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V/H/S Viral (aka V/H/S 3, horror anthology series) trailer released

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White Man

Based off the trailers it looked like they had abandoned the found footage aspect of the first 2 somewhat. A lot of the shots looked like they had no point of subjective reference, but I figured I might be wrong.

The thing I really liked about the first 2 is that they always justified why someone was recording as all the crazy shit went down. Most found footage films can't reasonably justify this.

The first main segment is really the only one with this problem. It was like the first sign something was wrong.
Is the first one worth watching?
I borrowed a big pile of Blu-Rays from a friend and the first V/H/S was among the movies but I didn't even bother to read the back of the case lol
Yes, yes yes god yes. After all the talk about it here, can't you tell it's obviously worth at least a shot to a horror fan? Or a found footage fan? Given how much was spent on it vs earned, I really feel like it was amazing in lots of different ways - with mostly good acting and very good effects. Also some truly frightening & disturbing stuff happened in those short stories that gave me goosebumps hardcore. Maybe I am not that picky of a movie eater, because I loved all of them, and all the vignettes told within them were at least acceptable to me. I really like the format of these movies and I hope it is continued.

Also, I am watching Resolution today because some of you guys said to.
My hopes are as high as this guy in the beginning of Resolution seems to be.


this was a huge letdown for me

bonestorm was the dumbest segment of the bunch. seriously who thought it was a good idea to make it the longest?

i just hope the additional segment on dvd will be better


this was a huge letdown for me

bonestorm was the dumbest segment of the bunch. seriously who thought it was a good idea to make it the longest?

i just hope the additional segment on dvd will be better

Judging by the old behind-the-scenes preview pictures, Bonestorm was meant to be even longer and show the creature which came out of the sewer. It looks rubbish, so probably best they went with the non-ending.

And apparently the creature was some giant t-rex sized thing? Maybe I wasn't paying attention but I didn't get that impression from the foot.
Incidentally, I'm nearing 40 minutes into Resolution and nothing has happened in this movie. I'm hoping for a big finish you guise. Otherwise this is a made-ya-look.

Edit: 48 min and nothing. Intervention: The De-Crackening.
Oddly enough, I actually thought Bonestorm was the best of the bunch here. It was the most grouded within the found footage genre, and the acting was pretty solid, unlike the wrapper and magician segments...

Yeah, the payoff for it was awful, but it didn't take itself very seriously; and a bunch of skaters with GoPros talking shit from some of the worst camera angles imaginable felt better than everything else in the anthology for me. But yeah, that's not saying much.

I loved Timecrimes, but I really did not dig a parallel univers story that boiled down to hand puppets.

watched this last thursday, great shorts, especially the multiverse short with the home scientist. i love this VHS series, ill keep watching these as long as they put them out. just like the Purge series, these are horror/thriller films that are fun to watch.
I managed to see it tonight.

So.. I think I liked it. I don't know. I need to let it percolate. The others grew on me over about a week.

First of all this one is my least favorite of the three, but I still think these are very good in concept and really worth seeing. This one really fucks with your intelligence though. Both in good ways and bad. The one called Parallel Monsters
feels very experimental and has one of the coolest elements of any of the three so far, that huge inverted Crucifix of Satan airship, with a huge speaker mounted to it, blasting terrifyingly loud Latin sounding,probably Satanic prayers and sustained notes down onto the inhabitants of "Earth". It's shot in a very artsy way, with the suspense as to the nature of the second scientists' existence. I thought the audible rough sex was confusing - it was as if that's what the inhabitants of this world listen to as their 'relaxation music'. Either that or actual sex was being had in the house - and I sort of don't think that's what we were supposed to believe is happening. I found that confusing. Does anyone have an idea about what his paralell Marta wanted him to do with that bag? Was that supposed to be food or maybe a drug for his "penis lobster thing"?

After that, and to a degree before it, it goes all dipshit on me. I wonder if they purposely put the second smartest one of all three movies (the smartest one out of all three being the cult one from V/H/S/2) right immediately before the dumbest one of all three movies - on purpose to show the filmmakers' range? The one about the skateboarding kids in Tijuana seems like it was written in 1985 by some 14 year old Slayer fans.
My God. That one was just so stupid in terms of its' premise and a lot of the actions portrayed. But back to those those two Slayer fan screenwriters. I can just hear two kids coming up with that, sitting in some po-dunbk high school football field at 2am, smoking a pack of stolen Marlboro Reds, with their screechy, teenage lisp-y voices going "yeah yeah then the thhoombieth come out and we whack them with our thkateboard! Tho badath!! Yeah - then! we'll really up the action and the guy geth eaten at the end and you thee hithh blood going down teh dark printh Thatan's throat!!" hue hue hue hue hue
So I watched this yesterday night because I loved the two other ones.

What a pile of dogshit. There was nothing barely interesting in it. It didn't even feel like found footage most of the time.

Student films are better than that. I'm pissed. We better get a real VHS 3.
Jeez, this new one seems pretty awful. :\

May just wait to Netflix this one. I can't see myself paying to see it.

If I were you I'd watch it. It's worth it for "Parallel Monsters". That one actually is very good, unpredictable and freaky. It made me very uncomfortable. I watched it a second time this morning. 2 of three of the vignettes are good. Dante the Great is good, I think. Paralell Monsters was excellent.

The over-story/wrapper is really stupid and confusing though, the Bonestorm skateboard kids one was absolute high-school project (with access to Hollywood-level effects in some parts) bullshit. That one is by far my least favorite mini-story of any of the 3 V/H/S/ movies - which I have grown to really, really like, overall. Even this one.
If I were you I'd watch it. It's worth it for "Parallel Monsters". That one actually is very good, unpredictable and freaky. It made me very uncomfortable. I watched it a second time this morning. 2 of three of the vignettes are good. Dante the Great is good, I think. Paralell Monsters was excellent.

The over-story/wrapper is really stupid and confusing though, the Bonestorm skateboard kids one was absolute high-school project (with access to Hollywood-level effects in some parts) bullshit. That one is by far my least favorite mini-story of any of the 3 V/H/S/ movies - which I have grown to really, really like, overall. Even this one.

Maybe i'll give it a shot.

It's interesting to read about your take on Bonestorm as I just finally got around to watching Resolution, which is apparently directed by the guys who did that segment. I didn't dislike the film but I found it kind of a reach to call it "horror" when even a film that was largely devoid of horror like The Innkeepers had more horror in it.
Hate to double-post, but I just saw it.

It was pretty crap overall. It definitely suffered from not believably conveying why most of the characters were still recording at any given time - a hallmark of found footage films that the first two VHS films did a great job at avoiding, I thought. Half the people are just filming for the sake of it and the other half apparently are all extreme sports guys that happen to have GoPros strapped to everything. It's not creative.

And despite the title of the series, I would be utterly happy to see no more fake VHS artifacts pop up on footage that would have been recorded digitally. It was so jarring and excessive in this one. Every 2 seconds - *WHIIRGHRHBH• - fake static and auto-tracking issues.

The strongest of the films was the second one with the
parallel dimension.
I felt that one understood best the appeal of horror - taking one person, putting them in a seemingly normal situation and then watching as they realize that they don't understand what the hell is going on. The ending was especially powerful I thought. The scariest thing in that whole film was
knowing that your loved one thought you had betrayed their trust and now thought so little of you as to kill you
. It was very Twilight Zone-y in a way, and I think it was to its benefit.

The magician one was awful and felt longer than it really was to me. 80% of the segment was just exposition and it suffered the most from "Who the hell is recording this?" syndrome.

The skateboarder one wasn't as awful as I feared simply because at least things ramped up pretty early on. But the ending was dumb and sudden and it seemed a little anti-climactic to see these
devilish people show up only to largely get beaten up by a few kids with skateboards and fire crackers

The wrap-around story was pretty dumb and nonsensical and could be described as Stuff Happening: The Movie. Certain visual tropes like
the protagonist getting to the truck and finding a giant "Upload" switch inside
felt dated and cartoonish to me. The amount of guys POV shots of girls' cleavage peppered throughout the film as a whole was also pretty lame.

It sucks, as I feel like the series keeps getting weaker and weaker. I wasn't a big fan of VHS2 outside of Gareth Evan's one with the cult, but even the worst ones in VHS2 felt as good as the best one in VHS3. If they continue with the series I really hope they get a higher caliber of horror directors and really try to be creative in justifying how we're able to see what we see. When you start cutting in random angles, effects and shots that have no frame of reference, it really begins to take away from the horror and the feeling that what we're seeing is through the eyes of a sole witness.
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