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Sony president wants to improve margins on their multi-platform releases (Updated w/ analysis)

What Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping said. They have been calling their games going to PC their "multiplatform" endeavor. They have no need to port to Xbox, the third place console where nobody buys software in a compelling way anymore.
I have a feeling they will certainly continue to port more games (MP/GaaS focused most likely) over to Xbox if Marathon and the next Destiny do well on it.
I do expect Sony to bring some titles to Xbox and think we'll hear that hinted/asked from the Xbox business update. Publishers and devs want the games to reach more people and have to for survival.


Yeah its a very Gen Z thought process, I seen other companies do similar things to get short term gains and they always do more damage then good and they don't know why it didn't work.
It funny to see it.
Gen Z and younger are completely not the problem here. They are absolutely all in on service games.

The problem is competing over millennials and older.


Gold Member
It affects console sales. It is no coincidence that Xbox console sales have fallen since we have day 1 launches on PC.

Not accurate....

Just not true. Xbox One sales tanked long before they ported games to PC. Xbox One sales were so bad by 2015 that Microsoft lost the Call of Duty marketing rights to PlayStation. It wasn't until 2016 that Microsoft even announced their Play Anywhere initiative. So no, the data says exactly what I said: PC ports, factually, did not cause Xbox's demise.

And I did not say PC ports "kept the brand afloat" at all.


Reverse groomer.
eh i dont think so.
Both PC and console works differently with each other.

I game on PC long ago, switched few times (2-3 times) but still stay on console, PC gaming just dont sit right for me personally.
I am please to let you know there are hundreds of millions of people like you that have the same mindset towards gaming and thus will still pick console over PC even when ports happen

Even if your platform has the most choices, the most games and the most freedom, it is not the best choice for everybody.

Sony could go day 1 pc and still be matching ps2 sales


The problem with all that is this idea that console and PC gamers are interchangeable. They are not. Day one PC games are not going to drive console diehards to buying/buildng $1000+ PCs as well as figuring out how to fit that PC into their living room and what to do with these keyboard/mouse thingies. That applies to casuals and hardcore alike. Consoles are still going to have that plug and play capability. That's the primary reason why people game on console. The exclusives are the reason gamers choose console X over console Y. PC isn't even in the equation for these people. Now for a small minority, yeah, they will swap over to PC and buy Sony games there. More than likely, those folks are people like me who already have a PC and won't need a PS anymore. Sony is fine with that, obviously. They are still getting game sales, but exposing those games to an entirely different market at the same time.

This isnt true at all. Everyone should really ask themselves how many of those steam players migrated from consoles. Its alot.


Gold Member
This isnt true at all. Everyone should really ask themselves how many of those steam players migrated from consoles. Its alot.

You really believe PC gaming and console gaming are interchangeable? Come on now. After all the PC vs console debates on this forum?


Gold Member
Current economy might push platform holders to go that route. At another point in time in the future, it might make sense again to keep your titles for your own platform only (if there is one by then). Shareholders will find these statements reassuring.


Gold Member
I see a PC gamer I shoot them. Simple as that
matrix GIF
It affects console sales. It is no coincidence that Xbox console sales have fallen since we have day 1 launches on PC. By the way, I´m not saying that a lot of people are going to prefer a console over PC even with 1st party games launching day one on PC. What i´m saying is many people are gonna migrate to PC.

The change from consoles to PC is not only to play the same games in slighty higher res and refresh rates. As I said, on PC you are gonna have PS, Xbox games and PC exlusives. You don´t need to pay for online services. You have much more freedom on hardware a software configuration, mods, peripherals, and a platform that you can work on.

Time will tell.

Say it louder for the folks in the back!

The problem with all that is this idea that console and PC gamers are interchangeable. They are not. Day one PC games are not going to drive console diehards to buying/buildng $1000+ PCs as well as figuring out how to fit that PC into their living room and what to do with these keyboard/mouse thingies. That applies to casuals and hardcore alike. Consoles are still going to have that plug and play capability. That's the primary reason why people game on console.

For the mainstream and casual types yes, the ease of play and price are going to win out at the end of the day. But I wouldn't say PC gaming is as laborious as it used to be, not by a long shot. You've got tons of console-like PC boxes that make setting them up in a living room a non-issue. You can build yourself a pretty solid gaming PC with a mini-ITX form factor and console-like parts, plus the OS, for maybe only a few hundred bucks more than the consoles cost, and that was even somewhat true when PS5 & Series X launched. A modest budget of $650 or so should get the job done, and you get a lot more freedom in how to use that PC box, versus a console.

A lot of hardcore & core gamers aren't going to be fussed with building a PC box like that, because I don't think all of them actually care to the highest degree about the best graphics. Just performance comparable to the new consoles of the time would do, and shopping around for deals and whatnot, can keep a custom build under $1K easily. And the thing with PC is, for the ones who want the pinnacle performance...they can just buy their way to it. Not an option with console unless there's a mid-gen refresh but even that will not offer the same upward mobility as PC does for chasing power.

The exclusives are the reason gamers choose console X over console Y. PC isn't even in the equation for these people. Now for a small minority, yeah, they will swap over to PC and buy Sony games there. More than likely, those folks are people like me who already have a PC and won't need a PS anymore. Sony is fine with that, obviously. They are still getting game sales, but exposing those games to an entirely different market at the same time.

I get what you mean. However, while the total number of PS gamers who'd make the swap if exclusives on the console were no longer a thing is small, I don't think we've seen just how large that slice actually is (even if relatively speaking it's small) because Sony haven't pursued such a strategy quite yet. People such as yourself are maybe only a small slice of larger slice, and Sony scaling back on genuine console exclusives (either Day 1 on PC for non-GaaS titles or cutting down the port window to a few months/1-year) will show how many more people such as yourself there are in the PS ecosystem.

And one thing I'm sure you and they all have in common, is that you spend (spent) a lot of money on PlayStation consoles and getting your software, services, peripherals etc. there, more than the average gamer. So money-wise you are more valuable to companies like Sony than the people who buy the console at a cheaper price later on (the mainstream & casual types), or only buy a single game a year, etc. If enough of those type of people decide to go PC/Steam over a PlayStation, Sony will notice the revenue drop-off even if they continue buying Sony's 1P games on Steam.


You really believe PC gaming and console gaming are interchangeable? Come on now. After all the PC vs console debates on this forum?

Pc gaming is easier than ever and that's the case for quite some time. I repeatedly read here that people made the switch gen 6,7,8 and that they are happy about it. Let's do a poll how many people switched (yes we probably won't get honest answers but still)


This is might because the cost of game development is skyrocketing with current trend of graphic heavy games they produced.

It is very cool to see AAA graphic these days... Its very cool to see the features these days, also the high quality in everything is super awesome these days for their releases.

But at what cost? The dev cost are stellar these days for the game to delivered well.
And what if is not delivered in terms of return of investment much?

They had to add release on PC or somewhere else if there is any option that dont hurt their brand. the additional income might add or maximize their revenue more for the porting. And this hurt the brand slowly but sure.

I'm not against porting. But it might not be good for some fans.


PC bros keep winning from all these 'console warz' lols.
PS5 literally hasn't been turned off since I finished Ragnarok and the side quest I wanted and I ended up playing Spider-Man 2 at the boyfriend's house.

Might sell it for a couple 4tb SSDs at this rate tbh

They will learn the same thing as MS, but even harsher lesson.

The difference being MS can keep xbox alive with the billions they make from enteprise, xbox can disappear tomorrow and MS would be fine.

Sony aren't in the same position, if they make moves that devalue their console business, not only is playstation fucked but sony as a whole.
Don't forget that selling life insurance saved their ass when they fumbled the bag with the PS3 for like 4-5 years. Sony isn't going to make that same mistake again
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So here’s a question.

Helldivers 2 really takes off. Loads more content planned. Paid battlepass for season 2. Cosmetics incoming. Arrowhead doubles in size overnight.

Would you put it on Xbox?

With Modern Sony? In a heartbeat. Switch 2, as well.

Again for GaaS titles, the strategy makes some sense. But also knowing Modern Sony, they'd do nothing to ultimately tie in even a little more value for PlayStation console owners who bought and supported the game. No free cosmetic drops, no XP/perk bonuses, nothing.

It dropped quite a bit today. I get rid of my shares as well.

It'd be ironic if Sony's own shareholders see more value in doubling-down on the console with 1P exclusivity push than their own leadership does.

Also, IF they are going to start pushing more Day 1 or shorter windows for non-GaaS AAA tentpole releases to PC...there is no point in a PS5 Pro IMO. A lot of the core audience for a Pro would just start considering getting a PC (or beefing up their current PCs) at that rate.

Again tho, no specifics mentioned here. This strategy of theirs could actually be closer to stuff I've suggested they should do for multiplatform expansion, that wouldn't impact the value of the console long-term. It's just very difficult to tell from the ambiguity of the comments.
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Gold Member
I don't think they'll release Xbox games, because nobody buys games on Xbox platform and the platform is dying. Switch is a possibility but I don't know what.

But I think this means maybe moving up PC ports, which, not to toot my own horn, I predicted when they started doing it. The money is just too good, even if it hasn't been as good as they hoped.
So here’s a question.

Helldivers 2 really takes off. Loads more content planned. Paid battlepass for season 2. Cosmetics incoming. Arrowhead doubles in size overnight.

Would you put it on Xbox?

You know whatever

Put everything everywhere i don't give a fuck anymore

Everyone can kill themselves


but how do you grow console if you release day 1 1st party games on other platforms like PC?

More people get to play the games? Seems to be the ‘great’ reason why people round here think it’s a great idea for Xbox.

That’s said…. I’m absolutely gonna but GT7, DS2, and ghost Tsushima , when they pop up on PC. Helldivers 2 has been pretty ok.
I don't think they'll release Xbox games, because nobody buys games on Xbox platform and the platform is dying. Switch is a possibility but I don't know what.

But I think this means maybe moving up PC ports, which, not to toot my own horn, I predicted when they started doing it. The money is just too good, even if it hasn't been as good as they hoped.

Considering PC does compete with PlayStation (Jim Ryan said it himself), if Sony'd be willing to move up the ports to release much earlier on Steam, there's little reason for them to deny Nintendo and Microsoft those games, either. I mean, more money is more money, right?

That's what people like to say, anyway :/...


So here’s a question.

Helldivers 2 really takes off. Loads more content planned. Paid battlepass for season 2. Cosmetics incoming. Arrowhead doubles in size overnight.

Would you put it on Xbox?
I would double dip. But I’d rather they just put it on gamepass, and I’ll spend the money on battle passes instead.


Just not true. Xbox One sales tanked long before they ported games to PC. Xbox One sales were so bad by 2015 that Microsoft lost the Call of Duty marketing rights to PlayStation. It wasn't until 2016 that Microsoft even announced their Play Anywhere initiative. So no, the data says exactly what I said: PC ports, factually, did not cause Xbox's demise.

And I did not say PC ports "kept the brand afloat" at all.
I never said you said that either, I don't know what comment you read. At the end of the day Microsoft porting all its games to PC didn't help push units or get people into its ecosystem it hurt them that is a undisputed fact. Sony following their lead will yield the same results.


Steam is already a competing platform with PlayStation. It's one of the last things Jim Ryan said before announcing his retirement.

So at that point, if they get more aggressive with 1P games to Steam, why not do the same for Nintendo's hardware, or even Xbox? What is really the difference anymore, at that point?

This is why the PC strategy was always a slippery slope to me when it came to PlayStation, because like with Xbox, it starts small. Then before you know it, everything's Day and Date.

And as tomorrow might end up showing, that can eventually mean 'Day and Date' on all gaming devices. PC, consoles, mobile you name it.

That said, I hope their plans of action are in line with what you're saying they likely should be. That would be the preferred outcome. Make most of the GaaS multiplatform (and not just PC; some should be on mobile as well) Day 1 offerings (but try including perks for PS+ members). Get the costs of the AAA games down. Get back to making some 1P AA games. Don't devalue the 1P AAA games too quickly by rushing them into PS+ (like they did with HFW) or to PC.

Also, anytime a PC port does come along, make sure console is getting something new to balance it out.
Yeah that's true, they released the PS4 Pro as a means to stop end users to migrate from console to PC but their strategy has shifted a lot the past few years. To branch out their audience, expand and get better ROI. I just meant in the traditional console hardware space, where MS is looking to downscale their efforts in Xbox hardware. Therefore reducing direct competition. Sony can now focus on maximising profits, without damaging their brand.

While I doubt they will release day one launches on PC for big budget AAA games right away. GaaS games are going to be there, no doubt. Not sure if it will devalue their brand. The masses will still buy and play consoles for their ease of use and entry level price plus brand recognition. Either way I'd expect faster to release PC ports.
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Gold Member
PC had hardware extortion. Let's not get it twisted.

"The more you buy, the more you save" energy
I'm talking about "the only way you can play this game is if you buy this machine" extortion. PC is the most flexible gaming platform out there and has been for a long time. There's no single company out there saying "the only way you can play this selection of games is if you buy our PC" like there is with consoles. Some smaller devs don't release on console, but that's usually because they're too small or they make games that family friendly platforms won't allow.

I think we're reaching a point where a lot of people are going to say "fine, I just won't play that selection of games until you release them for PC" instead of also buying a console for exclusives. There are more games than ever releasing each year. PC gamers can live well without a couple of Sony console exclusives each year. If Sony wants the money from those people they're going to have to put those games in PC. Otherwise they have to be fine living off of mostly third party revenue in their walled garden, which they can do. But it's certainly no longer the way to maximize ROI on the games they develop in-house.


Considering PC does compete with PlayStation (Jim Ryan said it himself), if Sony'd be willing to move up the ports to release much earlier on Steam, there's little reason for them to deny Nintendo and Microsoft those games, either. I mean, more money is more money, right?

That's what people like to say, anyway :/...

Well as phill says “ we everybody plays we all win” maybe this is all Sonys first steps towards it.

They always seem to follow key MS steps, themselves….. charging to play online, subs( there PSN+ Tiers) their own investments in cloud gaming. GAAS. They even got themselves a COD marketing deal after they seen what it done for MS on the X360. So maybe opening up the games to potential more customers and devices is the way to go. After all, them huge Sony game budgets are not always a given going forward, but if they are…. Maybe switch and Xbox should be on the cards at some point for them.


With Modern Sony? In a heartbeat. Switch 2, as well.

Again for GaaS titles, the strategy makes some sense. But also knowing Modern Sony, they'd do nothing to ultimately tie in even a little more value for PlayStation console owners who bought and supported the game. No free cosmetic drops, no XP/perk bonuses, nothing.

It'd be ironic if Sony's own shareholders see more value in doubling-down on the console with 1P exclusivity push than their own leadership does.

Also, IF they are going to start pushing more Day 1 or shorter windows for non-GaaS AAA tentpole releases to PC...there is no point in a PS5 Pro IMO. A lot of the core audience for a Pro would just start considering getting a PC (or beefing up their current PCs) at that rate.

Again tho, no specifics mentioned here. This strategy of theirs could actually be closer to stuff I've suggested they should do for multiplatform expansion, that wouldn't impact the value of the console long-term. It's just very difficult to tell from the ambiguity of the comments.

Yea it wasn't just the multiplatform quotes. The fact that they missed their console sales target and predicted a drop in year 4 after missing the last one is horrible. But it also questionable if they know where to go wirh their core business.

Yea pretty much the whole audience for the ps5 pro is likely to switch. Why wouldnt they. It would definitely be cheaper


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Fuck this. I'm moving to PC full time.

Makes sense for me PC is where it's at. Some of my favourite games are PC (and Mac) exclusive such as the Total War series Hearts of Iron IV, Pharaoh etc.

Plus a load of classics that'll never see the light on console like Dawn of War, Total Annihilation, Star Craft etc.

All of this, plus every Microsoft game day 1, more Sony titles and better performance. Just need Nintendo to break next.

Just a shame that PC gaming is wildly expensive.


Fuck this, I'm headed to Bust Buy right now to get a Series S. Can't wait to play God or War, Horizon Zero and Gran Turismo Sport. Fuck I loving gaming!


Gold Member
I never said you said that either, I don't know what comment you read. At the end of the day Microsoft porting all its games to PC didn't help push units or get people into its ecosystem it hurt them that is a undisputed fact. Sony following their lead will yield the same results.

I read this comment:

"To be blunt, let's not spread misnomers like Xbox games going to PC kept the brand afloat because that is categorically false. "

You were replying to me so not sure who else you could have been addressing that to.

It is speculation to say what would have happened if Microsoft had not ported their games to PC so nothing about that is an "undisputed fact". That is your opinion. Nothing more.


I do expect Sony to bring some titles to Xbox and think we'll hear that hinted/asked from the Xbox business update. Publishers and devs want the games to reach more people and have to for survival.
Never gonna happen, PC day one? yea, but not on Xbox. He said computers btw, not other competing platforms.


Gold Member
Say it louder for the folks in the back!

For the mainstream and casual types yes, the ease of play and price are going to win out at the end of the day. But I wouldn't say PC gaming is as laborious as it used to be, not by a long shot. You've got tons of console-like PC boxes that make setting them up in a living room a non-issue. You can build yourself a pretty solid gaming PC with a mini-ITX form factor and console-like parts, plus the OS, for maybe only a few hundred bucks more than the consoles cost, and that was even somewhat true when PS5 & Series X launched. A modest budget of $650 or so should get the job done, and you get a lot more freedom in how to use that PC box, versus a console.

A lot of hardcore & core gamers aren't going to be fussed with building a PC box like that, because I don't think all of them actually care to the highest degree about the best graphics. Just performance comparable to the new consoles of the time would do, and shopping around for deals and whatnot, can keep a custom build under $1K easily. And the thing with PC is, for the ones who want the pinnacle performance...they can just buy their way to it. Not an option with console unless there's a mid-gen refresh but even that will not offer the same upward mobility as PC does for chasing power.

I get what you mean. However, while the total number of PS gamers who'd make the swap if exclusives on the console were no longer a thing is small, I don't think we've seen just how large that slice actually is (even if relatively speaking it's small) because Sony haven't pursued such a strategy quite yet. People such as yourself are maybe only a small slice of larger slice, and Sony scaling back on genuine console exclusives (either Day 1 on PC for non-GaaS titles or cutting down the port window to a few months/1-year) will show how many more people such as yourself there are in the PS ecosystem.

And one thing I'm sure you and they all have in common, is that you spend (spent) a lot of money on PlayStation consoles and getting your software, services, peripherals etc. there, more than the average gamer. So money-wise you are more valuable to companies like Sony than the people who buy the console at a cheaper price later on (the mainstream & casual types), or only buy a single game a year, etc. If enough of those type of people decide to go PC/Steam over a PlayStation, Sony will notice the revenue drop-off even if they continue buying Sony's 1P games on Steam.

Pc gaming is easier than ever and that's the case for quite some time. I repeatedly read here that people made the switch gen 6,7,8 and that they are happy about it. Let's do a poll how many people switched (yes we probably won't get honest answers but still)

Well, I'm just going to be repeating my same take on this so clearly we are just not going to see eye to eye on this. Appreciate your perspectives though.


This week is gonna go down as a legendary moment in producing pure sodium


Every Xbox warrior on twitter and now Bryank’s entire hugbox forum on suicide watch.
Unfortunately, I’m not expecting tomorrow to deliver the goods.

It will be a load of insufferable business speak and faux jocularity. They will confirm their commitment to Xbox and Gamepass blah blah blah before hinting at a couple of titles going to Sony (like Sea of Thieves).

They’ll then reiterate the previous wazz about wanting experiences to be shared ‘no matter where you game’.

I think people were hoping for Phil to stream live from Guantanamo, in orange jump suit, with a solitary tear rolling down his cheek.


Given i no longer have PS+ due to the price hike, i do genuinely hope their GaaS push bites them in the ass...but hope you all that end up playing them, enjoy them.
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