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Steam Greenlight: 1000 games and counting, more Greenlit every few weeks


Now that you mention it, have you asked the Indie Royale guys to add a link or something else to let people know that Bunny Must Die! and your game are on Greenlight? I suggested it on Twitter, but got no response back.

I know they are somehow related to Desura, but I bet you'd have gotten a lot of upvotes just from the "I won't even install non-Steam games" crowd.

Haven't played the Cute game yet, I should try that sometime- but Bunny Must Die is worth it, especially if you liked the Gundemonium games (same people).


I don't get those numbers. 3195 submissions - 1100 bans does not equal ~800 legitimate items, but would leave more than 2000. Could bans be of people, some of whom had multiple submissions?

Maybe a lack of copyright does not result in a ban.
There was an initial rush of people into Greenlight but that seems to have tapered off significantly in the last two weeks. Most games seem to get around 100-200 people a day checking them out. Pulling useful statistics off such a small sample size for a 40 million plus member service is a rough job.


10 more games getting greenlit next month? Let's go Towerclimb. Encourage anyone who doesn't know about the game and is a fan of randomly generated roguelikes like Isaac, FTL and especially Spelunky to check it out, beta is also available for $5.

Other games I'm hoping to see on the greenlit list:

Project Giana
The Stanley Parable: HD Remix
No Time To Explain

Generally, the $100 entry fee has upped the average quality of the games tremendously. There's still some hobbyist games and XBLIG shit here and there, but the ratio of promising and professional looking games to entries that have no business being commercial products has improved drastically.


My votes so far in no particular order:

Montague's Mount
Pinball Arcade
Pro Pinball
Hyperspace Pinball
ASA: A Space Adventure
Non Flying Soldiers
M4 Tank Brigade
Black Mesa
Tower of the Gorillion
Out There Somewhere
Gunman Clive

lots discovered thanks to this thread!
So what do we think the next 10 will be, any predictions?
In no particular order.

Project Giana
The Stanley Parable HD
Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land

I will admit some on that list were already voted quite highly pre stat removal.
Thanks to everyone that has voted for La-Mulana!

Hopefully, Steam will come to their senses and push it through soon.

I really don't like the fact that a large portion of the first 10 games were mostly still in-dev titles. I thought the entire point of the system was to streamline the submission process but it doesn't make sense if finished titles aren't getting any extra preference as they are the only ones actually ready for release. After discussing on the Steam forums seems like I am in the minority when it comes to this though.

Not really saying they should give bias to finished games in the voting process but it seems like an obvious aspect that the guys at Valve should be thinking about.

I really want to get La-Mulana on there as soon as possible, and will be really disappointed if we can't include it in the big sales later in the year. It is a great chance for the guys at NIGORO to get more exposure and sales which I don't want them to miss. (Yeah I am biased but whatever goddamnit!!!) =P


Not really saying they should give bias to finished games in the voting process but it seems like an obvious aspect that the guys at Valve should be thinking about.
Well, actually I would be all for that.
I'm not even sure why projects that are months (if not years) away from being complete are allowed on the service.
Well, actually I would be all for that.
I'm not even sure why projects that are months (if not years) away from being complete are allowed on the service.

Haha yeah I said something like that in the Greenlight forums and got attacked by a bunch of guys saying it wasn't fair and would stifle creativity, etc.

I am just worried that we will see games getting greenlighted when they have no chance of being completed. The first 10 greenlit games seems safe of course as they are fairly far along, but it seems like a very likely possibility to me.

Because it could easily become Kickstarter without any funding in some cases which seems a little counter-productive in my opinion.
And a bunch of nice comments on a page isn't really enough to power game development for an ambitious project. =P


WW2 Online is best left as a small niche in the corners of the internet. The game was a nice novelty when it first came out but then quickly aged horribly.


WW2 Online is best left as a small niche in the corners of the internet. The game was a nice novelty when it first came out but then quickly aged horribly.

It is surprising it lasted this long, I have to give credit to the developers to sticking with it. I'd say it's still worth getting into, though. I started playing in 2008, long after it's heyday, and I absolutely loved it. I felt it developed the metagame element much better than it's contemporaries in the genre, and blended combined arms gameplay unlike anything else. Infantry gameplay mostly still sucked, it was bearable in wide open spaces but urban fighting is a clusterfuck.


Haha yeah I said something like that in the Greenlight forums and got attacked by a bunch of guys saying it wasn't fair and would stifle creativity, etc.

I am just worried that we will see games getting greenlighted when they have no chance of being completed. The first 10 greenlit games seems safe of course as they are fairly far along, but it seems like a very likely possibility to me.

Because it could easily become Kickstarter without any funding in some cases which seems a little counter-productive in my opinion.
And a bunch of nice comments on a page isn't really enough to power game development for an ambitious project. =P
This is no coincidence. Valve is aware, and the submissions having a high likelihood of actually producing a final game that can be sold as a commercial product is probably the most important factor in the selection.

Don't forget that while Greenlight is driven by user votes, final say lies with Valve, as it always has.


It is surprising it lasted this long, I have to give credit to the developers to sticking with it. I'd say it's still worth getting into, though. I started playing in 2008, long after it's heyday, and I absolutely loved it. I felt it developed the metagame element of the MMOFPS genre much better than it's contemporaries, and blended combined arms gameplay unlike anything else. Infantry gameplay mostly still sucked, though.
I still gave it my upvote because I respect Cornered Rat for supporting the game this long. I'm just afraid of the response it's going to get from the Steam masses(if it gets greenlit at all).

I have a friend working on this game called Darkout. I’m here to ask for any support to help them gather as many votes as possible on Steam Greenlight. They asked me to post here about the game not to Spam, they would really love to have some actual feedback from GAF.






I have a friend working on this game called Darkout. I’m here to ask for any support to help them gather as many votes as possible on Steam Greenlight. They asked me to post here about the game not to Spam, they would really love to have some actual feedback from GAF.




The trailer looks rather interesting, though his pitch could have gotten into the specifics of the game more.
it's a shame if la mulana it doesn't get released on steam. For me it would be the best game on the service, it's a incredibile masterpiece.
Oniken trailer on greenlight makes me want to grab my electric guitar, invited friends, fire up Fzero (mute city) and Hokuto no Ken volume 11, open all windows and give my entire neighborhood some nice awesome time for their hears
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