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SpikeTV VGA 2012 nominations revealed


I like most of the list, but lol at Emma Stone being a nominee for best female performance. She was literally in it for two missions.


So this is kinda how I feel when thinking about where to place my political vote:

"they're all shit, but which one is not as shit as the rest"


No way Journey is the GOTY. It's an amazing experience, nobody doubts that, but as a game it offers much less than other titles launched this year (like the one in my avatar).

Pssh, yeah, no kidding. Who wants "amazing experiences" from their games? Not me, that's who!


Dishonored, Walking Dead, and Journey are all fine, but really they chose Mass Effect 3 and Assassin's Creed III? Those two have been two of the most controversial games of the year, and I don't even think reviewers were in agreement that ACIII was even good let alone a GOTY contender. Just a little bit baffled that neither Borderlands 2 or Halo 4 made it given the amount of fanfare those two games got.

Edit: Okay looked at the rest of the nominations, Borderlands 2 being snuffed on the GOTY list is just even more moronic now given that it has been nominated for practically all the individual platform awards. (also how the heck is Mechromancer nominated for best DLC over Pirate's Booty!?)

Oh yeah and their handheld nominations are complete bollocks. I can't speak for Vita games, but Pokemon BW2, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Paper Mario: SS are all much better experiences than NSMB2.


Nice to see Nolan North get a nomination for his work on Spec Ops. Definitely his best performance.

If only that wasn't Spec Ops' only shout out in these nominations. Oh well. Back to voting for Journey where I can.
This has always been my problem with the categories, best ps3 and xbox games should be just games that are exclusive to that platform. I enjoyed AC3, but why the hell is it there for GOTY, Best PS3 game and Best Xbox game?


Journey is probably my GOTY, along with Walking Dead and Dishonored right behind it, so kudos to Spike.

Kid Icarus: Uprising, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and/or Resident Evil: Revelations should be nominated for best handheld game over LBP kart racing and NSMB2.

Its LBP Vita not LBP karting. The game is arguably one of the best LBP to date but maybe you should play it before judging it.

I think NSMB2 should be replaced by Kid Icarus Uprising, but I didn't like Resident Evil or Golden Abyss.

That being said, my vote goes to LBP vita. I didn't play gravity rush or sound shapes though so it was a bit biased.


Pssh, yeah, no kidding. Who wants "amazing experiences" from their games? Not me, that's who!

Well, we are voting for the best game here, and Journey as a game (in terms of gameplay, mechanics, etc) is very "archaic" compared to the rest.
Also Dishonored for best graphics?

What the hell?

Trying to figure that one out too. I don't think I played many 360/PS3 games this year that LOOKED worse then Dishonored. Not saying they didn't exist, just compared to some other games that didn't make the list (Max Payne 3...come on!), it just wasn't up to snuff. Horrible texture work, too many repeated assets, and they didn't even try when it came to facial animations. Maybe it looked miles better on PC, but it did not show well on consoles at all imho.


I may just go for Walker since I feel that Spec Ops deserves some kind of nod. Just finished it last night.
Nolan North was really good in Spec Ops. I'm about as Northed out as anyone and I was legitimately surprised at how much I bought into the role. Good dark horse.

That being said, Dave Fennoy gets my vote. Lee is a hell of a character.


Journey should sweep. (Probably.. definitely won't but should)

Gravity Rush/Daze for mobile game of the year. That was some serious competition in that category.
Trying to figure that one out too. I don't think I played many 360/PS3 games this year that LOOKED worse then Dishonored. Not saying they didn't exist, just compared to some other games that didn't make the list (Max Payne 3...come on!), it just wasn't up to snuff. Horrible texture work, too many repeated assets, and they didn't even try when it came to facial animations. Maybe it looked miles better on PC, but it did not show well on consoles at all imho.

Go check out the High Res PC thread for MP3 goodness. And reused assets? I think they had a very detailed different model for Max in almost all the levels. Also the levels themselves were extremely detailed.


Trying to figure that one out too. I don't think I played many 360/PS3 games this year that LOOKED worse then Dishonored. Not saying they didn't exist, just compared to some other games that didn't make the list (Max Payne 3...come on!), it just wasn't up to snuff. Horrible texture work, too many repeated assets, and they didn't even try when it came to facial animations. Maybe it looked miles better on PC, but it did not show well on consoles at all imho.

That could be the only explanation because on consoles it looked rough as hell.


I don't get the hate, aside from people salty that their beloved game didn't make it. Pretty cool nomination list to me. Gives a lot of love to smaller and/or overlooked games like Gravity Rush, LBPVita, Journey, Xenoblade, Walking Dead, Sound Shapes, etc. Can't say I cared for all of those, but it's much better to me than just having the usual AAA suspects.

Lol at them lumping Wii and WiiU together though. But given the Wii's lineup this year, I guess I can't fault them.

rdrr gnr

zero escape should be in atleast one of these categories. This whole entire list makes no sense. Conner for best character? LOL?
Ugh. I'm on my phone so I haven't been able to check out all the nominations but that's just infuriating. Connor is a stoic, uninteresting cunt.


Lol, I checked out that Health - Tears song from Max Payne 3 that some posters in this thread found to be incredible and somehow indubitably better than its competitors. I'm sorry, but that musical piece was fucking awful and monotonous, so there's no way it should or would win over something much more interesting and appealing as Journey's I Was Born For This.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Its LBP Vita not LBP karting. The game is arguably one of the best LBP to date but maybe you should play it before judging it.

I think NSMB2 should be replaced by Kid Icarus Uprising, but I didn't like Resident Evil or Golden Abyss.

That being said, my vote goes to LBP vita. I didn't play gravity rush or sound shapes though so it was a bit biased.

I have played it, though admittedly not enough to make a final judgment. I wasn't overly impressed with what I played though, not like the other games I listed at least.


Surprisingly decent lineup in places, colour me shocked to see them acknowledge Journey and the Walking Dead. Of those choices TWD is my winner; let's see if they can follow through with the winners though =/


Lol, I checked out that Health - Tears song from Max Payne 3 that some posters in this thread found to be incredible and somehow indubitably better than its competitors. I'm sorry, but that musical piece was fucking awful and monotonous, so there's no way it should or would win over something much more interesting and appealing as Journey's I Was Born For This.
I like both pieces of music, and I've played both games. Yes, they are radically different and evoke different emotions, but regardless of which song you find more appealing; Rockstar uses Tears by Health brilliantly within the game itself. You should really play through the game before making these kinds of judgments. Both are great choices, both are effectively used within the context of the game. I don't fault anyone for picking either.


Wii and Wii U in the same box seems a bit strange to me.

But then again, I don't think the Wii alone had great games this year.
Looking at the Best DLC nominees and looking back at the year has made me realize that I have not bought a single piece of DLC this year. I've bought lots of downloadable games (like more than any year ever), but not one single piece of paid DLC for an existing game.

It's weird because it felt like last year I was buying DLC left, right and center. I can't be the only one that has not played or been the least bit interested in any of that DLC, or am I? It almost makes me wonder if DLC is kind of on it's way out, or if they are just changing how they distribute it, (ie. Season passes, online passes, etc).

Never heard of Mark of the Ninja.

You should look into it. It's definitely in my top 5 G'sOTY.
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