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TERA News, Information, & Beta Thread


End of beta! (Dragonfall)

Say hi to AKB-LIN!






Last min in Velika's flight pad! (had to lower everything so it wouldnt chop for FRAPS)

Closed Launcher!




The last hour or so of beta was unplayable for me... Just kept getting kicked offline.

Open Beta convinced me to preorder, though. Not sure how much of the head start I'll get to use since it overlaps with the GW2 preview weekend, but it'll be nice to have the option.


I feel so conflicted. After the final closed beta which I enjoyed I said to myself I can see giving this some time but later in the year. Now after the open beta this weekend, playing some more and getting higher lvl things just felt so fun. The combat in this game can be so satisfying. That along with the great graphics are my 2 biggest draws from what I experienced and I just want to get a taste of what awaits from the rest of the game.

I'm kinda feeling a bit of MMO fatigue after my time with TOR and was going to try and take a break till end of the year for FFXIV 2.0, but now this and along with GW2 are on my radar. They always find a way to suck me back in :( Odds are I won't be there on day 1 because I still want to try and wait a little bit before I jump in, wait for a nice deal, see how things play out for after the launch period, etc.

Some pics from last day of my Sorc (Nephtis on Dragonfall server)
Got it to work.


You're with the Goons, huh? I'll friend you when we get servers again.

As usual, I never saw a gold axe drop so it's a blue axe for me. I have the gold gloves, +6 on those, and the gold boots, +5 on those. Oh well, all that stuff will be replaced by the end of headstart, and all the stuff in headstart will be replaced when the game goes live. I don't think I've been as excited for a game launch in years now, I only barely remember I have a preorder for D3 in and at this point I'm only really going to play D3 because of my many other friends who are getting it.

I'm still the cutest Elin. :3


Gold Member
Really enjoyed my time with this, although I get as much as I would've liked as I only got up to level 11. I'm definitely in for the long haul for this one. Loved the madness in Veilka at the end.


Got to 11 and tried to do Dark Revelations before the shutdown, but my priestly dps fell short of being able to claim kill credit and I couldn't figure out how to spawn the boss again. Definitely going to get the game and I might try a mystic at some point.

And since everyone's posting their elins:
Shame no fancy armor yet.


Does anyone have any forum links which discuss how to improve Tera's performance? My game was fine CBT, but in OB it kept on constantly crashing in towns. That and somehow the textures seem a bit muddy.

Thought maybe there were some solutions for that, changing graphics drivers or something. Any forum thread links discussing that would be welcome.


Saint Nic
Boo....No more beta. :(

I'll be busy Saturday, so I won't be able to play then. I should be able to log in on Sunday, but no promises to myself.


Really enjoyed playing this weekend. The combat system is what sets Tera apart and makes it fun for me. Only made it to 21 but that is the highest level I've been so far. I never made it off the Starter island during the CBT.

What level/where is the first dungeon area? I was hoping to get to see it over the weekend but I was kinda running behind on leveling.
You're there. If you do the LFD tool you'll be able to queue up for Secret Base (Bastion of Lok). If you follow the orange story quests you should be close to getting the quests that will lead you there as well.


Can't wait for Saturday. We need to drag a few more gaffers into the fray on VoT too. Speaking of which, any admins here in Tera land? A buddy of mine in the guild registered here a while ago and is awaiting approval. :)


Having played the beta this weekend and reached level 15, I can safely say it was the most fun I've had with an MMO in a good few years. Pre-ordered a boxed copy of it this morning. Any plans for an EU GAF guild in the works?


Saint Nic
I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to power up with everyone this weekend...I wouldn't mind hitting 38 by Monday like all you guys will, but that's the nature of the beast I guess! :p

That being said, at least I'm a Lancer and will be able to find a group like mad. That should make my life easier for questing/BAM/instance running.


I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to power up with everyone this weekend...I wouldn't mind hitting 38 by Monday like all you guys will, but that's the nature of the beast I guess! :p

That being said, at least I'm a Lancer and will be able to find a group like mad. That should make my life easier for questing/BAM/instance running.

I yell at thee and your instant queue, sir.


Does anyone play on Serpentis Isle? I was wondering if I should reroll onto a different server next weekend. I only got to 15 on Serpentis so it wouldn't be a big deal to me.
For the last day of beta, we had an epic GvG battle against Touch Fluffy Tail outside of Castanica. We fought on top of a bridge with Lancers and Berserkers holding the front line and melee and casters in the back. With the Lancers advancing and Sorcerers nuking constantly on both sides, it was like being in the middle of a true battlefield with people dying and bombs going off everywhere around me. I participated in some other GvG battles on a large scale but this was just a different experience entirely. Their sheer numbers overwhelmed us eventually, despite being allied with ePeen and Vexx. Afterwards we called a truce and just roamed the continent for a while and took some pictures together. Love TFT for being such good sports about everything.

My final hours of OBT were spent doing 10v10 deathmatch with guild members on the Island of Dawn. Unfortunately, I missed all the dancing, horse shenanigans, and picture taking at the end.

I'm sad that the beta is over but the wait for launch will not be long now.

Here, use this one. You're welcome.



Are you even in our guild, you jerk? Who is going to lead us? D:

Sorry guys :/

I ran the GAF PVE guild in Serpentis Isle during CBT1 and that went really well but then the PVP servers came and a lot of people jumped ship to try PVP, myself included.

I started a GAF PVP guild during CBT2 and it lasted until a good portion of CBT3. There were not that many players at the time (and some joined other guilds right at the start) and it just died completely. I think Unknown, androidcandy, and Dragula were the only other members that remained active throughout CBT2 and CBT3 until the guild died and Dragula seems to have disappeared completely while Unknown, andoidcandy, and I have joined other guilds. I'm having a lot of fun with my current guild and made some friends so I'm kind of attached now.

When the community thread goes up, everyone on VOT can friend list each other and we can setup a GAF private channel. That way we can chat, ally against other guilds, do instances together, BAMS, deathmatches, or whatever.


You're better off finding a more consistent group/guild on your respective server than to rely on only GAF users to always be online to maintain the guild's activities.


You're better off finding a more consistent group/guild on your respective server than to rely on only GAF users to always be online to maintain the guild's activities.

FWIW, we have 40 members in Dragonfall, and we were in the process of inviting more people until the end of the beta.


I wish i was 32, 180 gold? jesus I was getting close to 20

I was at about 50 gold after spending a lot on spells outfits and glyphs by end of beta. How do Yin make so much money? However, I stopped leveling/doing anything at 32.
I was at about 50 gold after spending a lot on spells outfits and glyphs by end of beta. How do Yin make so much money? However, I stopped leveling/doing anything at 32.

Judging by the amount of stacked Basilisk and slug quests, a majority probably came from that. I made my money fighting these as they drop 1-3 gold per kill and decent tier 5/tier 6 loot.


Damn I should keep that in mind next time, I redid basilisk only once this time around. During CBT did it like 3x in a row cause it was so fun. Exp so high too.

BTW anyone understand how the whole dungeon instancing reset thing works? Like is there any indication of whether a dungeon was cleared before, or a timer? Sometimes I joined a party and the instance was empty/cleared because of someone else in the party.


Alright, sent jiien a draft of the guild community thread. I need info from the PVP server guild as I dont know how they are organized.

Damn I should keep that in mind next time, I redid basilisk only once this time around. During CBT did it like 3x in a row cause it was so fun. Exp so high too.

BTW anyone understand how the whole dungeon instancing reset thing works? Like is there any indication of whether a dungeon was cleared before, or a timer? Sometimes I joined a party and the instance was empty/cleared because of someone else in the party.

Character -> Instances.


Thanks, so what does "reset instances" do in party?

A lot of parties I joined were still figuring everything out, probably not CBT players so I encountered weird stuff for the first time. Including one leader who was trying to use the instance matching even though we were already 5 people lol.


Saint Nic
Thanks, so what does "reset instances" do in party?

A lot of parties I joined were still figuring everything out, probably not CBT players so I encountered weird stuff for the first time. Including one leader who was trying to use the instance matching even though we were already 5 people lol.

Were you at the instance? Probably thought you could queue to jump to the instance? Haha


If you reset the instance, it kicks you out if you are inside and it respawns the enemies. It does not reset your lock time, so i ended up using it to get out quickly.

As for the Instance finder, it has a maximum level limit, so if you are above that level, you can't queue.


I think that's silly, what if I was higher level and wanted to go back and kill the bosses for the achievement? Do I have to go there manually?


Saint Nic
So can someone explain to me how Warrior tanking is at higher instance levels? My friend wants to play a unique and challenging class (and he historically plays tanks/healers). I told him really, a tank Warrior is the best option there as it requires a high level of skill. But I'm reading that they may not fair well in the late game.


I think that's silly, what if I was higher level and wanted to go back and kill the bosses for the achievement? Do I have to go there manually?

Yup - I ran into this when running SM at 32. Sucks, but that's the way it is I guess.
Could anybody give me a brief explanation to enchanting? Both that and crafting I didn't really touch during the OBT, but it looks like something worth doing
How do I go about doing it? And where to gather the materials? And what can/can't be enchanted? And are there any risks involved? Thanks
I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to power up with everyone this weekend...I wouldn't mind hitting 38 by Monday like all you guys will, but that's the nature of the beast I guess! :p

That being said, at least I'm a Lancer and will be able to find a group like mad. That should make my life easier for questing/BAM/instance running.

Hi Nicoga <3

P.S. I couldn't resist; I just ordered a new case, mobo, and i5 2500k sandy bridge :)
I think that's silly, what if I was higher level and wanted to go back and kill the bosses for the achievement? Do I have to go there manually?

You can still enter the instance, you just can't queue with the dungeon finder. The cap is pretty high above the level of the instance (e.g. SM is 26 but capped at 31) and it makes sense as matchmaking would be pretty ridiculous with an unlimited level range. What if you were level 48 and trying to queue for SM for some reason when the only people queuing are level 26-30? Pretty pointless.
I think there were changes made to dungeons where being partied with someone too high a level will prevent you from getting quest credit for kill counts and bosses..

It wouldn't be fair for the dungeon finder to pair you up with someone that would prevent you from getting credit for quests inside the dungeon.

I ran through the secret base with a lower level friend at 34 during the CBTs and he didn't get credit for anything.


Saint Nic
Could anybody give me a brief explanation to enchanting? Both that and crafting I didn't really touch during the OBT, but it looks like something worth doing
How do I go about doing it? And where to gather the materials? And what can/can't be enchanted? And are there any risks involved? Thanks

To enchant an item, it must be labeled as "enchantable". You can usually tell this by the greyed out +3,+6,+9 bonuses on the weapons/armor. That's first priority.

Second, you need a weapon/piece of armor of the same TIER as the item you want to enchant. So if you want to enchant a t5 sword, you need any other t5 weapons. t4 gloves - you need ANY pair of t4 gloves.

And you finally need some stuff called Alkahest (buy from general goods). I think you need the same number as it is the tier - t4 items need 4 per enchant, t7 would need 7, etc.

When you open the enchant menu (hit T), you get a box to put your item you want to enchant in. When you do, you get two NEW boxes - one on the left for the other item of similar tier (must be the same, not higher or lower!) to sacrifice, and the box on the right for the Alkahest.

When you enchant an item, you will ALWAYS lose the item on the left, pass or fall. You are sacrificing it to the enchant. You also lose the Alkahest, but that's a no brainer. Enchanting up to +6 will never cause you to lose the item you're enchanting, just the sacrificed stuff, but! Up to +6 is rough...+4->5 is hard, and 5->6 is worse.

Above that, I'm not sure...You couldn't go higher in the beta I don't think, but I tend to think you would never lose the item or enchant levels on the item you're enchanting.

Summary and example!

You have an enchantable t5 weapon.
You need any t5 weapon to sacrifice to attempt to enchant your weapon.
You need 5 Alkahest.

Pass -> lose sacrificed weapon, get +1 on your current weapon
Fail -> lose sacrificed weapon, no change to your current weapon

You have an enchantable t6 glove.
You need any t6 glove to sacrifice.
You need 6 Alkahest.

See above results.

Also, there's a scroll in the general goods shop that makes a weapon Enigmatic. I THINK this allows you to make a non-enchantable item become enchantable, but I have no idea. I didn't have 5g to blow to find out!

Hi Nicoga <3

P.S. I couldn't resist; I just ordered a new case, mobo, and i5 2500k sandy bridge :)


What parts did you end up ordering???
Above that, I'm not sure...You couldn't go higher in the beta I don't think, but I tend to think you would never lose the item or enchant levels on the item you're enchanting.

It was impossible to go past +6 in the beta and you can fail an enchantment attempt but you can never lose your current enchantment level. This was changed for the NA release (alkahest prices, failure rates, etc. were modified to compensate).

Failing an enchantment in K-TERA had a chance to drop your enchantment level and there were different tiers of dust you could buy (or win as a reward) to improve your chances of success and/or eliminate the chance of dropping an enchantment level.
To enchant an item, it must be labeled as "enchantable". You can usually tell this by the greyed out +3,+6,+9 bonuses on the weapons/armor. That's first priority.

Second, you need a weapon/piece of armor of the same TIER as the item you want to enchant. So if you want to enchant a t5 sword, you need any other t5 weapons. t4 gloves - you need ANY pair of t4 gloves.

And you finally need some stuff called Alkahest (buy from general goods). I think you need the same number as it is the tier - t4 items need 4 per enchant, t7 would need 7, etc.

When you open the enchant menu (hit T), you get a box to put your item you want to enchant in. When you do, you get two NEW boxes - one on the left for the other item of similar tier (must be the same, not higher or lower!) to sacrifice, and the box on the right for the Alkahest.

When you enchant an item, you will ALWAYS lose the item on the left, pass or fall. You are sacrificing it to the enchant. You also lose the Alkahest, but that's a no brainer. Enchanting up to +6 will never cause you to lose the item you're enchanting, just the sacrificed stuff, but! Up to +6 is rough...+4->5 is hard, and 5->6 is worse.

Above that, I'm not sure...You couldn't go higher in the beta I don't think, but I tend to think you would never lose the item or enchant levels on the item you're enchanting.

Summary and example!

You have an enchantable t5 weapon.
You need any t5 weapon to sacrifice to attempt to enchant your weapon.
You need 5 Alkahest.

Pass -> lose sacrificed weapon, get +1 on your current weapon
Fail -> lose sacrificed weapon, no change to your current weapon

You have an enchantable t6 glove.
You need any t6 glove to sacrifice.
You need 6 Alkahest.

See above results.

Also, there's a scroll in the general goods shop that makes a weapon Enigmatic. I THINK this allows you to make a non-enchantable item become enchantable, but I have no idea. I didn't have 5g to blow to find out!

It seems pretty simple, I have loads of blue gear that I could use to enchant some of my stuff so I'll give it a go :D
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