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The Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Thread

Yep, just now I got disconnected from a silver game just AFTER extraction - and didnt get paid. Couldnt log back on (despite my internet being fine) and then I got booted from my next game on wave 3.
With the exception of Gears 2, this is the worst online experience I have had. Those servers are such shit. Truly.


Yep, just now I got disconnected from a silver game just AFTER extraction - and didnt get paid. Couldnt log back on (despite my internet being fine) and then I got booted from my next game on wave 3.
With the exception of Gears 2, this is the worst online experience I have had. Those servers are such shit. Truly.

I never get paid right after a match but if I go into store it does appear there so if you posted this right after it's worth checking.


Finally ha e a good combination for my Infiltrator, Vanquisher plus N7 Hurricane.

Now to deal with this horrific lag. Does it affect everyone? Why don't EA just just get some damn servers, why are they cheaping out on this.


Finally ha e a good combination for my Infiltrator, Vanquisher plus N7 Hurricane.

Now to deal with this horrific lag. Does it affect everyone? Why don't EA just just get some damn servers, why are they cheaping out on this.

There's no servers, if you have lag someone with a crappy connection is hosting.

Not getting much from advanced packs, making the lousy common weapons more painful.

At least you're getting something else. I maxed out commons and now the advanced packs quite literally only give one Uncommon or replaces the uncommon with a rare, but always only one, rest is booster/cobra etc


The state of guns right now has me pretty emo. Seems like outside of like..3-4 they're all just shit.
Most of the ones I've unlocked feel pretty good on Bronze. Silver and Gold really weed out a lot of weapons since enemies are such bullet sponges and come in by the swarm. You start to become a lot more limited by which weapons can down an basic mob without needing to reload, which most can't.

I wish the rewards on bronze were better, it's genuinely the most fun form to play the game in since you can perform well with any build, not just melee vanguard or vanquisher or sniper.

What's really bizarre to me is just how different the weapons are balanced in SP compared to MP. They didn't just make them weaker across the board to account for four human players, they made all kinds of wonky stat adjustments that just flat out make a lot of the guns worthless.


I don't feel like melee damage needs a nerf. It's in a good spot. The main reason most classes use it in the first place is because of barrier or rage.

Weapons probably need general boost and a narrower upgrade range like what happened in ME3MP. Right now both of my favorites are pistols (Talon and Equalizer.) Charger is solid and so is Revenant with the right kit.

Some people complained about the 100% Damage/50% Radius bonuses not being enough, but I disagree. Biotic/Tech explosions are easy to stack right now. A Vanguard at peak efficiency means almost every power use is one or two explosions.

By far my biggest problem with MP and Single is reloading. Amazing how what I thought was MP lag also translates into single player. The current mechanic is really bad.

Fact - Reloading an overheated weapon is easier than reloading a heat sink based weapon. Overheat - Switch Weapons - Switch Again - Fire because you KNOW your weapon is reloaded.


I don't feel like melee damage needs a nerf. It's in a good spot. The main reason most classes use it in the first place is because of barrier or rage.

Weapons probably need general boost and a narrower upgrade range like what happened in ME3MP. Right now both of my favorites are pistols (Talon and Equalizer.) Charger is solid and so is Revenant with the right kit.

Some people complained about the 100% Damage/50% Radius bonuses not being enough, but I disagree. Biotic/Tech explosions are easy to stack right now. A Vanguard at peak efficiency means almost every power use is one or two explosions.

By far my biggest problem with MP and Single is reloading. Amazing how what I thought was MP lag also translates into single player. The current mechanic is really bad.

Fact - Reloading an overheated weapon is easier than reloading a heat sink based weapon. Overheat - Switch Weapons - Switch Again - Fire because you KNOW your weapon is reloaded.
That's fine, but don't base anything on the Vanguard since it's one of the few solo oriented characters.

I think the damage of explosions is still a little weak, but it does depend on the lobby.


The Human/Turian Solider with a Raptor Sniper Rifle is truly unstoppable.
Try it with the Revenant assault rifle.

Nearly limitless ammunition, good damage per round, stacks incredibly well with turbocharge.

I don't have all the assault rifles yet, but I somehow doubt there's anything in the category that can compete.


Some people complained about the 100% Damage/50% Radius bonuses not being enough, but I disagree. Biotic/Tech explosions are easy to stack right now. A Vanguard at peak efficiency means almost every power use is one or two explosions.

The problem si that even if I detonate a biotic combo twice in quick succession on a dude on gold, guess what?

Even with that double detonation, the damage is shit, and almost less than a single melee hit

I literally can barely see a Berserker's armor going down after a biotic explosion because the damage is so shit

SO even with stacking it, it doesnt matter. You're stacking 2 shit numbers and in the end, it will still do crap damage.


That's fine, but don't base anything on the Vanguard since it's one of the few solo oriented characters.

I think the damage of explosions is still a little weak, but it does depend on the lobby.
True enough. The reason I went with them is because it's my most played class at the moment. The class has an active aggressive playstyle and can get around my problems with the reload system. Vanguards are very strong solo, but they are even stronger in a group. Their survivability is unmatched and crucially they're the only class with 3 detonators. My last game I got paired with a savvy Krogan Mercenary and it was a total cakewalk.

I've had plenty of fun as an aggressive human engineer as well. However, 3 detonators is an overwhelming advantage.
The problem si that even if I detonate a biotic combo twice in quick succession on a dude on gold, guess what?
You'll be standing in a group of staggered enemies.
Then you can do it again.
Then again.

I'm happy some enemies like the Berserker are resistant to that kind of damage. There should be some enemies on Gold that I want to try and avoid even though you still don't fear going up against them. The Berserker is there to tank so the three Raiders can pick you off. If Vanguards are strong now a big buff to explosions will make the old N7 Fury cry with jealousy.
Combos definitely need a massive buff, because right they don't do nearly as much damage to be worth it. Sure, it's technically easier to set them up since there's no more global cooldown and biotics can now be detonated by any detonator, but even then the longer cooldowns makes it seem like you're setting off these combos at a far slower rate than me3. The fact that a combo on a detonation built character can't even kill a generic unshielded enemy on gold is baffling, especially since it's far easier and quicker to punch something to death now then to combo it (melee probably has a higher dps than spamming combos anyways). As it stands right now, the only way to play a power heavy character and do well on gold is to either run a melee build or to pair your powers up with one of the few decent guns, like the vanquisher. ME3 style caster builds really don't seem viable anymore which is a shame considering how fun they were in that game.

That being said, I have a feeling that a part of the reason why biotic combos are so weak right now is due to not carrying over the biotic echoes mechanic from the SP and the fact that physics damage feels incredibly weird (why is a grunt being thrown against a wall at high speeds barely losing any health?). Had biotic echoes made it in, it might have made the biotics a bit better at crowd control where you'd be easily able to deal out a lot damage to a large group of enemies through multiple simultaneous explosions.


Combos definitely need a massive buff, because right they don't do nearly as much damage to be worth it. Sure, it's technically easier to set them up since there's no more global cooldown and biotics can now be detonated by any detonator, but even then the longer cooldowns makes it seem like you're setting off these combos at a far slower rate than me3.
It's a lot higher rate imo with special ammo and tech biotics can detonate each other now.

Tech combos were piss weak in ME3 (remember Quarian Engineer), they feel much stronger in MEA.

I think the issue is just that the enemies are too bullet spongey in Silver/Gold and some weapons/builds are too strong (Vanquisher, Equalizer, Biotic punchers) making everything suck eggs.


Got booted out of an Apex MP match on wave 6 smh. Hey Bioware, y'all got some of those patches over there lol? Still having a blast though. My go to right now is still Turian Soldier. Turbocharge is something else, especially with disruptor ammo for stuns. I thought about a melee build, but went with max health and shields.

Oh, and I finally got the bonus "increase shields stat level 1", gives a whopping 1% boost to max shields. Guess I'll finish enough Apex missions tonight for Juggernaut equipment.

Bubba T

I've been having fun playing as the Angara Insurgent. I lucked out and got the Vanquisher and between the mines with EMP damage, Shield Boost, and passive skills, I'm wrecking shit in Silver. I'm going to try Gold soon.
Ugh. UGH. Just CTD'd right at extraction on a successful Gold run. My first successful Gold run >=(
I've had it happen in Bronze, no big deal there. But Gold? Man, that just makes it really hard to care about the MP sometimes, as fun as it is.
Ugh. UGH. Just CTD'd right at extraction on a successful Gold run. My first successful Gold run >=(
I've had it happen in Bronze, no big deal there. But Gold? Man, that just makes it really hard to care about the MP sometimes, as fun as it is.

Thats rough. Im at the point now where I try to mentally prepare myself for server disconnection before the game begins, in order to lessen the rage when it happens. I still get pretty pissed off though.


Sigh, keep using my sound during a match which is really frustrating as I rely on it a lot. (on PC)

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
FUCK IT. Fuck it all. The balance in this game is so fucking ridiculously busted.

I've put like 250+ hours into ME3's MP and this shit is ridiculous. I'm a Vanguard and I've never felt so weak : powers suck, weapons suck, the good ol' routine of charging + novaing (whereas here it's like the other way around) +eventually finishing off with a nice shotgun blast in the head will, in Andromeda, still leave your basic ennemy with close to half its health remaining. The fuck is this ? They better get on that real fast because it's already getting real old.


FUCK IT. Fuck it all. The balance in this game is so fucking ridiculously busted.

I've put like 250+ hours into ME3's MP and this shit is ridiculous. I'm a Vanguard and I've never felt so weak : powers suck, weapons suck, the good ol' routine of charging + novaing (whereas here it's like the other way around) +eventually finishing off with a nice shotgun blast in the head will, in Andromeda, still leave your basic ennemy with close to half its health remaining. The fuck is this ? They better get on that real fast because it's already getting real old.

Vanguard's one of the strongest classes out there atm, switch to a melee build

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
Vanguard's one of the strongest classes out there atm, switch to a melee build

"Strongest" in a super unbalanced game doesn't account for much. I know it's one of the less impacted classes, and I'm already playing melee. It's still a pain to see how low all damage outputs are.

I'm waiting to see after I get shockwave to rank 6 with bonus levels if the detonation + priming right after makes things easier, but frankly doubt it'll change much.


Vanguard's one of the strongest classes out there atm, switch to a melee build

When it comes to shooting only Widow and Isharay are viable options for me, everything else is just too weak, feels like I'm shooting blanks, ARs are the worst offender hands down.

This mode needs some serious balance, I hope it comes soon as I'm finishing campaign.


"Strongest" in a super unbalanced game doesn't account for much. I know it's one of the less impacted classes, and I'm already playing melee. It's still a pain to see how low all damage outputs are.

I'm waiting to see after I get shockwave to rank 6 with bonus levels if the detonation + priming right after makes things easier, but frankly doubt it'll change much.
Punchguard damage output is really good, like one punch does as much damage as unloading a full clip.

When it comes to shooting only Widow and Isharay are viable options for me, everything else is just too weak, feels like I'm shooting blanks, ARs are the worst offender hands down.

This mode needs some serious balance, I hope it comes soon as I'm finishing campaign.
My favorite AR is the Mattock, and I'm super bummed that it hits for peanuts.


My favourite issue is that scoped weapons fired from a Krogan in cover don't shoot to the centre of the screen, so your shot consistently lands about a foot lower than you're aiming at distances.


"Strongest" in a super unbalanced game doesn't account for much. I know it's one of the less impacted classes, and I'm already playing melee. It's still a pain to see how low all damage outputs are.

I'm waiting to see after I get shockwave to rank 6 with bonus levels if the detonation + priming right after makes things easier, but frankly doubt it'll change much.

If you're running the human vanguard I'd suggest leaving shockwave at 1 and dumping the points into Nova. You are in my opinion totally right that rank 6 shockwave just doesn't make enough of a difference.

I've tried shockwave and while it's pretty decent at setting up combos on mooks it just doesn't have the CC you need from Nova on gold, which can also set up combos as well if specced into seismic Nova... it's actually very effective at staggering (or just flat out knocking them down) around you for melee and survival and even has some viability against observers as Nova hits above and below also.

Charge>aim in air and dump mag into shield>Nova>unshielded obsever drops to floor stunned>melee as usual until dead.

Shockwave basically does the same thing but only in front of you, has a long cast time, a longer cool down and no I-frames, which adds to my opinion that it sucks compared to Nova.

I also use bastion in charge not shock trooper as the CD reduction matters less than the 75 damage reduction you get for 5(?) seconds after charge which really matters on gold before getting your I-frames from Nova. You can then use shockwave to detonate as Nova primes if charge isn't available, but in reality it takes too long to cast and in that time you could have melee'd your shields back from the barrier passive.

This is only my opinion from testing both and you may prefer shockwave but I'd really recommend leaving it at 1 and spending into everything else.

Royce McCutcheon

Junior Member
The angaran avenger is absolutely amazing to play, mid air blink/charging people is so satisfying. Using the rozard smg,it melts people. But melee beats it :/

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
If you're running the human vanguard I'd suggest leaving shockwave at 1 and dumping the points into Nova. You are in my opinion totally right that rank 6 shockwave just doesn't make enough of a difference.

I've tried shockwave and while it's pretty decent at setting up combos on mooks it just doesn't have the CC you need from Nova on gold, which can also set up combos as well if specced into seismic Nova... it's actually very effective at staggering (or just flat out knocking them down) around you for melee and survival and even has some viability against observers as Nova hits above and below also.

Charge>aim in air and dump mag into shield>Nova>unshielded obsever drops to floor stunned>melee as usual until dead.

Shockwave basically does the same thing but only in front of you, has a long cast time, a longer cool down and no I-frames, which adds to my opinion that it sucks compared to Nova.

I also use bastion in charge not shock trooper as the CD reduction matters less than the 75 damage reduction you get for 5(?) seconds after charge which really matters on gold before getting your I-frames from Nova. You can then use shockwave to detonate as Nova primes if charge isn't available, but in reality it takes too long to cast and in that time you could have melee'd your shields back from the barrier passive.

This is only my opinion from testing both and you may prefer shockwave but I'd really recommend leaving it at 1 and spending into everything else.

Thing is : I'm already maxing CHARGE + NOVA + SHOCKWAVE. That's the main difference in ME:A's way of playing vanguards (at least the human, haven't tried the others yet), you just don't charge + detonate with nova anymore, it's "the opposite" that's why they allowed to have 3 main skills maxed and make shockwave usable on top of NOVA + CHARGE. It basically goes like this :

CHARGE to ennemy (detonate if already primed), NOVA (primes), SHOCKWAVE (detonate + prime), CHARGE etc... And even with all that, in gold, you just won't kill a single ennemy, which is nuts.

Whereas before, it was basically CHARGE (primes) + NOVA (detonate) rince and repeat. Or go with a different build with SHOCKWAVE, but it was different builds. It just was really brutal and did tons of damage. Now, since you can level up more, I think what they tried to do is compensate that by "diluting" damage outputs, they just overdone it to a ridiculous point. I'm really hoping a big balance patch is coming soon, because all it does is making me want to go play ME3 again. It's a shame, ME3 with the feeling (jetpack and the whole added mobility now) of ANDROMEDA would be so, so good...

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
Main difference is also that you can't go beyond 100% power recharge time right ? Is there a way ? Don't think so.


Just played through one of the worst rubber banded matches ever. Get extraction only to have it say game failed to load results. I am done until they get this fixed.


Can you share the build, specifically how do you spec Turbocharge?
I'm assuming the last two nodes are opposite of this build, right?
Would it be viable with only Raptor level I?

Yeah that is essentially the build I have.

And yes, the Raptor I, a fucking automatic sniper, shames every assault rifle in the game, except maybe the Thokin. Weapon balance is really something else.

Big Nikus

Just played through one of the worst rubber banded matches ever. Get extraction only to have it say game failed to load results. I am done until they get this fixed.

So, what I do is : create a lobby, nobody joins because it's broken, but start a match and die. Back in the lobby, people finally can join.


Thing is : I'm already maxing CHARGE + NOVA + SHOCKWAVE. That's the main difference in ME:A's way of playing vanguards (at least the human, haven't tried the others yet), you just don't charge + detonate with nova anymore, it's "the opposite" that's why they allowed to have 3 main skills maxed and make shockwave usable on top of NOVA + CHARGE. It basically goes like this :

CHARGE to ennemy (detonate if already primed), NOVA (primes), SHOCKWAVE (detonate + prime), CHARGE etc... And even with all that, in gold, you just won't kill a single ennemy, which is nuts.

Whereas before, it was basically CHARGE (primes) + NOVA (detonate) rince and repeat. Or go with a different build with SHOCKWAVE, but it was different builds. It just was really brutal and did tons of damage. Now, since you can level up more, I think what they tried to do is compensate that by "diluting" damage outputs, they just overdone it to a ridiculous point. I'm really hoping a big balance patch is coming soon, because all it does is making me want to go play ME3 again. It's a shame, ME3 with the feeling (jetpack and the whole added mobility now) of ANDROMEDA would be so, so good...

Your build is quite different to mine in that case as I run 6-6-1-6-6 and have nothing in shockwave at all. My survival on gold is immense with this set up and only ever go down if I'm reckless.

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
Your build is quite different to mine in that case as I run 6-6-1-6-6 and have nothing in shockwave at all. My survival on gold is immense with this set up and only ever go down if I'm reckless.

Yeah, after replying to you I went to thoroughly check the skills and realized about that rank 6 APEX passive. Just rerolled to the same build as you, I'll see how it goes.

It's not so much that I was dying or had a hard time surviving (like you said, only ever when playing reckslessly), but just that it takes way too much time to down ennemies.


Yeah that is essentially the build I have.

And yes, the Raptor I, a fucking automatic sniper, shames every assault rifle in the game, except maybe the Thokin. Weapon balance is really something else.

I like how the Thokin fires, and it does OK damage, but the Raptor is better than it. Thokin has real problems killing anything in one clip and runs out of ammo even quicker than the raptor. I'd say the Revenant is better than the Raptor at close ranges, but its accuracy sucks so bad.


Yeah, after replying to you I went to thoroughly check the skills and realized about that rank 6 APEX passive. Just rerolled to the same build as you, I'll see how it goes.

It's not so much that I was dying or had a hard time surviving (like you said, only ever when playing reckslessly), but just that it takes way too much time to down ennemies.

It takes a long time to down enemies period. Nothing really "melts" in this game.

I haven't played around with APEX passive, but on paper, I don't see the benefit over having a usable shockwave. The only 'survivability' is gained from 20% power recharge (and the I-frames of charge/nova) but I've never felt I needed more survivability on gold. You aren't gaining *that* much CD reduction from it.

Having a mid-ranged attack that ignores cover has proven a nice utility option. A 3rd CC option has been nice too.


I'm finding it to be quite the challenge to finish a game even on Bronze. It feels like a good third of my games end up in a wipe, and when we succeed it usually feels like we just barely scraped by. Had four wipes in a row yesterday, and in the fifth game I was the only one who managed to reach the extraction zone, close to death and chased by an army of everything.

Every gun I have is crap and my hard earned credits has so far only unlocked more crappy guns. It's rough, and leveling up characters like this is a pain.


I'm finding it to be quite the challenge to finish a game even on Bronze. It feels like a good third of my games end up in a wipe, and when we succeed it usually feels like we just barely scraped by. Had four wipes in a row yesterday, and in the fifth game I was the only one who managed to reach the extraction zone, close to death and chased by an army of everything.

Every gun I have is crap and my hard earned credits has so far only unlocked more crappy guns. It's rough, and leveling up characters like this is a pain.

Charger is a great common weapon, I still use it all the time in gold. Mine's X though from maxing out my commons, which isn't too hard to do.

With the extraction phase, just remember to be anywhere *but* the extraction zone till the last possible moment or you'll draw in a huge mess you won't be able to live through waiting for the pickup. In Bronze people haven't always picked up on that yet ^^


Charger is a great common weapon, I still use it all the time in gold. Mine's X though from maxing out my commons, which isn't too hard to do.

With the extraction phase, just remember to be anywhere *but* the extraction zone till the last possible moment or you'll draw in a huge mess you won't be able to live through waiting for the pickup. In Bronze people haven't always picked up on that yet ^^

I played a little bit of ME3 multiplayer so I get the basics.

It really is a problem of not being able to do enough damage quickly enough, even on basic enemies unless you get the drop on them, and the enemies clump up and they risk becoming a wrecking ball that everyone runs from and takes potshots on, to little effect, until everyone is dead. If we actually make it to wave 7, we're usually good. Running is easier than killing.

Anyway. Just wanted to whine some, because I feel that everything people complain about as game-ruining on Gold I think is pretty much game-ruining on Bronze. I should probably just stick to playing as a Vanguard doing nothing but charging and punching, since I've had some success with that, but I don't think it's much fun.
Played a match or two the other day and something feels really off.

Wish they would've just given us a ME3mp remaster a year or two ago...

I've only played multiplayer a few times, but I feel the same way. I loved ME3 multiplayer, but immediately upon booting Andromeda's MP, it just felt a little "off". Can't pin down exactly what is wrong, but I can tell it isn't right.


I wonder if someone on the team snuck in the Vanquisher stats while no one was looking. That weapons stands so far above almost everything else.
I'm finding it to be quite the challenge to finish a game even on Bronze. It feels like a good third of my games end up in a wipe, and when we succeed it usually feels like we just barely scraped by. Had four wipes in a row yesterday, and in the fifth game I was the only one who managed to reach the extraction zone, close to death and chased by an army of everything.

Every gun I have is crap and my hard earned credits has so far only unlocked more crappy guns. It's rough, and leveling up characters like this is a pain.
Takes a while to get used to everything.
Charger and Equalizer were my bronze standards.


I played a little bit of ME3 multiplayer so I get the basics.

It really is a problem of not being able to do enough damage quickly enough, even on basic enemies unless you get the drop on them, and the enemies clump up and they risk becoming a wrecking ball that everyone runs from and takes potshots on, to little effect, until everyone is dead. If we actually make it to wave 7, we're usually good. Running is easier than killing.

Anyway. Just wanted to whine some, because I feel that everything people complain about as game-ruining on Gold I think is pretty much game-ruining on Bronze. I should probably just stick to playing as a Vanguard doing nothing but charging and punching, since I've had some success with that, but I don't think it's much fun.

Eh, the game is fine on bronze. All the weapons are plenty usable, power combos actually deal damage. Some tips:

1- Focus on one power, don't "jack of all trade" your power points. Hitting rank 5-6 on a power is a major shift in power versus having rank 2/3 in most everything else.

2- Use consumables. And don't neglect boosts. The various ammo types are actually useful on bronze for easy combos (which, on bronze, actually deal damage). 1-shotting a boss with a cobra will make most lowbie bronze fights much easier.

3- Keep moving. You'll constantly be flanked, so deal with the threat in front of you, then turn to the flank cause you can pretty much be guaranteed spawns there. Pick a partner to tag a long with. Let him tank shit, rez him if he dies, etc. A forced buddy system.

Or go easy mode, and play Vanguard/Infiltrator until you get better weapons that can carry the other characters.


It takes a long time to down enemies period. Nothing really "melts" in this game.

I haven't played around with APEX passive, but on paper, I don't see the benefit over having a usable shockwave. The only 'survivability' is gained from 20% power recharge (and the I-frames of charge/nova) but I've never felt I needed more survivability on gold. You aren't gaining *that* much CD reduction from it.

Having a mid-ranged attack that ignores cover has proven a nice utility option. A 3rd CC option has been nice too.

I'm glad you found some use in it but for me it wasn't as worthwhile as the apex skills that I use; the extra weapon damage is good for the sync kill baddies and observers; and the cd reduction means more charge and Nova spam and their respective I frames. Weapon weight reduction means if I forgo the weapon mele bonus I can equip a vanquished with lightweight materials with no cooldown reduction; although I favour the Talon and a melee boost meaning I can also equip the charger X.

I did play around with a build specced full into shockwave but I didn't like it. Since you've considered probably all of what I've mentioned then I'd say we just have a different play style and that's absolutely fine!
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