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TERA News, Information, & Beta Thread

Any ideas for a thread title for the OT?

TERA |OT| Were you expecting a parade?

TERA |OT| This isn't my first rodeo, you know.

TERA |OT| of BAMs are not Big Ass Moms

TERA |OT| The Exiled Realm of Arborea

umm... that's all I got right now. :(


Could anybody give me a brief explanation to enchanting? Both that and crafting I didn't really touch during the OBT, but it looks like something worth doing
How do I go about doing it? And where to gather the materials? And what can/can't be enchanted? And are there any risks involved? Thanks

Something worth doing? I am not sure about that.

With how fast you level and with how low the success rate for enchanting is past +3 it doesnt seem terribly worth it.

Like crafting, enchanting seems more like a waste of time of money until level 60.
Any ideas for a thread title for the OT?

TERA |OT| Were you expecting a parade?

TERA |OT| This isn't my first rodeo, you know.

TERA |OT| of BAMs are not Big Ass Moms

TERA |OT| The Exiled Realm of Arborea

umm... that's all I got right now. :(

the most overused Voiced Quote in the game when you reach a Quest NPC.


Saint Nic
Something worth doing? I am not sure about that.

With how fast you level and with how low the success rate for enchanting is past +3 it doesnt seem terribly worth it.

Like crafting, enchanting seems more like a waste of time of money until level 60.

My +5 Dreadspike (I think? The orange lance) was sick. The bonsuses are what make it worth it, especially if the +3/+6 bonuses include increased aggro and HP Regen. ;) It's VERY class dependent, though...Myself and [I think] Leixia in guild had a chat about it last night. As a Lancer, I consider my damage priority to be below that of threat generation, defense, and balance. It just depends on what you need and what bonuses are offered.


Saint Nic
Any ideas for a thread title for the OT?

TERA |OT| Were you expecting a parade?

TERA |OT| This isn't my first rodeo, you know.

TERA |OT| of BAMs are not Big Ass Moms

TERA |OT| The Exiled Realm of Arborea

umm... that's all I got right now. :(

I agree with DMPrince. Use the most overused NPC quote, haha. My personal favorite:

I get distracted by mirrors, see why?
When you enchant an item, you will ALWAYS lose the item on the left, pass or fall. You are sacrificing it to the enchant. You also lose the Alkahest, but that's a no brainer. Enchanting up to +6 will never cause you to lose the item you're enchanting, just the sacrificed stuff, but! Up to +6 is rough...+4->5 is hard, and 5->6 is worse.

Summary and example!

You have an enchantable t5 weapon.
You need any t5 weapon to sacrifice to attempt to enchant your weapon.
You need 5 Alkahest.

Pass -> lose sacrificed weapon, get +1 on your current weapon
Fail -> lose sacrificed weapon, no change to your current weapon

You have an enchantable t6 glove.
You need any t6 glove to sacrifice.
You need 6 Alkahest.

See above results.

Also, there's a scroll in the general goods shop that makes a weapon Enigmatic.

Thanks for clearing this up! Yeah, I won't be enchanting until I'm near the endgame, I dunno...

This is the revision of the previously draconic KTERA enchant system where you could lose the weapon IIRC.

For amazing as TERA is, it is this irksome shit that completely baffles me. The entire enchanting system, from cost-scrolling the Enigmatics to grinding the gears/Alkas for a chance at enabling an enchant that may or may not be ideal to your playstyle is not only protracted, it's possibly going to turn away the "more carrot less stick" crowd.


Had a great time in Tera this weekend.
I'm hoping anyone can explain a few things I missed?
How do you take screen shots and do you have to leave your character in a special place to receive resting exp?
TERA |OT| A minute to learn... a lifetime to master!

Had a great time in Tera this weekend.
I'm hoping anyone can explain a few things I missed?
How do you take screen shots and do you have to leave your character in a special place to receive resting exp?

Print Screen key takes screenshots - cntr-Z will remove the UI. Characters in Town's will get rest experience I think there is a compass icon for this, I can't remember.


Also, there's a scroll in the general goods shop that makes a weapon Enigmatic. I THINK this allows you to make a non-enchantable item become enchantable, but I have no idea. I didn't have 5g to blow to find out!

I used a few of those to get better stats for my gold weapon. You can't use them to make non-enchantable items into enchantable items.

Also, I think enchanting is well worth it if you get a nice gear with bonuses you need. The enchanting costs aren't really all that high either. I tend to keep pretty much all gear I find just so I can use them when I do find an ehcantable piece of armor that I want to upgrade.

The costs of Alkahest seems somewhat reasonable too, I bought a lvl33 tier 6 weapon for 7 g and spent about 6 - 7 g on alk to upgrade it to +6. Has waaay higher attack than the lvl 27 gold weapon (that is much more expensive) and the extra stats were quite decent as well. I just have to gain one more level to use it when the servers go up again.

Same with armor. Figured I might as well bolster up my def for the new dungeon.

What I'm curious about and that I didn't get to try yet is if you lose the upgrades if you turn the item back enigmatic, hmm.

Edit: someone asked earlier, you can preview the armor on your character by holding down control and clicking on the armor. Works in the broker shop too, don't even have to buy it to see what it looks like on your char.


A slight tangent to the enchanting stuff, but how do you turn off the messages about people getting a +6 on an item? I tried a few things in the options last night but none of them worked so I just let it go for the moment.
A slight tangent to the enchanting stuff, but how do you turn off the messages about people getting a +6 on an item? I tried a few things in the options last night but none of them worked so I just let it go for the moment.

You don't. People are complaining about it on the official forums.


Sorry the thread is huge now but can someone confirm this game is 'monster-hunter-ish' in terms of slaying and grinding for gear (which I love).
Unless they changed something since cbt in terms of instance and gear there is very little point to get level 33/32 gear if you did a bunch of repeatable and have a bit of progress tokens because with progress tokens you can get level 37 blues. Though the quality of those blues are a bit lowered I think (ilvl wise).


corporate swill
Pre orders are still available, right? I was going to wait a bit before I bought this but a couple of friends want to play now and I might as well snag those two mounts while I can.
Sorry the thread is huge now but can someone confirm this game is 'monster-hunter-ish' in terms of slaying and grinding for gear (which I love).

Based on what I played up to level 13 (which is not much, I realize), TERA is absolutely nothing like Monster Hunter, and I have absolutely no idea why I keep seeing this comparison.
Based on what I played up to level 13 (which is not much, I realize), TERA is absolutely nothing like Monster Hunter, and I have absolutely no idea why I keep seeing this comparison.

When you hit a button in Monster Hunter you attack. Same as Tera. Therefore we can assume they are the same game.
Just bought a new Gaming PC and the Digital Collectors addition. Never thought I'ld get back into PC gaming again. Just had to have this game! Have to wait till May 1 to play it for the first time. Really envious of you guys getting your head starts. See you in game!


So, a few things.

I like the game. However getting close to 32 I see a few issues I have with the game I'd like to outline and explain.

Things I disliked:

1. NPC/PC collision.
-->All too many times and all too easy is it to be caught on each other, or on the boss' legs and so forth. You wanted to use a skill, but some jerkoff ended up running in the way at the last second. Maybe you're trying to get away from a boss, but you're caught between another player and the boss' legs and you literally can't move out of the way of a swipe. This doesn't add to any sort of difficulty, nor does taking it away make the game easier. It simply makes it less frustrating, and allows the combat to remain in its current fluid state.
-->The current state allows people to grief, you can quite literally make a horse wall in front of doors or bridges and people can't get past you. This is kind of unacceptable and again frustrating for obvious reasons. Sure it's funny, but I'd rather do without it.
2. UI disappears on movement
--> Currently, you can't have your ui open and move at the same time. You can move in one direction but that's it, once you change it all disappears. This is kind of frustrating when you're auto running to a destination and trying to do something and the windows disappear. You either have to stop, do whatever you're doing, then move, or keep popping open the windows while readjusting your destination. Really, while moving the windows should just go transparent and stay as they are.
3. UI issues
-->Currently, if you're in a queue for an instance, you get teleported in if you accept the invite. However, if you die or change channels, or pretty much end up getting a load screen or something that messes with the UI, that goes away and doesn't come back. There is no other way to teleport into the instance, so after any of that, you have to hoof it manually into the instance. This should be changed to say, clicking the instance button and "teleporting to instance". This doesn't make the game any easier or harder, just less frustrating.
4. Gems breaking and deaths
-->Gems are basically mini enchantments you put on your gear, and have a chance to break on death. Gems can be but generally are not that cheap, especially if you have a good one. The most frustrating element is when your gems break because of PVP. PVE I could understand, especially since a lot of the gems are PVE based. Your "punishment" for dying is your gems breaking because you aren't being efficient enough in fights. However, gems breaking in pvp is like the phrase "kicking a man while he's down". You're out questing, or trying to get somewhere, and a high level comes around and one shots you. There's no challenge there for him, and just frustration for you. To make matters worse, because you can't res at a nearby quest hub (because that would make too much sense), you have to res at a "town" which 99% of the time is way the fuck off in another zone. Then, to put salt on the wound, you then find out that that dude killing you broke your gems. Awesome. And of course it's not like you can find and kill the asshole because he's a higher level than you. Are you going to beat me while I'm bleeding TERA?
-->An ideal solution to all this is for the game to be like, "oh you died to a player? your gems won't break then". But if you die to a boss or trash, then okay sure.
-->Additionally, make it a little easier to get back where you were when you died. This can be done by some sort of ghost form, and running back to your body, or ressing in the same place after a period of time, or maybe just releasing to a nearby camp/questhub. Make the "easy way out" ressurection warn you that there's a chance of it breaking your gems and giving a debuff or something. Just anything but having to run across an entire zone to get back to where you started or even a whole zone to get to the next one.
5. Other
-->Velika outskirts is empty. There's a manor there, a dock, a bridge.....and nothing else. No mobs, no npcs, nothing. It's barren. Why?
-->What purpose does it serve to not let you mount near the flight master?
-->changing the FOV to something not absurd (like the default of 60 to 90) breaks cutscenes. The camera at lots of times clips through the floor. Not a huge complaint, but it's pretty amusing.
-->Why are the quest rewards so terrible? I once got two questgivers side by side give the same exact quest reward. Then I realized, well obviously it's not for you to use, it's enchanting fodder. Then I realized it was just a huge money sink at anything but max level to keep enchanting your gear past +3, and that none of the bonuses at that level are worth the investment unless you're at max or an artificial max (say like 32 for the Open Beta). That's when I decided I'd rather have more meaningful quest rewards.
-->While I love the combat, I feel there's way too many kill quests and not enough "fun quests". Fun quests is something like, using the bomb to blow stuff up, beating the waves of monsters in a timed match, having to solo a BAM (that doesn't have cheap attacks unlike the naga juggs), maybe get turned into something and have to do something atypical? Anything that is different than the norm is welcome. Maybe a jumping puzzle? Some floor platforms you have to spin? Literally anything.

I'm not going to go into likes, because that would be outlining the entire rest of the game. Those were pretty much the main issues I wanted to bring up.
Based on what I played up to level 13 (which is not much, I realize), TERA is absolutely nothing like Monster Hunter, and I have absolutely no idea why I keep seeing this comparison.

All of the attacks have weight behind them and you need to aim properly. Monsters have tells that indicate what they are going to do. Unlike Monster Hunter, though, there's no targeting of body parts and the skills are set up like other MMORPGs with the chains you can do being limited.

The rest of the game is standard MMORPG stuff.


Also, I found this...I dunno, lol:
Tera Online: A Whole New Game song

LOL the truth of this game.

as to the post above with all the complaints.

1.No sorry I don't want them to make it so you can clip through players that would be stupid as hell and ruin the pvp and other tricks in the game that are designed around it.

2/3. Not being able to turn around with the ui up is a little bleh but do you really need to have it open so often that this becomes an issue? The reason the ui disapears on movement is because the mouse is tied to turning, when the ui is up the mouse becomes a normal mouse.

4.Gems don't break if you are white and get ganked. Gems break if you are red as a penalty for being a ganker. And would you want to waste time as a ghost. Use the teleport girls. They take you directly to all the camps you visited. Which is... right near where you are doing your quest derp.

5.Who gives a shit about the outside of the capital, all that used to be there was a quest to go out there and get your mount then you never really went there again. It's supposed to be a big peaceful area.

I would assume you cant mount near the flight master because you cant go into flight while mounted.

Why are the quest rewards in any mmo average compared to dungeon drops? It's normal and yes in this game they are used as enchanting fodder. They are not that bad if you never ran any instances though.

"fun quest" are a waste of time unless the reward out weighs the exp you would get from killing mobs and getting quest exp.

It has begun!


Tera |OT| Meet Your Future Waifu

Or Husbando

Elleon moe :(

Were you at the instance? Probably thought you could queue to jump to the instance? Haha

What happened was someone formed a party, we went inside and it was empty. Probably someone didn't clear their cooldown time or something. But no indication of this to my knowledge on screen.

TERA |OT| What's wrong with your face?
TERA |OT| Did you step in something?
TERA |OT| Looks like someone played a trick on you.
TERA |OT| I have a moment for you.
TERA |OT| Get your jaws off the floor boys

yep can't wait until I can switch back to JP voices...


For the VoT guild information, we don't really have a formal structure yet. Though we aren't closed to GAF-only members or anything, we (or I) haven't been actively recruiting. There's only about ten of us, so everyone is an officer. If/when we get more members, as a group we can decide on some structure. So I would leave it as is in the draft NeOak came up with.
Oh, didn't see that. Its not listed in the OP.

Does that means we can't do a guild thread?

I'm doing the OT for the gaming side (this is just a news/beta thread) but it was suggested by grate that we create a second thread in the community ghetto for managing the guild and members.


I'm doing the OT for the gaming side (this is just a news/beta thread) but it was suggested by grate that we create a second thread in the community ghetto for managing the guild and members.

Alright. Since the guilds are up and running and most are returning for the Early start
(Hazaro get your ass back in there)
I'll post the thread today.


Do like we do: Offer Cake at the end of the test!

Haha, well, we're pretty much a democracy right now. I'll wait until headstart, and we'll see how the guild wants to go about it. All that cake baking would be a pain.

On a side note, I can't fucking wait.
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