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The creator of Earthworm Jim just misgendered a journalist on purpose

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Is anyone actually surprised? Guy is/ was great on a professional level, but is an absolute dick.

Something tells me that people who have worked for/with him might disagree. Being a professional is more than just producing good work.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

i think the poster was referencing this :)

Earthworms are hermaphrodites–each individual carries both male and female sex organs. They lack either an internal skeleton or exoskeleton, but maintain their structure with fluid-filled coelom chambers that function as a hydrostatic skeleton.

Shame the dude is such an asshole, loved his work back in the day.

Beth Cyra

Yay more Transphobia.

Seriously though this would be worse if it wasn't so well documented that this dude is a piece of trash, so not shocked in the least.


Junior Member
Something tells me that people who have worked for/with him might disagree. Being a professional is more than just producing good work.

I mean, you are not being professional if the way you accept a critique is to directly bully the person who analyzed your work, not you.

He is the one shooting the first fires and he is the only one getting shot.
Earthworm Jim has always been a mediocre game.

This guy can just fuck right off.

If it was not a mediocre game people should respond differently?
It will never stop to amaze me how people on Twitter just make an ass out of themselves out of nowhere for no good reason.

It is weird, but at the same time must appreciate that's not what they may internally feel, and they also likely see that there are others who would agree with them, which is also true.


Old Member
A quick Google search tells me worms are neither male or female. Some are hermaphroditic while others reproduce through fragmentation.

I'm well aware of this. Like I said before, it's just such a bizarre statement to process. I had a flash of, say, my dad reading it and having that reaction.


I mean, you are not being professional if the way you accept a critique is to directly bully the person who analyzed your work, not you.

He is the one shooting the first fires and he is the only one getting shot.

Good point. This itself is a professional interaction and he was as shitty about it as possible without showing up at her door and punching her in the face while streaming.


It takes no effort at all to respect someone and address them in a manner that they feel comfortable with. It's a shame so many people are insensitive and cruel.


I'm starting to see this a lot of twitter, people saying there is only two genders etc, usually coming from the far right. It also isn't helping that celebrities with millions of followers such as piers morgan are spouting the same nonsense


I would suggest people report his tweets. He should not have a platform, certainly not one from a public corporation.

This behavior is against the rules of twitter and should not be fucking tolerated. The normalization of this is heartbreaking. He very intentionally misgendered someone to make them feel bad about themselves rather than the content of their post. He should go back into the sewers where he belongs.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
What's dumb is that Tennapel could have had a good discussion about that article. Instead he does this stupid shit, and completely proves the writer correct.


I'm starting to see this a lot of twitter, people saying there is only two genders etc, usually from the right wing. It isn't helping that celebrities with millions of followers such as piers morgan are also spouting the same nonsense

Twitter has, literally, always been that way.
No. Once you start writing for Breitbart, you sort of catapult yourself into the realm of total irrelevance.

I mean the last thing he did was launch a barely successful Kickstarter campaign that launched to poor reviews and sales.

Oh and he showran a Christian cartoon on Netflix I guess...

Dude craves attention. He isn't doing shit so he's stirring the pot


Old Member
I would suggest people report his tweets. He should not have a platform, certainly not one from a public corporation.

This behavior is against the rules of twitter and should not be fucking tolerated. The normalization of this is heartbreaking. He very intentionally misgendered someone to make them feel bad about themselves rather than the content of their post. He should go back into the sewers where he belongs.

Twitter lives and dies on the backs of morons. If they eliminate trolls and idiots, they're done.


The effort bigots put forward to disrespect others is infuriating sometimes. He literally could have just written person or woman but felt compelled to misgender her.


Interestingly, you can actually be fined for publicly misgendering someone after a transition (in which there birth certificate has been reprinted with their new gender); its all broken down and spoken about in the documents and such you have to go through when transitioning. I believe its after operations (I actually don't think this one matters, you can be pre or no-op and still legally classified as the gender you define as), official and financial records now legally class you as the gender you see yourself as that people can then be fined for it. (Source: I dated a girl who was transitioning and she pointed it out to me in some of the documentation after a heated argument with a guy calling her out about it).

This is a fabrication. Applicable (somewhat) in NYC, and Canada.

ITT - Pitchforks. Ironic.

He's entitled to his opinion. You're all entitled to be upset. But there is no obligation for him to say anything he doesn't want to say.


Yeah, I discovered TenNapel was trash when he did a webcomic called Ratfist, where the main moral was that corporations are good, the public is bad, and one of the main supporting characters was a muslim that constantly said stuff like "Don't make me put a fatwa on you!"

He's a talented artist but sadly he's a garbage dumpster of a human being and I will never support his work going forward.

He's also said that he wished politics would go back to the good ol' days of the mid 1800s, which...is a very ridiculous thing to say on a number of levels.


Was this 'Heather' born with a penis?

I know you're banned, but if you see this consider all the facts.

The fact is research strongly suggests that gender (identifying as a man or woman) involves physical differences in the brain structure. So ones gender can be mismatched with their sex. This isn't some weird choice people are making. The brain is what defines us as who we are. The rest is a vessel for keeping our brain alive.

Another fact is that the physical definition of male and female (your sex organs) can indeed be changed. Something this guy flat out is lying about. I seriously doubt he is unaware of sex change operations and hormone therapy. So he is saying this just to be a bigot.

tldr: He is lying about gender and sex to hurt another human being for being born the way they are.


Junior Member
Good point. This itself is a professional interaction and he was as shitty about it as possible without showing up at her door and punching her in the face while streaming.

More or less. This was just ridicolous and I'm happy to see GAF in such a good perspective about this.

I'm starting to see this a lot of twitter, people saying there is only two genders etc, usually coming from the far right. It also isn't helping that celebrities with millions of followers such as piers morgan are spouting the same nonsense

The problem with Twitter is that the bullying is so in the general idea of the web that a lot of my friends has said "Yeah well just ignore it" "You can't do anything to help it" and that's disheatening.

The place is such a good forum to exchange just jokes and some thoughts with inner circles that the general and wide aspect of it is just scary and vile.

I do not recommend the platform to anybody who has anxiety problems

Beth Cyra

This is a fabrication. Applicable (somewhat) in NYC, and Canada.

ITT - Pitchforks. Ironic.

He's entitled to his opinion. You're all entitled to be upset. But there is no obligation for him to say anything he doesn't want to say.
What the hell?

This is like saying it's okay to the the opinion of a fucking racist or a sexiest pig who mistreats women because it's the mans right as the head of the house.

Some "opinions" are fucking wrong and not acceptable what so ever.
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