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Trump talks Megyn Kelly's nose [Talking Megyn's appearance = ban]

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In 20 years on the internet I have never once seen a reply to the effect of "You know, your post really was informative and changed my opinion on this subject matter" in anything related to political, social, or religious views. Its just not the way human beings are wired, and internet forums are the worst for it since we see all the posts that agree with us and get more fervent, and the posts that we disagree with get dogpiled on. Fox News is built upon this human echo chamber mentality.

It does happen. It's super rare but it does. I suspect though the way a forum is ran determines if opinions can be changed.
It happened to me actually. I completely reevaluated some of my stances on things like feminism and women's issues, racism, and other stuff based on conversations that, well, I had here on NeoGAF actually

Same, except I was more reading others' posts and discussions here and got more informed on such topics. Mostly thanks to Mumei or Angelus Errare. It's only been a few years since I've been here.


It happens.

There are many people that have posted they deconverted from religion due to atheist/religious discussions here.

None of them ever cite a single post. Hard to change somebody's opinion in a single block of text. But for the most part their stories suggested that such threads prompted deeper introspection and personal research which ultimately led them to changing.

For that reason, kinda sad the mammoth "Religion vs Atheism" thread got locked. Even though it was started antagonistically, there was a lot of solid discussion in there which, in my heathen atheistic mind, was doing "good work".

Pretty much my experience on gaf. I was already leaning away from the right round the government shutdown time but then I came here and made a stupid post and got educated. Resolved to read a lot more than I post to understand other viewpoints.




LMAO I love Trump. Maybe not as a President but as a made man who goes home to a super model wife, a 4 billion dollar plus empire, and properties all over the world. And literally doesn't care what the establishment world thinks.

If a pollster calls me I'm saying I'm going for Trump because I don't want this to end.

qcf x2

It does happen. It's super rare but it does. I suspect though the way a forum is ran determines if opinions can be changed.

And in which direction. I personally would not have my convictions swayed by postings on a forum on the internet, partially for that reason. You're getting bias, just perhaps on the opposite side. And then you see maybe 80% or whatever of the people who reply (depending on the subject) agreeing w/ said opposite bias, and it can start to seem convincing to some.

With all that said, and somewhat returning to topic, I don't know how anyone can say "I'm voting for X" at this stage. It seems like the wrong attitude to have if you're trying to come off as an informed voter.

Lastly, I think Trump's campaign is as entertaining as anyone else does, and he certainly has said some outlandish things, but I don't think he was suggesting the hostess was on her period, at all. Sounded like he was going to say nose/ears/mouth and didn't want to spend time actually finishing the thought. There's a lot of desperate grasping at straws from Republicans and Democrats (mostly the former) who are tired of waiting for Trump to remove himself from the party/race, so they are going to reach for anything that can be construed as a major slip up. It makes everyone look bad, and feeds into his rhetoric about being overly PC.


I thought it was found in a study that the most highly educated people tend conservative.

The idea that the anti science, pro theocratic, pro supply side, racist conservative pool has more educated people in it than the left is all too laughable on its face.



LMAO I love Trump. Maybe not as a President but as a made man who goes home to a super model wife, a 4 billion dollar plus empire, and properties all over the world. And literally doesn't care what the establishment world thinks.

If a pollster calls me I'm saying I'm going for Trump because I don't want this to end.
He says it's a 10 billion dollar empire.


Did any of those studies mention age, by chance? Just curious. GAF is probably quite young, with a lot of 20-29 year olds, and I heard (maybe incorrectly) that the older one gets, the more conservative they may become. Something about life in general, or maybe just historic events they experienced.

No, that's a myth.


I see the "You just can't trust her./She seems shady to me." arguments about Hillary have entered the thread. I guess this is the talking point Fox News, et al have decided to stick to since they can't find anything legitimate to hammer her with.

It reminds me of when people say " Well, the Democrat ran a dirty campaign." It's a meaningless statement, and likely just as true for the Republican that ran against them, but it's easier to say so you don't have to defend voting for the Republican Party and admitting you agree with their platform.

Those kind of talking points were in the debate too. Things like: "everything she has touched has been a disaster" more or less. But the comments are always unsubstantiated and sometimes flat wrong. Another poly thread had someone saying Hillary wasn't leading the polls when a quick google search showed the exact opposite. It's why these debates all break down as people repeat talking points they've heard or had someone else misunderstand. Almost every statement trump makes is like this

We need an actual fact based debate thread. One that actually has citations pointing to facts where people can now base their opinions off of. Then you can have actual meaningful debate and discussions

But..... Who am I kidding no one has time for that. Plus it's more fun to argue the talking points




Agreed. On all points.
Hillary is my vote but she's not my favorite politician either, by a long shot. You are right though she aligns with the left and that's where I align.

You've quoted me mixing up it's and its and now I'm going to have to live with that forever.


Agreed. On all points.
Hillary is my vote but she's not my favorite politician either, by a long shot. You are right though she aligns with the left and that's where I align.

The way some of you Americans talk about Hillary gives me the impression that you people believe she's an automaton sent from aliens to infiltrate and exploit your population by making the rich richer.
I trust the Americans will do the right thing and vote for Hilary... Or Jeb.. Yeah id rather see another bush in the Whitehouse that this twat.

He is making a very nice noose for himself with these statements and will do more harm than good.
All of you who are dog piling onto this quote about women's periods are just as bad as the conservatives who quote FOX news.

He said nothing about a vagina. Read the quote. It could've been filled in by "head", " brains" "mouth".

Don't give me crap about the implication. Point is that he never said it. Honestly who here can say that theyve only ever had pure thoughts?

This whole partisan politics is absurd and news like this is just making it worse.
All of you who are dog piling onto this quote about women's periods are just as bad as the conservatives who quote FOX news.

He said nothing about a vagina. Read the quote. It could've been filled in by "head", " brains" "mouth".

Don't give me crap about the implication. Point is that he never said it. Honestly who here can say that theyve only ever had pure thoughts?

This whole partisan politics is absurd and news like this is just making it worse.

You know Trump can talk about politics instead of all this stuff... He's enjoying this circus.


And in which direction. I personally would not have my convictions swayed by postings on a forum on the internet, partially for that reason. You're getting bias, ...

When it does happen it happens under 2 conditions.

1. Someone is playing Devil's advocate effectively. Some people really have a hard time stepping outside of themselves and seeing how other people can think and react. Though I think most of these discussions would be avoided if the person who changed their mind absorbed what they read in a history book.

2. Both sides are presenting facts (always with citations) and after a vigorous debate all or some of the parties involved can see the flaws in their evidence.
She knows how to play the game like everyone else, better than some and worse than some. Nothing more to it.

Reason liberals support her over the clowns seen in the GOP and are more often to forgive her mistakes is because she represents a less apocalyptic choice than the jokers running for the Republican nomination. She's flat out just a better human being, so she's got that going for her at least.

Yep. I absolutely DESPISE Hillary, but my level of revulsion does not come anywhere close to the current GOP nominees, so I would hold my nose and vote for her. That's how bad they all are, and even though I can't stand Hillary, she's the lesser of all evils.

Trump is a clown with a lot of money, and I love how he's enraged the party leaders, even though he's exactly the candidate they've created. What's not so funny, however, is the idea of him as President.


dont feel bad for either. Trump is a cunt, Megyn is a pos that spreads hate and miss- information to millions of americans every day she is on air.


Trump represents the Republican Party to a T. I'm not sure how Fox News is going to handle this.
That's your personal threshold. Mine is lower. I am not part of your "we". Maybe I would rather vote for a President who isn't a career politician for this exact reason. Not every industry values lying as a way to get ahead.
Is that your "personal threshold"? Tell me more about this no-lying EVER politician unicorn that I should vote for?


The Autumn Wind
Trump represents the Republican Party to a T. I'm not sure how Fox News is going to handle this.
Just like this topic covers. It takes a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to be a Fox News viewer. Despite the fact that Trump, Fox News, and even Megyn Kelly herself have said far worse things than the statement Trump made, now that Fox has decided Trump is the enemy, they'll tell their viewers how out of line and inappropriate he was. And since those viewers have no real opinions outside of what Fox News tells them to think, they'll go along with it, not even realizing the irony or hypocritical nature of it all.


Trucker Sexologist
All of you who are dog piling onto this quote about women's periods are just as bad as the conservatives who quote FOX news.

He said nothing about a vagina. Read the quote. It could've been filled in by "head", " brains" "mouth".

Don't give me crap about the implication. Point is that he never said it. Honestly who here can say that theyve only ever had pure thoughts?

This whole partisan politics is absurd and news like this is just making it worse.
Come on. This isn't mad libs.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Is that your "personal threshold"? Tell me more about this no-lying EVER politician unicorn that I should vote for?

The unicorn may not exist, but I'd vote for the one I trust the most over the one I agree with the most. People whose opinion changes for political gain, like Trump with turning Pro Life, rankles me. Outright lies even worse. My reasoning is that the President becomes Commander in Chief. The more straight the shooter, the more I trust that person with our lives. I think a lot of people lose sight of that.

No, I don't know who that person is for me yet. I have a year to decide.


Come on. This isn't mad libs.

I feel like if he meant to talk about her menstrual cycle he would have clarified the this was the case very proudly and likely gotten applause from his enablers. He's said more offensive things, I doubt he would backtrack on this.
The unicorn may not exist, but I'd vote for the one I trust the most over the one I agree with the most. People whose opinion changes for political gain, like Trump with turning Pro Life, rankles me. Outright lies even worse. My reasoning is that the President becomes Commander in Chief. The more straight the shooter, the more I trust that person with our lives. I think a lot of people lose sight of that.

No, I don't know who that person is for me yet. I have a year to decide.
Its the decisions someone makes that determine what happens, not how consistent or honest they are about what decisions they are making. You'd put your faith in someone who promised to do the wrong thing and followed through, over someone who promised to do the right thing and might possibly do the wrong thing.


Come on. This isn't mad libs.

I surely disapprove of Trump, yet I don't believe he meant anything near sexist in this particular incident.

There have been, are, and will be plenty of just moments to criticize that pompous man without justifying his belief that the world is out for him.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Its the decisions someone makes that determine what happens, not how consistent or honest they are about what decisions they are making. You'd put your faith in someone who promised to do the wrong thing and followed through, over someone who promised to do the right thing and might possibly do the wrong thing.

What I'm trying to get at is decisiveness and leadership being what I value the most. One of the factors is if I can trust the candidate to make good decisions for the country. Being a liar detracts from that for me.

if I thought someone was promising to do the absolute wrong thing, I'd have a tough choice to make now wouldn't I? There must be better potential candidates out there.
I wonder how Kelly rationalizes working for a company that encourages the sexist behaviour that manifestly upsets her.

Probably because she's more interested in words than actions. She couldn't care less about republicans shuttering women's health buildings or equal pay or any other actual issue women are faced with. In fact she constantly defends republicans against "war on women" charges. But if someone says something ignorant about women that everyone, even her old ignorant audience can find offensive, she'll get upset and call them out and look like a tough strong pundit tellin' it like it is.

Glass Joe

You know who's dead silent on this matter? Megyn Kelly. In browsing her twitter, she's generally extremely active. Why do I get the feeling that Republicans or Fox News is keeping her silent instead of letting her react? They probably want to coach her on the most damning response possible, but their focus groups are dropping the ball because they're taking too long.
So someone created a Change.org petition to "Prevent Megyn Kelly From Hosting Any Further REPUBLICAN Debates."

They set a goal of 35K signatories.

As of right now:
34,146 supporters
854 needed to reach 35,000

The petition (well, as modified by my Trump quote adding extension):
Megyn Kelly characterizes the Presidential selection process as "fun", dismissing the millions of Americans that find it much more serious. We deserve better than Megyn Kelly. Below, please find a list of reasons we believe Megyn Kelly should be barred from all future debates:

Megyn Kelly had a clear agenda: attack Donald "When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo?" Trump. Even if she “attacked equally”, we’re not looking for a hatchet-man; we’re looking for a moderator to thoroughly, and fairly, vet the Presidential candidates.
With over 90 million Americans out of the labor force, they are more concerned with their future than whether or not someone engaged in name calling.
She tenaciously covered (to the point of voyeuristic obsession) Mr. Trumps past rather than his vision for the future.
Megyn Kelly's feeling, however valid, should come second to the interest of our Nation.
She focused on candidates personally, rather than politically.
Megyn Kelly failed to cover many things more relevant to a Presidential candidate. For example, Marco Rubio’s gang of eight bill, Jeb Bush’s fascination with common core and feckless immigration policy, Rand Paul’s specific position on constitutional issues, Ted Cruz's track record of telling the truth on everything he's ever done, politically, Ben Carson's honest, calm and collected "outsider" approach (mixed with his questionable second amendment stance), etc.
Ultimately, neither she nor Fox News lived up the "fair and balanced" standard: were it not for closing statements, the American people may have viewed an entire debate without understanding a single issue for which the candidates stand.

While her disdain for Mr. Donald "It was a great night for Mexico" Trump was evident, this petition is a call for truly fair and balanced coverage of all candidates. Therefore, and as evidenced by her clear bias and poor performance, Megyn Kelly should be barred from hosting or moderating all future Republican Presidential debates.

In addition to the significant amount of signatures, here is what some people have to say, in particular:

“This was more of an inquisition than it was a debate. It was a missed opportunity to talk about things that really mattered.” - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
"I have done every step needed on this petition..it didn't take long at all and I feel good I didn't just sign, but followed through all steps. We the people can bring her down, but not if we don't follow through and complete all steps. I have been a troll for the first time on fb I've gone to Megyn's page and posted this on every post on her page, I've posted to trumps page, I posted on Hilary's page, I have posted on right wing page, I've shared on my wall, and I posted on fox page! Do all the steps if you truly want this witch hunt to stop." - Darla Germer
"Megyn Kelly doesn't want women treated like sex objects-ha! http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/786421" - Kimber Lee
"megyn kelly and fox news is to blame... I have been a loyal follower of fox news for many years.... in one night they stooped as low as cnn.. fair and balanced... they owe donald trump and the public an apology" - Nicholas Sommerfield

The blow-back is real
I'm loving this so much.

It just goes on & on. Redstate turned off commenting because of too many Trump people pissed off.

Laura IngrahamVerified account
RedState getting slammed in comments sec. on Donald "I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries" Trump disinvite, then this from RS: "Commenting is being closed on this for a few hours..."
Probably because she's more interested in words than actions.
This seems to be true for many Republicans, or maybe it's for the whole country, dunno.

You can tell because conservatives hated Obama from the get-go, often citing his lofty rhetoric as a reason. But his initial approach to policy-making was incredibly moderate. They didn't care about the actions -- they were into the words.

Same with Trump now. He's less socially AND fiscally conservative than the rest of the field, but they love his words because they do a good job of representing white anger.

It makes me think at this point the best strategy for securing progressive leadership is to have people like Sanders and Warren -- candidates who understand the importance of investing in social programs and infrastructure -- run for office while spouting off sexist, racist shit. Democrats will vote for them for their progressive policies and Republicans will vote for their vile rhetoric.
I surely disapprove of Trump, yet I don't believe he meant anything near sexist in this particular incident.

There have been, are, and will be plenty of just moments to criticize that pompous man without justifying his belief that the world is out for him.

I love this. He gets a question directed at him specifically in a nationally televised Republican debate regarding his history of sexist comments, yet gets the benefit of the doubt here.


The Autumn Wind
This is the logical conclusion of the Tea Party and GOP establishment tearing each other apart. Who knew it would be Donald Trump to do it?


I love this. He gets a question directed at him specifically in a nationally televised Republican debate regarding his history of sexist comments, yet gets the benefit of the doubt here.

Context is key. I am not one to excuse Donald Trump for his sexist comments, nor to even say he won't make more. But given the context (referring to more than one person as having a sort of "bloodshot" appearance) I cannot in good faith say that this particular moment was sexist without falling for the attempted media slander. Especially considering Donald Trump is not one to be subtle about his disgusting views.


I love this. He gets a question directed at him specifically in a nationally televised Republican debate regarding his history of sexist comments, yet gets the benefit of the doubt here.

I'm happy to say Trump is a vile sexist, but I don't think his comments in this very particular isolated instance were referring to Kelly's period. Is it okay if I hold this opinion? Or am I sexist now too?
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