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Ubi: NX will "recapture lapsed Wii players," Nintendo "addressing the family market"

Does not surprise me in the slightest. Why wouldn't they try to recapture the glory days of the Wii? If they think they have something that will attract families again, then that it absolutely what they will try to do.
I feel though that we are jumping the gun and Nintendo are actually going to show us a way of playing differently all again!

I believe in Kiminishua he has said it time and time again.



If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Ubisoft only has Just Dance announced for NX so far - obv. means thats all the system is getting. Same way Nintendo will only release Zelda BotW for NX and then be done with the system that isnt even officially unveiled yet.


Unconfirmed Member
If the core principles for systemically important functions of the NX are similar to that of Wii I'm not at the slightest worried. Wii was marketed as a system for everyone, and it received games in all sorts of genres - from child friendly party games to bombastic action titles; and the system was also blessed with some of the best games ever like Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Donkey Kong Country Returns, to name a few.

Of course, NX and Nintendo should not be custodians for a success based on only a wealth of games family friendly software, but instead be oriented towards stability in the short, medium and long term with focus on deepening and widening the amount of game genres presented. Furthermore, I deem it extremely important for Nintendo to envelop an ever closer union with both established and new third party publishers, and really use the competitive pressure from the others (Microsoft, Sony etc.). Adopting cutting-edge technologies (not necessarily in terms of raw power) and seeking non-fixed power parity with Project Scorpio and Neo. Preventive supervision to ensure that the hardware of NX would not result in severe restrictions in terms of portability and competition I believe is monumental. A level playing field for game development in the new generation should be a goal for Nintendo. Certainly should they be bringing unanticipated features and innovative services too, power parity alone I personally do not find enough.

More generally, we have not yet seen NX and I find that it is still premature, many options are still open, to cry doomsday based on Ubisoft's words. There may be many exogenous factors of influence here, and numerous solutions may exist. Intrinsically, I think Alain Corre's comments are slightly careless; this kind of communication should be left for Nintendo to distribute. As evidenced by this thread, it mainly creates turmoil.


Ubisoft only has Just Dance announced for NX so far - obv. means thats all the system is getting. Same way Nintendo will only release Zelda BotW for NX and then be done with the system that isnt even officially unveiled yet.

This doesnt make even sense on sarcastic levels
Nothing wrong with targeting families. It's never been either/or proposition either.

Yeah, I think it's funny that there are actually people on GAF who think Nintendo wouldn't focus on the family market going forward. It is absolutely the best course for them.

"Family market" doesn't have to mean Wii Muisc or Wii Fit. I would absolutely consider a game like Breath of the Wild to be something that appeals to families.


Its not a "good job", its a fact,these are the games that Nintendo released for the Wiiu Launch or is this incorrect? When not i stand corrected.

Listing 3rd Party Titles dont change it either, or is comitting to core you means "yo, our console is not ps2 level anymore and we sent third party, again like the wii, dev kits so they can put port on our consoles"?

That level of commitment existed back in wii area, see wiki and look what Third partys released for wii, one of them was dead space.

When Nintendo says they are commited to core, but doing nothing first party wise is simply a lie.

Also totally ignored point of marketing

Why should Nintendo have launched with hardcore games when their third-party partners already did that? Like, do you understand that a) there has to be a balance between core and casual games at every console launch and b) Nintendo happens to be talented at doing family friendly games?

Besides, Nintendo core games at launch would have eaten up sales from the other third party releases - do you think they would have been okay with launching their core games next to Nintendo core games?

And regarding their actual commitment for the core: there are dozens of 'core' games on Wii U available that you can read up on Wikipedia, both full retail games and eShop titles. There aren't many of them but that has more to do with the fact that the Wii U tanked and that they forced to shift their focus to other things.

The failure of the Wii U has nothing to do with their 'core market' marketing statement, it has to do with them launching a trash console, period. And yet they release a lot of core content, so that point of yours of "buhuu, they aren't caring enough for gamers like me" falls flat as well

And when you learn to properly paraphrase your posts and have some thematic order in them, I might respond to you in the future




I think it's definitely worth aiming for. The problem is that Nintendo never seem to have a plan B - so when they fail to succeed in 'catching lightning in a bottle', they have no idea what to do next. The way they handled the Wii U was embarrassing.

This, this is the right thing.

People who say you shouldn't chase the Wii market, or lets be honest, the widest market, may not fully understand what it takes to sell a consumer product. Every company should aim for the widest market.

However no company should go in without several contingencies. It was clear with WiiU that a lot of the management at Nintendo went not thinking about what happens if it all goes wrong. What do we do. Its easy to think about what you do when you are successful.

Fortunately Kimishima has already said he was vocally skeptical of the WiiU and thought it would fail. It sounds like to me he is a cover your ass kind of guy. The, lets not launch a system without a clear path of software to incent people to buy our system.

So yeah they should have plans to grab the widest and most varied audience they can, but they better have plans if shit goes south fast.
Why should Nintendo have launched with hardcore games when their third-party partners already did that? Like, do you understand that a) there has to be a balance between core and casual games at every console launch and b) Nintendo happens to be talented at doing family friendly games?

Besides, Nintendo core games at launch would have eaten up sales from the other third party releases - do you think they would have been okay with launching their core games next to Nintendo core games?

And regarding their actual commitment for the core: there are dozens of 'core' games on Wii U available that you can read up on Wikipedia, both full retail games and eShop titles. There aren't many of them but that has more to do with the fact that the Wii U tanked and that they forced to shift their focus to other things.

The failure of the Wii U has nothing to do with their 'core market' marketing statement, it has to do with them launching a trash console, period. And yet they release a lot of core content, so that point of yours of "buhuu, they aren't caring enough for gamers like me" falls flat as well

And when you learn to properly paraphrase your posts and have some thematic order in them, I might respond to you in the future

Right, that's how Sony and MS did such a great job with core gamers - they just left it all to third parties. Sure.


Note: I said PS4 AND XB1. No reason to own both. I would deem a PS4 a "must-own" system at this point, and XB1 not even close.

Oh, whoops. Missed that. But I generally the secondary console idea isn't good as the market isn't THAT large, but perhaps that is all Nintendo can hope for at this point.


The only real information here is that Ubi is happy working with Nintendo and that they're going to support Nintendo.
Not exactly new information.
The whole NX info we have here is a whole lot of nothing.
They want lapsed Wii players? Well pretty much everyone want them anyway.
Maybe not Sony with their focus on gamers, but that clearly was the focus for Nintendo/MSFT this time around to disastrous results for both.
Nintendo is obviously going to try again because to them the lapsed Wii gamer is pretty much the new lapsed NES gamer so they'll try to get that.
It certainly doesn't mean they're going to push for shit like WiiMusic 2 or something.
We may get that but only because Miyamoto wants that to happen.


Rösti;207183047 said:
If the core principles for systemically important functions of the NX are similar to that of Wii I'm not at the slightest worried. Wii was marketed as a system for everyone, and it received games in all sorts of genres - from child friendly party games to bombastic action titles; and the system was also blessed with some of the best games ever like Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Donkey Kong Country Returns, to name a few.

Of course, NX and Nintendo should not be custodians for a success based on only a wealth of games family friendly software, but instead be oriented towards stability in the short, medium and long term with focus on deepening and widening the amount of game genres presented. Furthermore, I deem it extremely important for Nintendo to envelop an ever closer union with both established and new third party publishers, and really use the competitive pressure from the others (Microsoft, Sony etc.). Adopting cutting-edge technologies (not necessarily in terms of raw power) and seeking non-fixed power parity with Project Scorpio and Neo. Preventive supervision to ensure that the hardware of NX would not result in severe restrictions in terms of portability and competition I believe is monumental. A level playing field for game development in the new generation should be a goal for Nintendo. Certainly should they be bringing unanticipated features and innovative services too, power parity alone I personally do not find enough.

More generally, we have not yet seen NX and I find that it is still premature, many options are still open, to cry doomsday based on Ubisoft's words. There may be many exogenous factors of influence here, and numerous solutions may exist. Intrinsically, I think Alain Corre's comments are slightly careless; this kind of communication should be left for Nintendo to distribute. As evidenced by this thread, it mainly creates turmoil.

Exelent post Rosti, people should read the last part over and over and wait for Nintendo themselves to announce what is the NX and stop jumping in to pointless conclusions.


I hope it's on the cheaper side. I don't really have much money for a Nintendo system.

On the other hand I hope I can still use a regular damn controller.


Inventory selection is in?

Can, please, you provide the source of the information?

Didn't talk about inventory selection. But there are gyro controls and a map on the GamePad for sure.

So what you are saying, this games comming out for NX and ubisoft not saying this? why? Because they dont want their game to sell?


Ubisoft thinks they are not gonna be feasible on nx at all. Well yeah that does NOT conclude 100 % that the specs are weak by default, but it says they think third party games that gonna sell on other consoles on pc and aimed for core are DOA on NX.

Dont know which one is better

I tend towards the latter, but not for technical reasons.


"We heard you like waggle controls!"

Seriously though...wii users moved on to their phones...they are gone forever

Get over it nintendo
Nothing wrong with targeting families. It's never been either/or proposition either.

There's nothing wrong with it, but in the context of Just Dance being the only Ubi title announced for the platform, it suggests that there won't be any sea change in Nintendo's approach (or lack thereof) to AAA third-party support.

Which doesn't surprise me at all, but the Nintendo Corebox dream doesn't die easily.
-Cartridge based console

-Clickable scrolling triggers

That's all I want. It doesn't have to be a monster in power just let it do 1080p60fps easily.


Right, that's how Sony and MS did such a great job with core gamers - they just left it all to third parties. Sure.

Did I write anywhere that the strategy paid off for Nintendo? Obviously not. You are comparing two different situations here, Sony played the entire industry like a fiddle because a) Nintendo and Microsoft fucked up hard and didn't leave much competition and b) Sony understands exactly what core gamers want, from how the hardware is supposed to be to the software lineup.

And please look up the first year of the PS4 and tell my why that console did sell despite Sony's first-party releasing shit on it


Its hilarious that everyone understands the Wii was a passing fad that will never happen again except Nintendo.


This is a good thing imo. PS4 and XB1 are practically the same thing already. We don't need a 3rd version of that.

It may be a bad thing for Nintendo's business, but I'm not sure if there is a right thing where that is concerned.


"We heard you like waggle controls!"

Seriously though...wii users moved on to their phones...they are gone forever

Get over it nintendo

Waggle was last gen. The clues are all here.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or BoW for short.

BoW at the console to make Link swing the sword. All games on NX will respond to bows, curtsies, and kneeling confirmed. Devs are probably still deciding on shrugs, winks and smirks.


Why should Nintendo have launched with hardcore games when their third-party partners already did that? Like, do you understand that a) there has to be a balance between core and casual games at every console launch and b) Nintendo happens to be talented at doing family friendly games?

Besides, Nintendo core games at launch would have eaten up sales from the other third party releases - do you think they would have been okay with launching their core games next to Nintendo core games?

And regarding their actual commitment for the core: there are dozens of 'core' games on Wii U available that you can read up on Wikipedia, both full retail games and eShop titles. There aren't many of them but that has more to do with the fact that the Wii U tanked and that they forced to shift their focus to other things.

The failure of the Wii U has nothing to do with their 'core market' marketing statement, it has to do with them launching a trash console, period. And yet they release a lot of core content, so that point of yours of "buhuu, they aren't caring enough for gamers like me" falls flat as well

And when you learn to properly paraphrase your posts and have some thematic order in them, I might respond to you in the future

So Microsoft and Sony failed i guess because they got more Core Third Party Titles then Wii u and also their first party where still core title games? lol what an argument. Also yeah Nintendo is talented at that, so the commitmet to more core is still a lie.

Again, dont seems a problem for either Sony nor Microsoft. Not considering that 99 % percentage of that games were late ports that sold badly with or without core games from Nintendo it seems.

And again, i didnt write anywhere "lulz they are no core games on wiiu", i said they said pre launch they are now commited to the core, and nintendo didnt do anything in that regard and the launch combined with the games and the marketing where cleary directed at casuals, or you want deny that too?
This dont mean there are no core games on wiiu, especially from third party. They are there, like on wii. Look up at wiki, it has plenty of them.

And you need to read better, i didnt say one word about "failing wiiu" or "they dont cater to me". It was you who implied that we shouldnt listen to ubisoft and wait for Nintendo employees to speak up. Which is a nonsense argument and i brought that example of Nintendo always telling what they spin pr wise, like every other company. There are countless other examples too like nintendo stating there is no difference between HD and SD graphics back in the past.

But anyway feel free to wait for your nintendo overlords for the truth i guess


NX has access to the android app store confirmed.

While they won't have that, I'm still a believer they figured out a way to make android games run with ease on NX by using parts of the AOSP (or through a convertor/recompile). I still think that would be a super smart move of them. They would instantly get support from all mobile devs and get a lot of the apps.


It makes sense.
No it doesnt.
He trys to be smart ass but totally get not the facts straight. Nintendo not even unveiled there Console, they talking about Zelda U NX because obviously it gonna get a nx version, the other game they are releasing not.

On the other hand a third party (which is again something totally different) says their XY game comes out on NX but no other.

Feel free to enlighten us why, because Nintendo NDAd them with except Just Dance? sure


This is horrifying. I hope Ubisoft is wrong and Nintendo releases a powerful console for traditional players, with a traditional controller and nothing weird.

Otherwise, we can finally say goodbye to old man Ninty in the console market.
And please look up the first year of the PS4 and tell my why that console did sell despite Sony's first-party releasing shit on it

Three reasons, none of which in any way apply to Nintendo: MS fucking up, Sony still had titles like Killzone, and they were building on three successive generations of success (albeit heavily qualified in PS3's case) in the core market.
Pointless making any judgments right now about the NX based on one quote.

Anyway, do you guys think NX will be Nintendo's last console hardware? Based on that quote I think Nintendo might go 3rd party when the machine flops.


To be honest after the letdown that was Wii U they'll have to work extra hard to get me to buy another of their consoles, especially if I can just get the new Zelda on Wii U. If it really is aimed at the family market like the original Wii then I'm more than happy to skip on it.

But who am I kidding, as soon as a Monster Hunter or new Mario comes out I'll probably lap that shit up like I always do.
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