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This is Phil Fish



He knows.


So the premise is that we don't hate Phil as a person, we hate the concept of him because he's famous and a jerk.


I don't like anyone who's a jerk regardless of their social ranking.


Phil actually has a point about Youtubers profiting from his work, though the comparison to films doesn't work at all. The entire experience of a film is watching it, whereas most of the experience of a game is playing it yourself.


First he locked his tweets and now his twitter is gone?! What's going on?!


A typical wednesday for Phil.
As much as I do not like this guy I can kind of understand his thoughts regarding youtubers. That doesn't mean I share them.


Phil actually has a point about Youtubers profiting from his work, though the comparison to films doesn't work at all. The entire experience of a film is watching it, whereas most of the experience of a game is playing it yourself.

it's more akin to musicians who want to be paid a cut from song lyric websites imo


tagged by Blackace
The video was less about Phil Fish than it was about people reacting to their perception of Phil Fish.
Strange, I didn't know there was a discrepancy between the man himself and people's perception of him. He seemed to frequently validate people's perspectives about him.


I always used to think "Phil Fish" was kind of like a stage name, I never realized his last name was literally fish (Poisson.) Lol.


According to the video author's logic there are no assholes on this planet. Once we realize it's all a misunderstanding there's going to be rainbows and unicorns for everyone!


According to the video author's logic there are no assholes on this planet. Once we realize it's all a misunderstanding there's going to be rainbows and unicorns for everyone!

You just misunderstand the video. That's not even close to the idea.


This is absolutely brilliant. It's a fantastic primer of what is wrong with fame, internet hate, social media and journalism around the internet.
Anyhow, I thought the video was decent and an interesting quick look at internet fame.

As for the youtube stuff?

Well, to an extent, he is right about it.. if you just flat out record footage with music and put it up.. that's like ripping a music video and putting it up. You shouldn't profit from that as the entire thing required a minimal amount of effort and time for you.

However, if I'm playing a game, recording myself playing the game, and talking about the game over the music from the game as we go on.. I'm putting up EFFORT and TIME of my own. That means that I have done something with something else. It's like reading a book to a camera. I am performing the content and performances are something I have made.

As for Fez as a game? Well, I did review it for my site. (Yes. All of our reviews are in text format. We have an insanely small browser footprint on purpose.) I have no qualms with Phil Fish because I haven't met him yet. I have met and talked to DeGroot and I think he's a pretty cool guy. I have also met a lot of other people who are considered "awful" by the internet. Very rarely do I run into people who are genuinely awful people. I have what I call my "coffee test" and this pretty much means: "Could I have a conversation with this person over coffee, tea, or any other type of drink and would that conversation be interesting to me."

Phil Fish is someone that I could have a conversation with because I don't try and trap people in conversations or interviews. I do like spice when it comes to quotes, but I'm not above sacrificing hits for honest dialogue.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
But thats one of the points of the documentary, why people don't give a fuck about some random dude being an asshole and they do about some famous dude? Why people expect famous people to behave in certain way, when they dont on non famous people?

Because he's NOT random! You don't get to create a game like FEZ and accept all the praise, but don't want any of the downsides to be well known.


Really cool video. The Nickelback concept was well constructed. I will reference that someday, i'm sure.


Neo Member
However, if I'm playing a game, recording myself playing the game, and talking about the game over the music from the game as we go on.. I'm putting up EFFORT and TIME of my own. That means that I have done something with something else. It's like reading a book to a camera. I am performing the content and performances are something I have made.
That's why Fish is not suggesting to forbidden that. You make your part so you can take a percent from ad.


good video. I have to wonder how well it would've been received if was posted a year or two a go.
According to the video author's logic there are no assholes on this planet. Once we realize it's all a misunderstanding there's going to be rainbows and unicorns for everyone!
that isn't what he said at all. he doesn't even say that phil fish isn't an asshole.
I just hope that secretly Phil Fish is working on Fez II and is just going to drop it Sega Saturn style at some random game show..."By the way Fez II is real. And it's launching...NOW!"
It's certainly a very very interesting video. Lots of interesting points made.
And yes I do find myself hating Phil Fish, and I'm not even particularly invested in the argument.
"Phil Fish?" - asshole springs to mind
"Jon Blow?" - pretentious springs to mind
I don't know why I feel this way, but yeah.

I would agree with the Jonathon Blow. During any kind of interview he does sound very pretentious. Don't hate the guy but, that is what I observed from him.

Phil, seems like a guy who reacts to how people are acting. It may come off wrong to a lot of people I guess. Nothing against a guy I don't know. No matter how he comes off the masses.

Artorias said:
Goddamn, what a fucking moron.

How so? He presented an argument and made valid points. The same can be said for music. I honestly think it's post like this that stir him up and escalate things and devs have public meltdowns. We should exercise a bit more responsibility/caution when making comments about someone.

Yes, I do understand that he does troll. But, in regards to what he currently stated, he made good points. Devs gotta eat.

Also he should be famous, he made an awesome game. Isn't that all that really matters in the end?


How so? He presented an argument and made valid points. The same can be said for music. I honestly think it's post like this that stir him up and escalate things and devs have public meltdowns. We should exercise a bit more responsibility/caution when making comments about someone.

What he said about Youtube was horrendously stupid, proven by the fact that he deleted his account shortly after. You can disagree and thats fine, but his comments are not my responsibility, and neither are his feelings.


I don't care what anyone says, he was right about the YouTube revenue sharing. He was a bit obnoxious and unfriendly with how went about expressing it, but he was.

Goddamn, what a fucking moron.

Thank you for that invaluable contribution to the discussion.
Goddamn, what a fucking moron.

Don't agree. A game like Fez isn't like a StarCraft 2 match. One is more or less a linear narrative. The other a sandbox with wildly different possibilities. Seeing all there is in Fez would negate a purchase from a prospective buyer. You will never get a multiplayer StarCraft match that plays out the same or can spoil any kind of surprise.
That's why Fish is not suggesting to forbidden that. You make your part so you can take a percent from ad.

I certainly agree with that. I already do take a percentage from videos that I put up. Well, whenever I actually get paid from Adsense/Youtube. I've only had the "monetize" option on my videos for about two weeks. I kinda wish I had figured out the monetize thing a lot earlier. I'm averaging about $2 or $3 a day. It's like.. kind of neat. o_O


What he said about Youtube was horrendously stupid, proven by the fact that he deleted his account shortly after. You can disagree and thats fine, but his comments are not my responsibility, and neither are his feelings.

Mind explaining why it's stupid instead of just saying it's stupid like the poster you responded to asked?
Phil if anything seems like a pretty switched on and current guy, why would he only be coming out with this Let's Play argument now? He would've been doing that round about the time of Fez's PC release or when the YouTube content ID stuff was happening. Just seems a bit too LTTP for Phil.

I don't think it's a coincidence either that 'This Is Phil Fish' video comes out and he decides to break his vow of silence. I'm sure he's testing the water with what seems like a controversial issue for a news outlet to run with and Gamespot have eaten it up and proved his/ the video creators point.

Or perhaps I'm giving the man too much credit.
Artorias said:
What he said about Youtube was horrendously stupid, proven by the fact that he deleted his account shortly after.

I will say this, just because he pulled down a tweet involving licensing of his/companies creative product doesn't mean what he said was 'horrendously stupid' or less valid. Do you know the reason why he pulled it down? I mean really, do you know?

Artorias said:
You can disagree and thats fine, but his comments are not my responsibility, and neither are his feelings.

True. This is the internet ,it is a big public forum, and we do put ourselves out there. However I think we shouldn't draw the conclusion of one being a dumbass just because their view about their own IPs licensing differs from our own.

Just saying.
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