the difficulty enlighted the experience..

- Goldeneye 007 - Just amazing. No more, no less.

- Excite Truck - Fast, awesome and incredibly fun. I hope for a Wii U sequel.

- Geometry Wars Galaxies - So hard, so good, so packed with content.

- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Simply stunning. Lanayru Mining Facility blew my mind.

The Wii will be one of my favorite consoles ever. I swallowed and grasped the concept of motion control to a degree that dual analog controllers seemed primitive and immersion-breaking.


Like most consoles, you can compile a really nice list of high quality games. The problem was the timing of the software releases. Nothing really else of consequence from Nintendo or their 3rd parties was released between April 2008 (Mario Kart Wii) and November 2009 (New Super Mario Bros Wii. Hopefully that doesn't happen again on WiiU.
As someone who owns all platforms and isn't dependent on a steady release stream, I thought it was just fine. Good entries in the Mario and Zelda lines, Wii Sports was fun for a while, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, MP3, etc.

I had fun, at least.

Many of you are bringing up the droughts. Listen, if you consider yourself a "gamer", you don't own a modern Nintendo console as your ONLY gaming device. The days when you could do that are long gone. If you have multiple platforms then you just pick up the gems as they come along. Who gives a shit if there are 6-12 month droughts, I've got a backlog a mile long and I'm sure you do too.

I get sick of hearing morons who have the mentality of "If I'm not playing something on this piece of hardware RIGHT NOW, I just gotta sell it!"
*bracing for incoming stories of disappointment*

Overall I liked it - probably because I completely bought into the whole philosophy of expanded audiences and I really liked the wii remote. I feel like a lot of people who were let down really just let their imaginations get the best of them without understanding what was possible with the tech inside of the remote and console. I'm looking forward to some hd nintendo franchises with wii u, but I think the new pad is a step backwards and I'm not sure changing the controller each gen is gonna work as a consistent strategy. I guess we'll see.


Rather disappointing in my opinion. Outside of Nintendo's offerings -- which were too far apart, the software was incredibly lacking. I held onto the system for awhile too I think, before I realized it was pretty useless to me.
Both Mario Galaxy games, Warioland Shake It, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, No More Heroes, Punchout, Mad World, Other M, Sin and Punishment, Tatsunoko, Sonic Colors, Klonoa, Muramasa, Xenoblade, etc.

Yeah, the system was pretty stellar. :)


About the first party games, 'nuff said.

For 3rd party games, Monster Hunter Tri justified the system for me hands down.

Some other favorites in no particular order:
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Little King's Story
No More Heroes
Trauma Centers


Best or 2nd best Nintendo 1st party effort ever. (Good Metroid after Corruption would've sealed the deal) Lots of experimenting on their part, and 2d platforming goodness.

Shame about the hardware.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Wii brought me my favorite soccer game ever with Playmaker, the only game I'm still playing few times a week.

For this game alone I'll never get rid of this console. That is unless Konami releases a sequel on Wii U.


I loved it. Amazing first party effort as usual, a couple of outstanding third party titles though not nearly as many as I would have liked, and most of the greatest Pre-PS1 era games ever released all on one console thanks to VC. It's impossible to get a Wii and not find at least something to love.


I actually liked it quite a bit. Haven't played it much this past year, but before that it probably got more play than my PS3 and 360 combined, and I own more games for it than the HD twins.

The thing is, it was able to get a lot of those niche games that weren't trying to be huge AAA experiences or whatever. They were JUST video games, and that's something I absolutely love. It also got the best Final Fantasy game of the generation with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers :p


Wii has the very best console games of this gen, so I can't complain. It sucks that it didn't have very good third party support, but the first party was easily the best this generation.


Terrible for third party support.

Fantastic for Nintendo content. Twilight Princess, SMG1+2, NSMB Wii, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros., DKCR, Xenoblade and so on were fantastic new games. Virtual Console has most good classic titles available though it's still missing a few. Backwards compatible with Gamecube. If you like to play Nintendo titles new and old (I do), it was the best Nintendo console yet.

I expect the same type of outcome for Wii U, except I think indie support will be strong this time around.


Didn't care for it. Loved PZ2, 4, Trauma Team and a few others, but a really small amount compared to pretty much any other platform.

I'd give it four out of thirteen moustaches


Monster Hunter Tri was the game that almost never leaves my system. It's the wii's best game in my opinion, but it's still a deeply flawed game.

Everything that is wrong with Tri is a reflection of everything I don't like about the system. It's region locked. It has so little content (low boss count, low armor and weapon count). The classic controller that is similar to what other consoles use is inexplicably and needlessly gimped in favor of the wiimote. The online lacks features that I take for granted everywhere else.

That said, it kinda/sorta got my father into gaming, albeit only to throw bowling balls at pins until my brother perfected a ridiculous, over-the-head swing that gave him strikes something like 95% of the time.


I microwave steaks.
Had some great intentions, loved virtual console for a while and loved that i could revisit my light gun arcade games. The first party games were decent enough.


It is certainly the console that got the least amount of playtime in my home, but it was still a worthwhile purchase. Both Super Mario Galaxy games, Punch Out, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Other M (yes, I enjoyed it despite its story) gave me many hours of enjoyment, and I'm certain I'll go back to it at some point and play some of the gems I missed.
The wii gave me some really nice memories. Especially playing local multi with friends/family. Metroid Prime 3, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Xenoblade, Wario Land, the Galaxy games, and Donkey Kong Country Returns were all great single player experiences too that more than justified the purchase. But Yeah the software droughts were a bitch


Best or 2nd best Nintendo 1st party effort ever. (Good Metroid after Corruption would've sealed the deal) Lots of experimenting on their part, and 2d platforming goodness.

Shame about the hardware.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly.


I liked it. There weren't a lot of great games, but the ones that were great were amazingly great. And while I've loved a lot of games this gen, some of the best memories are from playing Zelda or Mario Kart with my wife.

A lot of people consider the Wii a failure. I don't. I got more than my money's worth out of it.


Neo Member
Third-party support was still bad, but there was always at least one game a year I enjoyed. This year had Rhythm Heaven and Xenoblade, so that has to count for something. I also really liked Trauma Team back when it was first released.


I love it. I play games slowly and still have Wii gems that I haven't played yet. It is number 2 on my top console list.


As much as I loved some of the retail titles, if the thing didn´t have VC I wouldn´t have spent much time with it. Love it as a NeoGeo player!
SMG 1 & 2, Zelda: TP & SS, Xenoblade, Punch-Out, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Metroid Prime Trilogy

Only games worth a damn on the system IMO.

Again like most Nintendo consoles, 1st party games are the only reason to get the thing. And 1st party output compared to Gamecube really really sucked.
Up until this gen, I was a Nintendo fanboy. And even now, the only system I've ever owned that wasn't a Nintendo one is the 360

Let's just say I prefer the 360 to the Wii by an unholy margin

The Wii has some great games. UR MR GAY and its sequel of course, plus No More Heroes, are the three standout games to me. Donkey Kong Country Returns was also fantastic.

All of the other high profile games though range from good to great for me, but not "amazing". And there were so many droughts... the Wii is definitely my least played video game system (home console and handheld) of all time. This is part of why I have zero interest in the Wii U at this point. While I'm sure I'll get it eventually, and I like the GamePad and HD graphics, I have little faith that Nintendo cares about me as a core gamer, despite my fifteen years of monetary devotion to them :p

The 3DS, on the other hand, is poised to become my favorite system of all time by the end of its cycle


The motion controls were a huge let down, but in the end the Wii has a great collection of unique exclusive games.


Most Enjoyed: Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, No More Heroes, Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Biggest Letdown: Skyward Sword. It was too easy and dragged on and had those annoying tear collection crap that slowed everything down.

Overall, the Wii was probably my least played console ever next to the PS3. Do I regret buying one at launch? No. Could Nintendo have done a better job overall? Probably and we'll see how much of a better job they're going to do with the Wii U.
Terrible waste of my money and I'm glad I sold it when I did.

I used to think the only games I 'missed' were Mario Galaxy 2 and Little King's Story... and well, with a Vita I got to play one of those.

Overhyped and under delivered... it's the reason I'm skipping the Wii U for a good couple of years.


It didn't fully live up to its potential, but I still enjoyed a ton of games for it. In fact, I think I own the most games for it.
Considering the runaway success it is/was, Wii is a tremendously disappointing waste of opportunities for both third parties who went all-in with the HD twins and Ninty themselves who did not do enough to create original new worlds and champion enough new experiences on the platform...just too much franchise/spinoff stuff for my tastes. There are/were many great titles on it, though, and many are arguably classic titles that will play better as time goes on than, say, most original titles on PS3. This is, of course, talking about retail releases and not the utter failure that is Ninty's digital offerings. Overall, I'd say that Wii was one-third great, two-thirds not so much. Hope Wii U fares better since we're stuck with that for console Ninty action for the next five or so years.
Terrible choise as my first system this gen. Feels more like a secondary system to go alongside a HD console. 3rd party support way too small.

That said Xenoblade, Mario Galaxy were superb games and Galaxy 2 is strong competitor for my GOTG.

Motion controls never felt to really live up to the promise. I haven't tried any motion+ games tho... Some games still really benefitted from it like RE4 so I'm actually sad nintendo brushed it aside and focuses on pad.

Netplay was mostly terrible. Really liked the VC tho!


Kinda fun to play with friends or my wife a couple times a year. Otherwise I just hated the waggle wand and I can't think of any console I've owned out of all of them that I've used less. Just never clicked with me. For games I wanted to play like Zelda and Mario Galaxy, pointing that wand at the screen the whole time felt like a chore.


Super Mario Galaxy - Incredible, mindblowing, utter genius.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - More of the same, if not as appealing, impactful or elegantly presented. Still incredible, mindblowing, utter genius.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - I was initially concerned by the game's apparent 'apology' for Wind Waker in the form of blatant OoT-styled visuals, and aside from the populated areas, the overworld is little more than a bunch of fields and caves full of rather useless rupees and heart containers. However, the game is a delight, and it probably has my favourite dungeon/boss selection in the series.
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - Very clever, very fun game. It felt new and yet still distinctly Zelda. Superb motion controls. Gorgeous graphics.
Metroid Prime 3 - Not as classy or well paced as its prequels, but it's probably more crowd-pleasing. Still an excellent game.
Sonic Colours - The game that saved Sonic. Pure joy.
Metroid Other M - Staggeringly underrated gem. One of my favourites of this gen and my favourite Wii game.


Built on a gimmick that got old quick. 1st party games were stellar, but not much else. I really liked the Punchout game though.
Really enjoyed my time with the system and I still have plenty of games I need to get around to playing.

Definitely had a great time with friends playing the system. I'll never forget the after bar party at my place during Thanksgiving break after launch. Must have had around 30 people crammed into my house drinking and playing bowling. It was well worth waiting in line for hours in the cold even though I'll never go through that again.


will learn eventually
My least played console ever.
The good thing is it was so bad I turned back to be PC gamer again and regret nothing


I enjoyed the Wii but it's definitely not my favorite Nintendo system. Games like Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are worth the purchase of the Wii alone but many third party games just couldn't cut it in my opinion.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Only system I've ever sold.. twice even. Second time I got it from a friend cheap just for VC, not even to play wii games. Galaxy and TP were decent, MK was great. Totally outgrew Nintendo. Will never buy again.
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