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The Apple iPad | The Official Thread

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Want to order a 3g model aswell, but not sure which provider to choose, so I will wait a bit with that one.


Going to resist pre-ordering and just pick one up from the store when it comes out.

Though probably pre-order a camera kit judging from the lack of them in the US...


Mailenstein said:
When I try to check my status at the german apple online store I get a timeout. Seems busy :eek:.

no problems here but dude i think you might have made a mistake by orderin the pad together with the case. If they delay the case for some reason your ipad might get delayed too …
Flek said:
no problems here but dude i think you might have made a mistake by orderin the pad together with the case. If they delay the case for some reason your ipad might get delayed too …
We'll see^^. Hope it will turn out good.


I pre-ordered my 64GB Wifi iPad today. That'll sure dent my wallet.

I'm trying to find somewhere to get a Macally bookstand case in Australia though, I don't fancy the apple one.
SnowWolf said:
Air Video is the single most impressive iPad app. I can't believe it's only $3

My mom sold her Wi-Fi iPad and will be getting a 3G model. I'm going to tell her to reset the iPad to factory defaults. Is there anything else she should do before parting with the iPad permanently? Particularly with iTunes on her computer? I'm not sure if I have to deauthorize anything.

And when she gets the 3G iPad, can she connect it to her computer and have all the Wi-Fi iPad settings and apps automatically transferred?
Yes. This is exactly what I did. I backed up the WiFi, then when I synced my 3G, I told it to restore from a backup. Then I just renamed it from iPad to iPad 3G, and was done.

Flying_Phoenix said:
How's drawing on the iPad via stylus?

I'm not looking for a Wacom replacement, but more so something that I can do my storyboarding on the go.

Here's my reply from earlier in the thread:


I have the Pogo Stylus Sketch. It's alright, it definitely takes some getting used to, but for simply doing story boards it will be your best friend. Here's something I did after getting more comfortable with it:


The main thing you have to get used to is your have to press kinda hard for it to register, which I didn't expect at all because you barely have to touch the screen with your finger to get it to work. But once you have the pressure down, it's perfectly suitable for drawing with, be it for quick ideas or longer paintings.



McBacon said:
Keyboard and stand is for decadent elitists. I'm propping the iPad up with a plank of wood and using the USB connection kit to plug a dodgy 4 year old Sytek keyboard in. Living the highligh, yeeeeah boooy.
I ordered the case and camera kit for that, and for portrait if it's awkward to use completely vertically (upside down with cable coming out the top), I'll use my current ghetto stand, Office Depot Plate Holder (also a $2.99 one but I don't know if there's a difference, the one there was the $3.99 one when I went). Does the number pad work with it?
mAcOdIn said:
I'd ask around before doing something like that to a work computer, you might really get in trouble if you set up a wireless network within your work's network, I know I sure as fuck would. Ask before you do something like that.
Well it sounds like he was already using the Nintendo USB wifi dongle for his DS so either they're lenient or he doesn't care/know of any security policies.
WordAssassin said:
The main thing you have to get used to is your have to press kinda hard for it to register, which I didn't expect at all because you barely have to touch the screen with your finger to get it to work. But once you have the pressure down, it's perfectly suitable for drawing with, be it for quick ideas or longer paintings.
One other thing depends on how you draw. If you rest your hand on the surface while drawing that kinda screws things up. You have to either get used to keeping your hand off the screen...or get some biking or weightlifting glove, even Autodesk suggests it!


So even if I open a NY Times article in the browser, it won't allow me to save it to Instapaper? That is some amazing bullshit. My Instapaper feed says "This page is not available offline" on most NY Times articles. Eff that.


Crazymoogle said:
If you use 1-click it goes into a 90 minute holding pattern...but yeah, no idea what the system is at this point. Hope I'm not way back in the queue. Not having in-store pickup is ridiculous. They went to all that trouble to implement it in their international stores, and now they decided against using it? :lol

Just ordered a 64GB+3G. Interesting to see that Apple has revealed Rogers data plans!

1. 250MB/month: $15
2. 5GB/month: $35

3. Nothing, but it burns data off your current data plan: $20

Once again, Rogers has found the sweet spot for gouging. :lol The microsim is what, 25c though? May as well give it a try.

pretty much what I expected. similar to the AT&T plan but with no real unlimited option.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Well...there's no Apple thread, and this seems to be the most active one these days.

Curious what AppleGAF thinks of this video:

My thoughts:
My initial reaction to the video was that I was somehow being duped. My love for Apple products wasn't so much because I actually liked them, but because I was taken by a snake charmer.

...then the video goes on to talk about how people who believe as they believe are the ones who are going to become those early adopters. They aren't buying the products as much as they are buying the beliefs...

This made more sense to me, and pretty clearly seemed to point to why we have such anti-Apple threads on these boards. People that believe in Apple's philosophy are the ones who are generally buying the products. It only makes sense, then, that they would be supportive of the product beyond that of some physical thing, but more of what it represents.

There's obviously more to this than just initial adoption, as what makes someone buy a 3GS over a 3G? Or a 3G over an OG? Surely at that point someone is buying the "what", aren't they? Apple does seem to build in short lifecycles for their products, so perhaps Apple knowingly does this because consumers aren't so much buying the "what's" of their products, but the "why". If people are buying based on "why", they are probably not very likely to buy as often unless they need to.

It does seem like Apple products have a pretty consistent early adopter constituency, though. I wonder where that all comes from....

Just my initial take, but I'm curious if anyone else feels like discussing it.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
And Canada is fleeced yet again*. Good to see the world is still turning.

* as of the current exchange rate, entry ipad comes at $540US.


RubxQub said:
Well...there's no Apple thread, and this seems to be the most active one these days.

Curious what AppleGAF thinks of this video:

My thoughts:

Just my initial take, but I'm curious if anyone else feels like discussing it.

I think there's another layer there that this guy doesn't even touch on and that's ease of use. For instance, me and the wife were at the in-laws this weekend and I didn't even have to explain how to use the iPad when I passed it to grandma or mom or aunt (all above 50 and grandma's 72). There was no "oh, how do I work this" - there was an instant familiarity. And none of these people have iPhones or iPod touches but they'd used our iPhones briefly to look at pictures. But still, they didn't have to re-learn anything, they weren't scared of accidentally hitting the wrong thing or breaking something. And that goes a long way into how the products are designed not just the way Apple markets them to people.

In terms of the way Apple markets, the guy's hit the nail right on the head. The iPad ads in magazines are the best example. There's no text or pitch, they just show the product doing what it does. TV ads for iPod/iPad/iPhone do the same thing. In fact while commenting on how much she'd like an ipod, Grandma referenced the iPhone ad where they show all the resources to getting a dog. Showing a situation from start to finish where you'd use the product or showing it in use makes it easy to understand.
I'm new to touch devices so I apologize in advance if this question is extremely stupid, but sometimes I have trouble sliding my finger.

Sometimes it works flawlessly, but in games I need to swipe a lot, it will start getting dryer until I can't even swipe it anymore. My finger just gets kinda stuck on the screen and won't slide smoothly.

Anyone else had that problem? I'm thinking I need some kinda lube, but I don't wanna damage the screen, so I thought I'd ask for suggestions here.
RubxQub said:
Well...there's no Apple thread, and this seems to be the most active one these days.

Curious what AppleGAF thinks of this video:

Such a great video, thanks for posting it.

I think he's right on the money. Apple, or any really successful item based company do an amazing job of hitting that market that already sees the benifits of their products before they are even released. And once those people buy their products and speak very highly of them because it molds into their life so effortlessly, others around them can't help but be influenced.


SuperPac said:
I think there's another layer there that this guy doesn't even touch on and that's ease of use. For instance, me and the wife were at the in-laws this weekend and I didn't even have to explain how to use the iPad when I passed it to grandma or mom or aunt (all above 50 and grandma's 72). There was no "oh, how do I work this" - there was an instant familiarity. And none of these people have iPhones or iPod touches but they'd used our iPhones briefly to look at pictures. But still, they didn't have to re-learn anything, they weren't scared of accidentally hitting the wrong thing or breaking something. And that goes a long way into how the products are designed not just the way Apple markets them to people.

In terms of the way Apple markets, the guy's hit the nail right on the head. The iPad ads in magazines are the best example. There's no text or pitch, they just show the product doing what it does. TV ads for iPod/iPad/iPhone do the same thing. In fact while commenting on how much she'd like an ipod, Grandma referenced the iPhone ad where they show all the resources to getting a dog. Showing a situation from start to finish where you'd use the product or showing it in use makes it easy to understand.

And yet none of them, nor maybe you, would give a damn about how simple or intuitive it all is, had there not been the familiarity with what Apple is.

At the end of the day, what Sinek said is, alas, image marketing 101. He's completely right, mind you; yet it's also something that everyone learns in every marketing class, but abandons once they hit the grind and tumble of the everyday business world where numbers and results often eclipses and eventually, overshadows, the adherence to the bigger marketing vision.

Thanks for posting the video btw; I really don't watch as many TED videos as I should.


It's not just about image, though. You have to hire employees who get it, and designers who get it, and marketers who get it.

If Apple didn't design the products the way they do, no amount of marketing would save them. The same holds true in reverse. Get the marketing right, or you still fail, like TiVo.

Cool video.


RubxQub said:
Curious what AppleGAF thinks of this video:
I thought it was a fascinating talk, but I think he confused marketing with creation. He seemed to think that people buy products they believe in, which is true, but I think the real source of Apple's power is that the CREATE products that they believe in. If you compare that to a Dell computer that looks suspiciously like a MacBook Pro, you can tell that the only purpose behind it was to copy a competitor. They weren't creating something they believed in, they were creating something that they thought someone else did. Apple doesn't have to sell us on the Why. It's obvious. It's the fact that the Why exists in the first place that is important.

...then the video goes on to talk about how people who believe as they believe are the ones who are going to become those early adopters. They aren't buying the products as much as they are buying the beliefs...
More like, they are buying in accordance with their beliefs. And that's not the only factor. I grew up on a Mac but went to Windows in high school through much of my adult life because Macs weren't compatible with the game industry. So even though I believed what Apple believed, there was a practical aspect that I couldn't ignore. The second I could ignore it though, I went back.

This made more sense to me, and pretty clearly seemed to point to why we have such anti-Apple threads on these boards.
The anti-Apple sentiment comes largely from how god damned annoying Apple users are. It was a combination of arrogant superiority and cliquish exclusiveness that made them all seem like they knew a secret you weren't good enough to know. That kind of thing bores right into your self esteem and causes a knee jerk self defense reaction.

I think that attitude has diminished somewhat as Macs have become more popular, but it also happens to be the attitude that early adopters have - and as far as early adopting goes, there have been no bigger product releases in recent history than the iPhone and iPad. So, people still associate that behavior with Apple even though it is due more to a different segment of users than before. Those really obnoxious iPad users (that's us) aren't the same whiny bitches trying to convince people that Copland would solve world hunger, but the attitude is the same and that's all non-Apple people see.

It does seem like Apple products have a pretty consistent early adopter constituency, though. I wonder where that all comes from....
Apple is typically very good at communicating exactly how a product will fit into your life, and usually, it is something missing from your life that you didn't know you were missing. Before the iPad was announced, can anyone truthfully say that their life lacked one? Now I see people posting that every day. Same thing with stuff like iLife, iPod, iMac, iPhone, and so on.

Apple does have products that aren't immediately superior solutions, like iWork, or serve no lifestyle purpose, like Apple.tv, and in general, I don't think you see those doing as well with early adopters.


SuperPac said:
I think there's another layer there that this guy doesn't even touch on and that's ease of use. For instance, me and the wife were at the in-laws this weekend and I didn't even have to explain how to use the iPad when I passed it to grandma or mom or aunt (all above 50 and grandma's 72). There was no "oh, how do I work this" - there was an instant familiarity. And none of these people have iPhones or iPod touches but they'd used our iPhones briefly to look at pictures. But still, they didn't have to re-learn anything, they weren't scared of accidentally hitting the wrong thing or breaking something. *snip*
Yeah, about that... Hot Zones

Haven't seen the video yet. I'll probably disagree with everything ;)

HOW TO: Enable Emoji On Your iPad and doesn't anybody know how to do it on a non jailbroken iPod Touch in the UK?


Tobor said:
It's not just about image, though. You have to hire employees who get it, and designers who get it, and marketers who get it.

If Apple didn't design the products the way they do, no amount of marketing would save them. The same holds true in reverse. Get the marketing right, or you still fail, like TiVo.

Cool video.

But that was the whole point of his speech, that you can have people who get it and still have the whole thing wrong. It is very much the image, the emotional appeal, that's what drives the sale. Go to any shitty Amway pyramid scheme meetings and it's the exact same lesson that they'll teach you.

That's the whole point of his take on TiVo, that they didn't get the marketing right, with marketing being not just advertising. And to head off the marketing vs. product conversation right now, no, well executed marketing or product does not automatically infer that the other will be poor or lacking.


Davidion said:
But that was the whole point of his speech, that you can have people who get it and still have the whole thing wrong. It is very much the image, the emotional appeal, that's what drives the sale. Go to any shitty Amway pyramid scheme meetings and it's the exact same lesson that they'll teach you.

That's the whole point of his take on TiVo, that they didn't get the marketing right, with marketing being not just advertising. And to head off the marketing vs. product conversation right now, no, well executed marketing or product does not automatically infer that the other will be poor or lacking.
That was absolutely not the point, listen to the Wright Brothers segment again. That was completely devoid of imaging and marketing. You have to believe at every point of the process.

Edit: reading what you wrote again, I'm confused. Were arguing the same thing.


Tobor said:
That was absolutely not the point, listen to the Wright Brothers segment again. That was completely devoid of imaging and marketing. You have to believe at every point of the process.

What did you think the apex of marketing is?


Tobor said:
Gruber posted this earlier, but Omni group sold 5000 copies of Omnigraffle on iPad at $50 a pop. That's really impressive for a premium app. It's good to see that there's room for developers to stick by the value of their product and be a success.
I'm glad too. I just wish it wasn't Omnigraffle. I've always thought it was overpriced, even the desktop versions. It's a $50 application selling for $200. The iPad app is a $20 app selling for $50. I realize that they are selling to businesses and not consumers, but it seems like a rip off now matter how you scratch it.


RubxQub said:
Well...there's no Apple thread, and this seems to be the most active one these days.

Curious what AppleGAF thinks of this video:

My thoughts:
My initial reaction to the video was that I was somehow being duped. My love for Apple products wasn't so much because I actually liked them, but because I was taken by a snake charmer.

...then the video goes on to talk about how people who believe as they believe are the ones who are going to become those early adopters. They aren't buying the products as much as they are buying the beliefs...

This made more sense to me, and pretty clearly seemed to point to why we have such anti-Apple threads on these boards. People that believe in Apple's philosophy are the ones who are generally buying the products. It only makes sense, then, that they would be supportive of the product beyond that of some physical thing, but more of what it represents.

There's obviously more to this than just initial adoption, as what makes someone buy a 3GS over a 3G? Or a 3G over an OG? Surely at that point someone is buying the "what", aren't they? Apple does seem to build in short lifecycles for their products, so perhaps Apple knowingly does this because consumers aren't so much buying the "what's" of their products, but the "why". If people are buying based on "why", they are probably not very likely to buy as often unless they need to.

It does seem like Apple products have a pretty consistent early adopter constituency, though. I wonder where that all comes from....

Just my initial take, but I'm curious if anyone else feels like discussing it.

i liked this video a lot made me kinda proud to be a early adaptor.


OK, am I just a total cretin because I simply cannot find a way to subscribe to the New York Times via the NYT best of app.

How do I subscribe to the iPad daily edition of the NYT?


WordAssassin: Heh, cool drawings. I've been meaning to start a "iPad art thread (or general creativity", just for the heck of it, but not sure how another iPad thread would go down. Everyone has purchased or downloaded some drawing app, so it might be worth seeing what people have cooked up. A random "I drew this on my iPad" post in this thread can be out of place.


Google said:
OK, am I just a total cretin because I simply cannot find a way to subscribe to the New York Times via the NYT best of app.

How do I subscribe to the iPad daily edition of the NYT?

didn't think there was a way to get the real newspaper yet? Just the free, 'editors choice' app, which Steve Jobs apparantly hates, but I really like


mrklaw said:
didn't think there was a way to get the real newspaper yet? Just the free, 'editors choice' app, which Steve Jobs apparantly hates, but I really like

Ah, OK.

I really like the app too, thus why I wanted the digital version in the same type of app.

They apparently have the adobe air version you can download on your mac/pc, but no iPad as of yet it seems.


Google said:
Ah, OK.

I really like the app too, thus why I wanted the digital version in the same type of app.

They apparently have the adobe air version you can download on your mac/pc, but no iPad as of yet it seems.
They offer a subscription service via Kindle, and allegedly the reason the iPad App is so shitty is because of the contract they have with Kindle. If they offered an actual iPad subscription, they would have to offer it, IIRC, at the same price as the Kindle App; and there's a big debate internally with the Times over their pricing. IMO, the App is worthless compared to just bookmarking the actual website and using it. There is such little content on the App vs. Just browsing the website.


lawblob said:
There is such little content on the App vs. Just browsing the website.

Understood - but I'm not on 3G, and I like the idea of downloading the paper in the morning via the app, and reading it on the way to work.


czartim said:
Is The Battle of Wesnoth any good?

And are there any killer apps that have come out in the last week or so?

I've played Wesnoth on Linux boxen. It's alright. I suppose it depends on the cost and whether you can import user-made campaigns.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Gary Whitta said:
Jobs hates that NYT app? I'm going to send him an email:

"We think it's great."

Eh, I'm starting to hate it too.

Limited access, no magazine section, no arts section, janky formatting (especially in the short-format newsclips), and that same ridiculously annoying Chase ad on every page. I'm ready to hand them money to give me the full version.


RubxQub said:
Well...there's no Apple thread, and this seems to be the most active one these days.

Curious what AppleGAF thinks of this video:

My thoughts:
My initial reaction to the video was that I was somehow being duped. My love for Apple products wasn't so much because I actually liked them, but because I was taken by a snake charmer.

...then the video goes on to talk about how people who believe as they believe are the ones who are going to become those early adopters. They aren't buying the products as much as they are buying the beliefs...

This made more sense to me, and pretty clearly seemed to point to why we have such anti-Apple threads on these boards. People that believe in Apple's philosophy are the ones who are generally buying the products. It only makes sense, then, that they would be supportive of the product beyond that of some physical thing, but more of what it represents.

There's obviously more to this than just initial adoption, as what makes someone buy a 3GS over a 3G? Or a 3G over an OG? Surely at that point someone is buying the "what", aren't they? Apple does seem to build in short lifecycles for their products, so perhaps Apple knowingly does this because consumers aren't so much buying the "what's" of their products, but the "why". If people are buying based on "why", they are probably not very likely to buy as often unless they need to.

It does seem like Apple products have a pretty consistent early adopter constituency, though. I wonder where that all comes from....

Just my initial take, but I'm curious if anyone else feels like discussing it.

I think the video was poor, and that popular psychology tossed in (bullshit brain science and simplistic reading of MLK) but I think you got the interpreted it better than he did. It's the 'What' that sells Apple Products to the masses, that's what their best iPhone advertising videos do. The Why can get you the early adopters but if early adopters were the tipping point then Linux would be owning the computer market. Their believers have more faith in the platforms philosophy that anybody else. And hey, I'm someone who doesn't believe in the iPad's philosophy but is still an early adopter. *shrug*

czartim said:
Is The Battle of Wesnoth any good?

And are there any killer apps that have come out in the last week or so?

Yeah, Note Taker HD. Writing on it is a charm and it's reading my Pogo stylus sufficiently well. I use the Edit 2 mode so I don't have to worry about my arm resting on any part of the screen. It's light on the glitter (certainly not as good looking as Penultimate) but *shrug* I use Comic Reader Mobi and Calibre, often functional UI beats out the beautiful ones.


mattiewheels said:
Eh, I'm starting to hate it too.

Limited access, no magazine section, no arts section, janky formatting (especially in the short-format newsclips), and that same ridiculously annoying Chase ad on every page. I'm ready to hand them money to give me the full version.

or just go to the website :\
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