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Titanfall sells nearly 1M in the US during first 3 weeks.


I take it given the continuing partnership with Respawn that EA are happy and see potential in the IP but I would not put money on this being MS exclusive again.


1m sales (+ 300k possibly for the UK)...

I wonder how that figures against the money spent to keep it away from Playstation..


Nothing! I said nothing!
Call of Duty: Ghosts sold 6.1 million in its debut month in NPD (USA physical retail).

GTA V sold 7.0 million in its debut month in NPD.

Nearly 1 million isn't that great... I assume EA expected more out of it.

How many XB1s had been sold in the US at that point?
EA only mentioned NPD figures (physical retail sold to consumers in the USA)...that 925K figure I assume is for XB1 + PC, or USA NPD and Canada NPD.

We already had the following NPD figures leaked:

865K no bundles for Xbox One

1.1 million Xbox One with bundles

7 out of every 10 Xbox One consoles sold in March were Titanfall bundles

So 1.1 million xbox+TF bundles were sold?


Regardless of the marketing and hype I think that's pretty good for a new IP.

Well it's the beginnig of a new generation. It's the best season for new IPs to sell a lot and establish a name. These numbers are still worse than Knack (another new IP in a new ecosystem) in the same time frame, right? (considering it's the PC and XBone numbers altogheter.... it really seems disappointing).


I bet EA is really regretting XB1 exclusivity now.

Certainly killed the hype for that game in overseas markets.


how are people saying this is REALLY bad?

it might be below expectations, but it's not COD. I know stakes are high because it's a lot of the same people but the general audience doesnt know that. These are good numbers for a new IP.


Call of Duty: Ghosts sold 6.1 million in its debut month in NPD (USA physical retail).

GTA V sold 7.0 million in its debut month in NPD.

Nearly 1 million isn't that great... I assume EA expected more out of it.

Those are established franchises, Titanfall has no chance of beating them ins sales, anyone who thought they would is crazy.
For only US (and Canada?), for a new IP and on a platform that has sold ~4-5M LTD? This is great.

What are the XB1 hardware numbers for just US? ~3 million?

Nearly a million on mostly XB1 (what were the XB1:pC breakdowns again? 95:5? 90:10?) in less than a month is pretty substantial considering the user base size they're working with.

I don't know what people expected...literally every XB1 owner to have it? You people have weird ass expectations. This is good, and I'm glad for Respawn. Hoping it translates into something even greater for Titanfall 2.
Well it's the begginig of a new generation. It's the best season for new IPs to sell a lot and establish a name. These numbers are still worse than Knack (another new IP in a new ecosystem) in the same time frame, right? (considering it's the PC and XBone numbers altogheter.... it really seems disappointing).


Also, as a new IP in a new generation of consoles, I'm not sure how many sales people wanted to see to not call this a disappointment. The attach rate for this game is stupidly high.


Have you seen Titanfall
's sales figures

This can't be what EA/MS expected from the game given the insane marketing it got. The marketing campaign felt like it was a seven figure affair in the least, possibly eight figures. And it didn't even move that many X1 units either (less units per week in March than Feb).

Even if you include all platforms and all territories, it can't be much higher than 2m, if it reaches that number at all.


Shot themselves in the foot for refusing to acknowledge the Xbox 360 version and not making it available on PlayStation systems. Still, one million isn't exactly a "failure" by any means.

I can't help but feel that Titanfall 2 will be the game that the first should have been originally. I'm expecting an Assassin's Creed II type jump.


I think these are probably in line with what EA was expecting, given their arrangement with Microsoft. For a new IP to start with these kinds of numbers is great.

I think this franchise is going to get bigger as time goes on.

People citing hype: Was that hype coming from EA, or was it coming from fans/news media? Those are two different things.


Good for respawn. I bet they are pretty happy about it considering it's a multiplayer only game but I wouldn't say the same for microsoft, not after all the marketing and hype around the game.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Basically, EA wanted this to be the thing that killed COD.
In its first month and only on Xbox One? I really doubt that.

And what's up with GTA and CoD comparisons? It's not like Rockstar could sell 6 million GTA copies on a 3 million Xbox One Userbase in the US.


It's probably not as good as they would have hoped.

The silver lining is that Microsoft did throw a bunch of money @ EA for exclusivity right? So despite it's performance it still basically made free money for EA before it was even released.

I think in the next game we'll get a real campaign, and of course it'll go multi-platform so the franchise really has no where to go but up.


Not really surprised. It is a good game (got bored, not my cup of tea) but the hype was really manufactured. It might seem like anecdotal bullshit, but I really didn't see much hype from gamers themselves. A lot of it was from the press(go figure) and the source, that being MS. Some games are just so big, they sell themselves. They too are promoted but not to the nauseating degree that this game was. I can't blame MS though. Other than Titanfall, what else did the Xbox One had going for it? They couldn't rely on launch titles or, I don't know, fucking PvZ (great game) to keep them afloat and people satisfied until E3. They needed something, anything, to get people to get on board early on.

Plus, for a long time, I ( and others) said sales would be front loaded. It's not like there is much going on or any serious competition at the moment. People are dying for new content right now. Anything too keep them occupied. Any excuse to bother turning their system on besides Twitch or Youtube. It's not like the game is really that special or does anything new either. It's not revolutionary or evolutionary. It's just alright and kind of fills the void. It does this better than most games. However, I knew that this game had no chance of any kind of longevity. Would people care a month later? Three months? A year? No. Hell, when CoD, Battlefield, Destiny and maybe Halo roll around, nobody will care about Titanfall. It will fall into obscurity.

DLC won't save it either


For a game which had physical frigging ads at my home town bus stops, I cannot believe that these numbers have it performing up to expectations.


Anyone still thinking the TF hype wasn't a well-orchastrated, greasy palmed marketing operation has shit for brains. fuck the gaming press.
What are the XB1 hardware numbers for just US? Nearly a million on mostly XB1 (what were the XB1:pC breakdowns again? 95:5? 90:10?) in less than a month is pretty substantial considering the user base size they're working with.

I don't know what people expected...literally every XB1 owner to have it?

Killzone Shadow Fall is over 2 million now, and it wasn't bundled with every PS4 sold for a month in PS4's biggest territories.


Not really surprised. It is a good game (got bored, not my cup of tea) but the hype was really manufactured. It might seem like anecdotal bullshit, but I really didn't see much hype from gamers themselves. A lot of it was from source, that being MS. Some games are just so big, they sell themselves. They too are promoted but not to the nauseating degree that this game was. I can't blame MS though. Other than Titanfall, what else did the Xbox One had going for it? They couldn't rely on launch titles or, I don't know, fucking PvZ (great game) to keep them afloat and people satisfied until E3. They needed something, anything, to get people to get on board early on.

One time I went to a movie (Oculus) and there were 4 ads for Titanfall before the movie. FOUR!
Killzone Shadow Fall is over 2 million now, and it wasn't bundled with every PS4 sold for a month in PS4's biggest territories.

And Killzone 2 has been out since November. Working with PS4's larger installed base. And these figures are for the US only and only for the first 3 weeks.

Eh I thought it had already passed a mil? Considering the hype, this is unexpected.

Worldwide, I'm sure it most definitely did a long time ago.


That's really strong as a new IP, congrats to Respawn and EA

People have crazy expectations - yeah it was hyped but these sales are very good.

The problem is that EA and Microsoft hyped the game more than I've seen in recent memory. Why they did that to a multiplayer only game (plus a game at the beginning of a new console cycle) is beyond me. A million is great, the problem lies in the expectations that were set by both EA and MS.


Great sales, considering the installed base in the US and it's multi-player only .

it was released on pc, too. This is pretty mediocre considering. Looks like there was not much traction on pc. wonder what the digital sales were.

Put that sucker on steam for 30 bucks or so.


Nothing! I said nothing!
I feel like I am looking at different numbers from most others on this thread.

It must have had a crazy attach rate, I don't see how it could possibly have sold any more in the US.
Anyone still thinking the TF hype wasn't a well-orchastrated, greasy palmed marketing operation has shit for brains. fuck the gaming press.

Yup and get ready for it again with Destiny. I foresee lots of awards at E3, lots of hyperbolic bluster about great it is followed by full global marketing saturation that would make Wesker jealous.


I would be curious to know what the actual marketing budget was. There was a lot of hype, but I can't tell how much of it was EA's spend directly, or just the press jumping on what they wanted to be a really big story.Either way, the marketing spend could not have exceeded Destiny's.

You have to remember, first games in a series like this are seeds. They're trying to get the right numbers to make the franchise stick, then make it back later.
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