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The Black Culture Thread |OT17| - Thanks, Obama

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Now it is a racist code "We Wuz Kingz" is reddit and twitter racists favorite subject. Saying black people always been animals.

Maybe stop them from saying it with their misplaced pride
And why hoteps always wearing wife beaters?
no its deeper than that for real, but it is also outdated too. it was a figurative thing that all black men were kings and all black women were queens, trying to inspire self-respect, etc. It had its time and place of context, but it's out of place today.
They need to find a better soundbite
Now it is a racist code "We Wuz Kingz" is reddit and twitter racist favorite subject. Saying black people always been animals.


Okay if I ever become president, my executive order is that every single white supremacist/racist/soulless republican loses their job status, assets, etc and are forced to work minimum wage jobs for the rest of their lives. And never ever get promoted and get higher pay because they can go fuck themselves.



Okay if I ever become president, my executive order is that every single white supremacist/racist/soulless republican loses their job status, assets, etc and are forced to work minimum wage jobs for the rest of their lives. And never ever get promoted and get higher pay because they can go fuck themselves.

What about orange mans?

Too much trust.

May have no choice in a min man, the guy is taking way too long. But no point in leaving now after waiting time.


Audioboxer & Dalibor.

I remember a thread they spent felating each other over the sensibilities of others. One of those "Are people too easily offended these days!?!?" dumbshit threads.
I see....
no its deeper than that for real, but it is also outdated too. it was a figurative thing that all black men were kings and all black women were queens, trying to inspire self-respect, etc. It had its time and place of context, but it's out of place today.

I guess the moment it becomes a meme or in the case of pre-internet meme, a ComicView joke routine, a subject of humor in rap album shorts, and joked about in Waynan's Brothers movies, it has moved from the serious cultural usefulness into the farcical. and as usual, racist white people late as shit.

You old
What about orange mans?

May have no choice in a min man, the guy is taking way too long. But no point in leaving now after waiting time.

Oh yeah...Trump loses his money, his properties and is forced to sit in a chair in front of a long ass line and watch as his shit get given away for free to needy people. From money, to expensive shit that get sold to make money, he won't be able to leave until every last thing is given away. And he can never get it back. Also he is forced to work as a Walmart greeter.



I watched all this shit go down. I'm a child of those "say it loud, i'm black and i'm proud" signs that people would put up in black owned shops everywhere.

for real the youtube hoteps of today are the black fraternity fuckups of the late 80s to early 90s, misguided afrocentrism, misogyny, homophobia and all. they're even wearing the same clothes. all those dudes grew out of it and work at law firms now though.


What is GAF's issue with how people do relationships?


Never saw a forum so pressed about what people do about their love life and how much they think society does or does not practice polygamy vs monogamy.

I don't think GAF is the only place that thinks we are sexual animals that should just fuck everything. This idea is constantly floated around with lines like "it's our biology."

I know some married friends who talk about how hard being in an mono relationship is for them at times, even if they really do love their partners.


In Thanos first appearances he was just a dude talking to a statue. They decided to have him actuaally talk to death after he got swoll.


The concept of Death as a figment of his imagination falls apart a little when Death blasts Thanos at some point during that fight, and a little more since Deadpool can see her and she's interacted with other people before.

I'd love to see Thanos jump to the DC Universe and try to get that Anti-Life Equation to give to Death.

I had a Silver Surfer comic back in the day where he was fighting a stone Thanos. It's still around here somewhere with my other old comics but I think the cover's all fucked up

It was this one

I don't think GAF is the only place that thinks we are sexual animals that should just fuck everything. This idea is constantly floated around with lines like "it's our biology."

I know some married friends who talk about how hard being in an mono relationship is for them at times, even if they really do love their partners.

True, its likely I just see it more often here than the select few I visit. But you're right, I know a couple of my acquaintances that keep a side or two around from their main live in relationship, even the ones they have kids with.

It's a mindset I wasn't raised by, but I have engaged in and eventually found myself bored with. I just don't get the need to rationalize being poly vs mono. And some of the posters here try so hard.

I look at it as, either you want a relationship with one person at a time, or you want multiple partners, why bother with explaining to others how monogamy is "biologically unnatural".


D i Z

Mornin' all.

Nope I'm not looking for anyone to blindly agree, but I asked you your purpose of the conversation sine it has become apparent that you have been assumptions throughout this discussion. Not once did I mention criticism of something I like or find enjoyable is unwarranted. I have pointed out that insults and complaints about a character look and actual physical characteristics shared by real people are being made in ignorance and deserve nothing more than a petty remark. So it seems like your discussion has moved passed my comments, hence why I keep asking you to explain yourself. We can have a discussion but I'm not going to pretend that I'm discussing the merits of criticism when I'm discussing assholes on the internet claiming facial structures to be ugly and off and hairstyles to be inherently edgy. Maybe you re discussing that but that is a discussion by yourself since my points have not changed.

Then there is no point in continuing this conversation if you don't see the obvious correlation, nor allow the conversation to expand past these arbitrary restrictions when I've been very clear on what i don't agree with and why. We can leave it at that. There are more important things that we can talk about.


This is how Cali always is. For all the good it does in social issues and services, it's shit at handling the water situation in the state

Well the idea was to conserve water until our reservoirs were back up to speed, and we did that pretty well thanks to the rain, but we never expected to have THIS MUCH water. Take the Oroville Dam for example. It had an emergency spillway because you NEED an emergency spillway, but it's obvious by the lack of upkeep that they had no immediate plans to actually use it.
Yeah he's already done that. He was chatting shit with a mate for like 30mins while customers were pouring in.

had to google it

My fav is when they go into another room at the back and do watever it is they do there..

That's what I hate about our people sometimes. You'd think they'd want to make money. That's how you end up losing customers.

It was sort of my fault for messing with hood stylists, but I remember one time it took forever to get my hair done by this girl in my old town. She constantly had dudes coming in and out the house talking to them and ran to the store for a pack of cigarettes. Never went to her again.


I thought Death was one of the cosmic aspects. Now I could see that "young death girl" that young Thanos was thirsting after just being a figment of his imagination. Or the other bct terminology I can't remember, starts with an 's', but it isn't stanning or being a scrub. What is that word?


death as a skeletal non-speaking dark shrouded figure? I can buy it. Death as a purple haired emo teenager, "ignoring" Thanos so he wigs out and does bad things? Nah breh.



That's what I hate about our people sometimes. You'd think they'd want to make money. That's how you end up losing customers.

It was sort of my fault for messing with hood stylists, but I remember one time it took forever to get my hair done by this girl in my old town. She constantly had dudes coming in and out the house talking to them and ran to the store for a pack of cigarettes. Never went to her again.

Fortunately there are more than enough shops
It's easier to tell the suspect ones sometimes.
Gave one a chance one time and a different barber showed up to cut my hair than the one i talked to and agreed specifics with
Never went back


I thought Death was one of the cosmic aspects. Now I could see that "young death girl" that young Thanos was thirsting after just being a figment of his imagination. Or the other bct terminology I can't remember, starts with an 's', but it isn't stanning or being a scrub. What is that word?


death as a skeletal non-speaking dark shrouded figure? I can buy it. Death as a purple haired emo teenager, "ignoring" Thanos so he wigs out and does bad things? Nah breh.

She seems to alternate between the woman and the skeleton woman. In the Deadpool game she's a woman with Dia de los Muertos skeleton makeup.

I like the versions of Death where Death is really chill, like "hey buddy, you're dead. Sorry about that. I know you've got a little going on right now but we need to leave."

So something like Discworld Death or Twilight Zone Death, or Last Action Hero Seventh Seal Death.

Not like Final Destination Death which seems to be sending people visions to Rube Goldberg them to death later for fun.
Y'all all say unt in here right? That aunt vs aunt thread just reminded me of one time I was in class in middle school and my black teacher said you notice how black people say aunt and white people say ant.

That's been my experience too and it's reflected in the movies and tv shows I watch too.
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