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Spider-Man: Miles Morales does open world right, while Horizon Forbidden West does it all wrong.


Gold Member
I've tried HFW last year, played about 20+ hours and I'm not sure why but I didn't felt as immersed as with Zero Dawn. Something was just off about this part, and I sorts of left it behind on my stack of unfinished games. Hoping to try again after expansion's release


Gold Member
Static imagery is a lot better than the game lecturing you about what language to use. I remember a HFW sidequest where what I guess is supposed to be a trans person or a crossdresser says to Aloy that she shouldn't use the word "crazy" because he was called crazy when he started wearing women's clothing or something. Plus I kind of find it amusing that BLM is represented in MM since it was the biggest scam of this century so far. Corporations donated $83 Billion and nobody knows where that money went or how it was used to help black people.
It is exactly because it was a scam, that thing is just virtue signal at face value.

Horizon never made me smile for the wrong reason like that fucking murales...

You also have a black lives matter costume if i remember well.


As a smart gamer, I have PS+ and its catalog of games. Sure, it’s missing key entries, but we can forgive Sony. They’re just getting their feet wet in what a good subscription service is.

I recently started and deleted Horizon Forbidden West. I got out of the starter area and just “noped” right out of there. The combat wasn’t fun, the traversal was awful and the story was still garbage. But fuck me, that game is a beauty.

Then I fired up Spider-Man:MM and this game is fun. The combat is fun, traversal is fast and the story has me hooked. It’s doing everything right. Its side quests are a blast, and even the mundane random events between objectives are fun to see through. And this game is still a looker too.

Horizon seriously needs to look at what other open world games are doing right. That series maps might be the most boring open worlds ever created. And worse, there’s nothing fun to do or explore between big areas.

Spider-Man 2 hopefully continues the trend of smart/fun gameplay, an open world map worth exploring and plenty of different small missions to complete.
Lol I think it's quite the opposite. Spider-man sucks at open world, horizon is fun.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
After hearing all the praise the Spider-Man game got, I rushed out to buy it. My favorite comic book character. Was so disappointed to find out it's another Ubisoft game!


Gold Member
I really don’t actually, which is the funniest thing about it to me. I wasn’t a huge fan of Spider-Man on the PS4. And the hero has never been in my top 10. Might not even be in my top 20 comic book heroes. And don’t get me started on how bad Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is. Dude has his mask off more than on, when in the suit. Not to mention all his whining.
Fair enough.

(I don’t think either game is a master class in open world…. To me, it’s just whether you enjoy the sense of place).
GG need to man up stick to there guns, not chase trends and most importantly not listen to fans. (Unless the fan is Me!)

Seriously they created one of the most amazing worlds and perhaps the deepest most complex ranged combat system ever in a single player game. Yet it's buried under fluff and dross

I really can't believe they listened to players and tried to make the melee combat more deep. Why? It's almost impossible to have a deep melee system and ranged system in the same game. The melee system is average at best and takes players away from the crazy ranged combat.

The amount of choice in the ranged combat is arguably already overwhelming. They don't need all those other meaningless skill trees. They need to nudge, force players to engage with this. The melee system either needs to be really streamlined like uncharted or RE4 or frankly cut entirely. Doing melee with the giant machines always felt silly like trying to engage a tank with a stick.

Dialogue trees, human combat and maybe even the open world need to go as well.

I think it would be better as a semi open world like god of war, dragon quest or the new Final Fantasy will be.

Pedro Motta

The Big Lebowski Opinion GIF by PeacockTV
Horizon combat would be better if they removed stealth elements and just forced you to fight everything head on
I think it's good to set traps and plan your approach. It's also useful to teach players about the weak spot system.

Stealth takedowns and tall grass can go die in a fire though


All what you just said proves that spider man is way ahead of HFW.

You finished spider man 3 times. You had enough of it for now you can't play miles which is normal since it's kinda the same formula . Yet you finished horizon once a s you claim it's a better game. Does not compute lol 😂
I never said one is better than the other. I just said I spent a lot more time exploring and soaking in the world with HFW than miles. Even after playing HZD on ps4 and again on PC, its follow up was still fresh and new enough that it felt good to be experience it as a new thing.

Better is a subjective matter of opinion. Yours is obvious.

And as an FYI, I just replayed HFW few weeks ago. The amount of work they put into the game to tighten up any bugs or performance is astounding.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Spider-Man:MM has an open world feel you know why Horizon doesn’t? Even horizon fans will tell you it’s has a little killzone to it.


Combat in the Horizon games is legitimately among the most dynamic, intense, best of its class. I can’t trust OP on that alone.


This is not really a fair/equal comparison. They are two thematically and tonally different games.

One involves using more methodical, and planned tactics for traversal, fighting and survival, while the other is focused on very fast and frenetic, traversal and moment-to-moment combat scenarios.

Also one takes place in a more familiar and relatable world during Christmas for goodness sake while the other is in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where almost everything wants to kill you. They both do some things better than the other but again, it's an apples and oranges comparison (outside of both being openworld games).
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Both of them are fun open world games, i like HFW more as i don't quite like swinging as traversal, Also combat and enemies are more to my liking in HFW.


Been dealing with open world exhaustion for the past few years and even went back to online shooters and fighting games to break it up.
Horizon ZD was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. About half way though was just completely done with picking stuff off the ground, crafting basics like ammo and map-questing. Kept thinking, "They think this is fun?" Stopped playing and read some reviews to see if FW fixed anything. Will absolutely go back and finish someday since the game is amazing but just reached a limit.

At this point they'll need to rethink everything for me to give it another shot. Keep the combat and tactics but throw out everything else that's not fun otherwise. More likely I just need to stop playing these open world games for a while, like WW2 games around 2010.
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Forbidden west is not too good. Instead of fixing zero dawn faults, it doubled down on bloat, grind, leveling, markers and just gathering everything
I really hate this trend in open world games. Hearing this I have no interest in this game or recent AC games.


I don't know about this topic. I played and enjoyed both and I thought both did it right for what they wanted. Each developer had a vision and they set forth to share that vision in these games and they resonated with me. I don't think anyone was "right or wrong".


always chasing the next thrill
Mission design is just as fucking drab and boring.
at least i finished horizon. (yes i found it boring as hell)
i couldn't fucking stomach miles missions for longer then 4 hours,.


miles morales? will eventually get back to it one day, but my first attempt resulted in me bailing after about an hour - the game has such an overwhelmingly saccharine, wholesome opening/atmosphere, i felt like i should maybe stop playing before i started developing some cavities...

forbidden west? loved zero dawn, & really disliked forbidden west. tho not because of the combat, which i felt was one of a handful of positives...
This is so on point. Miles Morales is positive to the point of patronizing, the message is just completely lacking in subtlety in its delivery and writing. That being said, playing it was pure joy, and goddamn is it a looker of a game.


Havent played Forbidden West, but on PC i MUCH prefer HZD over both Spiderman games.
In fact i have Miles Morales currently installed, and i boot it up every so often just to swing around the city for a bit. The first Spiderman burnt me on the very dated open world style gameplay and side content. Throw in Miles voice and yeah, i'll stick to swinging around the city taking in the sights lol.

Cant wait for Forbidden West to come to PC though.
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Havent played Forbidden West, but on PC i MUCH prefer HZD over both Spiderman games.
In fact i have Miles Morales currently installed, and i boot it up every so often just to swing around the city for a bit. The first Spiderman burnt me on the very dated open world style gameplay and side content. Throw in Miles voice and yeah, i'll stick to swinging around the city taking in the sights lol.

Cant wait for Forbidden West to come to PC though.

Expect Forbidden West (PC) by Holiday '23 or by Spring '24, at latest, knowing Sony.
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It needs to work itself into the trash and get replaced by a better game from these devs.

Decent review scores, great sales…. I dont think so.
Although I prefer if there next AAA single player game wasnt Horizon.
New IP or bring back Killzone. Maybe remake Killzone 1-2
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They're both heavily flawed, boring games, imo, but I'm gonna give the edge to MM (If I had to choose). The Horizon series is Open World Fatigue: The Game. Everything that's wrong with the genre is included.


Why’s the pre-owned physical copy of Miles Morales stand alone version still $50 at GameStop? Isn’t it like 2 and a half years old? Isn’t is also kinda short compared to Spider-Man 1?

I literally expected it to be $19.99 like Deathloop and shit
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