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TRUTHFACT: MS having eSRAM yield problems on Xbox One

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ucan remo.ve RUMUR frmo hte thread tittle TEAMMOD. esram yieldls. are "troubling"toput it lightly.


btw youiw lil not njhear abouthing about tech atMS E3 presentation. tech tarbaby (notracistst!) IS TSTICKIER THAN YOU WIL EVER KNOW. I LOOK FORWARF TO READING THE BOOK BY VENTUREBEAT.

theyMSrushed. --caughtoutbysonychangs. leadershitfailure.p.

Do you deep throat while posting?

like, holy shit.


Does this mean downgraded multiplatform games?
By that I mean downgraded for both PS4 and XB1 versions...similar to how PC is held back by consoles

It might work out good this way though. Imagine XBone graphics being really good but locked at 30 fps. The easy way out on PS4 would be to produce exactly the same graphics but then allow it to move to 60 fps. It seems like the power difference could lead to exactly this with same eye candy on PS4 as XBone but at a faster framerate.
OPs are not always updated but thanks for your 2 cents.

On topic: can this turn into any more of a shit show for MSFT?

It was a page or 2 ago. It's just frustrating when half the posts, including several on the same page are asking if he's legit, why is he posting like that and making stupid jokes about the post style.
They could focus on the PS4 and down port. The xbox is the harder to port for afterall due to ESRAM management. It will likely be easier to program for the PS4's unified ram then modify it to work with the esram than doing the reverse.

Double flops can still mean much better fps, (even 60 fps games) vs 30 fps games. Does not take much to tweak things to look substantially better on the PS4. Look at what a few checkboxes can do on the PC.
Didn't a lot of studios start doing it the other way around later in the gen? As in they lead on PS3 to get the hard part out of the way and then ported to 360. My understanding was that the reason for so many games having worse performance on PS3 despite it's better specs was because they were porting to it's weird hardware.

I am no expert in tech though so someone feel free to correct me or expand on that.
Casuals don't buy 400$/E consoles at launch. Casuals aren't like "Oh look at that, the new Xbox. Sure I will fork over 470$ this month on this videogame console, why not?".

MS is playing around with their hardcore fan base like they had no care in the world, and that's simply because the people making decisions don't understand how a core fan base works at all. The ones who did got replaced, and now this is just another MS product.

Dems the breaks

'The super core guys, they will buy everything,' is their reasoning. From their prospective, the fan base are gonna be their anyway so why waste time catering to them.


MS is really doing their best to screw up aren't they?

Time to bring him back.


Not Banned from OT
How did MS falter this bad? It's like the polar opposite of the 360 where everything A-tier unfolded.

Same way Sony did with the PS3. The PS3 had bluray forced on it by the higher ups to win a media format war. That format drove the price of the console out of control and got them so much bad press. This time around MS is trying to make media as important as gaming and decided it needed 3 god damn gigs of ram for the OS. The only way to guarantee it could happens was DDR3 + some kind of fast on die/chip ram. Both for different reasons made media to important on the machine and both will have paid the price. Sony learned its lesson MS did not.


Holy hell.. Has there been a console that has had so much bad information this close to launch? Jesus.. Just a disaster lol


In terms of games it was great, in terms of everything else like Europe waiting months for games sometimes and a general disregard towards Europe as an important region is something I can't forget.

Not to mention what happened with the PS3 was a direct response to the overwhelming dominance they had with the PS2 and that's what I was really referring to. Any one company dominating leads to them becoming overly arrogant and taking their fanbase and the gamer in general for granted.

That's what I'd want to avoid because no-one realistically wants a return to those bad days leading up to the PS3 launch.

If they fall back into the same traps again so be it, someone else will come in to take market share and we'll have a PS3/360 generation again (maybe Samsung, maybe Nintendo with a rise from the grave moment).

As for Europe, it was a smaller market at the time and Sony hadn't adopted a region free stance at that point. They now have and digital distro is a force you can't ignore. There is a reason Sony is launching worldwide this fall, Europe isn't retroactively returning to second class status, that is now the new developing markets like Brazil, South Korea, etc..

None of these problems are tied to a single dominant market platform. A single dominant platform in fact stabilizes the industry and lets more experimental titles find success via a larger audience with more diverse tastes. The fallout that comes from it isn't any worse than just maintaining a fractured market for yet another generation.

This is why we need the one console format future. The only way that will happen is if we have a dominant victor this generation.


Wow, what a day. Deux Ex disapointmethathon, Last of Us reviews, LoS on PC, Planetside 2 on PS4... and then... drop of the TRUTHFACT bomb on Xbone development battlefield.



At this point it will be real sad if Sony gets outsold by the Xbone seeing how well everything seems to be going for them now.


Not Banned from OT
'The super core guys, they will buy everything,' is their reasoning. From their prospective, the fan base are gonna be their anyway so why waste time catering to them.

It is funny that quote will never be forgotten just like people getting a second job to buy a PS3. MS learned nothing from the PS3 disaster and is repeating it right now.
768K of shared DRAM is nothing compared to 32 MB of ESRAM for GPU only.

I mean factors apart here...

WiiU has 32 MB of eDram right on the GPU, just like the Xbone's 32 MB of eSram. It's the same thing except one is Dram and one is Sram.

You might want to update you knowledge of the Wii U some cause it's woefully out of date.

Rebel Leader

No disrespect but seriously? Translation please


I guess:


You can remove the rumor. ESRAM being "troubling" is putting it lightly.

By the way, you won't hear about the tech at MS's E3 conference. Tech is probably more difficult then you will ever know. I look forward to reading the book by venturebeat.

MS ruched the xbox one due to sony's feb 20th confrence


Buttocks? Now I know it's about to get interesting around here. Dead Rising 3 better make it's appearance this year *shakes fist*

flash ban

Or superdae saying that xbone games just look and feel better than on ps4.......
superdae probably thought that atari games also looked and felt better too.
They should have launched the One in 2011 with Kinect imo. Would have forced Sony's hand earlier. 8 years is way too long for a console lifecycle. Nintendo are doing the right thing, when the Wii 3 comes out in 2017/2018 it'll end up being considerably more powerful with the PS5 and Xbox Two not being released for another 3 or 4 years. And by that time the Wii 3 will be on the tail end of its life, I can see both Sony and Microsoft continually playing catchup unless they go back to a more traditional 5 or 6 year lifecycle for their machines.
considerably more powerful? like the wii u is considerably more powerful than the ps360? don't expect much from nintendo
Well, the 360 was the lead platform because the PS3 was hard to code for and came out a year later. This time around the PS4 could very well be the lead platform getting the best graphics while the Xboner could get a 720p/60fps version with less details and stuff. Toning down graphics is pretty easy as PC games usually support a wide array of configs too.

That's just common sense on my side though, we'll see how it turns out.
720p 30fps versions
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