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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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School Days 1
Decided to start watching this since it seemed interesting from the impressions I saw in this thread. So far, the plot is going pretty fast. He already has the girl he wants as a girlfriend as well as a new friend who really likes him. Seems like it's already on an interesting start.
Has Boku no Pico guy done anything besides Boku No Pico?

If not, who in their right minds thought "hey let's get Urobuchi to write some episodes, then push him aside to let the guy who made Boku No Pico take a crack at it!"? Especially with a new studio filled with talent where their first work is key.

Well to be fair the guy behind boku no pico also worked on normal things

if wikipedia is to be believed

I couldn't find the writter for "this" because that's not really something that is easy to know


Cardcaptor Sakura 13

Time is such a broken card. I can't think of anything Sakura has in her arsenal that would've been useful against Power - maybe Flower if it can be tickled enough by the petals? - but I suppose Syaoran having to bail her out once is okay. Even the standalone episodes all tie into each other, and I find myself really looking forward to Leave It to Kero every week. Aya Hisakawa is selling the role. Add in his love of video games, and Kero's en route to becoming a very memorable magical girl mascot.


School Days 1
Decided to start watching this since it seemed interesting from the impressions I saw in this thread. So far, the plot is going pretty fast. He already has the girl he wants as a girlfriend as well as a new friend who really likes him. Seems like it's already on an interesting start.
Enjoy yourself


Has Boku no Pico guy done anything besides Boku No Pico?

If not, who in their right minds thought "hey let's get Urobuchi to write some episodes, then push him aside to let the guy who made Boku No Pico take a crack at it!"? Especially with a new studio filled with talent where their first work is key.


I think people just like to point it out because they found it funny, not because it was going to be an actual indicator of the quality of the show. It looks like he only did the script of Pico anyway, so looking at his previous works in series composition would have been much more telling.

Link Man

School Days 1
Decided to start watching this since it seemed interesting from the impressions I saw in this thread. So far, the plot is going pretty fast. He already has the girl he wants as a girlfriend as well as a new friend who really likes him. Seems like it's already on an interesting start.

Prepare for the most plodding 10 episodes of your life.


Cardcaptor Sakura 13

Time is such a broken card. I can't think of anything Sakura has in her arsenal that would've been useful against Power - maybe Flower if it can be tickled enough by the petals? - but I suppose Syaoran having to bail her out once is okay. Even the standalone episodes all tie into each other, and I find myself really looking forward to Leave It to Kero every week. Aya Hisakawa is selling the role. Add in his love of video games, and Kero's en route to becoming a very memorable magical girl mascot.

Yeah that one was kind of unfair. At least none of them pose a lethal threat. Not that kind of show.
School Days 1
Decided to start watching this since it seemed interesting from the impressions I saw in this thread. So far, the plot is going pretty fast. He already has the girl he wants as a girlfriend as well as a new friend who really likes him. Seems like it's already on an interesting start.

don't do this to yourself. Are you sure it's what you want?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Knights of Sidonia episode 2
That fight at the beginning was sick, say what you will, the main character seems to have some sort of PTSD, but im not quite sure that is it. Also duee is already in a love triangle and he isnt aware of it
Knights of Sidonia episode 3
This was no starfox team,
the most elite were totally incompetent but they had the excuse of never going up against a gauna


Mahouka 21 - more couples setup. Thats mostly what I got from the episode. Also everyone seems pretty laid back about the failed saboteur.


School Days 1
Decided to start watching this since it seemed interesting from the impressions I saw in this thread. So far, the plot is going pretty fast. He already has the girl he wants as a girlfriend as well as a new friend who really likes him. Seems like it's already on an interesting start.

It really amuses me when people happily dive into these shark infested waters. Just dont get hurt!
Rail Wars 8
Takayama has really got the art of girls falling on him down. Also very intense pedalled powered train episode. The gasps from when Sakurai ripped the bottom of her dress made me think she was doing something stupid like taking off her entire dress. Wouldn't put it past the show to do something fanservicey and stupid like that.


don't do this to yourself. Are you sure it's what you want?

Well I got to watch this show some time and figured why not get it over with. At least these impressions have been letting me know its a trainwreck.


Is there any older anime that is as controversial as School days? Something that got a poor critical reception at the time of its airing, but is now brought up constantly?


Has Boku no Pico guy done anything besides Boku No Pico?

If not, who in their right minds thought "hey let's get Urobuchi to write some episodes, then push him aside to let the guy who made Boku No Pico take a crack at it!"? Especially with a new studio filled with talent where their first work is key.

He did Ga-Rei Zero with Aoki so it's not that much of a stretch that he's working on AZ.


Rail Wars 8
Takayama has really got the art of girls falling on him down. Also very intense pedalled powered train episode. The gasps from when Sakurai ripped the bottom of her dress made me think she was doing something stupid like taking off her entire dress. Wouldn't put it past the show to do something fanservicey and stupid like that.

Well I got to watch this show some time and figured why not get it over with. At least these impressions have been letting me know its a trainwreck.

as long as you realize what youre getting into!

Is there any older anime that is as controversial as School days? Something that got a poor critical reception at the time of its airing, but is now brought up constantly?

Arjuna is pretty nuts for vastly different reasons. It holds a few...special surprises hehee.
Mahouka - 21


The birth of a misunderstood relationship !

The birth of a very well understood relationship !

Good episode that still continues his set-up.
Nothing ground breaking to note except that they haven't handled the scene misunderstanding properly ( as of why leo went this way and not somewhere else ) but no matter that is just , in the end a classic misunderstanding scene you can find in any anime.
5 eps left for the yokohama arc and they haven't even started packing up to go to yokohama..i fear for this arc pacing ..
Mahouka 21 - more couples setup. Thats mostly what I got from the episode. Also everyone seems pretty laid back about the failed saboteur.

The Mikihiko x Mizuki ship is right on the mark, but the Leo x Erika isn't. They are more like best buddies, nothing too deep.
I still don't understand why anime has men who outright hate a guy when he has a more than friendly relationship with a woman. How many anime are there of a group of guys chasing down another guy because a girl is being romantic with him. Are Japanese students so petty?

Now don't get me wrong, it's annoying to see a lovey dovey couple, but most people cringe or are disgusted, they don't tend to get angry


I still don't understand why anime has men who outright hate a guy when he has a more than friendly relationship with a woman. How many anime are there of a group of guys chasing down another guy because a girl is being romantic with him. Are Japanese students so petty?

Now don't get me wrong, it's annoying to see a lovey dovey couple, but most people cringe or are disgusted, they don't tend to get angry

It's a joke.


Rail Wars 8
Takayama has really got the art of girls falling on him down. Also very intense pedalled powered train episode.

I was pretty happy with the whole sense of action this episode with them all trying to keep this train from flying off the tracks. Overall I've been more entertained by the train action in this show than I expected.


I still don't understand why anime has men who outright hate a guy when he has a more than friendly relationship with a woman. How many anime are there of a group of guys chasing down another guy because a girl is being romantic with him. Are Japanese students so petty?

Now don't get me wrong, it's annoying to see a lovey dovey couple, but most people cringe or are disgusted, they don't tend to get angry

Its just a trope.
Adds a bit of conflict to the proceedings.
Mushibugyo - OAD 01

It's muchibugyo alright , with the same tsukuchima that is earnest , clueless and so on.

It was alright even if it lacked scenes with the BEST girl of this show.



Per the usual, we're foolish for not listening to wonzo about this short stuff as it airs. In fact, the short format might be the only criticism I'd offer about this as I'd imagine it adversely affected perception of what the show was capable of as well as any desire to check it out as it went on. If anything, a longer format encapsulating everything would have probably resulted in higher visibility for folks here.

That said, even knowing the central premise and reveal of the show, so much still caught me off guard. I would have never really thought a short form anime would successfully manage to maintain the dark and dramatic tone present. Sure, there's some comedic elements but, by and large, it's a drama throughout with the occasional foray into something slightly adventurous. I'd have not really considered this would work all that well but this show demonstrated it can with the right material and in the right hands..
The Pupipo fellowship grows.
yup, go watch Pupipo.

okawa chose the wrong deity


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Knights of sidonia episode 5
Im getting Macross vibes from this episode, but the OTP pretty much has been set by this episode.
Aldnoah Zero 01-08

After being disappointed with every mecha show this season I finally got around to trying this.

Talk about saving the best for last.

Not perfect but miles better than anything else that has been coming on with giant robots. Fights are well done, no filler or "tune in next time to see what happens." Even better the fights feel like "huh... that was pretty smart" and not main character won because he has a super powerful ultra robot that he discovers in a hanger randomly.

Really sold me on the overall world they created as well, so far they are keeping it close to their chest which is good.

Only downside so far is the characters. Villains seem to be coming and going left and right. The main cast is very forgettable. A main character with literally 0 personality is odd, but better than the generic teenager who is hotheaded and what not. All the side characters seem like throwaway going to get killed eventually people as well. All around they are very one sided characters which seems to be a running theme this year.

Enemy design is nice and varied, if not completely weird. The level of technology is all over the place but I let that go because it creates different situations on how the fights have gone so far.

Interested to see where this goes.
Wheelchair waifu. Whose thing is that again?

I think ShindoL did that once.

Aldnoah Zero 01-08

After being disappointed with every mecha show this season I finally got around to trying this.

Talk about saving the best for last.

Not perfect but miles better than anything else that has been coming on with giant robots. Fights are well done, no filler or "tune in next time to see what happens." Even better the fights feel like "huh... that was pretty smart" and not main character won because he has a super powerful ultra robot that he discovers in a hanger randomly.

I'm sure with these recent developments the orange Kataphrakt will be ditched for the titluar mech/Godly prototype soon enough.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Knights of Sonia episode 6
Did this just turn into a harem

no matter, the OTP is still progressing smoouuerraaa, er nevermind.
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