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The most scared you've ever been in your life?

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erotic butter maelstrom
this was way back when I was a small child, but one night I was in my room by myself and I looked out the window and I saw a fucking cane walking by itself, as if an invisible man was walking with it

t'was like some poltergeist was tormenting me
the first time i had a gun put in my face.....the only thing i could think was "omg no...no....please" i really thought that was it....

the other 2 times happened to fast so i didnt think.

ohhh and when i was in court and the judge said i had to go to La county jail lol
Snuggler said:
this was way back when I was a small child, but one night I was in my room by myself and I looked out the window and I saw a fucking cane walking by itself, as if an invisible man was walking with it

t'was like some poltergeist was tormenting me
the fuck? :lol
Coming to the United States for the first time, the airplane I took had a turbulence for a good minute. For a good 30 seconds (maybe?) the plane felt like it was "free falling".

The entire plane started screaming and at that very exact moment I thought to myself "Well fuck, I gotta find a way to save myself when this plane crashes or else I'm dead"

I was really, really scared for a minute there =P thought I was gonna die for sure.


Sohter.Nura said:
Coming to the United States for the first time, the airplane I took had a turbulence for a good minute. For a good 30 seconds (maybe?) the plane felt like it was "free falling".

The entire plane started screaming and at that very exact moment I thought to myself "Well fuck, I gotta find a way to save myself when this plane crashes or else I'm dead"

I was really, really scared for a minute there =P thought I was gonna die for sure.

Oh shit, that reminds me. During take off or landing on a plane, I shit myself. =P I grip the arm rests and just can't let go. Honestly I've gotten better with each flight, but I really don't like the idea of my life being in the hands of some dude I've never even seen before. lol
I've been shot at twice and pinned against a car with a knife to my throat, both fail in comparison to when we found out my mom had cancer a 2nd time and might have spread to her lymphoids
GodfatherX said:
I've been shot at twice and pinned against a car with a knife to my throat, both fail in comparison to when we found out my mom had cancer a 2nd time and might have spread to her lymphoids
my god that sucks
Experiencing a panic attack on a psychedelic drug, for sure.

I really thought I was living in a simulated world and that my experience here on earth was simply a figment of "my," or someone's, imagination.

Took me months to recover. Still haven't fully.


Material541 said:
Experiencing a panic attack on a psychedelic drug, for sure.

I really thought I was living in a simulated world and that my experience here on earth was simply a figment of "my," or someone's, imagination.

Took me months to recover. Still haven't fully.

Been through this too. Was in Amsterdam and I OD'ed on mushrooms & weed and freaked out in the hostel because I thought my heart was going to stop. Ended up running naked through the hostel and the nearby park screaming "I'M GONNA DIE!!!".
Couldn't sleep for the next three days.


bigjimmystyle said:
Been through this too. Was in Amsterdam and I OD'ed on mushrooms & weed and freaked out in the hostel because I thought my heart was going to stop. Ended up running naked through the hostel and the nearby park screaming "I'M GONNA DIE!!!".
Couldn't sleep for the next three days.
Haha I love how you got naked to do so


BobDylan said:
Haha I love how you got naked to do so

Haha not quite. I was in bed trying to chill the fuck out (I had spent half an hour beforehand hiding under a sheet in the corner of the room as someone had brought in a candy spider), and as I tend to sleep naked I had forgotten my clothes when I sprinted the fuck out of there in fear of my life.
Probably my motorcycle accident. I was riding an enduro bike (like a motocross mixed with a street bike, headlights etc.) down a gravel road. I was weaving back and forth sliding the back wheel around at about 90 or so. Yeah it was dumb. I went a little wide and my back wheel slipped off the edge of the road and hit one of those metal drain pipes that run underneath for storm water and such. I flipped forwards and flew off the bike.

I had heard that people in accidents say they feel like time slows. I can definitely confirm that. Most likely it was only like 10-20 seconds from the time I hit it to when my body came to a stop, but it felt like 10 minutes. I flew through the air a bit with my arms outstretched. When I touched the ground my arm tucked underneath me and I felt my arm being pulled out of its socket in my shoulder in slow-mo. It felt like it took a minute to pull out. Then my collar bone started cracking. Felt like it took another 2-3 minutes. I was thinking about if my neck was next, if I was gonna be paralyzed or dead, and I blacked out after that. Woke up laying in the road not knowing how much time had passed. It was late on a one-lane dirt road so no one had found me. I just kind of laid there in shock for a while. It felt like my legs were messed up too but I just had some minor sprains as well as some cuts,bruises obviously. Didn't wanna chance standing in case they were broke though. Laid there for a while until some farmer drove up in a truck and called 911.

The scariest part was right after I woke up. I thought I might be paralyzed. I was too scared to try to move any part of my body for the fear it wouldn't respond to my instructions. I've never in my life felt a feeling of such relief as when I saw my foot move.

A funny part to this story: when the guy got out of his truck he said "Are you ok? my first thought was "Oh ya just chillin here". I just said "no" though. Didn't want him to leave me. :lol

I was wearing a helmet (Law in Canada) so my head was ok. Probably saved my life


Another Sleep story!

So I woke up, or I was dreaming- I can't remember now. (This was like last year). And I hear this "hello" and I'm like "wtf"- then I just start running out of my room on all fours grasping at the walls and shit until I got to the Bathroom which is basiclly on the otherside of the house- and climbed up the wall to the light switch and just splashed water on my face to clam down.

But while I was doing this I was like "bahlahalblabalbhalaahahahkblaaalalaa" like really fucking loud.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I'll post seriously, back when me and my friend were doing some dumb shit we shouldn't have been doing at 17, we both ended up on the opposite side of a guy with a .380. Long story short, friend got shot in the end and I caught three in the back. He's blind now and I lost 75% of my blood before I even got to the operating table.


Material541 said:
Experiencing a panic attack on a psychedelic drug, for sure.

I really thought I was living in a simulated world and that my experience here on earth was simply a figment of "my," or someone's, imagination.

Took me months to recover. Still haven't fully.

Same. Although mine wasn't even from a psychedelic. Mine was just from some super, super strong weed that I smoked wayyyy too much of, wayyyy too quickly.

Easily the scariest experience of my life. I've been smoking weed for 6+ years (although not on a frequent, regular basis), and have done mushrooms, acid, X, etc., without any problem. But for some reason I got so messed up that night that I completely convinced myself that I had fried my brain and was going to feel like that forever.

There was a 30 minute period when I was completely sure I had died and was in hell. The insane thing is that there was still a sliver of my consciousness that was completely normal, and I was desperately trying to hold onto it. I kept thinking that if I lost that, I would end up in an insane asylum or just mentally retarded. Horrible experience.


When I had to wait 10 months to take a paternity test....i was physically sick with worry and fear.

I received the email with the results while I was on Holiday in Hong Kong. I Will never forget trying to navigate the Chinese internet cafe computer to get to the email. When I clicked to open the pdf file with the results, I closed my eyes, took some deep breaths and then opened them ... I WAS NOT THE FATHER! ! :O :D D.
I should have been the most scared when I was working in a petrol station on the graveyard shift back in the day. A junkie came in and drenched me in petrol and threatened to set me alight (while waving a lit cigarette lighter at me).

I was far more scared, however, when I was woken by my 4 year old daughter screaming in the night like someone was attacking her... turns out she was fine (nightmares), but I swear I've never gone from complete slumber to ready for action in such a short time.
Waiting for the results of this final I knew I fucked up bad. It was one of those exams where you have a massive brain fart, and you sit there wondering what the fuck is happening. It was my graduating semester too.
Agent Icebeezy said:
I'll post seriously, back when me and my friend were doing some dumb shit we shouldn't have been doing at 17, we both ended up on the opposite side of a guy with a .380. Long story short, friend got shot in the end and I caught three in the back. He's blind now and I lost 75% of my blood before I even got to the operating table.

Damn beezy that's crazy.

I got held at gunpoint for my bike at like 13, but that ain't shit compared to what happened to you.


I had a mentally unstable marine (just back from Afghanistan, he said) hold a boot knife to my neck and told me he'd "bleed me dry" at a bar a few years back. To my credit, I looked him straight in the eye and didn't bat an eyelash.

EDIT: I also woke up to a giant pink rabbit in my bedroom doorway once. That was pretty fucking scary.
1) she was late.

2) hit in my old car years ago, spun around in rush hour traffic to be facing oncoming cars! Was able to get off the road in time and wasn't harmed.

3) the 1994 Northridge (CA) earthquake
Two stories:

A while back my friends and I had gotten kind of into guns. We each had our own weapons that we would get together and have some target practice. We were all incredibly careful. Safeties always on, barrels pointed away from everyone no matter the condition of the gun, and all of the essentials. The problem was the only place to safely shoot was way out of town. It was a real pain to get to. One day a person that we all had sort of known offered to let us shoot on their property nearby. Saves us about a twenty minute drive and a five minute walk to the usual place. So we go there, meet the person, they point us out to the spot. We go out and start shooting and everything's fine. We wrap it up, and we're about to leave. We turn around to see the person who owned the land coming our way. "You want to see what I shoot?" The psycho whips out a glock and starts unloading in our direction. They were aiming up, but not by much. We all hit the ground as we hear the bullets tearing into the trees behind us. They stop firing and start laughing crazily. "Jumpy aren't you?" We all get up and try to laugh it off. It was suddenly clear that this person wasn't 'all there.' We start walking again and they fire a few more from the hip, thinking it was really funny. We said we had to go and got out of there fast. Never went back.

The other time was during what should be the safest sport in the world. I was playing golf at a local course. The course sucks. It's filled with hills and swampy areas, covered with rocks, and everything you don't want in a course. It's basically a course for drunk rednecks, but it's also crazy cheap. I and some friends had teed off on a par 4 on a hill. The fairway is right on a huge hill. Like right after you tee off, you have to get the ball right on top of this hill, or else it'll roll down the left side and go into the swamp. Anyway, I managed to get a pretty nice lie on top of this hill, and I'm walking to my ball. Before I'm there I hear the familiar sound of a drive. The rednecks behind us have decided to forgo the traditional "Wait until the other guys are all on the green" rule and start teeing off. One of them yells "Fore" in a half-hearted manner. I sort of duck a bit and walk a into a little bit of a different direction, not thinking much of it. Then "BAM!" I feel a pop in the back of my head.
Everything goes dark and I lose all hearing. I remember actually thinking "Oh man, I'm dead. I'm actually dead." I then remember weakly opening my eyes to see my bag and clubs rolling down the hill, and then I realize that I'm rolling right along with them. I still can't hear anything, and worse yet, I can't feel anything. I'm completely numb, and I have no control over my body. I can't do anything but wait for gravity to run its course. I finally stop rolling and end up on my back at the bottom of the hill. I notice my friends running to me. I also notice that their mouths are open, and they're all yelling my name. I can't hear it. "Good," I thought, "I'm not dead, I'm just deaf." But my hearing suddenly came back. It was pretty much exactly like that scene in Saving Private Ryan. I can't stand up until my friends help me. My equilibrium is gone. I can't stand up without leaning to the left. Also I'm pretty much out of it, as I just nodded to everything my friends said. I went to the doctor, and everything was fine. I didn't even get a concussion. Still, at the time... Scary stuff.


laying in cold water in a huge tropical storm for 6 hrs feeling like I was going to die any second. house was completely destroyed by the end of the first hour and we had roof beams, roofing iron, furniture, trees, the neighbours solar hot water system, flying around us the rest of the time was no fun at all. added to all this was the noise of 250+ km/hr winds, massive lighting, and structures being torn apart.

no fun at all. believe me, when a 10m piece of wood flies past your face (less than a metre) at better than 200 you feel it's only a matter of time before something gets you.
I was at home on the couch and my blood sugar was some astronomical level at the time and I didn't know it. So trying not to pass out it took me like an hour to get off the couch and like a dumb ass drove to the nearest hospital. I stagger into the emergency room and the officer on duty asked me was I Ok and I said no, I'm not.... just before I passed out I just knew I was dead and all I could think about was not seeing my girls grow up.

Needless to say, I went into a coma fro about 6 days and here I am thanks t modern medicine. And to answer a question people always ask, yes people in comas can here it when you talk to them. I remember my mother talking to me and few other important people.


Agent Icebeezy said:
I'll post seriously, back when me and my friend were doing some dumb shit we shouldn't have been doing at 17, we both ended up on the opposite side of a guy with a .380. Long story short, friend got shot in the end and I caught three in the back. He's blind now and I lost 75% of my blood before I even got to the operating table.
Holy shit.
I never knew gaffers had so many encounters with guns.


Over a year ago I almost hit someone as I pulled out of the parking lot of my school due to being sleep deprived. I heard their tires screech as they slammed on the brakes in order to keep from hitting me. I was terrified. Of course we pull up to a red light and they're behind me for a minute or so but I can't even look in the mirror due to being so mortified. It was completely my fault and I still feel bad about it. I'm glad they were paying attention, don't even want to think about what would have happened if they weren't. It wasn't drunk driving, but man, I will never drive in a state like that ever again.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I doubt anyone can be as afraid as I am.

Once upon a time, when riding this:


(The persons depicted on the video above are not related in any way to me, that is just a video that I feel appropriate the level of scariness I've experienced)

When I am jettisoned upwards, the locks that strengthen the safety pad (the one worn around the head) of my seat freaking snaps open. It is only for one minute or so, but I have never felt so close to death like that. I have to pull the safety pads down with my hands as strong as I could but you can imagine how scared I was back then.

I've received compensation for that scary experience, yes, but those kind of things you always carry on your memory no matter what.


Gold Member
Laughing Banana said:
I doubt anyone can be as afraid as I am.

Once upon a time, when riding this:


(The persons depicted on the video above are not related in any way to me, that is just a video that I feel appropriate the level of scariness I've experienced)

When I am jettisoned upwards, the locks that strengthen the safety pad (the one worn around the head) of my seat freaking snaps open. It is only for one minute or so, but I have never felt so close to death like that. I have to pull the safety pads down with my hands as strong as I could but you can imagine how scared I was back then.

I've received compensation for that scary experience, yes, but those kind of things you always carry on your memory no matter what.
Good God. I can't even being in that situation.


Back when I was an E-3 stationed on my first ship out to sea in 2001, I drew the short straw and got to be the lucky radioman to tell my ships Captain that World Trade Center was attacked.


Back when I was round 9 or 10, I was riding on my bicycle in a park. Felt kind of cocky and decided to go down this rather steep road, shortly after I begin descending panic comes over me and I forget the damn brakes. I hit the curb at the end of the slope and fly out of my bicycle straight to a concrete wall. Just put my hands in front of me and all I remember seeing the wall rapidly approaching then darkness. I wake up on the floor, then I look to my left and see my left arm all twisted and the elbow where it was not supposed to be, bent backwards. Never been so horrified in my life, seeing my arm that fucked up. Minutes later I'm hauled in an ambulance, ended in the hospital for 7 days fractured both my arms, left arm specially. Had to wear casts in both arms for the remainder of the summer. Craptastic summer indeed.


Aesius said:
The insane thing is that there was still a sliver of my consciousness that was completely normal, and I was desperately trying to hold onto it. I kept thinking that if I lost that, I would end up in an insane asylum or just mentally retarded. Horrible experience.

Oh god, same thing happened to me.

I remember i was even frowning and closing my eyes to try to remain "sane".

Shit is scary as hell.


One day doing yard work, I had been crouching for quite some time. I stood up all of a sudden and lost my sight (I guess due to blood pressure) during something that felt like an eternity but lasted no more than 2-4 seconds. I was terrified.

Also I panic when I swim alone, even in the pool.


sooperkool said:
I was at home on the couch and my blood sugar was some astronomical level at the time and I didn't know it. So trying not to pass out it took me like an hour to get off the couch and like a dumb ass drove to the nearest hospital. I stagger into the emergency room and the officer on duty asked me was I Ok and I said no, I'm not.... just before I passed out I just knew I was dead and all I could think about was not seeing my girls grow up.
Needless to say, I went into a coma fro about 6 days and here I am thanks t modern medicine. And to answer a question people always ask, yes people in comas can here it when you talk to them. I remember my mother talking to me and few other important people.

whats it like in a coma? I never knew you could still hear people.


I've experienced nothing worse than sleep paralysis. Though at the time it was absolutely terrifying, because I had never experienced that sort of thing before. I'm used to being quite active in my head to begin with, but to be trapped there in a nightmare quite a different experience. I could dimly feel the bed beneath me and the room around me, but it was a tiny layer of sensation sitting beneath a scene of destruction taken straight out of a Hollywood tornado movie. I tried shaking myself awake, I tried to scream, but I couldn't move or speak. I knew it wasn't working, and I just started freaking out even more.

Subjectively, I spent anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour in that state of total panic. Eventually I realized I was making the problem worse by actively fighting against the dream. I started drifting back into regular sleep once I calmed down and stopped trying to escape, and I rode out the rest of the storm nightmare in a state of relative tranquility. In a strange sort of way, I'm thankful it happened.


When my mom called me in the middle of the night, that my dad was comitted in the hospital because his bloodsugar level was over 10 times the level it should be (he didn't have diabetes at the time) Drove to the hospital and had to wait a couple of hours to wait if he would be ok. He pulled though, but those couple hours waiting were awfull
BobDylan said:
whats it like in a coma? I never knew you could still hear people.

For me it was like being unconscious mostly. There were times when i felt more "there" than other times. Its not so much that you hear everything its lke you can focus on your loved ones talking to you.


Most Australian kids (near the coast anyway) go to the beach with their families or their schools and are taught about surf safety at a fairly early age. The problem is that most of those kids are, well, kids, and sometimes they don't fucking think. Basically, one of my family friends (girl six years younger than me) got caught in a rip, I went out to pull her back in, found I couldn't fight the rip, found I wasn't as invincible as I thought I was, was starting to tire, and she was pretty much exhausted on my back. I barely remember it now but I definitely remembering being terrified about what might happen if we don't get back to shore, the sensation of using up so much energy but not appearing to move, and the fact that she was pretty much completely limp on my back.

Luckily a surf patrol guy on a board came by and pulled us back to shore, but I was seriously freaking out for some time there.


One night I was playing some online matches of Gears of War while eating doritos. I got really worked up at one point from someone talking shit and all of a sudden I swallow a chip the wrong way and start to choke. I remember making a bunch of gasping noises, only to hear my teammates laughing at me over Xbox live. I finally coughed up the chip that was wedged between my throat and carried on trying to explain myself.

I feared for my life for a split second, it was scary. It was especially haunting with the animal-like laughter coming through on my headset.

Let this be a lesson to those making death threats over Xbox live, you may actually cause one. xD

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