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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


What if they went the opposite route and let Rean date everyone?

I'm talking Claire, Sara, Juna, Altina, Sara, Aurelia, Sharon, Scarlet, Alfin, Celine, Vita, Mint's mom, Millium.

Also Schera, Julia, Kloe, Tita, Dorothy, Aina, Alecia, Jill, Dr. Miriam.

And maybe even Estelle, Joshua, Ries, Lloyd's sister and Selnate.

But not Elise. Never Elise.

Rean needs some good male pairings, like Lechter and General Craig and Osborne


Yup this series is so great. I wish someone from Xseed would tell us how much it'd cost to bring Zero and Ao and just open a Kickstarter or something, I'd pitch in so much -_- but alas it does not work that way.

On another note I'm now on day 2 of chapter 2 in Ao and it's amazing. We see a lot of old friends in there.
I really wonder what Campanella installed from Jona's terminal. And I love what they did so far with Randy's family. I assume the fact that Randy's father died while fighting the Jaeger King will come up at some point between Fie and Randy in Cold Steel 3


On the one hand, all my yes.

On the other hand, building a romantic relationship between 2 people who have barely met seems a bit... suspect. Then again, it would be amusing if a relationship with Aurelia would be akin to her having a boy toy romantic sparring partner.

I mean, people hook up out of the blue all the time. Working together can spur it (though conventional wisdom is not to date your co-workers.) That's all they'd really need to justify it, especially when the romance wouldn't even come in until that final scene.

Jokes aside though, I hope you can actually bond with Le Guin. She's probably as cool a she comes off.


Yup this series is so great. I wish someone from Xseed would tell us how much it'd cost to bring Zero and Ao and just open a Kickstarter or something, I'd pitch in so much -_- but alas it does not work that way.

On another note I'm now on day 2 of chapter 2 in Ao and it's amazing. We see a lot of old friends in there.
I really wonder what Campanella installed from Jona's terminal. And I love what they did so far with Randy's family. I assume the fact that Randy's father died while fighting the Jaeger King will come up at some point between Fie and Randy in Cold Steel 3

Chapter 2 already? Man, you work fast.

On another note, everyone talking about who you can waifu/romance just painfully reminds me of the direction this entire series went after the Sky games. Yeah, yeah, no fun allowed, but I can't help but not like what I don't like.


Chapter 2 already? Man, you work fast.

Helps when the random NPC are unreadable so I stay real close with the main narrative (and I do all quests) thats speed up the process quite a bit. Can't wait to go back with a properly translated game and really delve deep in it.


I just can't get enough of this series. And, even if it the fan patch isn't that good, maybe I'll just dive into Zero no Kiseki (I don't think I can wait for Gu4n's teams translation at this rate :( ). Or please just announce the localization XSEED :O The wait for the Crossbell games and Cold Steel III is going to be agonizing, but it will all be worth it in the end.
We can't go faster than we go right now. As of today, the scenario for Crossbell City (roughly two-thirds of the entire scenario) is for 50% completed.


I just can't get enough of this series. And, even if it the fan patch isn't that good, maybe I'll just dive into Zero no Kiseki (I don't think I can wait for Gu4n's teams translation at this rate :( ). Or please just announce the localization XSEED :O The wait for the Crossbell games and Cold Steel III is going to be agonizing, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Maybe you should wait. No exaggeration to say that the Randy and Tio bantz made 90% of my enjoyment in Zero.

PK Gaming

Now that's a good way to throw this entire series into the trash. God, I hate the bonding system.

I'm still fond of them, but I don't think they should lead to romance like in CS2. If they have to include romantic elements, just limit it to the Class VII girls + Sara (or better yet, just Alisa)

I mean, people hook up out of the blue all the time. Working together can spur it (though conventional wisdom is not to date your co-workers.) That's all they'd really need to justify it, especially when the romance wouldn't even come in until that final scene.

Jokes aside though, I hope you can actually bond with Le Guin. She's probably as cool a she comes off.

Right, right. As long as it's adult in execution and shamelessly horny like in P5 (wherein adults throw themselves at you), I'd be okay with it. Actually, we could do for some Aurelia backstory, so I wouldn't mind bonding with her at all.


Right, right. As long as it's adult in execution and shamelessly horny like in P5 (wherein adults throw themselves at you), I'd be okay with it. Actually, we could do for some Aurelia backstory, so I wouldn't mind bonding with her at all.

There's 13 years differences between Aurelia Le Guin and Rean, I'd have a hard believing a relationship when someone just started their early twenties and someone in their thirties.

At least personally, I'm 31 and no way I'd go out with some 20 years old.
Welp finished SC.

Great game, it improved so much on the first I see why people rank these games so highly (even though I think FC is pretty lackluster overall) the only real gameplay issue I had is while crafts were good early on they quickly became extremely weak compared to arts... at least until about 2/3rds through the game when...

Spoilers for the whole game
You get Joshua back who is broken compared to everyone else. Most characters favor being either strong with physical attacks and crafts or arts but Joshua can be good with both of them very easily. Hes not Laura broken but he clearly is much stronger then everyone else, not always a bad thing but there is really no reason to use any other physical attacker besides him and maybe Mueller who is almost as powerful in physical attacks/crafts.

Even then however most characters can be useful in one way or another but I think it would've been nice if in the final dungeon you actually got to use more of your characters. Splitting up into two teams and switching between them (like Kefka's tower in FF6) I ended up using next to know one I was using early on except of Olivert because his arts were so strong. I took the optional characters to each fight but I would have liked a better way to get the whole team involved. Agate who I had on my team throughout most of the game wasn't touched at all.

The story was pretty great, character banter is really what sells it and I enjoyed the eventual role reversal
With Estelle having to save 'her man' at the end. I laughed quite hard at that comment XD
and I'm really interested to see now how much of the details from this series brings to the forefront of other things in Cold Steel when I eventually replay those.

The only thing I wish had been better was the story being less predictable.
I pretty much called everything that eventually happened including who live/died and what not. Only real surprise was Kevin being the one who actually ended Weissman I thought Campy would do it and he just sorta helped it happen in the end XD This game does a great job of setting Kevin up as a major player for his own game.
But nothing like CS1's insanity or even the revelations from FC. I just thought we'd see a bigger hook.

Onwards to 3rd, not sure if I'm going to jump right into it, playing FC/SC back to back was tiring but I'll likely still at least start it and see if it can grab me.

Again, the Turbo feature is such a damn blessing for these games, makes them so much more playable.
*Towa bursts into the teacher's office*

Towa: REAN! We have to go to Liberl, as soon as possible!

Rean: What's the situation Towa?

Towa: IT'S OUROBOROS! They seem to be planning something in the area, possibly related to what happened a few years back. Vita will probably be there too. And there's absolutely no one in the area who could possibly deal with it! No one!

Rean: Don't worry Towa. Class VII... is getting back together. And the new Class VII will be there too. Contact Princess Alfin, we'll need her help to get into the country.

Towa: I'm coming too! It's my duty as ex-student council president!

Rean: Ok. But only if you bring Elise, Instructor Sara and Claire with you. Maybe bring Tita with you too, she knows the area. We can go together.
...Actually forget Elise.

*Rean starts to head out*

Towa: Ok! By the way Rean, there's someone I want you to meet - Oh no!

*On the way out, Rean bumps into a mysterious woman, and collapses on top of her. He opens his eyes, and sees a blushing, brown haired bracer before him*

Estelle:... B-baka!


Is this the fanfic where Josh kills Rean or something?
new CS3 details:

Seems to suggest a gameplay split between Rean and new Class VII during Field phases away from campus. Though I expect the two will intersect at certain points. Also seems to be confirmation of Bonding returning.

Yes! It's been hinted through all the screenshots so far, but I'm glad we finally have confirmation.

On the one hand, all my yes.

On the other hand, building a romantic relationship between 2 people who have barely met seems a bit... suspect. Then again, it would be amusing if a relationship with Aurelia would be akin to her having a boy toy romantic sparring partner.

Yar, many things can happen in two years. Even if it's not romance, there's gotta be some degree of camaraderie between them, considering that both are involved in the Northern War.


Despite my joking, it's stuff like the class VII/Rean split that actually makes me pretty optimistic for ToCS3. Can't wait!... For an english translation.

Is this the fanfic where Josh kills Rean or something?

Nah, in this continuity, Joshua manages to never find out about Estelle's new love interest due to bonding events being tacked on to the narrative- UH, I mean Rean being just that amazing at seducing Estelle into keeping it under wraps.

Joshua joins Rean's bromantic, best buddies, no-homoerotic-subtext-here harem and he's also shipped a lot with Valimar on the side, but ultimately nothing ever comes of it due to ongoing ethical debates in real life about giant robots.

... Side note, is that a fanfic? I'd read it!


We can't go faster than we go right now. As of today, the scenario for Crossbell City (roughly two-thirds of the entire scenario) is for 50% completed.

That's actually pretty good news!

I'm still fond of them, but I don't think they should lead to romance like in CS2. If they have to include romantic elements, just limit it to the Class VII girls + Sara (or better yet, just Alisa)

Right, right. As long as it's adult in execution and shamelessly horny like in P5 (wherein adults throw themselves at you), I'd be okay with it. Actually, we could do for some Aurelia backstory, so I wouldn't mind bonding with her at all.

Agreed on both counts.

There's 13 years differences between Aurelia Le Guin and Rean, I'd have a hard believing a relationship when someone just started their early twenties and someone in their thirties.

At least personally, I'm 31 and no way I'd go out with some 20 years old.

Eh, Sara's what? 25 in CS1/2? And Rean is 16 then. May as well stretch that suspension of disbelief a bit further.

new CS3 details:

Seems to suggest a gameplay split between Rean and new Class VII during Field phases away from campus. Though I expect the two will intersect at certain points. Also seems to be confirmation of Bonding returning.

Excellent. SC showed they could probably do this, so I was really hoping they were hinting at doing it for CS3.
We can't go faster than we go right now. As of today, the scenario for Crossbell City (roughly two-thirds of the entire scenario) is for 50% completed.

Sorry if it seems like I'm hurrying you guys along. I don't think I was able to convey what I wanted to say clearly. I apologize. It's more along the lines of, "I just can't wait to see what happens next" so that's why I said that. I really do appreciate the work you guys are doing. And I'll most probably wait for your translation :)

PK Gaming


Totally trustworthy boy™


Is there somewhere I can see the max AP for each chapter in Cold Steel? I just started playing and got 23 AP in the first chapter, which I hope is the maximum, but I would like to be able to check.


Oh okay, it gives you an update mid chapter and I actually haven't finished chapter 1 until I finish the field study. Gotcha.
What does that mean? We play solo as rean then the new class 7?

Yar, I imagine the setup would be similar with CS1's field studies where
Class VII is mainly left to their own devices while Instructor Sara goes off doing god-knows-what. Only this time we get to follow the Instructor, too.
Started 3rd, early game spoilers

Tita's mother is amazing. Her lambasting Kevin and the church was hilarious. I love how afraid they are of Agate being an influence on their daughter they better have a conversation between him and her parents I may never be able to stop laughing.


Eh, Sara's what? 25 in CS1/2? And Rean is 16 then. May as well stretch that suspension of disbelief a bit further.
Sara's around 25 at the start of CS I. Rean was 17, then 18 by the end of CS II, and is 20 as of CS III, IIRC. Aurelia, meanwhile, is 32 in CS III.


What does that mean? We play solo as rean then the new class 7?
It'll be really interested to see how this works out. In case of Juno Fortress, it looks like we'll be fighting Arianrhod on top of the fortress with Rean (based on the demo movie) and fighting our way through the fortress with new Class VII (based on the TGS demo). That sounds pretty exciting, I just hope it doesn't hurt the pacing.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
What if they went the opposite route and let Rean date everyone?

I'm talking Claire, Sara, Juna, Altina, Sara, Aurelia, Sharon, Scarlet, Alfin, Celine, Vita, Mint's mom, Millium.

Also Schera, Julia, Kloe, Tita, Dorothy, Aina, Alecia, Jill, Dr. Miriam.

And maybe even Estelle, Joshua, Ries, Lloyd's sister and Selnate.

But not Elise. Never Elise.

"Everyone" not including Elliot is a tragedy. :p

They could go off and be rich together after Elliot's omelet business takes off.

And instead of "never Elise" it should always be "never Alisa".


It'll be really interested to see how this works out. In case of Juno Fortress, it looks like we'll be fighting Arianrhod on top of the fortress with Rean (based on the demo movie) and fighting our way through the fortress with new Class VII (based on the TGS demo). That sounds pretty exciting, I just hope it doesn't hurt the pacing.

Certainly paves the way for military ops a little more intricate than just breaking through strongholds.


"Everyone" not including Elliot is a tragedy. :p

They could go off and be rich together after Elliot's omelet business takes off.

And instead of "never Elise" it should always be "never Alisa".

Alisa is looking more canon than ever. Accept it now, it's for your own good.


new CS3 details:

Seems to suggest a gameplay split between Rean and new Class VII during Field phases away from campus. Though I expect the two will intersect at certain points. Also seems to be confirmation of Bonding returning.

Well I think we all know what parts of the game will be better :p.

I'm still fond of them, but I don't think they should lead to romance like in CS2. If they have to include romantic elements, just limit it to the Class VII girls + Sara (or better yet, just Alisa)

Right, right. As long as it's adult in execution and shamelessly horny like in P5 (wherein adults throw themselves at you), I'd be okay with it. Actually, we could do for some Aurelia backstory, so I wouldn't mind bonding with her at all.

I agree but please just let me romance Sara :p. BTW any news on save transfer? I remember reading that Falcom was thinking about some solution.

PK Gaming

CS2 spoilers
Wondering if he got infected with the dark dragon blood when he was put into the red divine knight.

CS3 pre-release information
"After the Testa-Rossa incident, despite medical treatment Cedric's health continued to lag behind. He enrolled at Thors Military Academy in S.1205, but let his first year slip through his fingers. In S.1206, he once appeared before his Instructors, this time as a radically changed person. It was not only the Civil War that had affected him, something happened during his medical treatment as well."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's one of the characters I'm most excited about.
Despite my joking, it's stuff like the class VII/Rean split that actually makes me pretty optimistic for ToCS3. Can't wait!... For an english translation.

Nah, in this continuity, Joshua manages to never find out about Estelle's new love interest due to bonding events being tacked on to the narrative- UH, I mean Rean being just that amazing at seducing Estelle into keeping it under wraps.

Joshua joins Rean's bromantic, best buddies, no-homoerotic-subtext-here harem and he's also shipped a lot with Valimar on the side, but ultimately nothing ever comes of it due to ongoing ethical debates in real life about giant robots.

... Side note, is that a fanfic? I'd read it!


CS3 pre-release information
"After the Testa-Rossa incident, despite medical treatment Cedric's health continued to lag behind. He enrolled at Thors Military Academy in S.1205, but let his first year slip through his fingers. In S.1206, he once appeared before his Instructors, this time as a radically changed person. It was not only the Civil War that had affected him, something happened during his medical treatment as well."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's one of the characters I'm most excited about.

More CS2 spoileries:
He's gotten ALL MIXED UP. Thanks, Ozzy! *hops in Testarossa: The Ferrari Knight and does Rean Things*


CS3 pre-release information
"After the Testa-Rossa incident, despite medical treatment Cedric's health continued to lag behind. He enrolled at Thors Military Academy in S.1205, but let his first year slip through his fingers. In S.1206, he once appeared before his Instructors, this time as a radically changed person. It was not only the Civil War that had affected him, something happened during his medical treatment as well."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's one of the characters I'm most excited about.

I'm really intrigued.

I think he's going to have soured on Olivier on a big way.

3rd Chapter 2 spoilers
Mueller almost from the start of the game? Oh hell yes.

LOL was waiting for this after your other post!

NISA did an interview with Kondo, that touches on the Trails series quite a bit, as well as Ys.


Do you have any special attachments for either of the “Trails” or “Ys” series? If so why?

Toshihiro Kondo:

Again this goes back to “Trails in the Sky” but definitely Estelle the main character from Trails 1 and 2.

So everything kind of has to be written in that way, so for example; there is a character in the series, I’ll leave names out as it’s a bit of a spoiler, but this characters existence has been a mystery for about 10 years, and when we start building this the fans talk amongst themselves they wonder “What’s going on?”, “What’s the history of this?”, “What’s happening?” and so drawing that out and creating this expectation, while we all know it’s building to something, it’s what the fans are looking for.

To talk about Trails series for example, when we first started working on The Legend of Heroes games, there was kind of a trend within the industry overall that graphics were getting better and better. We said to ourselves we really can’t compete on this front, so what is something we can do? Well we can make a really engaging and enthralling story for people to get into. So this is what we focused on for Trails.

We just finished up Trails of Cold Steel III, very very recently, and that is something that we discovered first hand with that game. For a while in the industry there was this big push towards graphics, “It has to look graphically amazing”, “Got to look graphically impressive”. During this time period, Falcom still focused more on the gameplay and on the games themselves rather than chasing after graphics and things like that. So it’s gotten to the point where we just can’t do that because our existing fans would consistently purchase our games, but this doesn’t expand to new fans.

So I feel that the big thing that we need to focus on going forward is how to balance that appropriately, the pursuit of higher definition graphics, better graphics more details and still keeping solid gameplay. It’s super difficult to get this balance right, who knows if Japan is really doing it well or not right now but it’s important to look to the West as well as we develop things too, to help us figure out what that balance is.



NISA did an interview with Kondo, that touches on the Trails series quite a bit, as well as Ys.

This has been my read and is exactly why I prefer everything they're doing compared to Square in particular. Their priorities are in order.

They never seem to ask the hard questions in these interviews. Would've preferred more insight on their decisions to include pandering junk, though I guess the obvious answer is to attract more fans.

I don't agree the pandering stuff is prominent enough to be worthy of aggression from a reporter, but NISA wouldn't acknowledge that either way. I actually saw this interview linked on Twitter this morning and just assumed it wouldn't be much more than an Ys VIII advertisement. Surprised they actually explicitly mentioned Trails.


I don't agree the pandering stuff is prominent enough to be worthy of aggression from a reporter, but NISA wouldn't acknowledge that either way. I actually saw this interview linked on Twitter this morning and just assumed it wouldn't be much more than an Ys VIII advertisement. Surprised they actually explicitly mentioned Trails.

NISA did the publishing of both Cold Steel games in Europe.

I reckon they want do Cold Steel 3 as well.
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