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The Witcher 3: Is your system ready - Nvidia official system requirements


Ah a i5 2500k@ 4.5 should be good enough at least this year. Wait for dx12, skylake etc. before buying a new cpu.

Yeah, there's no way I'd buy a new CPU with DX12 coming. I know it won't move the earth, but I'm excited to see how much it helps 4 Core+/8 Thread CPUs.


AndyBNV, dunno if you are still monitoring this thread, but is this HBAO+ in action on the grass?


Because the grass here looks fantastic. And if that is gameworks enabling that, then Halleluiah, Nvidia just saved Witcher 3: The Grass Hunt.

That white outline around Geralt is a pretty clear sign that this is not HBAO+.


Älg;164076175 said:
That white outline around Geralt is a pretty clear sign that this is not HBAO+.

Oh yeah! Just remembered that being pointed out earlier. So perhaps HBAO? Or is that just SSAO? I'm not seeing that kind of shadowing in most other screens.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
My GTX 980M with 8GB GDDR5 is so freaking ready. Thank you Nvidia for bloating the VRAM on your mobile cards.

I recently got a new laptop, and I'm not sure how laptops compare to desktop parts.

Witcher 3 comes free with the GPU I got...what can I expect from this:

8GB Dual Channel DDR3L
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 970M with 3GB GDDR5

I'm in a similar boat but with 6gb on my 970m.

The 970M is faster than a GTX 960, so 1080p mixing High/Uber is a go.


Borderless window mode + external program to cap FPS at 30 to play on my TV.

I've had no problems with any game that allows me to do that, and doesn't feel or look any worse than a console at 30fps to me.

Is your TV running at 30Hz? I don't think Borderless window would affect a 30 FPS cap at 60Hz.

Anyway, I get stuttering in borderless mode in some games. Like the frame delivery isn't consistent.
I'm not really interested in the game since I dislike fantasy, but Witcher 2 was fun and I'm eager to test my OG Titan to see how it fares.

Should be good for 30+fps@1440p uber. G-sync to the rescue!


I'm getting to the unconfortable point where it's hard to maintain 60 fps without drastically reducing eye candy, so it's always on that 40+ fps point, which means I should be locking to 30 fps. I wish every PC game had a motion blur option to make 30 fps feel smoother.

Motion blur is terribad, but more to the point, it ain't going to make the game feel any smoother. It might make it look smoother though.


Hmm, I've had to turn down settings to get consistent 60FPS at 1440p on Witcher 2 with my 780Ti, so I'm interested to see how this will go.


Do you have Ubersampling enabled? If so it's essentially 4x SSAA and kills performance.

Just checked. I don't, and AA is disabled, but variety of other features are enabled. Don't get me wrong, it looks great; just wondering how 3 is going to measure up based on the OP's list.


Just checked. I don't, and AA is disabled, but variety of other features are enabled. Don't get me wrong, it looks great; just wondering how 3 is going to measure up based on the OP's list.

Hmm, weird. I would never had any trouble with my 7970 playing at 1080p with a solid 60 fps (even with max settings other than ubersampling), but maybe 1440p is just that much more demanding even for the 780ti.


Hmm, weird. I would never had any trouble with my 7970 playing at 1080p with a solid 60 fps (even with max settings other than ubersampling), but maybe 1440p is just that much more demanding even for the 780ti.

Yeah, my friend was saying the same thing with his 680. Hmm...not sure what I am screwing up here :p


Just checked. I don't, and AA is disabled, but variety of other features are enabled. Don't get me wrong, it looks great; just wondering how 3 is going to measure up based on the OP's list.

Hmm, weird. I would never had any trouble with my 7970 playing at 1080p with a solid 60 fps (even with max settings other than ubersampling), but maybe 1440p is just that much more demanding even for the 780ti.

Just for comparison's sake I get a steady 60fps with two 660's at 1080p and everything on max minus ubersampling.

You should be fine with TW3 with that 780ti.


I think my post got lost in the last page, so bringing it to this page. Does anyone know anything?

I don't know if this is the right thread for this. I think it is since we're talking about specs and Nvidia, but is there anything new about the 980Ti?

with this new news that 980 won't be running this game at ultra/60 with everything on, I think I'll wait for the Ti and see how things go.

The Titan X is way too pricy here where I live. Just for comparison sakes, I would pay almost the same thing for my entire PC (I74790k/980/MB and all the rest minus Kb&M and Monitor ) I was planning to get, just on the Tintan X.


Is there a rundown of of what effects are driven by PhysX in this game? I have an extra GTX 260 just sitting around that I could use as a PhysX card, but I would need a new power supply.


Is there a rundown of of what effects are driven by PhysX in this game? I have an extra GTX 260 just sitting around that I could use as a PhysX card, but I would need a new power supply.

I believe it's CPU PhysX only.


I also have a 670 and a PS4, and I've never seen (yet) a multi platform game running/looking better on the PS4 than what can be achieve on my rig. Sure the card is getting old but I think the game will be running nicely (not on ultra obviously).

Same. I have a 670 and a 4670k @ 3.8 and it runs everything leagues better than a PS4. You won't be doing full ultra on this game but it will still run far better than the console versions.


Actively hates charity
People here getting mad about 600/700 series cards - understand the fact that Nvidia won't publish previous card config cause they want to SELL 900 series cards. No one cares about previous gen cards but that doesn't mean they will not perform good.

Also please stop the 670 vs PS4 questions. It's the same question that we get in every PC game thread. For the millionth time, 670 beats PS4 easily.


I have a 290x. Am I crazy for considering a purchase of a GTX 980? I want to have everything maxed out for 1200p.
MY 680 is not ready.

Why do people keep saying this? Isn't the 680 and the 770 very close to each other for performance? Granted if you only have the 2gb model you may have to lower a few settings, but a 3+gb model can easily hold it's own with a 770. When I had to RMA my wifes GTX680 they just ended up sending me a GTX770 instead. No real differences that we noticed in any of the games that she plays.


Guys, will I be okay with i5 3750, 8 gigs of RAM and a GTX770 2GB? I bought this less than 2 years ago so I'm not upgrading unfortunately.


Chances are if you can run AC unity at 60 frames you should be good with this game? Keeping in mind AC unity is an unoptimized mess


Is your TV running at 30Hz? I don't think Borderless window would affect a 30 FPS cap at 60Hz.

Anyway, I get stuttering in borderless mode in some games. Like the frame delivery isn't consistent.

No. I use DXTory to cap FPS. It caps to 30, and feels fine to me. It's possible that I'm not as sensitive to the differences, but I agree that borderless mode is pretty bad in certain games.
Seems a bit of scaremongering to me. Like they're saying only the 900-series+ can play this game. I guess it is technically just one big advert. Best to wait until next week before you go ordering new hardware.

This is good news though:


Even though my 2500K is fine, this is still nice to know.


I wonder if I'll be able to run 4k/60Hz with gameworks on my older 3 SLI Titans? I guess we'll find out....
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