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The Last Guardian: Review Thread

Well there is that I suppose.

Personally I don't think anything should get 10/10 unless it's GOAT material

Simon Parkin (The Guardian) is one of the reviewers that gave it a 5/5. Yesterday he posted an article saying that it was the best game of the year and today he says it's Ueda's best game. So, it certainly seems like he expects it to be viewed as one of the best games ever made.
Yep. Because we all know Final Fantasy VII is the perfect FF game ;)



So if a teacher assigns you an essay to write, with multiple criteria to meet, and she gives you a 100(or 10/10) what do you say then?

Using numbers to measure quality is inherently arbitrary. But its what humans decided to do. Knowing that allows us to understand that when something/one scores a 100 or 10/10 it doesnt mean the game or paper was perfect.

Scales for grading are only concrete and conpletely objective when the test taken is standardized. If not the influence of sudjective criticism comes into play.

Yeah. What criteria is there to meet for a game to receive a 10/10 really.



"Impatient players may balk at the way Trico sometimes ignores them, or how much time can pass before he’ll act in accord with their wishes. That would be a mistake and a misreading. The game’s contemplative sequences are as meaningful and essential as its fast and furious ones. Trico can be mercurial, adolescently willful and sometimes maddeningly stubborn, but he is always knowable. What he requires most is your patience, a virtue discarded by the handholding school of game design, an assumption provocatively challenged by Ueda throughout The Last Guardian."


Can't wait to find this out by myself.


This is why games media should just go school grades. We all know what an A is, and what a B is.

We don't all have the same idea of what a 7/10 or an 8/10 are.
So if a teacher assigns you an essay to write, with multiple criteria to meet, and she gives you a 100(or 10/10) what do you say then?

Using numbers to measure quality is inherently arbitrary. But its what humans decided to do. Knowing that allows us to understand that when something/one scores a 100 or 10/10 it doesnt mean the game or paper was perfect.

Scales for grading are only concrete and conpletely objective when the test taken is standardized. If not the influence of sudjective criticism comes into play.
The influence of subjective critism has always been in play. A game score isn't a test or formula. A 9/10 versus 10/10 doesn't 1/10th of the game is missing or lacking compared to the other.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Or it could just be what they felt the game should recieve. It's crazy, I know.

I honestly don't really think most games should get below a five unless they are broken messes that don't work. I remember IGN giving Godhand a 3/10 and I just couldn't abide by it. The game worked as intended even if the reviewer didn't care for the gameplay and graphics and what not.
All of you guys saying games can't be perfect.....

I don't want to derail here but Final Fantasy 6

I love FF6, but off the top of my head, it had some major bugs (using Relm's special ability against certain enemies destroys your save files, some stats are bugged and don't do anything, etc), combat is a bit slow, balance gets worse later in the game, the translation is merely decent, the mode 6 effects haven't aged well (and some looked bad even at the time), and so on.

A perfect score doesn't mean a game is perfect, it means it's deserving of the highest praise.


Multiple reviewers didn't mention the Trico issues at all. Doesn't mean the criticisms aren't valid - but if you had read three different reviews that never mentioned the issue, would you be buying the game right now?
I don't read all sites, but rather sites that have historically provided me with good guidance and called out the kind of issues that I also care about. I put very little stock into review averages, but I do take advice from reviewers whom I have come to respect and whose perspectives often align with my own.

To address your hypothetical, yes, if reviewers I've come to trust for relevant guidance said there were not issues in that area, then I'd be more interested. But that's not the case.
Never thought I'd see the day when making an AI unresponsive was something worthy of praise.

From watching gameplay footage, every animal I've ever owned (like 6 cats and a few dogs) have been more responsive and quick to acknowledge me whenever I do something out of the ordinary.


Come on, enough with the semantics of 10/10.

The sites and prints gave it that score. That is all there is to it. All games have some kind of an issue or a bug or anything off technically, artistically, creatively, whatever. That does not mean we just cut off 1s and 10s from the scale.

Why are we suddenly arguing that sites shouldn't be giving a 10? Really, now?


If I got a 65/100 on any project or assignment I'd quit in shame if I didn't die of embarrassment first.

US would be falling behind in Math even more if 65 was considered anywhere near acceptable performance in Math classes.

In the UK, a 65 in a humanities degree is considered very good. 70+ is an "A" and anything above 80 is "publishable" which like 1% of students get.

(It's ridiculous, but just as ridiculous as comparing a videogame review score to a scoring metric in any other context.)
Off-topic, but it's ridiculous to think that you are getting more rights than wrong (65/100) and you are considered failing it.

Anyway, back to the review thread.
No, 65/100 is super bad. Like you're just plain trash bad.

If the exam or project or whatever is graded on a 100 point scale, it was made in mind with the fact that even the most basic understanding of the material will allow you to get at least 70% of the questions correct. Practical tests similarly assign you a 70% for "barely competent". Tests that expect the average person to only get 50% or so, like the MCAT or whatever, are graded on different scales because sub-70 is a trash score.


He's actually the worst though. His Twitter avi is that stupid "Don't tread on me" rattlesnake...

And he's not using it ironically 😱

The worst? We'll just have to agree to disagree there my man. He has strong opinions sure but calling someone out who can't defend here isn't cool imo.


If I got a 65/100 on any project or assignment I'd quit in shame if I didn't die of embarrassment first.

US would be falling behind in Math even more if 65 was considered anywhere near acceptable performance in Math classes.

The US uses a completely different rating system for university work. In the UK and other places there is a lot of room left up at the top for people to excel.

Now arguing which way game reviews fall into is another thing, and a discussion that could go on for hours lol.

No, 65/100 is super bad. Like you're just plain trash bad.

If the exam or project or whatever is graded on a 100 point scale, it was made in mind with the fact that even the most basic understanding of the material will allow you to get at least 70% of the questions correct. Practical tests similarly assign you a 70% for "barely competent". Tests that expect the average person to only get 50% or so, like the MCAT or whatever, are graded on different scales because sub-70 is a trash score.

Again, totally a US thing.


Never thought I'd see the day when making an AI unresponsive was something worthy of praise.

From watching gameplay footage, every animal I've ever owned (like 6 cats and a few dogs) have been more responsive and quick to acknowledge me whenever I do something out of the ordinary.

Now try an animal that is over twice your size.










This is why games media should just go school grades. We all know what an A is, and what a B is.

We don't all have the same idea of what a 7/10 or an 8/10 are.

games dont have objective "Best's" though what is the best or worst is an always moving goalpost


10/10 doesn't mean perfect, it means that the game is exeptional and that it's flaws don't have a major impact on player enjoyment.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Never thought I'd see the day when making an AI unresponsive was something worthy of praise.

From watching gameplay footage, every animal I've ever owned (like 6 cats and a few dogs) have been more responsive and quick to acknowledge me whenever I do something out of the ordinary.

I've got Alaskan Malamutes and they are notoriously hard headed and do as they please even when well trained. This game will be a normal day dealing with my dog for me I'm guessing.
Never thought I'd see the day when making an AI unresponsive was something worthy of praise.

From watching gameplay footage, every animal I've ever owned (like 6 cats and a few dogs) have been more responsive and quick to acknowledge me whenever I do something out of the ordinary.
Your cat or dog probably wasn't abused and confined, which is where the reviews state Trico starts.


Man this is BORING! How the hell did both TLG and FFXV come away with low to mid 80s averages!? This should've been extremes one way or the other.

Oh well, I'm glad these games came out ok and really hit home with some people.
This is why games media should just go school grades. We all know what an A is, and what a B is.

We don't all have the same idea of what a 7/10 or an 8/10 are.

Scores are not theoretically very useful when talking about art. I like it like Eurogamer and Karak does it, just a quick summary if you should or should not get the game and if you should rush to do so, with the analysis of that concept being, well, the analysis itself.
Never thought I'd see the day when making an AI unresponsive was something worthy of praise.

From watching gameplay footage, every animal I've ever owned (like 6 cats and a few dogs) have been more responsive and quick to acknowledge me whenever I do something out of the ordinary.
You haven't watched enough later footage then. Trico becomes much more responsive later on


Never thought I'd see the day when making an AI unresponsive was something worthy of praise.

From watching gameplay footage, every animal I've ever owned (like 6 cats and a few dogs) have been more responsive and quick to acknowledge me whenever I do something out of the ordinary.

Okay so you can get them to do anything and everything with specificity, like standing on a specific spot?

Come on, now.
Man this is BORING! How the hell did both TLG and FFXV come away with low to mid 80s averages!? This should've been extremes one way or the other.

Oh well, I'm glad these games came out ok and really hit home with some people.
Pokémon Sun and Moon somehow both the best RPG and pet simulator of 2016.
Yeah this doesn't look much different than any big release that doesn't hit the 90+ range

lots of 7s and 8s with the occasional 9.

Perfect summary. 82 on Metacritic is an excellent score full stop. You have to call into question the motive of people arguing otherwise.
My prediction was around the 79-83 range. I'm pleased it got to the upper limit of my prediction.


This discussion again?
We all know that for most of the people anything below 80 on metacritic is considered hot garbage and below 70 is the worst game of all time
Off-topic, but it's ridiculous to think that you are getting more rights than wrong (65/100) and you are considered failing it.

Anyway, back to the review thread.
School is lenient if anything. At your job if you screw up 35% of your projects you better start getting that resume ready.
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