• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

The new member, introduction and lurker coming out party - come in and say hello

Someone suggested we have a topic for new and past lurking members, so here you go

While I do not care what you say about yourself and I do not ask that you pertain to these I will list a few basic ideas that you could use to shout out about yourself

Favorite Games: Anything action, competitive... my list of liked games is huge from old to new, pixel to current.

Lurker or New - have been known to lerk

Wait time? I honestly don't remember how long it took me to get my account here, I think I had almost forgot about it and just noticed I was able to login one day. Probably over 8 months at least.

I am a person that didn't use to like cats but after my roommate had one I started to enjoy and miss this cat after I had left. I am still fine with dogs but found a new respect and care with my feline friends.


sum as whole

Neo Member
I will start. I've been reading had for a few years and stayed a membership last November. I just signed in a few days ago and saw I was accepted. I'm a older gamer in my 40s and started playing Atari and still game on. I've been collecting games since 2002 and primarily focus on Sega and Xbox I'm also a collector of comic books focusing on silver and bronze age books. I also collect Prince records he was an amazing artist.
I grew up in Vallejo Ca and now live in the Sac delta area with my wife daughter an son. I work retail for a grocery chain and am a volunteer firefighter emt. I work some weird hours mostly nights. I'm pretty friendly with a good since of humor.
That's it for now. Gotta go to bed for work.


Long time junior here and even longer time lurker.
I've just turned 30 so I'm now officially old I guess :p
I'm French but I've been living in the UK for about 10 years now.

Favourite games are mainly stuff from my teenage years: ocarina of time, mario 64, PSO, Diablo 2, Shenmue...
Favourite console is the Dreamcast, special place in my heart.
As I grew older I find it difficult to invest myself in games but once in while something special turns up. Recently I've really enjoyed steamworld digs 2 and I'm always ready for a game of killing floor 2.

Hoping to get more involved here as the community rebuilds itself.


Gold Member
Well, I'm not new member, but I'll inroduce myself anyway.

I'm Andyliini, from Finland. I signed up to NeoGAF in spring of 2015 in order to participate in E3 discussions after lurking for about a year. I also wanted an acoouont to more precisely follow which posts I have read and what not. Strangely, my account was not validated for 6 months, but activated almost immediately after I changed my email-address. Go figure.

I game almost daily, and on many different platform, and enjoy many genres, but Nintendo is and always has been closest to my heart. I rarely play online, or even local multiplayer, single player is my style.
I just turned into a member, and I lurked a lot, but will try to be more active.

Big time into RPGs (both p&p and digital), just came back from Essen Spiel weighed down with loot (Gloomhaven! OMG that weight!). Sometimes watch that show about tiny horses together with my wife (a NeoGAF favourite, or so I've heard). Currently grinding Fire Emblem and spending time on this awesome site.

Do you happen to be in Germany?

I will start. I've been reading had for a few years and stayed a membership last November. I just signed in a few days ago and saw I was accepted. I'm a older gamer in my 40s and started playing Atari and still game on. I've been collecting games since 2002 and primarily focus on Sega and Xbox I'm also a collector of comic books focusing on silver and bronze age books. I also collect Prince records he was an amazing artist.
I grew up in Vallejo Ca and now live in the Sac delta area with my wife daughter an son. I work retail for a grocery chain and am a volunteer firefighter emt. I work some weird hours mostly nights. I'm pretty friendly with a good since of humor.
That's it for now. Gotta go to bed for work.
I have done a l got of these things and use to collect games pretty heavily. I did not focus my collecting on specific systems, pretty much everything. My uncle use to be into the emt/fire fighter thing so I can get a bit of that. He has had a lot of interesting things, I know when he went to a school fire he sort of lost his line and had to be carried out by one of the prison workers on the site or something. I know he saw a dragon in the fire, he made a pretty decent drawing of it that I remember.

Long time junior here and even longer time lurker.
I've just turned 30 so I'm now officially old I guess :p
I'm French but I've been living in the UK for about 10 years now.

Favourite games are mainly stuff from my teenage years: ocarina of time, mario 64, PSO, Diablo 2, Shenmue...
Favourite console is the Dreamcast, special place in my heart.
As I grew older I find it difficult to invest myself in games but once in while something special turns up. Recently I've really enjoyed steamworld digs 2 and I'm always ready for a game of killing floor 2.

Hoping to get more involved here as the community rebuilds itself.

I sometimes wonder what some really see in the Dreamcast, while I had one at launch and played it a decent amount, I can only see it as a failure overall. I liked shenmue, doa, daytona and many other games at the time but it really is limited. I still like the Turbo Grafx 16, but I still know it's very limited and just can't put it over the genesis and snes in truth.

Well, I'm not new member, but I'll inroduce myself anyway.

I game almost daily, and on many different platform, and enjoy many genres, but Nintendo is and always has been closest to my heart. I rarely play online, or even local multiplayer, single player is my style.
I use to love Nintendo games more than what they do now or the last 10 years, mostly anything after the N64, but they still make quality titles just not always the ones like they use to make, . I love most of the ones everyone does, but I also like the ones many don't such as Stunt Race Fx.

I just turned into a member, and I lurked a lot, but will try to be more active.

Big time into RPGs (both p&p and digital), just came back from Essen Spiel weighed down with loot (Gloomhaven! OMG that weight!). Sometimes watch that show about tiny horses together with my wife (a NeoGAF favourite, or so I've heard). Currently grinding Fire Emblem and spending time on this awesome site.

Do you and your wife happen to game together? I honestly do not know what this show with horses is I mostly watch movies these days cause of my life set-up and not having access to English Tv.


Welcome everyone! Don't forget to get that GAF gold on your 500th post! A mod can probably help if you don't see it in your account. They won't mind a Pm.

Edit : Current gaming news for me I guess would be I made the mistake of getting my fiance into games by giving her Night In the Woods. Now, all she ever says when I turn on my pro is,"I want to play that kitty game.". Lol, I've created a monster.


I sometimes wonder what some really see in the Dreamcast, while I had one at launch and played it a decent amount, I can only see it as a failure overall. I liked shenmue, doa, daytona and many other games at the time but it really is limited. I still like the Turbo Grafx 16, but I still know it's very limited and just can't put it over the genesis and snes in truth.

Oh well for me it's PSO first of all and the beginning of online gaming. But then all the games: Shenmue, skies of Arcadia, grandia 2, power stone, crazy taxi, sonic adventure, house of the dead 2 with the gun, jet set radio, soulcalibur, virtual tennis. I mean I felt I had an arcade machine at home with an amazing selection. So much fun with friends around the couch :)
Hi fellow hangers-on. This feels like a fresh start.
It feels like the first time I went to college and met new people and had so much fun.
The cliquey group of bullies you despised are all left behind.
Anyone want to pound some beers? It's Friday night.
One year old Junior member reporting in.

Tried to apply to the site back in 2011-12, but didnt have a paid email. Continued with my life until I reached the end of my eduaction and my work place hooked me up with a work mail, then worked there for like 2 months before i realied 'Oh hey, i can apply to Gaf now'

I play almost all genres, but if I had to pick, my favorites are RPGs and Fighting Games, really into Tekken and Street Fighter. Favorite game of all time has to be Shadow of the Colossus
Long time lurker, recent poster over the past several months. Mid 30s, parent, I drink the boozes and play the vidya games. Gaming side brought me here, OT locked me in.. but over the last several months the OT got pretty bad so I stay on gaming side.

Super happy OT is back, and seems to have purified itself in a sense. GAF 2.0 rejoice!
Came for the gaming, stayed for the OT.

Some may laugh, but I've become a better person for reading (and briefly posting on) GAF. As someone who doesn't socialize a ton, it's helped me take a second look at some of my ingrained behaviors and assumptions. So thanks for that. I'm a flawed person with a lot to learn.

I also look forward to maybe possibly having some respectfully presented conservative points of view in the OT (they won't be coming from me, but I do hope to hear them); I'll admit it did feel like a circle jerk at times there toward the end. Even when you agree with it, it just gets boring if nothing else, and I'm certainly not going to learn as much in an echo chamber as I am when I'm exposed to thoughtful yet differing opinions.

But I think we can do this. I think there's still a positive foundation here. I'll try to help. I'm also here for the gifs and the sordid relationship threads so don't be shy with those either.

Came for the gaming, stayed for the OT.

Some may laugh, but I've become a better person for reading (and briefly posting on) GAF. As someone who doesn't socialize a ton, it's helped me take a second look at some of my ingrained behaviors and assumptions. So thanks for that. I'm a flawed person with a lot to learn.

I also look forward to maybe possibly having some respectfully presented conservative points of view in the OT (they won't be coming from me, but I do hope to hear them); I'll admit it did feel like a circle jerk at times there toward the end. Even when you agree with it, it just gets boring if nothing else, and I'm certainly not going to learn as much in an echo chamber as I am when I'm exposed to thoughtful yet differing opinions.

But I think we can do this. I think there's still a positive foundation here. I'll try to help. I'm also here for the gifs and the sordid relationship threads so don't be shy with those either.


Cheers EJL. I raise my glass


Hey everyone,

Name's Printess (hence the username). I live in Louisiana. I ended up sleeping in my car this past December to April. I joined GAF right before that. I don't post much but I read alot and I look at this place like a family. Sleeping under the stars and reading GAF became routine until I finally started to post. I am thankfully out of that situation, but I will always be here.

My favorite game series is Metal Gear. I am a PlayStation fanboy, but not the annoying kind. They are just my favorite "team." I hope to work at Sony as a hardware engineer one day(just got my Bachelor's in May). So if any members would like to network, feel free. I play mostly RPGs and shooters. Can't wait to play Anthem.


I will start. I've been reading had for a few years and stayed a membership last November. I just signed in a few days ago and saw I was accepted. I'm a older gamer in my 40s and started playing Atari and still game on. I've been collecting games since 2002 and primarily focus on Sega and Xbox I'm also a collector of comic books focusing on silver and bronze age books. I also collect Prince records he was an amazing artist.
I grew up in Vallejo Ca and now live in the Sac delta area with my wife daughter an son. I work retail for a grocery chain and am a volunteer firefighter emt. I work some weird hours mostly nights. I'm pretty friendly with a good since of humor.
That's it for now. Gotta go to bed for work.

In the beginning.....the good old years....



Go Go Neo Rangers!
Not new but I'll keep the thread going!

My name is Cory and I'm from the USA.

Former games journalist. Was in the industry for 5 years.

Still review games on my own site more as a hobby now.

Check out our podcast! 😬😬😜

I tend to play a little but of everything and own almost every console from gen 3 and on.


Due to my poor choice of username it's probably not hard to guess my name but it's Rebecca. I'm 20 and I unfortunately live in Sweden.
I am both new and a lurker, only just got accepted in early september and the only way I've been getting my post count higher is by helping in the avatar thread.
I tend to stick to the help threads on most forums. Reason I even decided to try and join gaf was because the guy I liked and his group of friends would regurlarly talk about it, so I decided to apply back in January perhaps? So it took 9 months-ish before getting accepted ( and I'm pretty sure all of them are banned now lol ).
Unforntunately I am very much a graphics whore and so I tend to stick to the pretty games, but I'll usually like just about any game if I put in the hours or play with a friendo.


I’ve been a lurker since 2005/2006 and I decided to Join just before all the drama last week.

I’m a Mexican currently on a 3 year work engagement in the US, honestly I wanted to go to Canada but didn’t want to pass on the opportunity on joining my current Employer.

I’m in my mid 30s and been gaming since I remember, not so much in the past 5 years as my career kicked into high gear along with being recently married.

I like it here, it’s my home on the internet and I hope it stays that way.
Joined in 2010 but still have a meager posts count. Much of that has to do with the fact that I try to avoid throwaway/drive-by posts, reaction posts, moronic shit-posting. I'm like the anti-slayven.
Joined in 2010 but still have a meager posts count. Much of that has to do with the fact that I try to avoid throwaway/drive-by posts, reaction posts, moronic shit-posting. I'm like the anti-slayven.

It doesn't take posting to get a lot of what you need, and sure posting one's opinion is just that and while most will never get replied to at least someone may find something to read. Guess that is just how it goes in a strong logic sense.

I've been a lurker since 2005/2006 and I decided to Join just before all the drama last week.

I'm a Mexican currently on a 3 year work engagement in the US, honestly I wanted to go to Canada but didn't want to pass on the opportunity on joining my current Employer.

I'm in my mid 30s and been gaming since I remember, not so much in the past 5 years as my career kicked into high gear along with being recently married.

I like it here, it's my home on the internet and I hope it stays that way.

It's probably not that much better or different in many ways, but in your case I'm not very sure. Been in Canada for a few months myself, from the US and was in china for 6 years.


Hello new and old GAFfers.

I've been a member since 2012. Lurked before and after then for the most part, occasionally participating in gaming discussion (Vita-GAF especially).

I enjoy most RPGs and tactics games, as well as the occasional character-action and stealth games. My favorite video game series is the Megaman Zero series as it was what got me into gaming, on top of being a kick-ass action-platformer series that plays almost like a 2D character-action game at times.

I've made a few threads (including the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus OT and the Assassins Creed 3: Liberation OT) but for the most part I prefer to read rather than participate. I don't really see that changing anytime soon sadly. :b

As far as rebuilding the GAF community, I will say that I've seen a lot of hyperbole surrounding GAF's relationship to ERA that I feel is dangerous. Some people are straight up making things up about ERA while others seem to be staying here on GAF just to fling mud at those staying instead of moving on. It's almost like I'm on GameFAQs and I hope it changes because the new GAF community shouldn't be defined by its relationship with its former members. The new community needs to stand out as a beacon of passionate, mature, and inspiring game discussion if GAF is to regain any semblance of what it has lost.

Just my two cents. Hopefully it all works out.


Hey I'm Jimmy

Not a new member, or a strict lurker either. Gaf has been the perfect place for wasting time so I am kinda happy to see it surviving so far.

Hopefully it will get better.


It doesn't take posting to get a lot of what you need, and sure posting one's opinion is just that and while most will never get replied to at least someone may find something to read. Guess that is just how it goes in a strong logic sense.

It's probably not that much better or different in many ways, but in your case I'm not very sure. Been in Canada for a few months myself, from the US and was in china for 6 years.

I see, I lived in Malaysia for about a year and I quite enjoyed myself there, best gig I’ve ever had.

Currently I can’t wait to visit Canada with the wife once we have some free time.


I'm Clockwork. I live in Wisconsin. I made my way here as a lurker in 2005 by way of Kotaku. I finally got an account in 2007. During my 10 year tenure I have been banned 3 times. The impression I get is that nobody likes me but I persist in coming here anyway.

Oh I like video games and other stuff. Yay.


Hi this is junk. Longtime junior/lurker. Would like to get un-junior’d. This place is a daily fix for me. I come here for the lolz and to talk games, movies & music.

I’m an 80s kid from the Bay Area. I work in fintech and Illustration & design freelance. I game on the switch, PC & PS4. I’m a whore for all things MCU, Star Wars and GoT. Recently engaged. I got kids, the four legged furry kind.

I want peace on earth and goodwill toward man. Let’s party!
Hi this is junk. Longtime junior/lurker. Would like to get un-junior'd. This place is a daily fix for me. I come here for the lolz and to talk games, movies & music.

I'm an 80s kid from the Bay Area. I work in fintech and Illustration & design freelance. I game on the switch, PC & PS4. I'm a whore for all things MCU, Star Wars and GoT. Recently engaged. I got kids, the four legged furry kind.

I want peace on earth and goodwill toward man. Let's party!

Do you have some example of your art? A lot of us here like to see that stuff

I'm Clockwork. I live in Wisconsin. I made my way here as a lurker in 2005 by way of Kotaku. I finally got an account in 2007. During my 10 year tenure I have been banned 3 times. The impression I get is that nobody likes me but I persist in coming here anyway.

Oh I like video games and other stuff. Yay.

Don't worry that for sure, I really believe that. People are liked or disliked for various and reasons that make little sense online at times. I have had online friends often and would often seem very different after meeting for the good or bad.


The old NeoGAF had a reputation for being harsh on Junior Members. I say we nip that in the bud and create a better, thriving community.

Greetings, newbies!
Been here for a little while, but only started regularly posting about 3 months ago. Love this forum. How long does one stay a "junior member" before becoming a regular member with thread making capabilities?


The old NeoGAF had a reputation for being harsh on Junior Members. I say we nip that in the bud and create a better, thriving community.

Greetings, newbies!

Agree, some people threatened juniors as a second class gaffers . Hope this changes.

If you are a Junior that collaborates with cool , fun, interesting posts and threads nothing should worry you.
There always will be some lame/crap juniors , mods will take care of them.
I'm Clockwork. I live in Wisconsin. I made my way here as a lurker in 2005 by way of Kotaku. I finally got an account in 2007. During my 10 year tenure I have been banned 3 times. The impression I get is that nobody likes me but I persist in coming here anyway.

Oh I like video games and other stuff. Yay.

Is it snowing in Wisconsin yet?


I'm Clockwork. I live in Wisconsin. I made my way here as a lurker in 2005 by way of Kotaku. I finally got an account in 2007. During my 10 year tenure I have been banned 3 times. The impression I get is that nobody likes me but I persist in coming here anyway.

Oh I like video games and other stuff. Yay.
Do you know Whitney?


In a strange way, I find her incredibly sexy, minus the dog stuff. I dunno, there’s something about a girl willing to pee on herself that just...arouses me.

I know I was willing to entertain your original question, but that might be a little much for here.

I know I was willing to entertain your original question, but that might be a little much for here.


Don't let trolls get you down, just look at it as something that doesn't matter, simply doesn't. in the real world we will find worse, we just don't have it said or known is all.


I'm 20 and I unfortunately live in Sweden.

Why "unfortunately"? Sweden should be one of the better parts of the world to live in.

Big time into RPGs (both p&p and digital), just came back from Essen Spiel weighed down with loot (Gloomhaven! OMG that weight!).

P&P is pretty cool. Too bad I used to live in an area where pretty much no one played them. Most of the stuff I know is from D&D 2nd edition and that's thanks to Koibu. I'm also somewhat familar with Shadowrun thanks to a guy I met in rl (his group had stopped playing), read one of the novels afterwards - not familar with the games.

Oh well for me it's PSO first of all and the beginning of online gaming.
We had a private PSO NeoGAF server for a while. It was actually my first experience with PSO and to be honest, I pretty much enjoyed it. The very beginning of the 4th boss fight gave me goosebumps the first time.


It's a nice place to live in sure, but it's so goddamn boring and the people are meh.

Haha, I prefer for things to be "boring". How about tavelling a bit when you get the chance? Usually that's what most people do if the place is the problem. As for the people...no idea. Is the sun an issue (lack of hours) where you live? It wouldn't surprise me if people were gloomy then.


Neo Member
First time posting after that whole fiasco.

Not sure why NeoGaf itself was effected by it? What does your subscription and use of a web forum have to do with the owner of said forum? And more importantly on aqcusations, not convictions of misbehavior? If he was convicted of such behavior then yea, peace the f out. To my understanding he wasn't? .. NeoGaf is a brand, or atleast I thought it was. I'm still here supporting it. I don't care who the owner should be.

Long-time lurker.. like Gaming-Age.com days.

Recent poster.

.. hopefully forever follower?

Batman >
I'm not new but I'll introduce myself nonetheless.

My name is Mr. Giggles, I wear polyester underwear for the sexual thrill.

You're welcome.
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