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Trends you dislike in modern game design?

Most of them have already been posted, but what about modern game's UI being the most soulless shit ever? Just a bunch of minimalistic white lines with 0 taste or style.





And now, the worst offender:

Well now Im gonna need to see some examples of Soul full UI.
Does Pipboy in Fallout count if it’s all on crt low scan lines green?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Well now Im gonna need to see some examples of Soul full UI.
Does Pipboy in Fallout count if it’s all on crt low scan lines green?
Sure it counts. It's original, it fits the setting (which adds to the immersion) and it shows that the devs cared for it.

More examples:


Persona 5, because of course.


In the Judgment games, the menu and the minimap UI's is the MC's phone, which fits the modern setting quite well.

In fact, there's a section in which you haven't you phone, and because of that you can't use items since you don't have your menu.



Always loved this last one. The dragon would change it's expression depending on the option you have selected.

There's also more examples, like Morrowind's jorunal being your actual journal, or Dead Space, which is just great.

And a final example:


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Ulysses 31

Things that take control away from the player and are unskippable. Not so bad if it's at the start or end of the levels but during too then it becomes tiresome.
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see through walls shit is a plague for long time now

I never use it if I can avoid it

marking enemies too
The seeing through walls and marking enemies completely ruined assassins creed and Far Cry for me. It is too effective to not use, while taking away all the challenge and spontaneity of combat encounters.


Weapon and tool durability.

I can understand a bladed weapon losing a little of its hit points and need sharpening every so often. But to have durability for everything is stupid especially when it runs down super fast and you have to stack a load of hammers when going out for the day to smash some rocks.


I like games with story but I feel like a lot of developers feel that they need to sacrifice gameplay to service the story. And a lot of times open world game design gets in the way of these stories being worth playing.


Gold Member
Many games have bad UI and just lame main menus.

Some recent game thoughts:
  • GoW Ragnarok has a fine main menu, game HUD is fine, but the armor/map/journal menu is terrible.
  • Callisto Protocol has a great main menu, and fantastic in game HUD.
  • Signalis has really good UI overall and fits perfectly with the theme and setting of the game.
  • Haven't played, but have seen how trash the MW2 menu is.
On top of this a lot of VR games have really cool UI and HUD elements. Firewall Ultra is going to use eye-tracking for selecting weapons.
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Gold Member
I don't really like the single shot thing a lot of games are doing. It's ok to break things up.
Most of the trends in AAA gaming. The climbing with little control, boring puzzles of push cart here, move rope there, painted ledges, battle areas that don’t fit the rest of the worlds design, too many way points and icons, AAA gaming has been at a stagnated point since COD for fps, Ass creed for open world and Uncharted for cinematic. Souls is one of the few stand out genres but yea gaming needs a major zeigtgiest but the incentive isn’t there. A major AAA ip will sell 20 million and its Pennys compared to what a service game does. The cap on AAA is to low to incentivize so I just hope AAA tools continue to become cheaper so AA games can continue to innovate.
The endless fellatio of the film industry by developers, publishers, and the media (and even gamers themselves).
If your game uses "cinematic" unironically, I doesn't exist in my book.
Most game directors are still film directors who ended up in gaming. I think directors like Miyazaki or Todd Howard are good examples of game directors who don’t have an itch to be film makers and we see how gamey their games are. I would love to see more. The separation of game and film is needed, the most successful games by far are as gamey as it gets. Nintendo’s games, fortknife, gta online…these experiences can’t be recreated in film. You can take the ip and make a film but you can’t make a movie out of the experiences themselves.


Squeezing through gaps to mask load times - honestly would rather deal with a second of two load screens instead of doing this over and over.

Non skippable and extended walking sections in games. Finally, Ubisoft open world formula.
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Most of the trends in AAA gaming. The climbing with little control, boring puzzles of push cart here, move rope there, painted ledges, battle areas that don’t fit the rest of the worlds design, too many way points and icons, AAA gaming has been at a stagnated point since COD for fps, Ass creed for open world and Uncharted for cinematic. Souls is one of the few stand out genres but yea gaming needs a major zeigtgiest but the incentive isn’t there. A major AAA ip will sell 20 million and its Pennys compared to what a service game does. The cap on AAA is to low to incentivize so I just hope AAA tools continue to become cheaper so AA games can continue to innovate.
God of War and many other games yes. Climbing with little control bothers me. Even if it just made you hold another button as grip (if you let go of said button you fall) would make it far more engaging whilst still making it fairly streamlined.

Squeezing through gaps to mask load times. Non skippable and extended walking sections in games. Ubisoft open world formula.
Hopefully dies with PS5 / current gen only games once cross-gen goes.


MMO games that really are online only. PSO 2 and Genshin Impact look good, but I won't touch your game if it is download only/always online/filled with online gatcha/does not have an offline physical edition version.


Hopefully dies with PS5 / current gen only games once cross-gen goes.
Yeah. Away from the shackles from slow AF I/O from last generation of consoles and tech. Hopefully more companies and devs shy away from using this on current hardware.

Also with PC ports.. seeing how affordable NVMe SSD's are nowadays. And with the advent of DirectStorage which is due to release soon.
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Too much talking and conversation.
Boring, uncreative level design and architecture.
Lack of focus in design and "gameplay system islands" where there are many different game systems, but they are islands which don't interact with each other.


Battle passes (especially if they expire)
I just feel like I need to play the game if I purchased it.

But all it leads too, is me getting completely burnt out on the game and potentially never returning.

Just let me enjoy the game in my own time at my own leisure.

Same with time limited event, sea of thieves does them and I think I've only managed to have the time to do one of them.

I love sea of thieves, but I don't play as much as I'd like, as each session I want to know I have a good few hours to play, as time literally vanishes when I play it.

I imagine fans off the games like them, but between wanting to enjoy new game experiences, family life, work and other stuff, it's hard to keep up.

I don't even have the time to be a multi console owner anymore, as I can't keep up with the games on one platform.

Maybe most my issues are a age/time thing, as I would've had all the time in the world when I was younger and had less to play (back when I'd beat games on repeat)
Crawling through tight spaces to cover loading

Open world copy and paste objective fillers which create boredom rather than longevity and fun. Nothing inventive or praise worthy pasting the same shit. Quality over quantity.

Walking with dialogue. Whilst I can understand this and wanting to balance the pacing of a game, there are times when it outstays it’s welcome or becomes easier to predict when it will placed within a game.

Games are expensive to make, prices go up whilst executives check their rather substantial incomes.

The season pass, battle pass. Long winded shite to draw out a players time with a game and make more money.
The unhealthy obsession with open worlds. Enough is enough. Give me smaller, well structured worlds over giant lifeless maps filled with fetch quests and padding. Imo, they are feeling homogenized.

Games that are unnecessarily long and drag on to satisfy gamers who think length equals a quality game.

Forced diversity and catering to the “woke” and people who had no intentions of supporting their game in the first place.

Seems like many AAA companies are risk averse than ever and refuse or maybe don’t know how to deviate from the norm.

Gathering materials and crafting is becoming overdone imo.

Microtransactions, season passes and day one DLC.

Huge focus multiplayer and online only.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Sideways shimmy/crawl through loading screens.

It’s been overdone to death. Callisto Protocol used it so much I think it exceeded the quota all games can do it in a year of releases.


Unskippable cut scenes/dialog
Unskippable logos etc into start screen
Audio being crazy loud prior to save being loaded
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I HATE it in games with Character Creators and clothing options that will NEVER look as good as important NPC's in video games. Cyberpunk 2077 is SOO bad at this. I go to buy some blue jeans in a store, and they look like shit and are stained and dirty looking. I look at Alt Cunningham and I'm like "why are her clothes so pristine, and why can't we buy those?" T shirts and jackets all look used and dirty and not nice at all. Corpo clothes are clean, but the style is not to my liking either. Cyberpunk is not the only game that does this, but it is my newest example of it.
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Reverse groomer.
the constant need for everything to be OTS 3rd person even in games that would benefit from a wider FOV and pulled out camera (cough cough God of War 2018/Ragnarok cough cough)

There are perspectives other than over the shoulder, even in the third person realm, like third person fixed camera which is ironically more cinematic than OTS despite that being the most common one for cinematic games

Third person Normal (which used to be the standard)


And OFC first person, which is still popular in Xbox games and multiplayer focused games but isnt as big as it was back in the 2000s


There are so many different unique configurations for cameras in video games and yet all of the biggest ones focus on this specific over the shoulder one where the FOV is shite and the character takes up the entire left side of the screen. We get it Resident Evil 4 was a masterpiece but holy fuck do something more original. Bring back fixed cameras or predetermined camera angles for once.


the constant need for everything to be OTS 3rd person even in games that would benefit from a wider FOV and pulled out camera (cough cough God of War 2018/Ragnarok cough cough)

There are perspectives other than over the shoulder, even in the third person realm, like third person fixed camera which is ironically more cinematic than OTS despite that being the most common one for cinematic games
I really like this sort of style. It was much more immersive to me to see objects around me and in the distance near and far, than what we have now. Being able to walk into a room and look at all the details in the room without having to move the camera made the area feel more lived in. When I play the newer games in the series, I never even look at anything any more. It's weird that they look better now, but also less interesting. I like noticing all the little details like the shards of glass, how many news paper stands there are, the shuttered gates on the building. Not just resident evil, but other old games that used this sort of graphics style and camera shots.
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Reverse groomer.
I really like this sort of style. It was much more immersive to me to see objects around me and in the distance near and far, than what we have now. Being able to walk into a room and look at all the details in the room without having to move the camera made the area feel more lived in. When I play the newer games in the series, I never even look at anything any more. It's weird that they look better now, but also less interesting. I like noticing all the little details like the shards of glass, how many news paper stands there are, the shuttered gates on the building. Not just resident evil, but other old games that used this sort of graphics style and camera shots.
well too bad buddy because capcom can't seem to let go of the fucking camera angle they made with RE4 and now they're gonna shove it into every single fucking Resi game they make afterwards

honestly, i actually kind of perfer it for playability since it makes aiming easier but i understand where youre coming from and i agree that it makes more sense for showing off the visuals and the environments even if the game isn't as fair or playable

thats why it was perfect for RE4-6 as those are arcadey zombie shooters with a horror element. with the remakes of 2 and 3 which are actual cinematic horror games focused on getting a scare out of you and setting up an atmosphere.... less so. Not to mention it makes seeing behind you a bitch (i still love RE2 remake, though)
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'desperate' to cater woke audience

forced 'diversity' even if it end up disregard game setting logic.

force the rest of the world to shoulder american racism issue

everything related above as main priority foremost, on top of story and worldbuilding. it should be secondry, as the devs should has freedom to create whatever idea or concept without necessary must include this element or force to shove these things infront for sake of to appeal certain minority audience.


Gold Member
Well, Drake basically started it since the first Uncharted.

I don't think it's something that will go away any time soon.
to an extent, yeah, but drake confined himself primarily to indiana jones style wisecracks & comedy, & not nearly so much dry, continuous running observation/commentary...
-Mute characters when everyone else is talking.
-Shitting out little nuggets of lore thinking that makes up for a lack of story
-Sticking cooking/fishing into yet another game.
-No difficulty choices.
-Rogue-lite/Card-battle anything.
-No flying. Gliding is a half assed step towards the better travel option.
-Some of the menus in GaaS games.
-Still having to run back to a boss after dying.
-Thinking being obtuse and vague about everything is some kind of virtue.
-The billion varieties of grunts in JRPGS. It's almost a language in itself.
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