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US Vice-Presidential Debates 2016 |OT| Your Big Awkward Family Reunion

Who won the debate?

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Great post but, holy shit, is there any truth to the bolded?

It's being reported that sources inside Trump world say he's not happy and feels like he was upstaged and not defended enough by his running mate. The Today show just mentioned that Katy Tur is hearing it from her sources too.
Basically, to the average viewer Pence won. But her's the problem, Pence was fighting the Battle--debating Tim Kaine directly--but Kaine won the war. What I mean by that is, the damage Tim Kaine did to the Trump Campaign will be lasting. He managed to reveal that Pence literally cannot defend his own parties nominee on the world stage. Pence had no answers for the things Trump has said, and at one point outright said "he's not a polished politician" which is the kind of thing that plays well to the Republican base, but for Moderate voters it's bad. Like, really bad. Now a lot of people were questioning this strategy, but I think it's because the Clinton Campaign doesn't think Hillary can go all in on attacking Trump in a debate like Tim Kaine can. Some of the points he brought up and Mike Pence didn't have answers for, will absolutely resurface in Sunday's debate.

The main thing about this is Pence's victory will be short lived. Reports are already coming out that Trump is not happy Pence "upstaged him", and once news networks start running their highlight clips, Kaine is going to sound like the definitive winner, because he has tons of good lines that just cut the Trump Campaign off at the knees. Kaine's main failing was that he was too anxious early on, and seemed almost Trump-esque for the first half of the debate, consistently interrupting Pence, who stayed pretty calm and collected during the whole thing. I will say, Pence maintained his cool, and he looked very professional compared to how Trump looked last week, and that might be why people feel like he won.

At the end of the day I can best describe it as Pence won the debate, and Tim Kaine didn't lose it. There were no "Gotcha" moments for Kaine, and he exposed a massive rift in the Trump Campaign, and kept the focus of the public on the people actually being voted for in November. Pence looked like a very respectable Republican Candidate, so people were alright with saying he won, but it's only because he was spending the entire time fighting against Kaine's attacks on Trump.

Excellent Summary.
Speaking of which, another good summation from WaPo:
Pence Wins, Trump Loses...


It's being reported that sources inside Trump world say he's not happy and feels like he was upstaged and not defended enough by his running mate. The Today show just mentioned that Katy Tur is hearing it from her sources too.

Hopefully that means we get a Trump that is trying to overcompensate on Sunday lol
It's funny, we'll likely see more attention on the part of the rumor that Trump is annoyed that Pence didnt defend him, because that's a normal human response and we can all understand that.

But after all this time closely following Trump the last year and a half or so, I would put money on him being far more enraged by the idea that Pence won his debate and Trump didn't.

The narrative that "Trump needs to take notes from Pence" is probably eating him up right now lol. He was upstaged by Pence who didn't even defend him.
It's funny, we'll likely see more attention on the part of the rumor that Trump is annoyed that Pence didnt defend him, because that's a normal human response and we can all understand that.

But after all this time closely following Trump the last year and a half or so, I would put money on him being far more enraged by the idea that Pence won his debate and Trump didn't.

Not to mention the fact that "Pence 2020" talk is everywhere, with its obvious implications for the current election. Seems like the kind of thing that would get under Trump's skin.



Pretty interesting how the PBS panel last night said the exact same thing and then the Diane Rehms Show panel this morning also had the same takeaway as Nate too.

Also pretty "interesting" hearing a caller during Diane's show say that debate made her wish there was a Pence-Kaine ticket.
Sounds like this thing was a major flop.


Overnight rating for the VP debate on 7 networks is a 24.2 and 39 share, down -26% from 2012’s 32.5/47.


Pretty interesting how the PBS panel last night said the exact same thing and then the Diane Rehms Show panel this morning also had the same takeaway as Nate too.

Also pretty "interesting" hearing a caller during Diane's show say that debate made her wish there was a Pence-Kaine ticket.

Of course if it was a Pence-Kaine ticket it would have been a completely different debate and different Kaine. He wouldn't have been nearly as aggressive and his answers would have been focused on Pence and his history.
Pretty interesting how the PBS panel last night said the exact same thing and then the Diane Rehms Show panel this morning also had the same takeaway as Nate too.

Also pretty "interesting" hearing a caller during Diane's show say that debate made her wish there was a Pence-Kaine ticket.

Why would there be a Pence-Kaine ticket? They are ideologically on different ends of the spectrum. Granted, Spence's terribleness was not on trial last night so I get how someone who doesn't know Pence outside of him being VP for Trump would think Pence-Kaine would make sense.


Sounds like this thing was a major flop.


Overnight rating for the VP debate on 7 networks is a 24.2 and 39 share, down -26% from 2012’s 32.5/47.
On one hand, this is better for Clinton.

On the other, I'm kinda disappointed to see this sort of apathy to politics.


On one hand, this is better for Clinton.

On the other, I'm kinda disappointed to see this sort of apathy to politics.

The Clinton-Trump debate set records. I'd like to see more people pay attention to the veeps, but I don't think apathy is the take away. It's the proportion of attention focused on the candidates.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
wow, nobody watched this thing lol

So now all anyone will know about it is how much Pence lied and how he wasn't able to defend Trump
I called it on the first page lol.
I wont be watching this. Iron banner week.

I dont think anyone is going to be watching this tbh.
Iron Banner increased loot drops very directly responsible for Dad gaf skipping the debate.
Can we get a debate, either VP or Presidential, where the candidates teams are allowed to throw up videos whenever they like? It would be amazing.

The only debate they even tried that was in the Hillary/Bernie debate on Univision where they had the receipts of old quotes, like with Bernie sympathizing with Castro.

They really need to do it more often.


Pence was better at looking like an astronaut. Kaine won on policy substance.

Who won? I have no idea.

According to CBS's focus group post debate, Pence won 10 out of 20 voters where Kaine won 0. I imagine most of those Ohio voters were leaning hard right to begin with, because when questioned why, the only true answer was Pence's demeanor throughout the debate.
Mark Shields on PBS: "If this were a 20 minute sprint" the GOP would have won both weeks.

"...but this is a 90 minute marathon"
I think this is pretty much the only way to look at these two debates. Granted, I wouldn't really say they were truly winning the first twenty minutes, but they didn't seem entirely unworthy of at least being there in some capacity. Of course, that all quickly changed those last 70 minutes of both debates. GOP really doesn't have a place in politics as far as I see it.


Sounds like this thing was a major flop.


Overnight rating for the VP debate on 7 networks is a 24.2 and 39 share, down -26% from 2012’s 32.5/47.

You know, maybe your founding fathers were onto something when they didn't thought it was a good idea to leave every yokel to vote. .



Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Winners from last night's debate: Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence.

Losers: Donald Trump and Tim Kaine.

I have a feeling the Clinton Campaign will take that.
The only debate they even tried that was in the Hillary/Bernie debate on Univision where they had the receipts of old quotes, like with Bernie sympathizing with Castro.

They really need to do it more often.

Fox did a good amount of that at their hop debates this year. Both Wallace and Kelly brought receipts.
Mike Pence won the debate for himself, Mitt Romney, and traditional Conservatives everywhere.

He did a lot more to help himself in 2020 than he did to help Donald Trump in 2016.

Kaine lost the debate but in the process got airtime for a shit load of the crap Don's said over the past 12 months+. I think the Clinton ticket is helped more by all the ads they're about to cut on "Trump's so looney his own running mate isn't fully behind him" than they lost because of Kaine getting overeager in a debate no one really watched.



Hey guys, I know this is completely off-topic but I can't really make threads yet, so if anyone wants to have a go with this feel free!

António Guterres to be the next UN secretary general. (won with 13 votes in favour out of a total of 15 apparently).






Why would there be a Pence-Kaine ticket? They are ideologically on different ends of the spectrum. Granted, Spence's terribleness was not on trial last night so I get how someone who doesn't know Pence outside of him being VP for Trump would think Pence-Kaine would make sense.

Uhhh. He was saying if Pence VS Kaine for President was the ticket of the Republican candidate vs the Democratic candidate, Kaine would have approached the debate differently. Since they're both just VP candidates, both members focused on Hillary and Trump instead of Kaine and Pence.


Mike Pence won the debate for himself, Mitt Romney, and traditional Conservatives everywhere.

He did a lot more to help himself in 2020 than he did to help Donald Trump in 2016.

Kaine lost the debate but in the process got airtime for a shit load of the crap Don's said over the past 12 months+. I think the Clinton ticket is helped more by all the ads they're about to cut on "Trump's so looney his own running mate isn't fully behind him" than they lost because of Kaine getting overeager in a debate no one really watched.

Kaine did his job, attack attack attack and plants the facts in people's heads. He might have lost some public points but Trump now looks like a fool with a VP that can't even defend him. Kaine protected Hillary like his life depended on it.
Uhhh. He was saying if Pence VS Kaine for President was the ticket of the Republican candidate vs the Democratic candidate, Kaine would have approached the debate differently. Since they're both just VP candidates, both members focused on Hillary and Trump instead of Kaine and Pence.

Oh, my mistake. I took Pence-Kaine as P-VP, like Clinton-Kaine. Didn't realize it was meant as Pence vs Kaine for President. Apologies for that.


Kaine did his job, attack attack attack and plants the facts in people's heads. He might have lost some public points but Trump now looks like a fool with a VP that can't even defend him. Kaine protected Hillary like his life depended on it.


The debate will be forgotten, especially with a presidential debate on Sunday.

What will stick is pence looking like a dipshit in the face of all of Trumps bullshit and lying about it like it didn't happen. The ad that has came out showing it is fuckin brutal

Pence did well for Pence, Trump looks like shit. And now Trump will be compared to Pence even further and has to top his performance

Trump is fucked.

Kaine did exactly what he intended, savaged them both.


The whole anti-establishment thing is weird to me. I'm pretty set in some anti-establishment thoughts, but I feel like Trump is still a total embodiment of the establishment. Not the DC establishment, but still the white, privileged 1% establishment. It's pretty wild how he's managed to capture that block.

It's because that block was always horribly misguided and stupid. Same block that supports "outsiders" like Carly Fiorina and Herman Kaine (you know, CEOs of major corporations) or people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin who are just in it to make money off of them through book deals and speeches.

It's such a stupid position to have anyway. If I actually want the government to be effective, why wouldn't I want to vote for someone who actually understands government? There is a difference between being an insider and being corrupt.
But her's the problem, Pence was fighting the Battle--debating Tim Kaine directly--but Kaine won the war. What I mean by that is, the damage Tim Kaine did to the Trump Campaign will be lasting.

The problem is people and the media seem to like Trump-lite and GOP establishment talking points. Undecideds and Republicans on the fence may think Pence will truly run the show and vote Trump.


Kaine did his job, attack attack attack and plants the facts in people's heads. He might have lost some public points but Trump now looks like a fool with a VP that can't even defend him. Kaine protected Hillary like his life depended on it.

Yeah people keep saying Kaine could have won if he attacked Pence's record, but nobody cares about Mike Pence. Hell, nobody cares about Tim Kaine. This was a smaller scale Clinton v. Trump debate with neither candidate present. Pence "won" the debate without even talking about Kaine at all!

Kaine defended Hillary and hit Trump. Pence waffled on defending Trump and propped himself up for later. Draw your own conclusions.
The problem is people and the media seem to like Trump-lite and GOP establishment talking points. Undecideds and Republicans on the fence may think Pence will truly run the show and vote Trump.

I thought they basically gave that up when they were asking potential VP candidates to be in charge of Foreign AND domestic policy.
You know, maybe your founding fathers were onto something when they didn't thought it was a good idea to leave every yokel to vote. .

I disagree. This debate wasn't important. It's better to read up on the veeps yourself, since they don't talk about themselves in this debate very much.



Hey guys, I know this is completely off-topic but I can't really make threads yet, so if anyone wants to have a go with this feel free!

António Guterres to be the next UN secretary general. (won with 13 votes in favour out of a total of 15 apparently).





I don't tally have time to make a thread, but if you PM a mod with the thread you would post, I'm sure they'd be glad to do it.
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