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Splatoon developer explains reason for lack of voice chat and more

So that predator looking outfit is restricted to the Squid Amiibo. Will that outfit be usable online?

I'm sure(almost) it will be usable online.

haha, I often wonder how much you will stand out with it on and will it be colored enough to know it's someone on your team as it's pretty different.
this makes me wonder about the next nintendo console or handheld system if their still going to be this sort of way while there is all sorts of different methods they can probably innovate with to make the voice experience more nintendo friendly
Gotta give props to Nintendo for even rounding these young guns like this. The culture there will be implanted in your head to work there. Yes I spun this shit around somewhat.
Yeah, content locked behind Amiibo is getting into EA territory.

Content is locked behind ALL Amiibo, this is nothing new.

This just happens to be a bit meatier than the rest.

If Amiibos were in strong supply, I wouldn't have a problem with it but they aren't.
Having no voice chat basically caps the skill level. It means it's practically impossible to have any kind of meaningful team work.

I'm more of a run and gun kind of guy anyway, so doesn't bother me too much but I do think it's a bad decision.


1. The challenges aren't new, but rehashes of campaign missions with a different weapon
2. While exclusive gear is bad, keep in mind that there's a set of about 5 items per outfit, so 5 is needed per set to give a full look.

Oh, so this gear probably makes the costumes we've seen then.
Pretty much par for the course for Nintendo unfortunately. Considering their track record I think it's lucky that it even has online multiplayer at all.


Content is locked behind ALL Amiibo, this is nothing new.

This just happens to be a bit meatier than the rest.

If Amiibos were in strong supply, I wouldn't have a problem with it but they aren't.

There's a difference between small content added in post-launch updates (Mario Kart 8 costumes, for example) and big chunks of on-disc content though. I think Amiibo use should be more like Mario Kart 8 and less like it is in Splatoon.
There's a difference between small content added in post-launch updates (Mario Kart 8 costumes, for example) and big chunks of on-disc content though. I think Amiibo use should be more like Mario Kart 8 and less like it is in Splatoon.

Then if the content is weak, you'll hear "Amiibos are stupid and worthless".

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I wouldn't have a problem with decent content included with them if everyone could buy them.


Yeah, this basically confirms that Amiibo has turned into on-disc DLC. 45 challenges and 15 pieces of equipment locked behind a paywall at launch? Watch the same fanboys who spew vitriol at Ubisoft and EA defend this.

They said on the Treehouse stream that the challenges are literally just parts of the single player campaign done with different weapons. That's not really anything. The pieces of equipment are the only actual things locked away, and they seem pretty cosmetic.

The core game is the multiplayer modes. And from what we've seen there is a ton of different equipment available for no additional charge, which actually affects stats.

For the record I am not someone who "spews vitriol" at either Ubisoft or EA.


Word. Voice chat is a plague on modern gaming, and I always love when developers like Mr. Amano here rightly dismiss it as such.


There isn't a single multiplayer shooter that isn't made more fun by the ability to issue tactical information over voice. I'm sure Splatoon will be very fun, but being strategically hamstrung by not being able to call out enemy positions, attack routes, etc over voice is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people.
There is unique gameplay in wordless communication. And that gameplay has no language barriers.
I do personally wish there was voice-chat, with friends. But I do not want to have to deal with it in ranked matches, where any or all of my teammates may speak different languages.


As a rule of thumb, if you want to give an incentive for an external product but don't want to have content completely exclusive to it, have that content be unlockable through an extraordinarily difficult different means.

Maybe some sort of multiplayer level requirement to unlock the alternate weapon stages, like 30 for the boy stages (samurai), 35 for the girl stages (school uniform), and 40 for the squid (squiditor).

I'm pulling numbers out of my butt because I have no idea how easy it is to grind it.


Then don't advertise that there's a microphone on the controller if you aren't going to use it for any of your games.


I mean, it really doesn't make a difference with randoms since MH3G implemented voice chat perfectly and absolutely no one would talk ever, but at least have it as an option for friends.


They said on the Treehouse stream that the challenges are literally just parts of the single player campaign done with different weapons. That's not really anything. The pieces of equipment are the only actual things locked away, and they seem pretty cosmetic.

The core game is the multiplayer modes. And from what we've seen there is a ton of different equipment available for no additional charge, which actually affects stats.

For the record I am not someone who "spews vitriol" at either Ubisoft or EA.

Yeah, pretty much. It sounds like a lot, but when you break it down, it's pretty minimal. It basically breaks down to three costumes, which is like a fifth of what MK8 will eventually end up with.


Then if the content is weak, you'll hear "Amiibos are stupid and worthless".

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I wouldn't have a problem with decent content included with them if everyone could buy them.

The cool thing about Amiibo, and the thing that makes them better than Skylanders and Disney Infinity, is that their existence doesn't bring down games. Normally, you have to either decide between making a damn-near useless figure, or a game that's damn-near useless without figures. Nintendo, however, is a first-party publisher and can instead choose to make their figures do small things across a variety of games. So that way the figures retain value by doing small little things across a selection of games, and the games retain their value by only losing a teeny, tiny chunk of content to the figures.

However, when they start tying big chunks of content to figures, that's when their games start to lose some value, and that's territory I really hope Amiibos don't end up going into.


Unconfirmed Member
Unfortunate, but I can totally see where he's coming from. I always turned voice chat off when I played on pubs (which wasn't that often.) I guess people just need to go back to the old way of using Mumble/Teamspeak/Skype. It's not exactly hard to do.

But the ideal solution would be to at least enable voice/group chat with your friends on the Wii U regardless of the game you're playing. Though that's more unlikely than getting it on a game by game basis.
There's no excuse for a lack of voice chat. If these guys are worried about the 'negativity' surrounding online gaming then why not have a mute button or restrict chat to friends? Yes, you can still use skype or a cell phone but why the heck should I have to do that when the Wii U has chat capabilities? That's not a legitimate counterpoint when options are removed.
Word. Voice chat is a plague on modern gaming, and I always love when developers like Mr. Amano here rightly dismiss it as such.

It's a shame that people can't act human behind computers but that's never going to change.

I'd like an option to use voicechat but this wouldn't be in an issue in a civilized society.



Even just with the normal chat people can be so toxic, damn my blacklist in heroes of storm is already full after 2 weeks.
So yeah, NO voice chat pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeasssssssssssssssssssssse or even normal chat with strangers.
A : "Lol, noob Murradin why did die on the boss ?!
Me : Because you let me die on it when I was protecting from the enemy players ?!!"

People can just setup their own private chat with friends if they want it soo much.
Agreed on all points. It was one of the main reasons for why I had stopped playing online-focused games for both PC & the Xbox 360, as what I've heard was pure poison. And even when I had returned, I had limited my voice communication through Skype & similar services, & only through those who were close friends or people that I knew on NeoGAF.


Wow, the defiance in his statement. I rarely ever use voice chat in online games, but I'd at least like the option.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
well, time to protest the miiverse again...

damn it nintendo


It already did when the FE characters for Codename S.T.E.A.M were announced.

Those were out of universe, and were completely absent in any form if you chose not to use them. They are an obviously jarring addition that fans of the core aesthetic will not miss.
That said I don't know if you can use them online or not.


There isn't a single multiplayer shooter that isn't made more fun by the ability to issue tactical information over voice. I'm sure Splatoon will be very fun, but being strategically hamstrung by not being able to call out enemy positions, attack routes, etc over voice is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people.

Yeah, this is spot on. I let it go for MK8, because to be honest, voice chat wasn't needed fot it, but splatoon? Absolutely voice chat would enhance the experience.
Wow, the defiance in his statement. I rarely ever use voice chat in online games, but I'd at least like the option.

I don't agree with the decision but I like his bold quote, it doesn't leave any door open or any petition-making(though it's hard to stop those people) or wondering about it down the road.


Unconfirmed Member
Make chat an optional opt-in sort of thing. Bingo: problem solved. Nintendo is so fucking archaic and backwards sometimes.
I don't have statistics to support this but I'd wager the majority of Wii U owners are adults. Most kids are playing iphone/Ipad games and mature console games like Call of Duty. They don't care about Nintendo.

If miiverse is anything to go by, a lot of kids have wii us


Hahaha, wouldn't actually mind this personally. I don't talk, and usually mute everyone immediately. One less step with Splatoon.


Those were out of universe, and were completely absent in any form if you chose not to use them. They are an obviously jarring addition that fans of the core aesthetic will not miss.
That said I don't know if you can use them online or not.

Its still 4 fully functional characters that when bought at the retail price (and rare amiibos are VERY hard to find at retail price) still come at 48 plus tax to complete.

People wouldn't have as much of a problem if they were available for purchase at a cheaper price through the game shop or eShop. That would devalue the amiibos however, which Nintendo obviously doesn't want.


When gaming online on WiiU or 3DS with friends....

....we use our PS4's for party chat.

Voice chat makes video games less personal and more social. I play video games to celebrate solitude and getting rid of terrible voices coming from many people is good news to me. I play video games because I want to be alone, so thank you Nintendo for giving me that privacy.

Now please excuse me while I go back to business and talk to many employees and clients. (I can't wait to play Splatoon.)
Did we expect something different from them regarding online chatting?
When gaming online on WiiU or 3DS with friends....

....we use our PS4's for party chat.
Xbox 360 party chat worked well with Mario Kart Wii. It gets tiring having to turn on and use two consoles just to chat, though.


Mory Dunz

Just make the default "mute" or something?

This is really dumb.
I personally don't care since voice chat doesn't appeal to me but it's really dumb nonetheless
It's like Nintendo enjoys taking one step forward and two steps back for everything they do.

The option would be nice with friends, at least. It doesn't really matter for me, though, because I rarely use in-game chat even when games support it; I usually go on mumble with friends. Not everyone has a comfortable set-up to support that, though.
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