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The most scared you've ever been in your life?

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I though for sure it was that "the bomb" would be next that day, or, a plane would fly though my apartment.

xelios said:
I haven't been scared much in my life, but when I was a young teen my own uncle held a pistol to my head before raping me. I am still undergoing EMDR for the trauma over a decade later.
Are you for real? Man, sorry dude.

Menelaus said:
That's racist...lol. I'm not gonna lie, something similar happened to me BKLYN last year.


Yikes at some of the stories here. If they are sincere, I truly feel for some of you. :/

Anyway, I have two experiences that were damn scary to me:

1) When I was around 7-8, I was at a mall shopping with my mom when some guy stabbed a woman several times due to some adultery situation (apparently). I didn't see the actual stabbing, but it happened close by and we saw the screaming woman all covered in blood lying on a bench nearby, with the dropped knife right next to her. The guy was running away chased by police who apprehended him pretty fast. The actual screaming was pretty damn traumatizing.

2) When I was 11, I was casually walking home from school when two adult guys walked up to me. One of them pulled out a pretty big knife and pointed it at my face while telling "gimme your backpack!". A moment later, he sheathed his knife and then both of them started to laugh and walked away. Needless to say, I was scared as fuck and ran home while crying.


ImperialConquest said:
Sleep Paralysis

Being robbed at gun point on the street when I was 13.

Witnessing an MS gangster rob a cabbie at gun point outside a donut shop I was at with some friends. I wasn't scared as I watched it go down, it didn't quite sink in how serious the situation was as I figured he'd get the money and run off. The scary part happened when he opened fire on the cabbie. I actually saw the fire/flame from the gun. That was scary.

Panic Attack

...and someOthers.
Yeah, that too. Scary as fuck.
Living in a crack house last summer, realizing that I've slowly alienated myself from everyone who ever cared about me, and that I probably lost the one person that I loved most. Every decision I made was based off of fear. Fortunately hitting rock bottom almost instantly woke me up. I realized how much I hated myself and if all humans are truly alone, then I should immediately begin to start giving to myself the love that I deserved from myself. It's still hard today, I still occasionally long for what I had in the past, but wow, I am so grateful for going through that entire mess because I am a much stronger individual today.


My stories are nothing compared to others in this thread. Yikes.

Home from school as kid with my brother and sister, the 3 of us were in the basement playing Kings Quest 4. It was pretty quiet when we suddenly hear a door open, footsteps walk from the mud room, through the kitchen, and down the hall. My parents bedroom door opened and that was it. No more sounds. It was eerily quiet after.

My first thought was that my mom got home from work early but it seemed odd that she'd come inside the house knowing her 3 kids were home and just scurry to her bedroom without uttering a word. Then I thought it was my imagination running wild until I looked at my brother and sister and they had the same "wtf" looks on their faces.

We yelled for her and got no answer so we begin the walk up the stairs. This was the scary part....having no idea if something was actually there or not. You want to check it out but youre afraid so youre trying to be as quiet as possible to the point where breathing feels too noisy. My insides felt like a wreck..like everything was twisted or something. We get upstairs and theres absolutely nothing there. The only thing out of place was my parents bedroom door which was open a small crack. They always kept it closed because they didnt want the cat in there.

The story is kinda dumb when I think about it today but as kid, I was terrified.

Then theres the time I was swimming in a neighbors pool. We used to be small enough to fit between the rungs of the ladder in the pool so wed swim around in between the rungs, pretending to be Ecco the Dolphin. Stupid kid stuff. One day Im in there by myself and I swam between the rungs and my legs got caught. I was stuck underwater trying to twist myself around and pull my legs free but I couldnt do it. I started freaking out and reached as far as I could, grabbed the edge of the pool and just PULLED with all my might which caused the ladder to angle just far enough to free my legs. I thought I was about to drown in a shallow swimming pool.

Another time was on my trampoline. My friends could all do backflips and I sucked at it so I decided to practice alone one day. I flip but I wasnt high enough so I basically just threw myself into the trampoline backwards. My head and neck angled weird and I feel this sharp jolt in my neck followed by a numbing tingle through my entire body. I just laid there thinking that I was paralyzed or something and scared shitless. It wasnt until my friend came over a minute or two later that I even tried moving. I think when I heard his voice it kinda brought me back to reality or something.

On the same trampoline a little while after, the same friends thumb ended up in my eye and I thought I went blind. That was also pretty scary and led to several surgeries down the road to fix a detached retina.

The last time was 2 years ago when I was playing BlazBlue with my brother and sister and I started to just feel bad. My head began to pound and I felt like I needed to get outside. I started walking fast to get outside but stopped to look in the mirror and I had this whitish grey "dead" color to me. I also felt like I could feel and hear my heartbeat. It was so weird.

Im dizzy now so I stumble outside and sit down on a bench where I completely black out. I came and went 2 more times after that. Each time I came back, Id be sitting there all hazy while my mom, grandmother, brother, and sister hovered over me screaming my name. I had no idea what was going on and before I knew it, paramedics were there carting me away.

After a bunch of tests, it got narrowed down to a slight case "idiopathic cardiomyopathy" and I was only told to cut down my caffeine intake since I was a real heavy coffee drinker at the time. Im still not entirely comfortable with the disgnosis though and kinda think I should get another opinion but never do.
tarius1210 said:

That's racist...lol. I'm not gonna lie, something similar happened to me BKLYN last year.

I had to transfer from La Guardia to JFK for an international flight with a bunch of other tourists. We were in a small van and everybody was chatting amiably until we noticed that the driver got off the main roads and was now driving through neighborhoods. Black neighborhoods that you see in movies with people standing around in groups or sitting on porches.

Everybody stops talking and their faces take on the look of "we're going to die!" Turns out the driver heard on the radio that there was massive traffic ahead and took back roads to make sure we would all make our connecting flights.

Had the same thing happen in Bangkok. The taxi from the airport taking us to the hotel turns off the highway and ends up driving into a carpark. My husband takes my hand because surely we're going to be robbed and murdered, turns out it's a shortcut that every taxi driver takes.

What assholes we are.


CHEEZMO™ said:
Hypnagogia, also known as "waking-sleep", a physiological condition in which a person is part-way between sleeping and waking, can also account for such perceptions.[4] During hypnagogia, a person can be conscious and aware of their environment, but also in a dream-like state where they can perceive images from their subconscious. People experiencing waking-sleep commonly report the sensation of lights or shadows moving around them, as well as other visual hallucinations. A feeling of dread is also a sensation that occurs when experiencing hypnagogia.
Holy shit I had that exact thing once when I was a teenager, I had no idea there was a word for it. The figure stood beside my bed and started to bring his fist down hard on my chest, but stopped short of hitting me. He did it 2 or 3 times as if testing to make sure I couldn't move. Then he started fucking around with something above my head, outside of my line of sight. Then he vanished and I could move again.

I looked over the edge of my bed at my shoes that I had laid out for the next morning and they were kicked over towards my bed. I really really really wish I could remember if that was how I left them the night before...


I honestly can't remember many times I get scared because my mind has probably managed to drown them out I assume.

However once I was looking up at my ceiling as I was attempting to sleep, and when I turned my head to the right I saw the devil for a split second, then it felt as if I was punched in the face. It's happened twice now.

I thought I was possessed!
Was at a party with some friends and we got there packed in like sardines in a large SUV-like truck. Anyway when the party was over we all got back into the truck and all of a sudden it started to tip to the side where our weight was being distributed to. It was parked on a very steep driveway going up a hill that pretty much cut off onto a cliff on the side we were tipping towards. Anyway thank god one of my friends there was an incredibly buff bodybuilder and got out and held the truck in place by the door and allowed us to all get out safely. Seriously was some scary shit. None of us even had seatbelts on yet and I can only imagine what would have happened if we ended up rolling or falling down the cliff on the side.

Oh yeah, the OPs story sounds like classic sleep paralysis. Staying up late since school started that shits been happening to me often. It sucks because you could swear that what you are seeing isn't a dream. It does go away in a few seconds, but it almost feels like something in your dream actually followed you into the real world.
I was in first grade and usually kept my bedroom door cracked open just a little at night. One night I woke up and my door was about half open, then slowly started to open until it was wide open. I tried to see into the hallway but it was too dark. I thought someone had opened my door all quiet-like and was just standing in the darkness waiting to see if I had woken up from the door moving. It was terrifying. I just stared at the hallway darkness for who knows how long waiting to see if I'd die.


Nard Bagman said:
I was in first grade and usually kept my bedroom door cracked open just a little at night. One night I woke up and my door was about half open, then slowly started to open until it was wide open. I tried to see into the hallway but it was too dark. I thought someone had opened my door all quiet-like and was just standing in the darkness waiting to see if I had woken up from the door moving. It was terrifying. I just stared at the hallway darkness for who knows how long waiting to see if I'd die.
Similar to my story. I used to always wonder to myself as a kid what I would do if some stranger came slinking into my room in the middle of the night. Would I pretend to be asleep? Would I immediately start screaming and try to bolt past him? This was the scenario that haunted me as a child.


A few come to mind.

-Having an allergic reaction to contrast dye and my throat closing up. Luckily I was already at a hospital...

-Pneumonia when I was a kid having a fever so high I blacked out and died apparently.

- When I was 15 my house caught fire and everyone escaped but me, I am a deep sleeper and my mom and sister woke me up by banging on my window. Woke up to flames and smoke had insomnia for years afterward.

- Around that same time I was hanging out at a friends house and his older brother was on meth or some shit and thought I was an undercover spy or something and held a hunting knife to my throat and started asking me all these crazy questions. " why did you look at that window when that van drove by" etc. He was like 30 years old and crazy so it was pretty terrifying.

- Also that year was at a house party and the guy standing next to me was shot in the face. I got blood all over me and somehow the guy survived. ( the bullet passed through his cheeks.)

- Being t-boned at an intersection when driving in Los Angeles. ( drunk driver ran a red light)

- Another allergic reaction to medication brought on a severe and four hour panic attack.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I was at a party at a friend's house. It was pretty late so most people were drunk by this point. It was in late October and the weather was perfect, although it hadn't rained in forever and the governor had issued a burn ban. My buddy's house was under a lot of trees and set back from the road off by itself, and dead leaves were everywhere. We were in college and he wasn't trying for any yard of the month awards. They had been falling for weeks and getting deeper and deeper.

Some people were going outside to smoke and whatnot. I was inside, playing cards with the windows open. I thought I smelled non-cigarette smoke and then I thought I saw some out the window. We ran out there and there was a serious fire going that had spread from the porch from an abandoned butt. Everybody was drunk and we had to get mobilized to put it out before the whole area went up like a powder keg. We didn't have a garden hose, so we started filling up coolers with water and dumping them out on the leaves. Everybody was freaking out and yelling.

Nobody was in mortal danger, but for several minutes before we got it under control I thought the house was going to burn down and we were going to take a few surrounding acres with it, including some neighbor's houses, and that we'd have to explain everything through a drunken haze to the fire department.

- Came up short on a roll-to-revert while wakeboarding (think of the trick as a half pipe snowboard indy barrel roll, landed fakie reverse/revert with my heels facing the boat). Done it 1000 times. But I had been working on some new stuff and was on a new lake where people weren't doing inverts of that difficulty if at all, so I was mildly showing off.

The bottom line is I changed my mind mid trick, mid-approach even. I changed my mind at the last moment but forgot to ask for more speed to set in for this more advanced version of the trick. So boat speed is @24mph but consider the cut I was taking at the wake. Really puts that overall speed up way higher, sometimes double. By the time I am cutting in, heels locked for a line loading power cut - I mean - just such the wrong time to change your mind. As I was inverted and now at around 45mph, carrying out this dumb idea to change the game plan, try to maneuver the board back under myself and land the trick in a bizarre but cool position, get the handle in check, and get ready for awkward crushing blind landing about 15 feet past the wake. It didn't work. I came up short. My tibia-fibula, were both shattered over the front of the WAKEBOARD. My talus was broken or cracked, there was major nerve damage, plus I got compartments syndrome. And the board did not release from my body so when I floated up, I was in a pool of blood, with my leg at a right angle, attached to this stupid thing, with splinters of bones cutting out of my skin. SCREAMING for the boat. The paramedics got in the water and cut my $600 custom made, by the factory, for me, irreplaceable bindings. Tib/Fib is a terrible injury for an athlete - I was in an 'Outlaw' semi-pro bracket. That was that...

- After taking a leak on the side of a huge interstate highway, on a 340 mile road trip, in the dark. After my biz was done, I slowly walked in front of my car as I heard a truck coming. That ^@%&%#@#($@ gave me about a foot of clearance max. It was Pet Semetary bad. I swear to God I would have been luggage if I had taken a single step more. I would have been cat food in an instant. I got blown around. by the wind too, and there were cars behind this jag going just as fast. God that was so scary.

- I had my tonsils out when I was a kid. I got the pain meds, got the TV going, couple days or perhaps a week goes by. I tell my mom I am sooo sick of macaroni or soup. Can you please call the Doctor I want a steak & cheese sub - she did, he said sure. And it came toasted of course. Went to bed a little later.

I went to bed, dreaming I was on a high floor tall of a building that was swaying. It was swaying and there was brown liquid that was sloshing around and nobody could get a grip.

I awoke in like - a puddle of blood. My tonsil healing site had hemorrhaged. I lost so much blood that night (no clue in terms of amounts but they were fucking scared). I had an extremely frightening ambulance ride. They immediatly sedated me and pumped the blood from my stomach. So scary - really more to see my Mom so scared. I wasn't little - I was like 17. 34 now. Very scary.

- I was recovering from a tooth extraction, put on pain stuff, then Tramadol to get off it. On the 3rd day on Tramadol, while working from home and my wife on maternity leave. As my wife tells me, I guess I let out a gutteral roar, every joint locks, I rock back from sitting on the floor seizing wildly (all of this was told to me - I remember none of it) and it turned out I had a grand mal seizure to be specific. When I was awake, ambulance was already there, but asking me things like "what day is it" Didn't know. "Who is the President" Obama "Spell your name" I can't! Wha....

- September 11. I was scared, I didn't know when this stuff was going to end - or how, or if this was headed our way.
Has to be about a month ago at the eye doctors. I had eye surgery in November to install a shunt into my eye to control my glaucoma. The surgery wasn't a big deal, because I was asleep for most of it. But last month during a weekly check up, the doctor said she had to do an injection. I was like, WTF! You never told me about any injections! She had to stick a needle into my eye to move scar tissue away from the shunt and inject steroids to control the regrowth of scar tissue, all while I was awake.

I hate needles to begin with, but to have one stuck in my eye while I was awake and with no other option but to WATCH THE WHOLE THING really scared me to death... I fainted for the first time that day.

She stuck the needle in my eye and did some digging around with it for about 60 seconds. When she took it out, i put my chin on the eye exam machine, she turned on the bright lights and started pushing on my eye with her finger. Thats when I passed out. Has to be the most scared I've ever been, considering if fainted. :/


Once I was over at a friends house pretty late watching a movie. It was like 3-4am when I left her house and headed out in my car to drive home. Back then we lived in a rural suburb of Chicago in northern Illinois. Lots of dense trees and single-lane roads. About a mile away from my home, the road curves sharply left as it runs downhill a bit. And this curve is flanked on both sides and all around by thick forest. So you can't see shit.

As I rounded the curve and came into the clearing a massive semi-truck appeared on my side of the road coming at me head on. The trees along the side of the road are too thick to pull over, so I just brake and hope to God this guy wakes up in time. At the last moment, he corrects himself and swerves back into his lane as he takes the the curve uphill. I choke on my heart.

My guess was he moved into my lane so as to take the curve in the road better with his giant truck. If I had got there even a second later he would have splintered my LeBaron into nothing. The way the road curved, with a 50mph limit, there's not a lot of room for correction. We barely had enough time to see each other.


Kinda similar to your dark figure OP.

I was about 14 years old and had just started using my radio on my alarm clock and was listening to Coast to Coast AM station (I think). There was this scary story about a lady getting possessed by the devil or something and she was telling it. She was talking about how she couldn't control her body and her cat was freaking out at her and the whole time I was thinking it was all bullshit.

At this point in my life I was barely starting to become atheist but still believed a little (mostly because I was too scared to say I didn't believe lol). I thought the story was complete bullshit and at the time I thought I could administer a final test, one that would prove to me for sure if there was a god or not. In my head I thought "There is no way any of this shit exists. I DARE YOU to try and posses me. I fucking dare you." and didn't think anything of it.

I kept listening to a story about some cab drivers picking up ghosts and stuff and they went on a commercial break and I decided I would fall asleep for a little bit. This whole time I am by myself in my parents basement, all the lights are off and its pitch black.

I fall asleep on my stomach for about 15 minutes and wake up, but I cannot move. I cannot breathe and I cannot scream. I could feel the thud of my heart pounding in my ear canal, and every pound of my heart feels like a punch to my chest. My eyes start watering and I attempt to look up but cannot move a single inch of me and it is pitch black. It feels like a tremendous force is lying on top of my holding me and pressing me into my bed. I feel like I can move my eyeballs and I try with all my might to see what is on top of me and I can now see a bright light with dark silhouette of a humanoid figure over me.

It felt like an eternity but in reality it was only about a minute at the most. I regain control of my body, I turn on the lights, look around my room and go back to sleep with a massive headache. This set me back completely denouncing all religion for a little while but it still eventually happened. I read up on it a few days later and realized it was just sleep paralysis. Scary stuff nonetheless and a pretty coincidental time for that to happen to me lol.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I've had a gun put to my head twice. The first time I was 10 years old or so and it was on a bus. A guy got into an argument with another man and I was just watching. He got out of his seat, pulled a gun, walked up to me, put it right to my eye and asked "Is something funny you little bitch?"

Before I could fully piss myself, the guy that he had been talking to before called him back to his seat and they got off at the next stop.

That was the beginning of a lot of mental issues... I had pretty serious anger problems until I was 17 or so.


Being blinded for a few minutes because of chemicals. May not sound scary but there is no way to describe how horrible it is to lose your vision.
As far as videogames go, either Resident Evil or Silent Hill 1.. other than that... getting surrounded by people ready to beat you up is pretty bad but worst thing (or actually both of them) was when I was in the army service and the first of them happened when I was trying to get some rest in the morning before some training shit.

I was laying on the bed, listening to music and suddently some people started carrying me around the place, couldn't scream, couldn't move. This continued so long that I actually gave up screaming and noticed that OK, I am fucked up. After a while they brought me back to the bed and I started gaining feel to my legs and hands and a bit after that I could finally talk again. Sleep paralysis most likely, ultra realistic and friggin scary.

This another thing happened during the night headcount, I was standing there and noticed feel leaving my legs, tried to lift my hand to say I need to go lie down but it was too late. Next thing I notice was having the worst nightmare I have ever seen and it felt like going for eternity. Again, I felt hopeless and suddently heard a loud BOOM noise in my ears, noticed that I was looking a wooden ceiling but I didn't know if I was actually awake or not. I was very disoriented, I was babbling nonsense and shaking. Every noise was hurting my ears and couldn't move. Then I noticed people (medics) coming into the "picture" from the sides of my vision and told everyone to give me room to breath. My bloodsugar levels were high as fuck but no-one knew what had happened. Probably stress.

After that my eyes were dilated for weeks and my jaw was shaking too.
And just now I was reading some creapy stuff some of you wrote and heard a huge BANG from my window.

Theres no way I am going to go and check what that was.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I love reading about these kinds of things... but this thread just ended up making me sad...


Just remembered something.

I was up late one night when my entire house began to rumble and shake and a roaring thunder suddenly overcame me. I was terrified: it sounded like thunder, but it was winter. It felt like an earthquake, but it was in the prairies of MN. I looked in every direction outside, but nothing. I never felt so vulnerable, not knowing where it was coming from.

Next day I found out that a small town nearby was almost leveled by an explosion.



Wow, some of you guys have seen some terrible things. I suddenly feel a little lucky.

My worst moment of fear is, as common as it may sound, a dentist's appointment. I have a severe phobia towards dentists, and it's more or less the only time I've felt absolute pure terror. Even when sedated I manage to have paralyzing panic attacks. And what irritates me the most is that while dental work is at best uncomfortable, it's not worth that kind of reaction, yet... I've managed to get panic attacks when realizing that there was a dentist on the same street that I was on. I have a new dentist's appointment next week, and I'm surprisingly calm about it, so I'm hoping for the best... my teeth need repairs.

A runner-up, literally in fact, is when I went to elementary school and we were out on a forest field trip. Suddenly, we hear one of the student go "OW!" then another. Then one more. Then someone yelling "WASPS! SWARM!" I just started running in the opposite direction. Full tilt sprinting. So did a lot of the other kids, several both in front of and behind me going "OW!". The wasps were everywhere. I believe this is the first moment I can remember where my body just moved on its own due to an adrenaline spike, with the mind just going "Run! RUN! FASTER! RUN!!" By some miracle, I get out of the forest un-stung. Other of the kids got 3-5 stings each. Why was this so terrifying? I'm allergic to insect stings. Had one of those gotten me on the neck or face, I'd been hospitalized at best.

EDIT: Just remembered one more. Did you guys know that if you're close enough to a lightning bolt, you can hear it hiss? Me and my father were out in the garden trying to save one of those garden tents during a storm. In retrospect, we should have let that thing fly away. Anyway, I suddenly get this thought in the back of my head: "Look UP! NOW!" *hisssss* No more than 30 yards away, a bolt of lightning hits the ground, I see it flash in slow motion, then a deafening explosion. I just look at the bolt, then back to my father and yell "INSIDE!". We ran. I've never seen him run that fast. When the storm had cleared, I went back outside to find where the bolt had struck, and sure enough, right where I thought it'd be, there was a small crater in the ground. I doubt it's possible to be any closer to a bolt of lighting and not get hurt.
The most scared that I've ever been happened when I was with several friends in a big empty parking lot where we used to practice flatland skateboarding tricks. One of my friends got in his car and was about to leave; I leaned into the passanger window and was talking to him for a minute. He started joking around and inching the car forward and I walked along with the car while he did it. He gradually picked up more speed and for some stupid reason instead of getting the hell out of there, I decided to grab onto the empty passenger seat and pull half of my body into the car and hold on while he was driving (my waist down was dangling out the passenger window). He eventually got up to what he said was 40mph, and he started to turn the wheel. Needless to say, I couldn't hold on anymore. I fell out of the window and hit the pavement. For about ten seconds (but what felt like eternity), I couldn't feel or move any of my limbs. I remember screaming that I was paralyzed and that I couldn't move anything. But after a few seconds, I luckily regained control and was able to get up. Other than some nasty road rash, I was fine.

It's nothing compared to what others have experienced. But for that short moment... the feeling of helplessness and thinking that I was going to be a quadrapelidic was scary as hell.


Menelaus said:

I guess for my story would be the time that campus was locked down last fall. I was in the health center and right when I got in the door, they locked it behind me saying they were locked down and no one was getting in or out. My university has a system that is supposed to notify people by email and text message if something like this is happening, weather delays, etc. Well no one got anything from said system, so no one other than the staff and people that read the school's homepage had no idea what was going on. There were rumors flying around about a gunman spotted near the education building (which was halfway across campus from where the health center was). So after an hour of waiting, and knowing absolutely nothing, they finally let us out of the health center and campus was off lockdown.

What was it exactly? Students from the theater department playing "Nerf Gun Mafia". It's apparently a tradition for them every year, and this has never happened involving that before. I saw pictures on Facebook later of UPD with M16's behind the pillars on one building. Apparently when the lockdown started, someone tried to leave that building (word hadn't gotten around about the lockdown yet) and the cops yelled "Get back inside!" Finally, about three hours after the lockdown was over, they sent a mass text message through their system saying what happened. They also said they didn't send anything when it actually fucking happened because they didn't want to scare anyone.

Someone explain to me how finding out you're locked out of all buildings scarier than getting a text message saying "There is a possible shooter on campus, details will follow as they are known." Everyone was fucking pissed about this that day. Another incident happened a little later in the semester of a supposed "bomb threat" in the library. They actually sent out a text message last time, but luckily the "threat" turned out to be nothing.

To sum it up, campus went on lockdown because of theatre students with Nerf guns.



Anyway, I drove from Wisconsin Rapids to Madison (about 2 hours) with 4 of my friends for a state hockey final. On the way there, there was nearly a whiteout from so much snow. I drove. We were okay.

On the way back, excited, none of us could sleep even though it was extraordinarily late. 20 minutes from home, with snow and ice on the ground, a semi-truck made a left turn across the lane in front of us as we were going down a hill. My friend hit the brakes and we started sliding. All of us screamed, terrified and sure we were going to jackknife it. I actually snapped off my seatbelt and slid down in my seat because I thought the top of the car was going to get sliced off. If the semi-truck had to wait for a car in the other lane, we would have hit it and died. It rolled through without slowing down.

So, THEN, we laughed about it and needed to relax. I fell asleep in my back seat. 5 minutes from home, the SAME thing happened. We screamed and I thought, "Well, this is clearly how it had to happen." My friend did what you aren't supposed to do and snapped the wheel. We took a skid left at 60 miles per hour and then right. Because it was icy, we did a powerslide around the rear of the semi-truck and, somehow, came right back on the road without sliding off to either side. We probably would have survived rolling, but we definitely would have died had we hit it.

I wish I had caught the "How's My Driving" number on the back of either.
I was on the highway driving my girlfriend and my buddy home after a show. The highway was under construction at the time so it was two lanes instead of four, and the left lane was the shoulder (so I was driving along the wall). All of a sudden, a car in the left lane (this is a construction zone with workers on the other side of the highway) comes flying past us (probably around 80 or so) in the left lane, loses control somehow, hits the wall in front of us head on (perpendicular, like a T) and their car flipped about six times in front of us and off to the side of the highway.

I had anxiety driving on the highway for months.


best junior ever
I get scared out of my mind whenever i think about the concept of death, i think it's the fact that i will never understand it that scares me the most. It happens at least 3 times a week and it sometimes is so bad i cry. :(


Got arrested and thrown in a holding cell in Greece for a crime I didn't commit. Ended up having to get my parents wire a few thousand euro to the asshole who was accusing me of the crime. The prospect of a few months to a year in a foreign jail was a pretty frightening prospect.


Anticitizen One said:
Sleep Paralysis is so scary because you feel like your getting molested by a combination of ghosts, demons and aliens.
Last year I think I had sleep paralysis. , I woke up in the middle of the night and wasn't able to move at all. And it felt like someone else was trying to pull my arms and legs to drag me out of my bed. It happened when I and 5 friends spend a weekend in Cologne at a Hostel. We all slept in one room. I saw all my friends sleep and tried to scream for help but I couldn't make a sound and felt someone was trying to choke me. I was scared , I thought I was going to die that night. Such a bizarre experience.


Subconscious Brolonging
To make a very long story short, a lot of things fell apart in my life and for a week or so I believed I was going to be homeless at the end of that month. The fear and desperation was pretty incredible, I was so sick with worry that I couldn't get to sleep most nights. Anyway, I sort of conned my way out of it, got the money I needed and jumped clear of that situation. Ultimately I'm glad it happened because I haven't worried about anything since. Hitting rock bottom and surviving makes other problems seem pretty chill.


DY_nasty said:
I've had a gun put to my head twice. The first time I was 10 years old or so and it was on a bus. A guy got into an argument with another man and I was just watching. He got out of his seat, pulled a gun, walked up to me, put it right to my eye and asked "Is something funny you little bitch?"

Before I could fully piss myself, the guy that he had been talking to before called him back to his seat and they got off at the next stop.

That was the beginning of a lot of mental issues... I had pretty serious anger problems until I was 17 or so.
That's how some people in the hood roll. They feel embarrassed by something so the first solution is to pull a gun on someone.

When I was 16 I was threatened by to dudes in an apartment elevator. One dude flashed a gun at me by quickly lifting his shirt and then punched me in the face because they didn't think I was respectful enough. By resoect I mean didn't show fear to make them laugh so the dude punched me instead. These guys mid 20's in age with nothing better to do. I've heard of worse though were dudes tell cats to strip and make them walk around like that for a while.


Probably when a friend of mine (we said we were cousins though I doubt we were really related) had gotten shot. We thought he was a goner but he pulled through.

I also thought I was going to drown once in a salt water pool. I remember trying to scream for help but just kept taking in water as I sank. Then all of a sudden it's like I was Michael Phelps and swam to the surface. I guess it was my body's natural reaction. To this day I hate going into the water: at beaches, lakes.

I also had experiences with sleep paralysis. Weird that it always happened in my old childhood room and never anywhere else in the house. It happened I guess 2-3 times in that room. I remember waking and not being able to move a muscle, trying to talk, yell and nothing happened. Once it felt like someone had jumped off my body. The whole bed shook, I got up sweating a storm. The kids who used to live across the street always joked that somebody had committed suicide in that room years ago but I never thought anything of it. Can't help but think about that now.

Though it never happened to me again when I moved upstairs. It's actually never happened to me ever again. I'm thankful, cause it's some pretty scary stuff when it's happening.


Quite a few examples, some of them are a bit tame though.

Scariest time was while my daughter was undergoing open-heart surgery (when she was 2) and the nurse came out and said surgery would finish soon and that I could see her within the hour. 3 hours went after that moment and I couldn't find out a thing. I was so incredibly scared, but eventually I was taken in to see her. I never got to the bottom of what the hold up was.

When I was 12 I went to Italy with my school, and we were staying by the beach. All of us went one day, and all was well. This beach had a bunch of pier things which were a couple of foot above sea level. After a while the waves started getting a bit stronger and I started diving under them. Suddenly I came up and I was right under the edge of one of these piers, and the waves were slamming me into it. I tried to climb out but with the waves it wasn't possible. I tried swimming away but I couldn't get away from it. Eventually someone noticed and helped me out, but they got stuck there instead. lol I went and got help and everyone was happy. :p

When I was 13 a bunch of my friends were having a water fight just outside of school. Someone who was an acquaintance through a water bomb at a teacher and everyone ran. My best friend at the time tried to run across the road right in front of me, but was hit by an SUV going pretty fast. He was lying on the ground motionless and I had no idea what to do. I just froze for about 5 mins while people around were screaming, calling the ambulance, trying to help, etc. He didn't regain conciousness for about 15 mins when he was being put into the ambulance, and all he did was let out an agonising scream. He full recovered, but it was one of the worst moments I've experienced.

At 15 my step-dad died in front of me and I had to deal with the whole situation. He had lung cancer, and we new he was terminal, but it's not really a situation you can deal with alone at that age. I walked into the room and saw him slumped on the couch with foam or something coming from his mouth and I knew he wasn't going to make it. Really awful experience.

The next one is pretty humorous/embarrassing thinking back on it, but I was honestly petrified at the time.
Ok, so me and my ex were having sex in the bathroom..... All was good, things were going well, when suddenly I started to feel faint... Yeah... I collapsed while having sex right there. I was concious, but everything was laboured and I couldn't muster the energy to speak. My gf (at the time) was asking me what's wrong and I really couldn't say.. As she was about to call the ambulance I started to regain my composure and colour started coming back to my face (apparently I was ghostly white for a good minute). Yeah, I never found out exactly what caused this, and I haven't had problems since, but for that time I didn't know wtf was going to happen to me.

And I'll finish with that. Probably best to finish with something that is kind of funny.... :p


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
charsace said:
That's how some people in the hood roll. They feel embarrassed by something so the first solution is to pull a gun on someone.

When I was 16 I was threatened by to dudes in an apartment elevator. One dude flashed a gun at me by quickly lifting his shirt and then punched me in the face because they didn't think I was respectful enough. By resoect I mean didn't show fear to make them laugh so the dude punched me instead. These guys mid 20's in age with nothing better to do. I've heard of worse though were dudes tell cats to strip and make them walk around like that for a while.
This actually happened to a guy that lived in my neighborhood. Now, let me be clear and say that this was probably the most bitchass mark I've ever seen in my life... I'll call him Gary - but anyways, a bunch of us were playing basketball and I don't know what was said, but he flips out and gets into a fight with another guy. Gary gets rocked - he gets pissed and leaves to go home. Later on, he comes back to the court with his fucking dad. Gary's pop goes on and on about some bullshit about who hit his son and shit... whatever. Anyways, Gary hops out the car, gets back on the court and we keep playing.

Gary fucked up by continuing to be a dick though. "Yal don't want it with my dad, he's OG in this hood" Again, I didn't hear what exactly was said to others - but a friend of the guy who just punched him did, and called him to tell him about it.

Note: The only reason I'm still here at this point is because the goons in my family essentially ran the area. Any other place in my town, I would've ran off immediately.

SO the guy that hit Gary rolls back around in his caddy this time. There might've been other guys in the car, don't know... but he hopped out and beat the fuck out of Gary. It was a one on one fight, so people didn't really want to jump in at first but shit got lopsided quick and before anyone knew what was going on, all you heard was "STRIP BITCH". Gary shook his head, then got kicked, and the next thing you saw was this 17 yr old dude taking his clothes of in tears. Dude took all of Gary's clothes but "let him keep his fake ass chain" and then made him walk home.

Again, Gary was an asshole and probably deserved the asswhooping. Hell, I had reason to fight him too back then too, but some guys need that power trip...


yes, that talented of a member
This is easy, and it beats anything else I've experienced by miles and miles and miles upon miles and mountains of miles.

Ever been to Singapore? Singapore Zoo? Singapore Zoo Night Safari? Singapore Zoo Night Safari Fruit Bat Aviary?

It has like an 8 foot ceiling and dozens of screeching screaming bats the size of cats or bigger than cats. That's not counting their wings. You can feel their wings snapping and flapping as they screech.


I got caught in a gunfight at a gas station and I wasn't as terrified.
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