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Titanfall sells nearly 1M in the US during first 3 weeks.


Not sure how that squares with expectations, but by today's standards, that doesn't seem all that great. It may not have cost that much to develop (smaller team), but that's a far cry from the numbers for best-selling console exclusives.


EA and MS I'm pretty sure thought it would sell more. Are they crazy?

If they believe so then they are as crazy as Activision are for thinking Destiny will be the best selling new IP of all time, but they haven't come out and said anything about their expectations, so until they do I will give them the benefit of the doubt.


Given the investment and coverage this game received this is pretty bad.

well we don't have exact numbers. I doubt they "lost" money here.

underwhelming? sure, but that's cause their expectations were delusional then

same thing's gonna happen with Destiny, to a point. You can't compare these things to COD or HALO cause the vast majority of people who end up achieving those numbers know COD and HALO, not Respawn and Bungie.

heck I bet it's gonna be worse with Destiny cause they're spending fucking half a billion on it


it was released on pc, too. This is pretty mediocre considering. Looks like there was not much traction on pc. wonder what the digital sales were.

Put that sucker on steam for 30 bucks or so.
I hope that was PC gamers remembering MW2 and not general cod contraction.


Infamous: SS sold 1 million worldwide.

Titanfall sold almost 1 million in the US.


Titanfall also had a 360 and pc release.

I would really like to know figures for all three platforms - digital and physical.

I hope that was PC gamers remembering MW2 and not general cod contraction.

haven't played cod since MW2 but am willing to give titanfall a shot if it were really cheap. But with no private servers kind of makes it shitty. Its as if EA or Activision don't want to figure out the pc market at all.
Even for new IP that isn't mindblowing or anything. Assassins Creed 1 did like 8 or 9 million - THAT is impressive for new IP. Considering the marketing spend and the fact that Microsoft was literally giving the game away, this isn't that great.


C'mon man, you can't do that comparison:

Infamous: SS sold 1 million worldwide in 9 days, Titanfall did it in US in 3 weeks.
So? It's about the sales.

If it's about what game sold faster, than of course Infamous: SS sold faster out the gate.


GAF's moving pretty fast with all these threads so I'll just rewrite what I wrote elsewhere, with a couple additions.

There's no reason for them to not tell us the PC sales. Since the game went through Origin exclusively and every single copy, digital and retail alike, had to be activated through their service, EA should have an explicit count of the number of PC copies sold to and activated by consumers.

By hiding behind the generic "we did X-percentage of digital sales" comment and not breaking it down the only thing I can infer is that Titanfall PC sales were so underwhelming they don't even want to mention it.


Isn't 1 million a big failure in this industry?

Depends on a lot of factors. Usually 1 Million in 3 weeks on a new IP is pretty freaking great. However, it comes down to profit, which, we'll probably never really have the fully story on. Will Titanfall have the legs to bring in enough revenue to cover the costs + be profitable?

With AAA titles nowadays, it's all about preparing for the franchise.


I feel like I am looking at different numbers from most others on this thread.

It must have had a crazy attach rate, I don't see how it could possibly have sold any more in the US.

Yeah, but let's not let that get in the way of the narrative that some people here wish to construct.


1m sales (+ 300k possibly for the UK)...

I wonder how that figures against the money spent to keep it away from Playstation..

The game was entirely funded by MS, so that's a bit inaccurate to say the least. MS saved a game that would have shut down by EA, and it went to their systems as a result. Same as DR3 going to XB1 since the only one that would fund it was MS.

No harm no foul there since they weren't simply paying to keep it away from other platforms.


I wander what the budget for Titanfall was, being as they have been working on it in one form or another since mid 2010 thats around 3 1/2 years of developmet.


well we don't have exact numbers. I doubt they "lost" money here.
Depends on which "they" you mean. MS clearly fronted money in order to secure exclusivity. EA put up good money. And then there's Respawn to consider. With the Xbone still trailing in sales for new consoles, I imagine EA is seriously kicking themselves for selling exclusivity so cheaply.


The way this game was hyped, you would think that it would sell some more despite the numbers being solid. Microsoft needs to get to making some fucking good exclusives to legitimately compete down the road. Hopefully they can show off something good in E3 and have new games coming through the pipeline like Sony usually does with their staggered exclusive releases.

I know that TitanFall is a fun shooter, but Microsoft really should stop over hyping shit before it's released:

Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhu0MMS7RjY

This ad was released before the the Xbox One was even launched

GTFO Microsoft, LOL
Very poor performance with the hype and marketing budget behind it. Infamous sold a million in like 6 days. I bet EA is kicking themselves on the probably 500k-1m sales they could have had, had the game been on PS4. That is, if MS didn't already pay more than that for the exclusivity

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Not a failure but it sounds like it didn't meet expectations either and for that I am glad.

I honestly feel like the media outlets and such were shoving this game down our throats for a year. Like a "this will be the next great FPS and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it so just accept it" sort of thing. They pulled the same shit with many other games and it has gotten worse and worse over the years to the point where it was super obvious with Titanfall. And I think it may have backfired a little bit here.

Locking out 80m+ potential customers didn't help either.


Yeah, but let's not let that get in the way of the narrative that some people here wish to construct.

if the 925,000 includes pc and 360 then the attach rate point is a little hasty. we would really need figures broken out by platform.

edit: it does not include 360


Depends on which "they" you mean. MS clearly fronted money in order to secure exclusivity. EA put up good money. And then there's Respawn to consider. With the Xbone still trailing in sales for new consoles, I imagine EA is seriously kicking themselves for selling exclusivity so cheaply.

the game was funded by MS, EA didnt exactly "sell exclusivity". MS fronted money to get the game made period (on their console, of course).

it's like saying Nintendo paid to get Bayonetta 2 out of PS360, just not the case


Anyone still thinking the TF hype wasn't a well-orchastrated, greasy palmed marketing operation has shit for brains. fuck the gaming press.


It had hype, people liked it, it's also on a console that just came out. 1 million isn't that bad.


I wander what the budget for Titanfall was, being as they have been working on it in one form or another since mid 2010 thats around 3 1/2 years of developmet.

Supposedly they weren't working on it the full 3 years as they got entangled in the IW lawsuit.
The amount of hype for this game throughout the gaming press the last year and a half was bordering on unbearable. Compare it to other games that come out and sell around the same or much more.
Isn't 1 million a big failure in this industry?

No and yes. If the budget was small, then it would be a great success, but if it was alot, then you're fuck. With Titan, it's not about the budget, but the hype it receive. That's what people keep mentioning. A MP only game sold at 60$ is not bad at all, not many companies can manage that many units for any new I.P. with more content as well. MS and the media expected this game to be like what Gears Of War did for the 360.


We have two sets of people arguing over two different things and thinking that they somehow should reach an agreement:

- Absolute sales numbers
- Numbers relative to expectations

Both are important figures, but don't act surprised when people are talking about the second one by quoting the first. It's either a fundamental understanding of the data or a disingenuous interpretation of what's actually being said.


Those are established franchises, Titanfall has no chance of beating them ins sales, anyone who thought they would is crazy.

Another way to look at it was probably close to Knack LTD WW.


(Knack did surprisingly well for what it was, so that's not a bad thing to be compared to... quality of knack not counting. Still, interesting to think about)
how are people saying this is REALLY bad?

it might be below expectations, but it's not COD. I know stakes are high because it's a lot of the same people but the general audience doesnt know that. These are good numbers for a new IP.

The amount of marketing and hype that went into it, and across 2 platforms and it only sold that much? It's obviously not the hit that MS would have wanted for it's killer platform exclusive, with those numbers, it's not pushing hardware and NPD already proved that it didn't do much good at that. For a new IP it's not bad, but surely there is some disappointment out there on it's performance, as few new IPs get such huge marketing pushes.


Neo Member
I think it was pretty obvious it didn't meet expectations when the Xbox couldn't beat the PS4 the month they gave out TitanFall with the console. One million isn't bad, but it was meant to move consoles, not to do "okay", or "good". I wonder what the marketing budget for the game was.


The game was entirely funded by MS, so that's a bit inaccurate to say the least. MS saved a game that would have shut down by EA, and it went to their systems as a result. Same as DR3 going to XB1 since the only one that would fund it was MS.

No harm no foul there since they weren't simply paying to keep it away from other platforms.

You're right, they weren't simply paying to keep it away from other platforms - but they did stifle Titanfall's exposure on the 360 to try and get people to buy Xbox Ones..


That's it? I bet DS2 sold way more.
Are there any concrete sales numbers for Dark Souls 2? It seems to be doing better than the first game on both PC and console.

Would still be surprised if it outsold Titanfall, considering the marketing TF got.
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