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The Final Bosman Show

I'd be happy to see this commercial come over as it is to sell the New 3DS in the west, but I'm sure we'll get some lesser pop star or a celeb that couldn't draw eyes to a TV like Kyary.

I not so secretly hope that Kyle does an episode about how people are mad at Nintendo and Platinum Games over Bayonetta 2 being an exclusive before it comes out. I'd love to see him set the record straight with his logic and heart especially now that it's been confirmed that P* shopped around the title and kept getting rejected.

Reading things that idiots say to Kamiya on his twitter just piss me off so much. How can you attack someone who's spent so much of their life making great games that you claim to love? Anyway, I'd be great to see his take on this even though it might be too serious of a subject for show considering how berserk people go.


That Defy Media office looks "cozy" for lack of a better word. I'm used to the professional lights-and-sound polish that Viacom's GameTrailers used to have.

But I've been thinking about the New 3DS commercial and how catered to Japan's market/audience it is. To compare the Japanese vs. E3 reveal trailers for the Mii Fighter in Smash Bros. 3DS...

E3 trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1K-WqQYw7w
Japan trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vimy1e3LCM

Rather than going with something accessible to all, they went for something specific to the audience. Japan got AKB48 and Shinya Arino, E3 got Elijah Wood and Ice-T. Seeing Japan get a commercial catered to them, I'm wondering how Nintendo of America will handle the New 3DS marketing, and if it'll be pointed at us in the way that Japan's commercial was pointed at them.

Maybe Nintendo will get Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon. They could probably at least get Conan to do another sketch of some kind. It makes me wonder at what our Western equivalents are. In Japan you get pop idols and fetch fashion to sell your 3DS. How do you do it 'Merica style?

Bosman's Cooking mama review was hilarious and a bit sad to be honest.

The new Final Bosman was pretty good. Bonus bit was hilarious although also clear indication of where the market is going


If Bosman is really reading this thread, please know that videos in the GT website seem to have a lower than normal volume.

Eh, might be the video player they use.


Speaking of that bonus bit, I too thought that Finalman was something of a "nice guy of hope." Not as a counterpick to Marcus Beer, but I did think the rules and standards he set for himself were a deliberate effort to not come off as too disrespectful or pessimistic.

Now you can probably be critical without being disrespectful, that was probably the moral of this episode, but I did feel like he was supposed to be the "It's not a big deal" guy. And he himself said in an earlier episode that he was always inevitably delcaring "retractions" to his prior opinions.

But I don't want Finalman to have to be the nice guy. He shouldn't have to find something nice to say about a problem he wants to voice critique over. Which is why I'm glad to hear that's not who he is. It's probably because I happen to agree with a lot of stuff Finalman is putting down, but I'd welcome a more critical, even harsher Finalman Show, because nice guy or not, what caught my attention first about him was that he wasn't about the bull. He knew what we were all thinking, and even if his opinions are less than popular, like certain oppositions to DLC, or much less than popular, like TLOU apparently wanting a "movie mainstream" image, even if it's a small complaint, even if he can't find the words, he knows we're thinking about it and will hold an episode for it.

As long as it isn't too pessimistic. He doesn't wanna get worked up.


The industry is already filled to the brim with "forces of positivity", which basically translates to company apologists and shills.

What we need, and it's the reason why Bosman is so liked, imo, is people who are candid, sincere, honest and not obnoxious with a schtik of some kind (angry/annoyed/pissed gamer).


The difference between Bosman and Marcus Beer is, Bosman makes sense and has legitimate complaints, Beer is just an irrational loudmouth trying to sound important.


Dammit, I wanted Hyrule Warriors chat :(

EDIT: Didn't enjoy it that much. Think I'm just exhausted of all the Bayonetta chat from that point of view.

However, that bonus bit...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Sorry but this was just an awful episode. I'm honestly speechless and disappointed and I don't know if I can or will watch this show anymore.


I'm gonna watch the last levelle now. Smell you later. Oh wait, NO I WONT


Kyle you might check out your program, because Nowi is super cool. I mean, she's a thousand year old dragon, how can this be sexist? Some one might say "But but, she looks like a child and dress with little to no clothing", but to them I say "Well, it looks like you're the sexist one, only caring about the looks of a female (dragon). And who are you to complain about how some old dragon dress? They can dress whatever they like, they're effin dragons! Are you dragon-shaming?". I think we should really push for the freedom of social constructs for dragons. They deserve all the respect in the world.

I already feel the hate.
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