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The Apple iPad | The Official Thread

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Thanks guys. When I was playing with an iPad at the store it kept getting errors on youtube, even via the dedicated app. Just wanted to make sure it worked embedded. Would be super annoying if it didn't.


LCfiner said:
1. by default it loads up everything if you choose to sync apps. you can cancel the first sync and just pick the apps you want (same with music, video, etc)

2. search for "iPad" in your national itunes store and buy apps from there with your current account. A lot of apps should be uploaded to the store, but they're not being shown on the front page of the store in your country. If you want to buy iWork, the you need a US account. don't bother with iBooks or the US-only stuff like netflix since it just won't work on the device if you try to buy books or watch the streaming video.
I have a us account and a new zealad account. While I'm on my new Zealand account I can't access the AppStore or book store. However, when I log into my us account, I can access both.

But are you saying even though I can see the iBook store, I can't buy books?


NullPointer said:
Just double-tap on the iPad button, and if you have double-tap set to iPod, it'll bring up playback and volume controls as well as a button to go straight into the iPod app.
I'm wondering what happens to this if the rumors are true of an exposé-like interface for multitasking in OS 4.


Today I found out what that flap on the back of the Apple case does. I was struggling so much to get it to act as a horizontal stand beforehand.


Just a heads up to all my homies who were having difficulties grtting comic zeal to work, there is an update for the app that let's you do it through iTunes


Foob said:
Just a heads up to all my homies who were having difficulties grtting comic zeal to work, there is an update for the app that let's you do it through iTunes
yessss, gonna load it up now. :D
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?
thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?
Simple. Buy.
thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?

Submit. Give in. Kneel before Zod!

(As I sit back and wait a few weeks or so to save up money)
NullPointer said:
You iPad fans probably all know about this but its new to me - I had previously bemoaned the lack of iPod playback and volume controls when browsing in Safari or using other apps and just found out that those controls are always available.

Just double-tap on the iPad button, and if you have double-tap set to iPod, it'll bring up playback and volume controls as well as a button to go straight into the iPod app.

Nice. :D
I learn something new everyday on this thing it seemps like


thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?
Buy rev.1, have a sweet gadget to play with while you wait for rev.3 :D

That's what I do. Bought the original iPhone, traded with a friend for a 3G (he preferred the original's form factor) for $0, waited past the 3GS for the awesomeness to come from the next iPhone.
thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?
you know wut to do


mrkgoo said:
I have a us account and a new zealad account. While I'm on my new Zealand account I can't access the AppStore or book store. However, when I log into my us account, I can access both.

But are you saying even though I can see the iBook store, I can't buy books?

You can buy books with the us account because you are physically located in the us. I am not and it does an ip check to make sure where I'm located. Abc and netflix apps do the same thing and lock me out of the content regardless of my account country.


thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?

I feel the same way you do, but trust me: wait. Apple has a tendency to make the most mundane things seem revolutionary. Wait for a version or two, for the same price you'll probably pick up a unit that has increased storage, a USB port, and a camera. Unless you really feel like you need one. I want one, but I know that better version is on the horizon.
Tedesco! said:
I feel the same way you do, but trust me: wait. Apple has a tendency to make the most mundane things seem revolutionary. Wait for a version or two, for the same price you'll probably pick up a unit that has increased storage, a USB port, and a camera. Unless you really feel like you need one. I want one, but I know that better version is on the horizon.

In at least a year. The justification I use for buying first gen products is that the extra money I spend now is the cost of enjoying the product that much longer. If you just sit back and wait for the next revision, you will never buy anything ever. (I know you are waiting for it to hit just above its current level, then wait a few revisions after that to jump again. That is understandable to a degree.)

Seth C

I don't know if someone has already posted about this, but Comic Zeal has been updated and now allows you to add comics through iTunes. When looking at your iPad in iTunes, just click the Apps tab and scroll down to "File Sharing" and you can add files to upload to your iPad. It accepts CBR, CBZ, and CBI. The next time you open Comic Zeal it will go through a process of importing the comics. It isn't quick, but it worked. Plus, beautiful images that hasn't been re-sampled and re-compressed.


Tedesco! said:
I feel the same way you do, but trust me: wait. Apple has a tendency to make the most mundane things seem revolutionary. Wait for a version or two, for the same price you'll probably pick up a unit that has increased storage, a USB port, and a camera. Unless you really feel like you need one. I want one, but I know that better version is on the horizon.

Yes, no, yes.


thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?

Depends what you expect from revision 2. This thing is all bout the screen. The apps are all on the screen. You don't interact with any other hardware.

The fundamental experience between rev 1 and 2 will not change. The only difference might be cheaper price per gb storage or a higher res display or a slightly lighter weight. Maybe a webcam. Nothing that I think will make you curse yourself for jumping in early. There might be a few games that run better on newer hardware in a couple years but most devs will still be targeting rev 1 for their releases.

And os upgrades will work on the current iPad, even if they end up costing 5 or 10 bucks next year.


Seth C said:
I don't know if someone has already posted about this, but Comic Zeal has been updated and now allows you to add comics through iTunes. When looking at your iPad in iTunes, just click the Apps tab abd scroll down to "File Sharing" and you can add files to upload to your iPad. It accepts CBR, CBZ, and CBI. The next time you open Comic Zeal it will go through a process of importing the comics. It isn't quick, but it worked. Plus, beautiful images that hasn't been re-sampled and re-compressed.
Takes like 45 seconds to import each issue after you sync. Really frustrating. The dev says he's gonna fix that as soon as he gets his iPad to test on, at least.


Tedesco! said:
Why wouldn't they eventually include a USB port?
It's a satellite device not a host device.

Maybe in 5 years or more, apple might do it but right now the message is clear. You hook this up like an iPod. They don't want to confuse that message.

Also, what would they let you hook up via the USB port? A camera? You can already do that with the dongle. An external drive? They don't even want people to be able to do that, so the USB port isn't something they're looking at seriously.

Seth C

Costanza said:
Takes like 45 seconds to import each issue after you sync. Really frustrating. The dev says he's gonna fix that as soon as he gets his iPad to test on, at least.

Yeah. At least I get my un-messed-with comics on there, so I won't be compelled to re-upload them later due to syncing lower quality versions.
Terrell said:
Buy rev.1, have a sweet gadget to play with while you wait for rev.3 :D

That's what I do. Bought the original iPhone, traded with a friend for a 3G (he preferred the original's form factor) for $0, waited past the 3GS for the awesomeness to come from the next iPhone.

Yeah. My desire to get this now is overcoming my intellect and analytical thinking. I could sell it when version X.0 comes out right? ;)

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I've gone ahead to try and get a refund for MLB At Bat through AMEX. That software is ridiculously garbage right now. I didn't pay to be a beta tester. Fuck them. Also, I can't get video through it since I'm not an MLB Subscriber. Video was free last year! Am I missing something?

Tedesco! said:
I feel the same way you do, but trust me: wait. Apple has a tendency to make the most mundane things seem revolutionary. Wait for a version or two, for the same price you'll probably pick up a unit that has increased storage, a USB port, and a camera. Unless you really feel like you need one. I want one, but I know that better version is on the horizon.
Is a camera really worth waiting a year to you holdouts? A camera is worth a year without an iPad? Not to mention the fact that you'll lose out on ~$100 max by reselling your old iPad for the new one?


LCfiner said:
It's a satellite device not a host device.

Maybe in 5 years or more, apple might do it but right now the message is clear. You hook this up like an iPod. They don't want to confuse that message.

Also, what would they let you hook up via the USB port? A camera? You can already do that with the dingle. An external drive? They don't even want people to be able to do that, so the USB port isn't something they're looking at seriously.

I guess that's what I don't understand. Personally I would like it to be independent from my laptop. If I travel, I would rather just take the iPad and not my laptop too. I have a small external that I could use to swap out whatever media I want. And screw the dongle. Every computing device I own (except the iPhone) accepts USB. The exclusion of the USB and inclusion of having to buy a peripheral to do what every other computer does is either a cheap money grab or laziness. It's like the headphone jack of the original iPhone. I didn't care for that either.

I've argued with Shantyman about this many times, but the USB is the deal breaker. I just don't see any logical reason as to not include it.


NullPointer said:
Now is more fun than later.

Search your heart. You know this to be true.

If I was flush with a ton of disposable income, maybe, but if I am going to spend my money I am going to do it for the long haul. If I buy an iPad I plan on keeping it, not buying a new version every year. I've had my G5 since '05, and my MBP since '07. I don't plan on replacing them unless I have to.


thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?

In my opinion, the good completely outweighs the few things that I wish were different and may change in the next version. Besides, you'll miss out on the joy of going from OS 3.2 to 4.0 (though you'll probably have 2 or 3 months before it hits), which I have a feeling will be a serious shift. It's already so much fucking fun, the 4.0 release may just explode some heads.

Maybe it's just the sites that I commonly use, but I've run into far fewer flash-related roadblocks than I expected. It really seems like a large portion of major sites are moving to or at least including HTML5.

Porn, sadly, is still woefully underserved.
Bboy AJ said:
I've gone ahead to try and get a refund for MLB At Bat through AMEX. That software is ridiculously garbage right now. I didn't pay to be a beta tester. Fuck them. Also, I can't get video through it since I'm not an MLB Subscriber. Video was free last year! Am I missing something?

Is a camera really worth waiting a year to you holdouts? A camera is worth a year without an iPad? Not to mention the fact that you'll lose out on ~$100 max by reselling your old iPad for the new one?

That sucks. Looked like the iPad version of the app had so much promise. App works like a charm on my touch. Listening to a game right now in fact.


Costanza said:
Takes like 45 seconds to import each issue after you sync. Really frustrating. The dev says he's gonna fix that as soon as he gets his iPad to test on, at least.

That's a bummer. I'm gonna give it a shot just because i wanna see my comics in high quality.

This update is kind of bored, though. He changed the sensitivity on the downward swipe to exit the comic and it's basically impossible to get the downward swipe to register now


Gary Whitta said:
It got updated today, did you download the new version?

I just downloaded it a couple of minutes ago. Guess i'll delete it and try again. Thanks!

Edit: still not working. I'll just leave it alone for now.


LCfiner said:
It's a satellite device not a host device.

Maybe in 5 years or more, apple might do it but right now the message is clear. You hook this up like an iPod. They don't want to confuse that message.

Also, what would they let you hook up via the USB port? A camera? You can already do that with the dongle. An external drive? They don't even want people to be able to do that, so the USB port isn't something they're looking at seriously.

LC has it right, but I'd add that in the future USB could be a non issue, anyway. A firmware update is all it would take to let us sync with Wifi across devices.


thebigkahuna said:
I am so close to buying this and reading this thread is pushing me over the edge but... the logical part of my brain is telling me "Self, wait until revision 2 man!". What to do, what to do?

I'm waiting until Thursday to see what 4.0 is all about. I'm on the fence about getting the wifi vs the 3g, or just waiting for Rev B in a year.

After playing with one earlier today I didn't come away feeling like zomg must have now. I felt like, hmm... this could replace my aging macbook that I only ever use for web surfing.


Tedesco! said:
I guess that's what I don't understand. Personally I would like it to be independent from my laptop. If I travel, I would rather just take the iPad and not my laptop too. I have a small external that I could use to swap out whatever media I want. And screw the dongle. Every computing device I own (except the iPhone) accepts USB. The exclusion of the USB and inclusion of having to buy a peripheral to do what every other computer does is either a cheap money grab or laziness. It's like the headphone jack of the original iPhone. I didn't care for that either.

I've argued with Shantyman about this many times, but the USB is the deal breaker. I just don't see any logical reason as to not include it.
Depending on what you need to do on a trip, the iPad actually could suffice all on it's own. I'll be testing that later this months as i go on a work trip and try to see how much I can do with the iPad and leave my MacBook at the hotel desk.

But, for lots of other tasks, the iPad isn't well suited. That's why you have small net books and possiblly the hp slate as good alternatives. The net book doesn't do well what I wanr to do with a device like this but it has the advantage of being able to hook up to lots of accessories and give you more flexibility.

That's not the iPad.


Tobor said:
LC has it right, but I'd add that in the future USB could be a non issue, anyway. A firmware update is all it would take to let us sync with Wifi across devices.
Unfortunately that wasnt one of the rumors for the iPhone 4.0 os update so I doubt we'll get it for a while.


Tobor said:
LC has it right, but I'd add that in the future USB could be a non issue, anyway. A firmware update is all it would take to let us sync with Wifi across devices.

I'd be fine with that. A USB just seems like a simple solution. I take it all synching must be done via iTunes? I have media that doesn't jell with iTunes. Would that mean I couldn't synch it?


Dez said:
Unfortunately that wasnt one of the rumors for the iPhone 4.0 os update so I doubt we'll get it for a while.

True, I just think it's the natural conclusion. We're still waiting for the result of the Lala purchase as well. It could be that we're not syncing any devices locally by next year, but instead syncing everything to iTunes online.

Tedesco! said:
I'd be fine with that. A USB just seems like a simple solution. I take it all synching must be done via iTunes? I have media that doesn't jell with iTunes. Would that mean I couldn't synch it?

Yeah, everything you sync has to be iTunes friendly. There are alternatives to accessing media through iTunes, but it still has to be a format the iPad can handle.


mik is unbeatable
As fantastic as Sketchbook Pro is, I really think Adobe Ideas is more my style. I spent about 15 minutes horsing around with each and was much more satisfied with the simplicity and spontaneity I got from working with Ideas. But they're both pretty wonderful (even if my early results are not)...




Tobor said:
Yeah, everything you sync has to be iTunes friendly. There are alternatives to accessing media through iTunes, but it still has to be a format the iPad can handle.

I assume the iPad works with VLC?


thebigkahuna said:
Yeah. My desire to get this now is overcoming my intellect and analytical thinking. I could sell it when version X.0 comes out right? ;)
Bingo, I do it all the time. I'm totally gonna sell my current iPhone for whatever I can get when the new iPhone comes out.
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