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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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polyh3dron said:
Well yeah. 1080p HDTVs don't do full pixel mode for a 720p image. That's why many of us like myself with 1080p TVs (mine is a Sony) in full pixel mode are not seeing this stuff.

And my guess is that the testers were testing the game on 1080p Sony TVs and that's why they didn't catch this either.

Mine does display everything. I see the colored square dot on the top and bottom right of the screen.. I even see white lines on top of the screen; but it's all only visible on the pause screen & on the title screen after pressing the start button (when the menu appears).
A great way to test it (if you don't have calibration blu-rays and/or HD DVDs) is to play games in 720p that suffer from overscan (you can see it easily in VF5, Pure among others) and you'll see if your TV overscans or not .. even if it's not supposed to happen in full-scan / 1:1 / full pixel or whatever you call it.
Violater said:
The online for this game really is not friendly, you can get owned hard if you don't know what you are doing. Additionally I can see a lot of people staying away from the screaming 12 yr olds and the old pervs asking you nasty shit.

With all the beta and playing with friends since the game came out, I've only experienced one game where someone was talking all gangster and cussin alot. Last night there was alot of shit talking in matches, but it was all good fun. Like if someone got that last melee hit on me, id say something like "you bastard" but laugh and the other person would laugh too. Just gotta have a thick skin i guess. Generally everyone is just having good fun.

My friend who has never played an uncharted game jumped on last night as a level 1 with all of us. Took him 3 games to finally start getting a decent score on team deathmatch. And for people who play some single player first, it will be even easier to get into.
nib95 said:
Don't worry, will do dude! Not sure how the train level will come out mind, given that I'd need to be playing and shooting, as well as using a very high shutter speed with a high ISO to boot lol. But we'll see.

No worries... I just know I cant be the only one who missed all the gorgeous scenery because I was too busy trying to dodge those stupid fucking traffic light panels while shooting a bunch of enemies. What an intense section!

HOLY SHIT worthy? Yep!


Alligator F*ck House
My favorite line of the gamne...

After you return to the train mid-game and Drake is shot to hell, tired and beat up. He makes it to the top of the train and says, "Man...I'm so sick of climbing shit." So perfect for the moment.
RockmanWhore said:
I just realised that there is only 3 maps in objective coop T_T Can we expect some new free maps with their superb CLOUD technology? I guess they will just sell them via DLC :/

In a Playstation Nation Podcast where they interviewed Richard L(something) from Naughty Dog he said that DLC initially will be just new competitive maps or skins, and that the co-op levels take a lot of time to do so they are not doing them as DLC right now.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Please thumbnail those shots. They look spoiler-ish. Skimmed over them...should probably get out of this thread until I've finished the game :|


Zeliard said:
Stop bringing Crysis up and then crying when people start posting pics of it.

QFT, its really not necessary at all.
I am sure there are people just waiting to turn the thread into utter shit.


Junior Member
gofreak said:
Please thumbnail those shots. They look spoiler-ish. Skimmed over them...should probably get out of this thread until I've finished the game :|
The screens are from the first 4 chapters of the game.


Wish the SP had a screen shot in-game function.

Also, I'm disappointed this isn't a supported Home game. I would actually use this to launch with a few of my friends before hopping into a game since so many people are playing it now.

Lost Planet 2 demo is supported tho? lolwut


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
RockmanWhore said:
I just realised that there is only 3 maps in objective coop T_T Can we expect some new free maps with their superb CLOUD technology? I guess they will just sell them via DLC :/
Don't expect any DLC Co-Op Objective maps anytime soon.

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/naughty-dog-details-uncharted-2-dlc said:
Naughty Dog multiplayer designer Justin Richmond has said he will be "working on DLC stuff for the next while", confirming post-launch support for the outstanding PS3 game.

"There will be downloadable content, yes," he told us at Sony's London HQ.

"What you'll probably see is more of the competitive type: more maps, more modes, stuff like that. The co-op stuff is hugely time-intensive and the size of it - the physical download size - is huge, so that's probably not an option.

"I'm not going to say never," he added, "but for the foreseeable future we're not going to be doing that."

MNC said:
What's the blue number besides your level in online lobbies?
That's your Skill Rank. It goes up and down depending on how well you do in Ranked matches.


Me and my flat mate were actually discussing how they might improve the jungle visuals from the first. Essentially, everything is just far more layered, with more detail, scale, variation etc. Just feels a lot more luscious and full, and in being so makes the jungle in the first seem ever so slightly anaemic.
mr_nothin said:
Not if someone photoshops Nathan out of the screen. I bet it'll trick a few people.

God how sad are you, judging from that pic it ain't pushing anywhere near the geometry of the crysis ice levels. But that's alright, 'cuz no-one expects it to.


I just wanted to stop in and say this is one of the greatest video games I've ever played. Almost finished, I'm at chapter 24 now and it is simply jaw droppingly fuck awesome! :D

Also I only have like 35 treasures and although I haven't looked all too hard I have scoped real quick each area and can't believe there are still 65 treasures spread across this game!


nib95 said:
Me and my flat mate were actually discussing how they might improve the jungle visuals from the first. Essentially, everything is just far more layered, with more detail, scale, variation etc. Just feels a lot more luscious and full, and in being so makes the jungle in the first seem ever so slightly anaemic.

Yeah, it's much nicer this time around. The jungle in the first game had a plastic and almost-cartoony look and feel to it, and that's no longer an issue.

The graphics in general have seen a sharp improvement, especially since it doesn't tear frames anymore. Animation blending also seems smoother.


UGH I finally get a chance to go out and buy the damn game today. This major of mine will be the death of me... I am SO ready to jizz in my pants!


Everything is moe to me

i got uncharted 2 today, but there's a problem. the cutscenes and music snag and repeat nonstop. is this a problem with my ps3 or my disc? the disc looks to be fine, but im unsure.

other games play fine. [sf4, testing demons souls in a minute]


Pandaman said:

i got uncharted 2 today, but there's a problem. the cutscenes and music snag and repeat nonstop. is this a problem with my ps3 or my disc? the disc looks to be fine, but im unsure.

First I heard of this. Try deleting game data and retrying?
Zeliard said:
Stop bringing Crysis up and then crying when people start posting pics of it.

Fair enough...in theory it should be fine to make comparisons, as long as they don't get out of hand...but they always do here. Still, having played crysis many times, I find it almost equally bizarre when people say this can't touch it visually. Visually it can, easily...technically, crysis beats everything.


I am currently on Chapter 25 atm (I thought there would be only 24 but what do you know..) and this game has went to breathtakingly amazing to ultra super breathtakenly amazing times 10! I'm close to the end though :(

This new level is too amazing, it's too beautiful, worths can't explain... just peaceful :/


nelsonroyale said:
Fair enough...in theory it should be fine to make comparisons, as long as they don't get out of hand...but they always do here. Still, having played crysis many times, I find it almost equally bizarre when people say this can't touch it visually. Visually it can, easily...technically, crysis beats everything.

Let's just say that Uncharted 2 is a fantastic-looking game and leave it at that.
dfyb said:
if you want an invite to the UC2 gaf txt chat on PSN, message me (dfyb) on psn

if there's arleady a channel, just invite me. i want to party up for some MP

There's already one I created. I can add you when I get off work. That'll be about 4 hours from now.

So one of the 80 people I added, can you add him? :lol


I see no reason this thread needs a Crysis police presence. If people want to compare to Crysis, or any other game, they are free to do so.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Alright I snapped and bought the game a little early, it was supposed to be for my birthday next week lol. Finished the game and now am replay on hard for a treasure run. Impressions:

-The beginning of the game is the weakest by far. The graphics get better and better as the game went on. If you play this on at your computer desk at the same distance you sit from your computer... don't. Console games need the couple feet of distance otherwise visual inconsistencies really stand out and it's really easy to nit-pick.
-The eyes on almost all the characters looked weird.
-The animation in the faces is great, but the platforming looks really floaty and unnatural still. Like Drake has no weight. Reminds me of Tomb Raider: Underworld which also used mocap and also looked unnatural.
-The opening looks great. The snow on the ground and the foot steps looks perfect. The snow that gets pushed up as you walk around looks fucking awful. It looks like shaving cream and apparently isn't affected by the lighting because there are areas of snow where it doesn't match up in color. I would have preferred this effect gone completely. My siblings watching laughed at it. Other than that the opening was great.
-Turkey looks very weak. The city in the background is blurred out and looks lame, if you aim down sight the blur goes away to reveal... awful looking buildings. Looks far worse than all the other backgrounds. The white shirts on the guards also looked bad as they stood out too much.
On a positive note, the lasers looked pretty sweet in the sewers.
-Next level after the graphics really picked up. When you finally see the view, it looks quite good. Obvious improvement over Uncharted 1. The Ambient Occlusion works really well with all the vines.
The lighting in the tomb is striking.
-Nepal looks great, the mood is perfect. The view of the whole city didn't impress me, the buildings look kind of weak. The detail on the buildings you are on is very good though.
The lighting in the temple looks phenomenal, as does the rain segment after. Some of the best rain effects I have seen in a game easily.
-Train levels looks great all around. Definitely the best train level I have seen on a visual level. The area post tunnel is striking. Very delicious re-introduction to snow.
The train wreck is fucking sweet. The snow storm is beautiful. The pattern of improving visual becomes obvious here lol. ND just gets better and better.
-Rest of game:
The village is stunning, the yaks look gorgeous... and then you get to the Ice Cave. Holy Shit. Beautiful doesn't cut it for describing the visuals. The water and ice shaders need to be seen to be believed. Stunning, just stunning. The return to the village looks even better than the first time, the rain is really just outstanding. The truck chase is great. The monastery is another great area, the architecture combined with the snow is lovely. Shambhala is easily the visual peak of the game... especially in the rain and lightning. ND really know how to combine art with visual power. My favorite visuals were during any part where something is falling, building, pillar, bridge.

-Environmental sounds were great.
-Weapons sounds felt better than UC1.
-Voice-acting was great except for Jeff. Jeff was fucking awful. Everytime he opened his mouth I wanted to shoot him. I also didn't care for Flynn's actor. Everyone else was top-notch though. The villain in particular needs a pat on the back.

-I played on easy because I wanted the most movie-like experience (minimal deaths) and I was out of practice from console shooters. Plus I sucked at UC1. I still died every now and then (shotguns are devastating still lol), but it gave the combat a nice feel for my skill-level and I didn't feel like I was just blowing through enemies.
-I am currently replaying on Hard. I move a lot slower, which is a nice change of pace. After this I a definitely going to try Crushing.
-Pacing felt off in first few levels but then it hits rollercoaster pacing and it is hard to put down the controller. I played six straight hours. The middle part of the game is pure thrill ride and its amazing how perfectly paced it is.
-Weapons felt much better than they did in UC. A combination of meatier sounds and less hits to kill an enemy made them more satisfying. There was a nice variety too.
-The enemy AI felt about the same as it did in UC1. I nevered played crushing in either game so I don't know how aggressive they can get, but the AI on the difficulty I played was as good as the best I have seen, I don't really see any room for improvement, grade A stuff.
-Fuck the stealth segment at the beginning of the game. It is so tedious and boring. It is total trial and error and it just felt lame. I felt like I was just walking from script to script. The enemies stick out like a sore-thumb with their shirts and limiting the player to stealth makes it tedious. The AI looks really stupid in this segment too. It's funny that it sucks so much here and then in the rest of the game when stealth is optional, it's a total blast. Trying to stealth kill as many guys as possible in an area before getting caught and switching to shoot out mode is a lot of fun.
-Biggest improvement from UC1 is less combat-arenas. There is one early on and the last two levels have a couple, but other than that the combat has a better flow of moving from one area to the next, rather than being trapped somewhere killing waves. (The weakest bits of combat to me were the combat-arenas that were still in the game, I hated them).
-The number of ladders that needed to be kicked down was a bit ridiculous. Almost a joke.
The supernatural stuff in concept was cool, yet no fun to fight. Just tedious. They were wise to have very little of it.
-Final boss was as lame as UC1.

-Loved it. Lots of fun twists and turns, interesting characters, interesting story.
-Chloe is a great addition to the universe.
-Tenzin is fucking cool as hell.
ND please find a way to stick him in the next game
-Great writing in cutscenes.
-I fucking hate the banter between characters. None of it made me laugh or even amused me. It felt so forced, like oh look at us making witty remarks to each other to fill in background about characters past. I think ND should tone this down in the next game and write the inter-character banter rather than let it be made up by the actors. The cutscenes are still amusing in tone and don't make me roll my eyes so I know Amy Hennig is capable.
-The ending wasn't the most satisfying of revelations, but it tied things up very well.

-I think the biggest compliment I can give to the game is that I want to keep playing on my second time through as I write this. It is a huge improvement over the first game and I cannot wait for a sequel. I wouldn't go declare this game of the year as the opening was weak, but once the game really starts up around Chapter 5, you would be hard-pressed to find a better action-adventure experience than this.

*These are just my opinions, take them as you will. I hope you enjoy reading them.
Evlar said:
I see no reason this thread needs a Crysis police presence. If people want to compare to Crysis, or any other game, they are free to do so.

People are free to do so, sure... but you KNOW this thread will turn to shit when that happens.

Right now, people are posting impressions, taking photos, planning on getting online and sharing strategies... in short, its a GOOD thread. This crysis stuff is only gonna bring it down, and i'd rather that not happen.


I don't think I should keep reading that, but:
-The eyes on almost all the characters looked weird.
Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed that >__>; Especially Chloe's. Holy crap. It's like she has lights in there. Drake's face also looks odd to me at times... like it's made out of clay or something. I think we've reached the point where things really do look so good that uncanny valley is in effect.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Firestorm said:
I don't think I should keep reading that, but:
Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed that >__>; Especially Chloe's. Holy crap. It's like she has lights in there. Drake's face also looks odd to me at times... like it's made out of clay or something. I think we've reached the point where things really do look so good that uncanny valley is in effect.

I spoilered pretty much anything remotely significant.


Evlar said:
I see no reason this thread needs a Crysis police presence. If people want to compare to Crysis, or any other game, they are free to do so.

Because everytime it's brought up, people come in to support it and then the Uncharted fans start complaining that Crysis was brought up (even though they brought it up), and then the thread swiftly goes to shit.
grif1020 said:
Alright I snapped and bought the game a little early, it was supposed to be for my birthday next week lol. Finished the game and now am replay on hard for a treasure run. Impressions:

*Excellent detailed impressions*

-I think the biggest compliment I can give to the game is that I want to keep playing on my second time through as I write this. It is a huge improvement over the first game and I cannot wait for a sequel. I wouldn't go declare this game of the year as the opening was weak, but once the game really starts up around Chapter 5, you would be hard-pressed to find a better action-adventure experience than this.

*These are just my opinions, take them as you will. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Thanks man. I would disagree with some things you said, but overall it was a good read. Try getting some MP and post impressions of that too!


Zeliard said:
Because everytime it's brought up, people come in to support it and then the Uncharted fans start complaining that Crysis was brought up (even though they brought it up), and then the thread swiftly goes to shit.
I would say this passive-aggressive laying of blame on one party exclusively is the fundamental problem, not talking sensibly about how Uncharted looks in comparison to other games.


Chapter 10 and before spoilers
The huge dagger was a sight to behold, as well as the big idol with multiple arms. BIG awesome moment I had latest was the whole hotel falling down... Oh my GOD how do they come up with that :D


Ive only taken one pic so far, a shame my camera cant accurately represent the color vividness / richness of my plasma.



Uuuugh, was just about to find out how Nepal Warzone continues in co-op only to have a networking error when someone leaves -_-


Pandaman said:
tried it, no success.

this is the problem:

i gave up at the 7 minute mark, so you'll have to take it at my word that the actual gameplay seems to work fine.

PS: tested demons souls, it works perfectly. :(

PS2: forgive my roommates blasphemy, he knows not what he says.

Your disc is probably bad. Try taking it to the store you bought it from and test it on one of their PS3s.


holy shit I just finished the famous
chapter :O

best graphics my eyes have ever seen, I can't believe this is coming from a less than 512 MB RAM system without forced install or anything... I made it going stealth all the way except the final part of course, it felt soooo good, I'm playing on hard and can't wait for Crushing.

If this engine scales well we are going to be blown away with amazing stuff from ND for next-gen consoles. I have to admit my PC fanatic inside is crying for Uncharted 2 PC deluxe version but I guess the engine is too much optimised for the Cell and wouldn't be an easy task at all porting for one hundred thousand PC configurations, OS, drivers etc.


on a side note after playing NGS2 and the constant loading when you pick anything is refreshing picking a treasure in U2 and it comes on screen as nothing happened, talk about polish.


Evlar said:
I would say this passive-aggressive laying of blame on one party exclusively is the fundamental problem, not talking sensibly about how Uncharted looks in comparison to other games.

There's nothing passive-aggressive about what I wrote. I was pretty damn straightforward.

You're simply proving my point with this moronic, off-topic "debate". The reason Crysis and Uncharted comparisons are ridiculous is because everything having to do with that particular contrast will be subjective, since Crysis isn't tethered to a console's much lower specs - so what you're essentially left with are people arguing that their favorite game is the better-looking one. That's very productive and stimulating.
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