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THQ: Red Faction Series Is Dead, Team Moving On To inSANE


Trucker Sexologist
Nirolak said:
Also, I'd like to note that he's wrong.

Red Faction found an audience with Guerrilla, and they threw that audience out with Armageddon.

Armageddon certainly wasn't the game that found a niche, it was the game that made it a niche.
What were the sales like for RF:G?


Because THEY made a mistake with the franchise, they make the fans pay the price. Sorry Volition, but I wasn't content to buy a shitty game just because you slapped the name of a game I like on it. You should've made a better Red Faction game, that wasn't dumb down. Even the stuff that was good in the game wasn't used to good effect. The destruction/rebuilding stuff was all technologically nice, but it didn't really serve a purpose in the actual game.
I want Geomod in Saints Row. Both games seem to be in the same universe, so it wouldn't be that weird to see the Red Faction weapons in Saints Row. Maybe city vs city and let the Saints go nuts demolishing the rival town.


I still don't know why THQ didn't release a Modern Military 1st person Shooter using Guerrilla's destruction tech.

I know I know, unoriginal...but hey, why not?


I would love to know how many happy Guerilla buyers on hee actually went ahead and bought Armageddon. I really enjoyed Guerilla and thought they had something there that could be further developed. Then I saw the direction Armageddon took and did not want to touch that game with a ten foot pole.


Gold Member
I still don't know what the hell is the point of Armageddon. Guerrilla was a really cool open-world game with a really excellent engine. Armageddon was a boring nondescript corridor FPS.


This is horrible. Red Faction was the reason I bought a PS2 and basically got back into gaming after my high school "2 cool 4 gaming" phase.


And just think, going back to FPS, in an open world with destruction would probably have done really well.


Gold Member
RFG was so much fun and then seeing what they did after playing the demo for Armageddon, I'm not surprised it sold poorly.


An blind dancing ho
So they decided to turn one of the most unique open world game into shitty Gears of Mars, shat on the fans of Red Faction: Guerilla, removed the best features about the game (open world + online competitive multiplayer) then when bombed and they killed the franchise completely.

And Now smart THQ put Saints Row 3 in a freaking suicidal release date that very close to Skyrim,Uncharted,AssCreed:R and MW3.. guess Saints Row will die too, oh well RF wont be alone in that graveyard for too long.

Nirolak said:

:/ so RF:G did well..why they did that to the RF:G why they decided to make a shitty Gears clone instead of a real faithful sequel to RF:G


Totobeni said:
And Now smart THQ put Saints Row 3 in a freaking suicidal release date that very close to Skyrim,Uncharted,AssCreed:R and MW3.. guess Saints Row will die too, oh well RF wont be alone in that graveyard for too long.
I will purchase all those games with my money.





Totobeni said:
So they decided to turn one of the most unique open world game into shitty Gears of Mars, shat on the fans of Red Faction: Guerilla, removed the best features about the game (open world + online competitive multiplayer) then when bombed and they killed the franchise completely.

And Now smart THQ put Saints Row 3 in a freaking suicidal release date that very close to Skyrim,Uncharted,AssCreed:R and MW3.. guess Saints Row will die too, oh well RF wont be alone in that graveyard for too long.

I have Saints Row 3 already on my bomba buying list for early 2012.


listen to the mad man
Everyone is focusing on Guerrilla being an underappreciated gem and Armageddon being a turd, but not remembering that THQ gave the franchise several other chances--they made a made-for-TV SyFy movie that did poorly, and an XBLA/PSN game that did poorly. What other message could you expect them to take about the franchise?

In other words, if you wanted Red Faction 5, you should have watched the test movie and bought the test XBLA game, duhhhh
This news makes me sad as I firmly consider myself part of Red Fraction's "niche" market. I have enjoyed all of them to a degree and I consider RF:G to be the best. I hope Volition doesn't beat itself up too much over RF:A and that they continue to make great games (with or without THQ).
Same mistake they made in the transition from Red Faction 1 and 2 (change to generic military bullshit) and this time it looks like it permanently killed it.


Wasn't there supposed to be a Red Faction tv series on Syfy or something? Whatever happened to that?

(When Saint's Row 3 bombs due to releasing it against a dozen other high profile games, will it be put out to pasture too?)


and THQ was my little comeback publisher of the gen with RFG, STALKER, Company of Heroes, DoW2 and Metro 2033.

*I consider this gen any game since the advent of HDR lighting.


Gold Member
Totobeni said:
And Now smart THQ put Saints Row 3 in a freaking suicidal release date that very close to Skyrim,Uncharted,AssCreed:R and MW3

Good thing Saints Row 3 will be better than all those games.
I still find it crazy that they announced inSANE so far in advance of its release.

Though saying that, if Square had said Final Fantasy Versus XIII wouldn't be out by the end of 2011 I'd have laughed. They win for stringing us along.


Sqorgar said:
I just want Red Faction Guerrilla 2.
He's joking.

Neuromancer said:
OK that's not as bad. Still, my faith in Volition has been badly shaken because of Armageddon. Makes me question if they wouldn't just find another way to screw it up, if they ever brought it back.
As a note, Irrational hired a lot of Guerrilla's designers/senior staff.


Stumpokapow said:
Everyone is focusing on Guerrilla being an underappreciated gem and Armageddon being a turd, but not remembering that THQ gave the franchise several other chances--they made a made-for-TV SyFy movie that did poorly, and an XBLA/PSN game that did poorly. What other message could you expect them to take about the franchise?

In other words, if you wanted Red Faction 5, you should have watched the test movie and bought the test XBLA game, duhhhh

Boy am I glad my sarcasm detector is not broken. Yeah I forgot they made all that other shit as well. They should have focused on what people actually wanted out of the franchise instead of all that bullshit.
fizzelopeguss said:

Weren't they practically relegated to giving the game away with darksiders?

That was advertising. Free game to make Darksiders more attractive, and also exposing people to how great Guerrilla was so they'd have a larger audience for the next game. Then they decided to piss all over the audience.


Nirolak said:
He's joking.
I know he was. My point is that I don't think anybody here actually wants "Red Faction 5". Is anybody a fan of the franchise, the character, or the lore? I've played the first three Red Faction games, and I can't tell you what the plot was in any of them.


What were THQ's expectations for Red Faction? It had to be significantly more than 1 million sales if they felt that it was a franchise worth putting to sleep again.


Onion_Relish said:
More like murdered.

This is hard to argue. I played Armageddon and was drooling with boredom. I almost feel like it was a step back from Guerrilla. The latest Red Faction didn't seem to have any originality at all..

Volition is a talented group, but Red Faction has never been a particularly interesting concept for me. Insane sounds much more interesting, and it's great to hear that the crazy director is going to get a technically sound dev team to put his vision to code.
BobJustBob said:
That was advertising. Free game to make Darksiders more attractive, and also exposing people to how great Guerrilla was so they'd have a larger audience for the next game. Then they decided to piss all over the audience.

You should have expected it, you know with red faction 2 and all.


Nirolak said:
Also, I'd like to note that he's wrong.

Red Faction found an audience with Guerrilla, and they threw that audience out with Armageddon.

Armageddon certainly wasn't the game that found a niche, it was the game that made it a niche.
Exactly. It's baffling how this played out. Who's idea was it to shift gears after Guerilla, and why aren't they fired? Or are they?
Tobor said:
Exactly. It's baffling how this played out. Who's idea was it to shift gears after Guerilla, and why aren't they fired? Or are they?

At 1 million copies Guerrilla would have broken even at $40 a copy. They probably wanted to try to make a profit hence changing the game design.
While Guerilla took the series in an open-world direction, Armageddon reverses course a bit. Most of the game takes place underground, and while the cavernous environments are large, they're more limiting than the last game. "You're going more focused this time," says Holmes. "We've got our big environments, our big destruction playgrounds, and we want to give a more focused narrative, a more focused story, real characters that are going to make you care."

Sutton points out that not all of the open-world gameplay is gone. "We still have open things to do. But we want to get rid of some of the bad, tedious sidequests, and only go with things that people like." There will be collectibles, though whether you like those or not is up to you, and multiplayer will make a return, though the developers are still tight-lipped on what exactly it will be like. "It's going to be new," is all Sutton would say, promising that we'll hear more about it, and the game itself, in the very near future.

Good old focused story and narrative getting in the way of good gameplay. That's what you guys wanted right? More focus on the story with "tighter" gameplay?

Good show Volition.
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