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Throwing a house party

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Hey gaf, I'm going to be throwing a Halloween party for a student organization I'm involved in this weekend. I've thrown smaller parties but this one's looking to have at least 100 people. Anyone have any tips on not getting the cops called/ preventing fights/ throwing parties in general?

The only way to prevent those things is to not have a party with a 100 people at it.

Card folks, if there's drinking make sure they are 21+.

Keep everyone in the house or in your back yard.

Let the neighbors know and define a quiet time for the party.


Naw the more people there the more likely something might happen and cops would be in the area. Just realize that you are the house owner so your going to have to be the "big boy" if anything happens.

have music
Pong table going
At least have the living room dimly lit
TV with the game on(I think it's a distraction tbh)

Bam their you go, the party and people will do the rest. Do let neighbors know as well.


100 people in a house... You're fucked.


Lock your valuables up and have extra alcohol. You don't want to have to go on alcohol runs an hour in. Also have lots of solo cups.
Be vigilant with holding your rules. It's your place
Put kegs in an area that can suppress noise and spills don't really matter (unfinished basement = win)
Don't leave ANY doors/windows open (except maybe back door to yard)
Warn your neighbors, let them know
Shut doors of any rooms that won't be used (lock if possible) or at least put a sign on it
Have extra TP in the bathroom VISIBLE so chicks don't have to hunt for it
Have a garbage can next to the keg for cigarette butts/broken cups (as well as areas that people may smoke, makes cleanup easier - even have one by the front door if you don't smoke, people will put it out while waiting to come in, best to have a place for it)
Food, all on a table that can be accessed on both sides, stuff that doesn't go "bad" like chips, dip, etc .. better stuff if it's a nice event like crockpot, heated surfaces.
Designate area for smoking if possible
Have a fun game out back that people can distract themselves with, various yard games.
Music: Random, but give NOBODY access to change it.

Being rude to cops isn't being a dick, it's treating cops how they deserve to be treated. OP, I'd recommend looking up your basic legal rights when dealing with the cops. The "Know Your Rights" type stuff.

Lol. Hard core.
The only way to prevent those things is to not have a party with a 100 people at it.

Card folks, if there's drinking make sure they are 21+.

Keep everyone in the house or in your back yard.

Let the neighbors know and define a quiet time for the party.



Really, though, a quiet time is when the party is pretty much finished. Also, student organization + 100 people = guarantee it won't be only 21 and ups.


If the cops do show up, make sure to quiet down everyone as much as possible (very hard to do, but at least turn the music off) and walk outside, closing the door behind you. Make sure you know your rights regarding whether you have to let them in if they do come to your house, what you have to tell them, etc. Might be a good idea to talk to some neighbors and tell them to contact you privately about any problems they have before they call the cops about noise, etc.

Hide your shampoo, body wash, etc. so no beer is poured into them (used to be one of my favorite things to do at frat houses. I know, I'm an asshole.). Lock your bedroom door, hide your games/consoles.

Also, keep in mind that it's a federal crime to provide alcohol to minors. Don't let it deter you though, just keep it in mind.


Need to know more about your situation. How close are the neighboring houses? Whats the parking situation like? Front yard/back yard? Frat house/mom's house?


Also, from personal experience: Don't order or make hot wings, let alone anything spicy that can get on the fingers. Everyone knows that finger fucking can occur during parties, and fellas, you dont want to burn the inside of Sarah's vagina with your infero fingers.


Just threw a party for a student org couple weeks ago myself, in an area with pretty uptight neighbors and cops.

-Give neighbors a heads up, give them a couple phone numbers to reach. Have the girls of your org do this lol. They'll be much more inclined if you tell them you're ending it by 1 or a somewhat early time.
-No ins and outs to keep traffic to minimum. Once your guest leaves, they can't come back.
-Tape those big plastic garbage bags to cover the floor. Then cover that with cardboard boxes from grocery stores for easy clean-up.
-Make it for charity. Make entrance fee $5 worth of xyz (school supplies, toys, etc.) or just $5. Neighbors/cops might be more nice if they hear this too. Give people a cup w/ their name on it here when they pay up. Minimizes cups. Then get a keg and jungle juice to avoid cans/bottles.
Eh its not that hard.

Put extra stuff up on the windows so its hard to tell whats going on at night and for noise reduction. Foam works best. Keep the front door closed and the entryway empty. If you have a yard, let people park in it.

And always answer the door shirtless and with a beer in hand.
Also, from personal experience: Don't order or make hot wings, let alone anything spicy that can get on the fingers. Everyone that knows finger fucking can occur during parties, and fellas, you dont want to burn the inside of Sarah's vagina with your infero fingers.

Sarah loves that shit. It's Katie that hate's the Five Finger Fire Alarm.
100 people is a lot. get at least three kegs, and maybe mix up a cauldron of jungle juice for girls.

if the cops do come, don't allow them into your house. Step outside and talk to them there. the worst thing they'll do is tell people to clear out. then you can just kick a few people out and keep partying.




Really, though, a quiet time is when the party is pretty much finished. Also, student organization + 100 people = guarantee it won't be only 21 and ups.

Well no drinking then. The question is how to prevent cops from coming and in my party experience these are some simple rules to follow.


Every party I went to always had fights; was basically a sign it was time to go back and murder some Chinese food


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Hold the phone, this isn't a parody post?

What the fuck bro, are you twelve?

Everyone I know had a lot more respect for cops at 12 than they do now.


No alcohol, closed down all doors except the bathroom, smoking is forbidden inside and on the front, alert the neighbors, invite the cops, steal a gnome, get arrested, hit a guy with who has a mohawk
From my experience:

1) Never throw throw the party at your own house (you can never really enjoy yourself if you have to worry about all your stuff)
2) move all breakables and valuables out of the designated party area (expect breakage & thievery - lock or block access to back rooms if possible)
3) Keep the party inside and/or in the back yard. no one by the front door and only specific people are allowed to open the door to let people in. (too much noise out front brings the cops quick. anyone opening the door leads to undesirables and unknowns.. and maybe cops all up in your house)
4) respect the neighbors (no parking in their yards, people out front anywhere on the street, cars honking/loud music, etc etc)
5) Plenty of plastic cups, paper plates/bowls, liquor/beer, snacks, chasers, ice, napkins, towels, garbage bags and friends to help you keep things under control (also plenty of girls, sausage parties tend to have more fights - balance is needed)

6) If the cops show up, DO NOT LET THEM IN. Shut off the music, tell everyone to shut the fuck up and sit tight (don't try to leave, don't peek out the windows, don't turn the music back on, don't do anything), then go outside closing the door behind you and speak to them calmly alone out front. Don't offer up more info than what they need to know and address only what they came there to talk to you about.
They may ask to come in, or ask how many people do you have in there, to which you will say NO, and just a couple of friends. But on a first call, they may just ask you to keep it down with a warning that if they have to come back, they may issue a fine. You should usually be back in your party within 3-5 minutes if all goes well.
Use that as an excuse to remove all the unknowns and undesirables from the party and dwindle it down to a more exclusive bunch.

Also here is a cheesy "Know Your Rights" video I just found that reminds me of a similar video I used to have back in the day:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqMjMPlXzdA (go to 29:56)


Good luck OP! I'm playing at a house party this Saturday and all the shit you guys have said not to have is happening at the party:

-Four metal bands(I'm in one of them) will be playing in a fucking living room!
-Tons of alcohol
-Costumes are required

Metalheads+ Alcohol= Lots of fights and chaos.

Should be fun!!!!


Good luck OP! I'm playing at a house party this Saturday and all the shit you guys have said not to have is happening at the party:

-Four metal bands(I'm in one of them) will be playing in a fucking living room!
-Tons of alcohol
-Costumes are required

Metalheads+ Alcohol= Lots of fights and chaos.

Should be fun!!!!

I doubt it, metal heads are sissies.


From my experience:

They may ask to come in, or ask how many people do you have in there,to which you will say NO, and just a couple of friends. But on a first call, they may just ask you to keep it down with a warning that if they have to come back, they may issue a fine.

I don't think lying to cops is a good idea.
Have video game or a cool movie playing on your huge screen tv while the party is happening.

No volume.

Watch as the night drags on and everyone who's wasted is transfixed on the screen.

I once had repalys of GT5 playing all night long.

I also once had Halo MP playing in the background all night.

One time old Kung fu movies.

It was a sick party, but around 2:00 am everyone was trying to watch 36th chamber of shaolin. This while music is blaring in the back, and we were 100 deep.
It was a sick party, but around 2:00 am everyone was trying to watch 36th chamber of shaolin. This while music is blaring in the back, and we were 100 deep.

I been to two partys doing this, one had jurrasic park followed by alice in wonderland projected up the side of a wall upside down and last years Halloween party playing machete on loop projected on the ceiling.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Hey gaf, I'm going to be throwing a Halloween party for a student organization I'm involved in this weekend. I've thrown smaller parties but this one's looking to have at least 100 people. Anyone have any tips on not getting the cops called/ preventing fights/ throwing parties in general?
I just came back from a Halloween party out of town on the weekend. It was in an apartment but she (the apartment owner) basically invited all the neighbors so they had prior knowledge of the party.

As for preventing fights, just try and invite people who don't seem douche-y. If they look and act like some dumb jock or skinhead types, avoid having them over.

Conor 419

Shitload of booze

Shitload of food (with BBQ set up)

Keep the age range narrow

Strike the balance in the sense that there's space for people to smoke, get fucked, dance etc without getting in each-others faces, whilst still keeping everyone intergrated so it doesn't become exclusive.

If neighbours are safe then bribe them, If neighbours are dicks then blackmail them (actually do this)

Move anything that'll get fucked before the party, if something's going to get broken during the party, it's already gone.

Have shit to do, table tennis tabble, fusball, drinking games etc

Make sure shit that people will need is available, trashcans, bottle openers, lighters, mixers, cheerios, glasses, king rizla/baccy, taxi/fast food numbers, etc

Get a shisa

If Devolution gives advice, do not listen

Don't make people leave if they do drugs, if you don't want them to then don't throw a party

Don't be a strict host, if you are then don't throw a party

If you don't have places for some people to sleep over, don't throw a party

If you don't have enough space for 100 people in general, don't throw a party

Have some hard as fuck guy who is good friends with you walking about so people don't get lairy

When people do get lairy, don't let them ruin the party

For fuck sake play the right music (not fucking club anthems 2kmalia, play rave music)

pizza dog

Kegs. Cheapass handles. Secure your good booze like under your bed or some shit. Encourage smoking area out back or on a fire escape or something; not on a front porch and not visible from the street.

At 100 people you really should have a PA/DJ set up in designated low-light dance room. I was involved in the radio station so we always had gear at hand, not sure what your options are.

Don't get yourself drunk 'cuz you gotta keep your eyes out for fights/five-oh/people who are too hammered to handle themselves, but don't be so straight-laced you're policing the place. Be helpful, not bossy. Hosting is stressful especially your first time. It'll be great, be chill.

All these jokers saying "card people" or "tell people to take their shoes off"; shake my damn head, learn to party.

My one momly tip is make sure water is super available; keep cups stocked near kitchen sink. Never get in the way of someone hydrating.


A lot of trash cans in strategically placed areas.

It'll make clean-up a lot easier and if there's a trashcan readily available, people are more likely to throw shit away than leave it around.

Also can be used as puke receptacles.
1. Provide a small amount of alcohol but don't break the bank trying to get the whole party drunk, people will bring their own stuff too. I'd recommend a keg of cheap light beer (ex. Bud Light) and a few bottles of inexpensive Vodka. Having juice as a mixer is probably a good idea too.

2. Play loud music. If you can't hire a DJ then make an iTunes playlist or use Pandora. Keep it up tempo, use popular music. Rap, Electronica and top 40 are what people generally expect to hear.

3. Buy some food. Drunk people like to eat.

4. Keep everyone off the front porch

5. No underage people you don't know. I can't stress this enough, prepare to check IDs

6. Tell your neighbors in advance and leave your contact info. They'll be more likely to call you first before the cops if there's a noise issue.

7. Don't be afraid to kick drunk bros or sloppy girls out. Have one of your big ass friends an an enforcer.

Good luck OP.


I don't understand why anyone would want to have a party..

people like to have fun.

Don't stress OP, enjoy yourself. Think about the fun times, not the stains on the floor and the 1000 stubbies lying around.

Top thing I would recommend is locking up all your good glasses and mugs and providing plastic cups instead.

Fury Sense

Remember in Revenge of the Nerds how the dude puts on a Vader costume to trick a girl into thinking he's someone else? That won't fly these days
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