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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |OT| Plough 'Em All

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How About No said:
The higher the number, the more recent it was made, I'd suppose. I pretty much dragged from 90-0 to cull the whole thing, lol
I guess I'll get to a "good" spot (aka: not in the middle of an annoying stealth part) save and clear out a bunch. Already have 1GB in saves. :\

It even keeps all autosaves. Wat.

Edit: REALLY need to break the habit of automatically highlighting spoilered text. Heh


Lostconfused said:
Geralt says
that the thing inhabiting the house doesn't even count as a monster because his medalion doesn't react to it and silver has no effect on it. Its just a cursed human being.
Now that I went back to reread, you're right. But I remember another story where he definitely doesn't kill a confirmed monster:
The Edge Of The World, also in the first book (the devil thing).


Kind pissed off the DLC is broken. The launch downloads Troll Trouble, verifies it, and then re downloads it in an endless loop.

Seems oddly appropriate.
epmode said:
Now that I went back to reread, you're right. But I remember another story where he definitely doesn't kill a confirmed monster:
The Edge Of The World, also in the first book (the devil thing).
Well for one
the farmers tell him to not kill the thing, only make it go away. It was also not that aggressive or dangerous, at best it would just throw rocks and maybe bruise some one.


Lostconfused said:
Geralt says
that the thing inhabiting the house doesn't even count as a monster because his medalion doesn't react to it and silver has no effect on it. Its just a cursed human being.

One thing to note is the very fact that Geralt walks around with non-silver weapons indicates that killing non-monsters can be a part of his job as well.

Geralt's job title is as a monster-hunter, but he's also a hugely powerful individual figure in general, so he can and does lend his help and expertise when it comes to non-monster affairs (at least in the games). The main plot of TW2 doesn't even involve monsters at all so far, but rather the background political machinations of various sentient species (same as the first), which Geralt is caught deeply in.

After all, you're spending your time hunting down the Kingslayer, who as far as I can tell is not a monster (in the literal sense).


sparkle this bitch
I'm pretty happy a lot of people I enjoy reading impressions from, are enjoying this game. Sad though about the lame chapter 3+Ep though. Hopefully a solid expansion could fix that for a lot of people.
Man, the combat is pretty shitty. Hit a button, sometimes does what I want, other times, nothing happens :/

Also just crashed on me. I cleared the area, in the town below the castle, looking for the hidden entrance. I blew the door away, blocking the path, and the camera locked, and I couldn't see where I was going, and of course, I got attacked :/ I can't even save/load or exit the game to the main menu. Everything locked.

Not having the best time with the game so far. Pretty disappointed actually.
Zeliard said:
One thing to note is the very fact that Geralt walks around with non-silver weapons indicates that killing non-monsters can be a part of his job as well.

Geralt's job title is as a monster-hunter, but he's also a hugely powerful individual figure in general, so he can and does lend his help and expertise when it comes to non-monster affairs (at least in the games).

After all, you're spending your time hunting down the Kingslayer, who as far as I can tell is not a monster (in the literal sense).
I can make an argument that its dangerous world and he would at least have a steel sword for self defense.

Anyways I am not saying that Geralt or witchers don't kill regular human beings. I am just saying in the event of monsterours creature vs human being decision then a witcher probably won't just throw in any human in there and watch them die. The closest I can think of is when Geralt uses the traitor as bait for Adda when he was lifting her curse. Although I guess you can use that to argue for either side.

Edit: Geralt is hunting down the kingslayer because the kingslayer screwed Geralt over. The entire plot of the first game is to hunt down a bunch of thugs who robbed Kaer Morhen. Anyways usually there is a rather personal reason for why Geralt tries to kill some one. Most of the time it's just self defense.


Had to take a break and laugh out loud for this; It started raining in Floatsam and everyone was running inside then out of my back right speaker someone said "Ah good.. I thought a bird crapped on me". bwuahhaa

What am I suppose to do on the Troll quest? Talked to him then what?


jim-jam bongs said:

Seems oddly appropriate.
There was one time in the first game when I tried to fight "Raymond" at his house, I had used a ton of stuff to prepare then saved. Turns out you can't defeat him at his house, so I was glad I had that previous save.

(... one time)


Lostconfused said:
I can make an argument that its dangerous world and he would at least have a steel sword for self defense.

Anyways I am not saying that Geralt or witchers don't kill regular human beings. I am just saying in the event of monsterours creature vs human being decision then a witcher probably won't just throw in any human in there and watch them die. The closest I can think of is when Geralt uses the traitor as bait for Adda when he was lifting her curse. Although I guess you can use that to argue for either side.

We just have totally different outlooks on this I guess. I look at a person's actions to determine if they're monstrous or not. I still don't see why that wraith is so "monstrous" to you. Is it that his head is a skull and he speaks in an unsettling voice? :p

I don't find him monstrous in the least bit for
wanting revenge against those who wronged him.
In fact, I would call that quite human, as well as understandable.

But it's a fun discussion, and the game allows for these talks to happen. This is probably exactly the sort of thing people internally go through when they make a typical decision in The Witcher games.

Coldsnap said:
Had to take a break and laugh out loud for this; It started raining in Floatsam and everyone was running inside then out of my back right speaker someone said "Ah good.. I thought a bird crapped on me". bwuahhaa

What am I suppose to do on the Troll quest? Talked to him then what?

Small hint:
go check what your companions may have to say
Zeliard said:
We just have totally different outlooks on this I guess. I look at a person's actions to determine if they're monstrous or not. I still don't see why that wraith is so "monstrous" to you. Is it that his head is a skull and he speaks in an unsettling voice? :p
Well for one, it's dead. That's a biggy. Not quiet the undead like Drowners, Ghouls and such. But it still something that more or less doesn't belong in the world.

Honestly if some one hired Geralt to kill it or to lift the curse, I can't possibly see any reason as to why he would decide to sacrfice humans in order to accomplish that goal.

Also an all consuming desire for revenge is no way to live either. It would kill. If you were still alive that is.


That's another thing I love, a lot of the quests don't really point you in a specific direction and may not even indicate anything in the journal immediately. You have to pay close attention to what others are saying.

Like right after you go do that Coldsnap, you better pay attention to exactly what the person tells you or you'll have no idea where to go next. It ain't going in your journal.

Lostconfused said:
Well for one, it's dead. That's a biggy. Not quiet the undead like Drowners, Ghouls and such. But it still something that more or less doesn't belong in the world.

Eh, I don't make a distinction there. It was dead, sure, but also remember the only reason it was still hanging around was
those two assholes. You remove them and the dude just leaves and goes back to his dimension of dead people or whatever the Witcher's lore for that is.

Lostconfused said:
Honestly if some one hired Geralt to kill it or to lift the curse, I can't possibly see any reason as to why he would decide to sacrfice humans in order to accomplish that goal.

That was sort of like a "kill two birds with one stone" thing.
You go that route and you ultimately get rid of both the bad humans and the wraith in one go. You can do that through other less direct methods as well, like the way I did which was to kill the wraith then send the humans to prison. You're just given different options, which I think is great, but all of them seem to ultimately involve the wraith going away.
Well it was fun arguing for a while but it seems we are going in circles now.

At least to me it seems like there isn't any point in sacrificing the two guys. But since this game is all about choices, you have to go with what you think is right


Phew... okay, so I just beat the game. Still soaking it all in, but I'll lay it all out there as spoiler-free as possible (with spoilers in spots where needed).

Prologue: I was completely lost in this part. I did, however, manage to not fail train and do all of it in the proper order at least so by the time I got to the end I was OK. I was really intrigued by the prologue and I didn't mind the lack of exploring in it, or the "on rails" aspects, as it did a great job of setting the story up. I imagine it will lose much of its luster in subsequent play throughs, however.

Chapter 1: I still think this is the best chapter in the game, the way everything is setup and of course the forest is gorgeous. I thought I'd explored everything and then I find something new and was like "holy shit!". I often found myself lost while trying to find stuff, which was fun, sometimes frustrating, and at times a bit scary (especially at night). Also, I wasn't really using potions or bombs/traps at this point, so I was still newbing it up a bit.

Chapter 2: This chapter has the best start of any of the chapters. I chose
and saw things from the rebels point of view. Lots of scheming going on, some more old friends, and good times with the dwarves. I really enjoyed this chapter, though I found the city incredibly confusing to navigate for quite a while. It was really hard for me to remember where things were until I was about half way through chapter 2. I also failed some of the mini quests, like the one where you had to follow clues to the finish, simply because I had no idea where to go. The conclusion to this chapter was really epic and the big reveals at the end had me going "whoa", so they succeeded there. Can't wait to see it from the other side!

Chapter 3: This chapter is mostly back to the "on rails" segments like the prologue. It's not necessarily bad. I actually still enjoyed this chapter, and I was glad to finally find out what the hell had been going on. There were some choices I really regretted, though. Here's what happened in my game:

I left Iorvath and let myself get captured. I got to see the bitch Philippa get her eyes spooned out, which was pretty awesome. I went after Triss, so yeah. Philippa lived, I killed a bunch of annoying guys, and then Triss tells me her story. I chose the "I believe you" options, but I honestly still don't fully believe her. I'm sure there's still some treachery to be had from her. Next, I found out that Stennis, who I had sent to prison, was now King after all that... not really happy with how that turned out. I let Sile explode into pieces rather then saving her, which was satisfying, but I suspect may yet work against me. Lastly, after confronting Lotho, I killed the bastard and went on my merry way.

Overall, I really was only disappointed with the last cut scene in act 3. Everything else I was happy with as it all pushed towards the conclusion. That cut scene was a bit of a let down, though, as it really didn't show anything (looked more like a place holder or like more was supposed to be there, but got cut out). A bit more of a fleshed out ending would've been nice.

Last Thoughts: I really loved this game and will definitely be playing it again soon. I feel like I can go up from easy now that I know how everything works and play confidently on normal or hard. I am annoyed that there's no new game+, though. I wanted to at least carry over my weapons, recipes, materials, etc. from the first game. Or hell, at least the recipes and materials. There are things that, so far as I can tell, you can't make at all in the first play through and I thought I'd be able to make them in the second. Apparently not?

Controls were a bit janky at times, and if you got up close to a mob or they were up next to a wall you had to back up sometimes and give them some room to resume attacking because your attacks would do nothing and it'd be some sort of wall humping mish-mash. Happened on rare occasions, and didn't really cause that much of a problem overall.

One thing this game did really well was make me constantly question my decisions. There were so many times where I was like "FUCK! WHAT HAVE I DONE?" or something similar. I never really felt like any of my decisions were right or wrong, and they all had consequences. I can really appreciate that and this game has presented a moral system better then any I've seen in other games I've played.

My personal score for this game would be a 8.5/10. I feel like it's a fabulous game with a few minor flaws that can be patched out or improved in the next game with all the money they're going to be raking in from this one. The foundation for The Witcher 3 has been laid down and I can't wait to see how this story wraps up.


The retail packaging is really, really nice. Installing now. I'll probably just play a bit, maybe not even that. Just configure some settings, see what I can pull.
Vaporak said:
Kind pissed off the DLC is broken. The launch downloads Troll Trouble, verifies it, and then re downloads it in an endless loop.
Are you running the launcher as an administrator? I had the same problem until I did that.


Anyone have any tips for combat? Constantly getting my ass handed to me when there are groups, finding it hard to fight off groups of enemies. One on one I'm fine, but when there are a few enemies I struggle big time.
Mohonky said:
Anyone have any tips for combat? Constantly getting my ass handed to me when there are groups, finding it hard to fight off groups of enemies. One on one I'm fine, but when there are a few enemies I struggle big time.

Roll around, block, use Quen. Level up your sword skills to get Whirl so you can damage more than one enemy.


Ahh shit, problems installing from the disc. How have people been getting around this?

Having problems installing from a disc is insane.


As for the Geralt only kills monsters discussion:

(Witcher 1 spoilers)

Doesn't Geralt slay the main bad guy @ the end (Leader of Flaming Rose) with his silver sword? And the guy says something along the lines of, "No, don't use that. It's for monsters!" and Geralt does it anyway?


Mohonky said:
Anyone have any tips for combat? Constantly getting my ass handed to me when there are groups, finding it hard to fight off groups of enemies. One on one I'm fine, but when there are a few enemies I struggle big time.
Whenever you are attacking make sure you have Quen(shield) up. It has saved me from several deaths. Take out the weaker guys that don't block, then block the heavy enemies with shields and counterattack after they've been put off balance with two heavy swings. If there are multiple heavys try to pick them apart and stick with one at a time. But as I said earlier, Quen will save your life.

Hulud said:
As for the Geralt only kills monsters discussion:

(Witcher 1 spoilers)

Doesn't Geralt slay the main bad guy @ the end (Leader of Flaming Rose) with his silver sword? And the guy says something along the lines of, "No, don't use that. It's for monsters!" and Geralt does it anyway?
Yes and it was one of the most badass endings ever.


Is there a bug with the quests in chapter 2? I picked up all the quests from the board, but only the harpy quest is showing up in my log.


Holy fuck, I just found out during the aiming of the ballista part in the prologue, you can actually hit the guy on the wall. Does it change any else for the rest of the game?


delirium said:
Holy fuck, I just found out during the aiming of the ballista part in the prologue, you can actually hit the guy on the wall. Does it change any else for the rest of the game?
I don't think so but you get a Steam achievement. :eek:

Did you know that in the prologue...
Ves can kill you with a crossbow?


erotic butter maelstrom
^ good question, I tried to aim high and I was way off

I don't want the game to end, but at the same time I look forward to comparing notes with you guys in the spoiler thread since it seems like shit can go down in a multitude of ways.


Lostconfused said:
Well it was fun arguing for a while but it seems we are going in circles now.

At least to me it seems like there isn't any point in sacrificing the two guys. But since this game is all about choices, you have to go with what you think is right

It just comes down to whether you think it's out of character for Geralt or not. I mean he doesn't exactly
kill them with his own blade, he just gives the wraith what he wants, which happens to be them.

I don't think it's totally out of character for Geralt - at least the games' Geralt - to basically give two torturers/murderers up to the guy they killed. I obviously don't think that sort of resolution is something that should apply to any real life setting but in the context of the game's world, where everything morally is sort of twisted, it seems to be fitting justice.

If you don't give them to the wraith you have the option of sending them to jail, which is what I did, or even letting them go. I would say the latter is possibly the worst choice out of all of them that you can make, from a moral standpoint, letting two despicable humans who are far more monstrous than the wraith go scot-free.

Hulud said:
As for the Geralt only kills monsters discussion:

(Witcher 1 spoilers)

Doesn't Geralt slay the main bad guy @ the end (Leader of Flaming Rose) with his silver sword? And the guy says something along the lines of, "No, don't use that. It's for monsters!" and Geralt does it anyway?


Here's that scene:


It puts a rather fine point on it. :p


Mohonky said:
Anyone have any tips for combat? Constantly getting my ass handed to me when there are groups, finding it hard to fight off groups of enemies. One on one I'm fine, but when there are a few enemies I struggle big time.

Make bombs, throw bombs.


delirium said:
When does that happen?
During the interrogation with Roche if you choose the defensive choices you get a choice to attack him. Ves busts into the room and shoots you in the back with a crossbow bolt. It's really cool. I was completely surprised that it happened.


Gold Member
nib95 said:
My copies in the post! Can't wait! Out of curiosity, how well will a GTX 570 SC handle this game?

You probably won't get more than 15FPS with everything set to low @ 1024 x 768.

You're going to need to add two more of those cards to get to 45FPS.


erotic butter maelstrom
gdt5016 said:
Tried installing it again, same problem. Fuck. PC gaming is a goddamn pain in the ass.

There have been issues with the DVD drives. Seriously, Email CD Projekt because they have been giving out GOG codes for people having problems. Try the community manager, he's a pretty cool guy.

Sorry to hear about your troubles, but don't let this sour you on PC gaming. It sounds like the retail version has been having a lot of issues, but most of the time it's not like this.


Is there any differences between retail and steam edition? I mean, like when a patch is released do you have to wait longer for it to be on steam or is it just like the normal game? How about DLC, is it handled via Steam or the games launcher?

Just curious..oh does the Steam version have achievements etc?


How many side quests are in this game? I've been playing the game for 3 nights? and I'm not even out of Flotsam. Are there just a few large hubs with a lot of sidequests in the game? or is the whole game like this? Just wondering because I sorta want to main path the main quest because I am really liking the story but I keep getting distracted. Also I can only play 2-3 hours a night and with that pace It seems I'll never finish!


Hawk269 said:
Is there any differences between retail and steam edition? I mean, like when a patch is released do you have to wait longer for it to be on steam or is it just like the normal game? How about DLC, is it handled via Steam or the games launcher?

Just curious..oh does the Steam version have achievements etc?
There are achievements. Updates seem to go through Steam and have been timely but dlc is through the launcher which for me has actually been fine despite it going offline every other minute.

Coldsnap said:
How many side quests are in this game? I've been playing the game for 3 nights? and I'm not even out of Flotsam. Are there just a few large hubs with a lot of sidequests in the game? or is the whole game like this? Just wondering because I sorta want to main path the main quest because I am really liking the story but I keep getting distracted. Also I can only play 2-3 hours a night and with that pace It seems I'll never finish!
Looking at the game guide it's a bout half and half in terms of main to side quest ratio.


Snuggler said:
There have been issues with the DVD drives. Seriously, Email CD Projekt because they have been giving out GOG codes for people having problems. Try the community manager, he's a pretty cool guy.

Sorry to hear about your troubles, but don't let this sour you on PC gaming. It sounds like the retail version has been having a lot of issues, but most of the time it's not like this.

Would you happen to have a direct link to him?


Vaporak said:
Kind pissed off the DLC is broken. The launch downloads Troll Trouble, verifies it, and then re downloads it in an endless loop.

I was able to download it on launch day, then the next day I keyed in and had a hell of a time getting my DLC from pre-order codes. Yesterday, I clicked on one of my free DLC items and it said download, even though I already had. I figured they updated something in the DLC so I went ahead and told it to download it again. Well ever since I tried, it deleted the DLC and now I have not been able to get it again. I keep getting errors in connecting or it says downloading forever. I already tried all the tricks etc.

I also started having a weird issue that no matter what settings I had in the launcher, it would launch the game in 720p. I would set it to ultra and 1080p, launch the game and the game would launch in 720p. Going back to the launcher it kept changing back to medium settings. A few restarts and then it stopped. Really weird stuff with this game.


erotic butter maelstrom
fanboi said:
Fuck you Endegra Queens!



lure that bitch across traps and peg her from a distance with bombs and igni

then if you run far enough away she'll turn around and start to go back and you can run in and attack her butt-sack


Snuggler said:
lure that bitch across traps and peg her from a distance with bombs and igni

then if you run far enough away she'll turn around and start to go back and you can run in and attack her butt-sack

Well, I got them both with close quarter combat :)

Lured on of the fuckers to some people from the city
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