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Things that instantly turn you off from games.


I couldn't imagine not playing a game due to its art style. There could be a solid story or great story underneath that, and I wouldn't want to miss those.

As for what instantly turns me off, difficulty levels on long RPG's.


And include the likes of G Gundam and the Street Fighter II animated movie? Fuck that shit. I wouldn't even say 15, frankly.

To begin with, it's not even anime visuals in general that I don't like. I love the look of Guilty Gear Xrd, for instance. It's the fanservice vehicles like this shit that turn me away.

Yeah, I wouldn't even agree to 10. Good and bad anime have existed in the past 10, 15, 20 years together.

As for anime artstyle in games, I don't hate it. There are very few visual representations that bother me. I really enjoyed Ni No Kuni


Games that are just flat out not interesting in gameplay, plot, and characters immediately turn me off. Also, when the game provides no help on moving on to the next part of the game if I get stuck.

I know people are going to hate me for this, but those games include:

Pikmin 3
Assassin's Creed IV (I guess I don't like pirates much)

Those are the main ones I can come up with off the top of my head.
-Anything with an anime art style.)
-Scantily-clad woman on front cover (this just screams "pandering to 13-year-olds")

you werent a 13 year old once? and as a MATURE gamer, I assume you only play videogames with MATURE friends about MATURE THEMES and anything otherwise is wrong and icky. one you turn 18, you stop liking sexy things no matter the context :3

as for the topic,

If i see a cash shop, I'm not touching your game with a 5 foot pole.
if your game has a handheld console sequel or continuation, im done with your series.


Anything with a "furry" artstyle.

Like Dust: An Elysian Tail and whatnot. There's just something that icks me out about that stuff.
Douchey open city stuff like this:



Never ending enemies like the old COD campaigns and randomly throwing you into battle while traversing the land like Final Fantasy.
-Subscription fee. I can afford it, I just don't like feeling obligated to play it.
-WRPGs. As in RPGs actually made by westerners, cause Japanese devs make great Westsern-style RPGs.
-weapon durability
-Games that my friend Ryan tells me I should play.
When every aspect of a newly announced game looks awesome and then it's revealed to just be a card battle game, or a turn based tactical combat RPG.

Also: 'turned off *from*' makes the power button joke invalid.
A game being online-multiplayer-only, or primarily so. Titanfall, Battlefield, Warhawk, etc.

Certain genres: fighter, sports, real-time strategy (though I used to be big into that in my teens).

Any series that releases a major game every year makes me immediately suspicious.
Anything with a "furry" artstyle.

Like Dust: An Elysian Tail and whatnot. There's just something that icks me out about that stuff.

Are they still furries if they aren't furry? Because Turtles in Time is probably one of the best video games. Wouldn't want you missing out on a technicality!


This may be an unpopular opinion...but...

Overly high difficulty. Games like Dark Souls come to mind. As I've gotten older I just don't have the time to spend hours attempting the same boss over and over and over. I have too much to do, and too many other games I want to play. I'd rather play an easy game with an intriguing story, characters and environments than spend 10 hours in the same dark "boss" room.

PS: Not to slam on Dark Souls, it looks like a great game and I know for a fact that many people really enjoy it.


Generally, if I see hype or marketing for a game marketing focusing on any of the following I'll start to care way less:

- Repulsive or dull aesthetics (this is a very broad and very common one).
- "Loot".
- Randomly-generated stages/environments in most genres.
- Super-generous checkpointing in action games.
- Throwback humor/parody.


-Mobile games, those game lack any depth, plus it would drain my crappy stupid phone battery.

-Subscription fee, sorry but I don't see the value in buying a game then paying more money on top of that.

-Liner cinematic games, they lack any replay value for me, plus I rather play the game than watch it.

-QTE, pointless and annoying when you're watching a cutscene and they just bring up.

-Not being able to pause the damn game when playing off-line. I am a human being who will need to go to the bathroom or might get called to do something for short while before returning. This is the reason why I am not buying Dark Soul 1+2.

-Boring realist western world, I live in the real world I play video game for fun not to be reminded of the real world.

-EA, don't agree with EA policy or how they treat their customers so I boycott their games.

-Any game where the main character is an unlikeable jerk or is poorly written.


Obscure Missable in RPGs. Baten Kaitos comes to mind (lets have a random soldier looking npc become a shop with a unique Magnus for one specific scene then disappear forever!)
Most QTE games
Anything that resembles Dead Rising 1 or 2's save/time limit system
Any "It gets better after the first ___ hours" kind of game.


1. anything with an anime art style
2. any new game with random battles
3. sexualized kids (tends to go with #1)

Bravely Default sounded interesting to me for about 2 seconds until I clicked the GAF OT. Ugh.
-Unless it's a green arm cannon, staring down the sights of a gun.
-Generic Bald white characters.
-Gore and over-the-top violence
-"Playing as the bad-guys is cool!"
This may be an unpopular opinion...but...

Overly high difficulty. Games like Dark Souls come to mind. As I've gotten older I just don't have the time to spend hours attempting the same boss over and over and over. I have too much to do, and too many other games I want to play. I'd rather play an easy game with an intriguing story, characters and environments than spend 10 hours in the same dark "boss" room.

PS: Not to slam on Dark Souls, it looks like a great game and I know for a fact that many people really enjoy it.

Man, I'm actually with you on this one. I started to loathe every boss encounter in Dark Souls. Not because they were bad, but because it meant there was that inevitable slog back to the boss room after getting killed the first (or however many) times. I loved each basic enemy encounter and having to figure out how to navigate that. Those parts felt like an adventure and never tired me out. It took me months to beat Dark Souls just because I kept putting it down for a week or two after getting stuck on a boss.

Of course, these are all from issues on my end and not the game's. It is what it is, but if it weren't for the interesting enemy and world design I would have quit it way earlier.

And I'm still going to buy and eventually beat Dark Souls 2.


If the publisher/developer has someone(s) who would donate their money to organizations that limit human rights.


I find if a developer doesn't have any sort of DLC available shortly after launch or at launch they're pretty lazy. Or they better be bringing something else to the table since the time between going gold and release is valuable and shouldn't be squandered.

On the other cases like Mass Effect 3 is basically criminal in my eyes.

If it is produced before release it should be in the release. Dlc a few weeks later? Gimme and plenty!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
No player control of camera. Instant 0/10 unless the game is top-down or side-scrolling.


Preorder DLC

Season Pass

Exclusive content

Multiplayer achievements

Free to play games where you pay to KEEP playing. If i'm paying it should be for cosmetic items, or to unlock additional levels/chapters. I shouldn't have to pay to keep playing. It's not an arcade machine.
I don't mind anime art styles, even enjoy them usually, but I simply can't stand cutesy moe art styles - especially if they feature scantily-clad children. I can't bring myself to play Etrian Odyssey, a game that belongs to a genre I otherwise love, because the art style is ever-present and inescapable.


-Long tutorials
-Escort segments
-Dumbed down
-Knockoff games (playstation all-stars battle royale, anyone?)
-DLC (Remember when the stuff like maps, characters, weapons, and costumes used to be a part of the main game?)
-Modern military shooter
-Long unskippable/important cutscenes
-Slow text (I read pretty freakin fast)
-Graphics hype
-Sandbox/open world hype
-Pretty much any hype these days
-Xbox exclusive (I will never pay to play online)
-AAA is getting there...


-Any game whose defining quality is how "mature" it is. 99.9% of gamers don't know what that word, as an adjective, means.


-take ages to let me play the game and keep bothering me.
-have characters that look too young sexualised (congrats Japan).
-excessively long games that don't justify their size and inflate their playtime with tedious things (reason I have a hard time completing JRPGs).
-either don't have a compelling gameplay or story to hook me.
-too easy and doesn't let me chose the difficulty from the start.
-technical issues in excess like bugs, tearing, aliasing, low frame rate.
-monetization schemes.
-multiplayer games with unlocks.
-DLC that directs affect my enjoyment of the game I own.
-Games that are similar to a better game that already exists.
-Games that come from the Ubisoft school of making all games play the same.
-Open world games that keep restricting me.
-games that are part of a franchise that has been run to the ground like ME or RE.
Ridiculously exaggerated art style
Sexualised kids
Generic bro shooter cover art
Sub fees
Time limits
Incredibly long tutorials
DLC that's important to the story
Has anyone mentioned bad loading times yet? Because that is the worst. It sends a clear signal to me that I'm going to be constantly jerked around between fun and tedium. Who wants that? Then I stop being immersed in the game world and instead think about tricks to avoid the loading screens, like "let me avoid that area for now and grind or collect in this area so I don't have to wait for the game to render a new environment". You realize how terrible this is when you play other games after Mario 3D World, a game that consistently stays above 60 fps with extremely short loading screens.

Number two is drip feeding game mechanics. Not just "hand holding", but drip feeding Hand holding is annoying, especially in long running series. But I can tolerate it if it doesn't go on too long and it's woven into the atmosphere or story. For example, if the game makes you learn combat mechanics by having you train with a great master, or something like that. Think Wind Waker. Drip feeding mechanics, especially in a checklist-style manner, is the absolute worst. Developers, you don't have to throw 15 possible button combinations at me in the first area of the game and superimpose a check list on the HUD. It just makes the game seem like a chore instead of getting lost in an immersive quest or adventure. In general, don't break the fourth wall by superimposing button controls on the screen in the middle of the action and don't combine that with endless checklists at the beginning of the game.


Rubberband AI in racing games.

Sweet baby JESUS, this is a major one. The fact that I like Motorstorm: Pacific Rift so much is a testament to how good the rest of the game is. Rubberband AI is cheap as hell, it's akin to the developer spitting in your face if/when you become good at their game.

Several other things that'll turn me off of a game:

- Timers in many genres.
For a lot of genres it makes sense (racing games, fighting games, puzzle games), but having a timer on me in an open world title? Or an adventure game? Really?

- F2P (Freemium)
I'd rather pay for a game up front and get a complete experience than get a game for free only to find out it's geared around nickel and diming you for basic things.

- Smartphone game
I don't consider it a good platform for gaming at all, which has led to one of the nastiest things as of late: Interesting game announced for Smartphones only. The disappointment is brutal.

- Subscription fee
This is most commonly seen with MMOs, though there are some other things that have them. My opinion is that if I'm paying for access to your game every month, its quality better be astounding. So far, no games tied to a subscription fee have impressed me enough to join up.
Most of what you say sound like more "nick picks" than actual problems.
Mine would be...
  • Memorization-based Gameplay (Ghost n Goblins series)
  • Heavy Escorting (Amy)
  • Unnecessary Padding (Too many examples to list)
  • Boredom (Same as above)
  • "This game gets better after *blank* hours (FFXIII)
I have not dropped that many games because of the above, but I have done it before.
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