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THQ: Red Faction Series Is Dead, Team Moving On To inSANE

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'd be okay with Volition just working on Saint's Row Third and making DLC for it while working on the sequel. Stick with what you know!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I mean, honestly, they also sort of painted themselves into a corner using Mars as the location. We already saw all of what it had to offer with Guerrilla. Mars' distinguishing features is that it's red and sort of boring.

They could have created a crack ton of cities or something, but I'd like to see them take the destroy any and everything concept to a new local. Maybe inSANE will have something like that?
WanderingWind said:
I mean, honestly, they also sort of painted themselves into a corner using Mars as the location. We already saw all of what it had to offer with Guerrilla. Mars' distinguishing features is that it's red and sort of boring.

They could have created a crack ton of cities or something, but I'd like to see them take the destroy any and everything concept to a new local. Maybe inSANE will have something like that?
A horror game with destruction elements has never been done before to my knowledge, could be interesting. I have a feeling it'll be more traditional than that though.
Ichabod said:
I played the hell out of the first RF. They lost me when they shifted from FPS to 3rd person.


I'm glad to hear Volition will continue with another project and isn't being downsized... they have a special place in my heart since they're based in what is essentially my hometown.
Well, Guerrilla is on sale for $10 on PSN, so I'm going to queue that download up before I head to bed. Still bummed out about this whole mess. Red Faction was one of my first PS2 games, and Guerrilla remains one of the most underrated experiences this generation.


Saty said:
Are we sure the 1 million copies for RF:G is not shipped? I'm looking here at the NPD data, in its debut month the game did ~320,000 copies and in its second month it was out of the Top 10.

Was the million supposed to be US only? I was under the impression shipment numbers from companies are global unless stated otherwise.
Neuromancer said:
Apparently, like shit. They're not going to give us numbers, it'd be too embarrassing probably.

Not surprising in the slightest......and honestly, its justified. Volition only have themselves to blame.

Such a mega BOMBA! I wouldn’t even be surprised if it did worse than Shadows of the Damned! -_-


"Red Faction is dead because we ruined what made Guerilla so much fun and just did what we wanted to do to appeal to a new audience instead of at least trying to please our old audience but it turns out that new audience doesn't want to play it still because they're still playing COD."

I'm sure someone said that at one time. :D


Armageddon looked like absolute shit from the get go. I remember seeing an article in Game Informer where they were really trying to tart it up and make it sound awesome but it was painfully obvious the game was going to be DOA.
it seemed to me that Armageddon had worse graphics than Guerilla. They had one simple thing to add to a Guerilla sequel: destructable terrain...
Too bad, much as I smashed on RF:A for going the wrong way it's not like it's a bad game. I did like what they did with the demo, I'll probably pick it up when it's much reduced (soon apparently).

Also they squandered a cool universe with a crappy story and poor characters. Wasted potential.


Way to fuck up a perfectly good series. Guerrilla was awesome, but whoever was responsible for the pony fart that was Armageddon should be sacked.

How the mighty have fallen.
WanderingWind said:
I mean, honestly, they also sort of painted themselves into a corner using Mars as the location. We already saw all of what it had to offer with Guerrilla. Mars' distinguishing features is that it's red and sort of boring.

They could have created a crack ton of cities or something, but I'd like to see them take the destroy any and everything concept to a new local. Maybe inSANE will have something like that?
They could of moved forward in time to when advance terrafroming was going on, then they could have jungles on mars, which would rock.


I cant say ill miss the series. The originals on the PS2 were fun and interesting, but now its all kinda samey and boring. Just another bald space marine shooter really. I'd love to see another Summoner or Freespace game from them though.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
You god damn morons....

RFG was a flawed jewel with amazing potential, and then you shit out armageddon and you're baffled at why it bombed? And you proceed to kill the franchise?!


LocoMrPollock said:
They said this after part 2 as well. They're gonna let the IP rest and revisit it later, possibly.

Should've went back to the series roots with a FPS. Would've done better.

Guerrilla was great, though.

And, most have forgotten or never played 2 and don't realize this is sort of how Volition works. Sure, this is a shitty situation, but in many respects it's exactly the course the company has taken with all their subsequent releases. I give them huge amounts of credit; Red Faction 2 was a gigantic departure from the atmosphere, lore and especially the pacing of the first game. A break gave them time to come up with Guerrilla, which really was a great game that helped leverage the idea of open world destruction on the same scale as tunneling through rock in the first game, but with more of a gameplay bent to it.

But Volition likes to experiment. It's what gave us Saints Row 2 after the first game (which, thankfully, they saw as a solid formula that didn't need tweaking further as much as expanding), it's what gave us Freespace after Descent (and again, was taken to a much more elaborate zenith with Freespace 2). It's what fixed much of what was absolutely horrid about Summoner.

Most of you are either too young or have forgotten the days when THQ was nothing more than a wrestling license and a lot of crappy games. I know because I did PR for them over a decade ago. They were largely the same kind of company as something like Acclaim, though they handled things better. Since then, children's game licenses have definitely engendered the idea of yearly franchise releases and more than a little milking of properties, but they do seem to let Volition do what they want.

Give it a few years. The series will return, with another advancement in baseline tech, and the results will be fantastic, mark my words. Better to concentrate on one last big mainline studio game for this generation and then start on really integrating the new hardware of future systems so they can give it a go again.

My only regret is that they can't just work toward a one-off PC project now. In years past, it might have worked, but they've gotta be multi-platform now. Once Saints Row 3 is done, it's time to ramp up on R&D, because I suspect the next generation is going to be a leap few people here are expecting.



From GOTY 2009 to a dead franchise in one game.

Fuck you, THQ or whoever was responsible for the 180 after Guerilla. :mad:


Corky said:
You god damn morons....

RFG was a flawed jewel with amazing potential, and then you shit out armageddon and you're baffled at why it bombed? And you proceed to kill the franchise?!

I can only imagine that it featured the typical talking points when someone discusses why they went linear instead open world. "To tell a better, more focus-story, with better pacing and enemy encounters, and more distinctive visuals."

Meanwhile, in the actual game, story and characters are completely throw-away, the visuals are "distinctly" muddy and non-evocative, the enemies are brain-dead and made worse by the fact that you have such limited freedom of movement relative to Guerilla, so you can't even approach them from interesting angles. There's no experimentation at all. Guerilla wasn't just an open world - it was a sandbox.

Armageddon is a corridor shooter with poor visuals, bad enemy encounters, largely-useless weaponry, and an insipid storyline and characterization. And the destructibility - the main selling point of the entire franchise - is rendered insignificant. Not only is there less of a focus on it through totally ignoring some of the destruction mini-games from Guerilla, but it also worked beautifully in tandem with the sandbox style of RFG, which is completely absent here. Making matters worse is you have these destructible spots in Armageddon surrounded by feet of indestructible material. So many bad design decisions it confounds belief.
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