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VGLeaks: Details multiple devkits evolution of Orbis


Honestly don't get how they [ microsoft] get away with combined bandwidth, but they must know what they are doing.

Either madness or...



Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I think it will be 176 GB/s.

[It can be easily be divided with 8! Golden rule in computing, numbers like to be divided with 8. :D ]

Sounds lie they are just scaling the memory clock speed. For 256-bit GDDR5 @ 192GB/s, the clock sped is 1500Mhz and 144GB/s is 1200Mhz (like the GPU in DF article). So to get aorund 170GB/s they can just pick 1350Mhz. This knob is perfect for getting the bandwidth you need and trading it off for power and heat.


was the combined bandwidth number anything more then some random assumption by a blogger?

Vg leaks, not sure really.

Maybe they're going stacking crazy too. And 8gb is fast ram too. But they're said to have 'designed' around having slower ram but more. Speculation suggests data transfer engine is a solution. So gpu has access.. Oh I don't know, I give up.


Fafracer forever
Graphics Horse said:
Not much. They can do depth detection but it's costly and not perfect
It's still lighting dependent (ie. it won't do much if you have a perfectly white room :p), but it can be pretty damn accurate - there are costly algorithms that can extract decent depth from single image.


An blind dancing ho
I'm not a tech person, but does this mean that Folklore 2 will look super amazing looking on PS4? and will the dual cameras allow me to summon folks and absorb their souls with my hands?


Dat casual moneyz?

Yeah. I want to see PS4's flying off the shelves. No slow burner shit.

I want to see interesting NPDs. Not just worldwide (Which is not a bad thing)

This is Sony's big chance to capture the entire market again.


Yeah. I want to see PS4's flying off the shelves. No slow burner shit.

I want to see interesting NPDs. Not just worldwide (Which is not a bad thing)

This is Sony's big chance to capture the entire market again.

Mmm. I almost sure US & UK are gone even for the next, microsoft needs to screw everything (like sony on this) to guarantee those markets.


While in the greater scheme of things 22GB/sec does not mean much, it was the bandwidth for data transfer that this generation's consoles used. And to think it is like a drop on the pond now.

With the latest drivers, Radeon 7850 is ~40% slower than GTX680 in Battlefield 3 [somebody investigate, latest drivers @ http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/VTX3D/Radeon_HD_7870_XT_Black/8.html] . PS4 GPU has two more CUs and little higher clock, so it should be even closer.

IMO, in closed console environment without driver/OS overheads, Orbis will easily reach GTX680 preformance levels, and greatly surpass it few years later when 1st party developers get accustomed to it.

I think people need to understand, equivalent performance based on locked fps. Unlike on PC, where you have odd and even numbers of arbitrary framerates, consoles generally aim for two, 30 and 60. These targets allow them to push to include, "more" of what is possible.
Ok, thanks for commenting on what could've been read as a snarky question.

What else has your source shared? Has it all been memory related? If you can't be bothered answering this one that's fine. I can do a post history search when I have time.

Nothing substantial. I have been going after game stuff with him more than hardware rumors and this is the first thing I asked him to comment on.


Whoever Thuway is using is pretty dang current comparatively. He has been a solid source for a very long long time. You guys need to trust the parrot.

I remember Thuway saying that he doesn't have a source, he just cherry picks bits and pieces of info from blogs. Not trusting that guy :lol


If they really are going all ambitious with pressure sensor controllers and 2 cameras in the box along with the (currently) high end PC specs for the console this is looking more and more like a $599+ situation again huh?
Sounds lie they are just scaling the memory clock speed. For 256-bit GDDR5 @ 192GB/s, the clock sped is 1500Mhz and 144GB/s is 1200Mhz (like the GPU in DF article). So to get aorund 170GB/s they can just pick 1350Mhz. This knob is perfect for getting the bandwidth you need and trading it off for power and heat.

Do you really think heat is the issue for downclocking the memory? I doubt that a 150MHz reduction will bring down the TDP more than 3-5W. Furthermore the memory will hopefully be placed within a case fan anyway so it gets cooled.

I rather take the higher bandwidth especially if my competition now gets really close to my specifications but with double the memory amount.


Nothing substantial. I have been going after game stuff with him more than hardware rumors and this is the first thing I asked him to comment on.

Are these sources excited about the power of these new systems? Have any expressed disappointment in any aspects of either system?


GAF's Bob Woodward
So let me get this straight now. This movement tracking system will likely work with two closely positioned LEDs?

Kotaku said there's a RGB LED on the controller.

Someone here said earlier, I think, that supposedly there's a LED strip on the controller (which would probably be 2 or more LEDs?).

How this will work out in terms of tracking that's invariant with controller orientation etc. etc. I don't know.


so the spec seems future proof (at least for a few years) - now only we need more diversity in games; which can only be accomplished when the developing is rather cheap. x86 based means exactly that right?

The only thing that is left to improve is the awful name. I want a PS4 not a "Orbis" >_>

Are these sources excited about the power of these new systems? Have any expressed disappointment in any aspects of either system?

This should tell you something. My source is more Sony oriented and he is hearing really good things about both systems. The dev community can't talk but they seem to be really really excited.

so the spec seems future proof (at least for a few years) - now only we need more diversity in games; which can only be accomplished when the developing is rather cheap. x86 based means exactly that right?

The only thing that is left to improve is the awful name. I want a PS4 not a "Orbis" >_>


I don't think any codename was the systems actual name ever.
This is the leak? Not much info.

You guys should take my stance; believe nothing until sony announces it themselves. Not even the bird. :)

EDIT- I think BruceLeeRoy is trolling you guys. =>


I think people need to understand, equivalent performance based on locked fps. Unlike on PC, where you have odd and even numbers of arbitrary framerates, consoles generally aim for two, 30 and 60. These targets allow them to push to include, "more" of what is possible.

People also appear to be forgetting that this is a GCN architecture chip not the basic 7850 VLIW

How this will work out in terms of tracking that's invariant with controller orientation etc. etc. I don't know.

I could explain how this works with a diagram but i'm too lazy to put one together


so the spec seems future proof (at least for a few years) - now only we need more diversity in games; which can only be accomplished when the developing is rather cheap. x86 based means exactly that right?

The only thing that is left to improve is the awful name. I want a PS4 not a "Orbis" >_>


I doubt its not going to be called PS4.


thanks for the laugh
was the combined bandwidth number anything more then some random assumption by a blogger?

yeah, of all the pixie dust claims, this is the one i have the hardest time believing.

right now, my overall conclusion is that the orbis will have a not insignificant edge. while i'm not basing this purely on rumoured specs, they collude too well with the whole narrative of the next xbox to be coincidental.

what we can presume right now:


has more raw power on its GPU.
has more memory bandwidth.
has a larger pool of fast video RAM.
has a small OS footprint.


has a larger pool of slow system RAM.
has a large OS footprint.
uses kinect as a central asset.
uses integrated eDRAM/SRAM.


developer murmurs call comparative performance "a wash".
DMA engines and other undisclosed custom silicon could push either console's specs - with much more noise coming from durango
microsoft has long disclosed their media centre ambitions, want to push w8 ecosystem.
high chance of kinect pack in, moderate chance of move camera pack-in.
sony have been bullish over comparative specs, "don't be the first, be the best".

this my personal state of play, with a firm seatbelt on to brace for surprises.


Nothing substantial. I have been going after game stuff with him more than hardware rumors and this is the first thing I asked him to comment on.

Haha, that's how I'd do it too. The hw is a little too abstract for me to really comprehend in any meaningful way.


I think it will be 176 GB/s.

[It can be easily be divided with 8! Golden rule in computing, numbers like to be divided with 8. :D ]

i think 256bit GDDR5 with modern 4GB Hynix chips give us this choices
144GB/s or 160GB/s or 176GB/s or 192GB/s or 208GB/s or 224GB/s (for 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 Gbps chips)
176GB/s is a coherent possibility
I this confirms that finalized specs of the retail PS4/Orbis (planned even) are still not known at this point. At least not by any sites reporting on info.

It might be a month at least before we can get leaks on that. I think what vgleaks posted today is all we're going to get for a while. We're bound to get a bunch of fakes between now and then though.
Yeah. I want to see PS4's flying off the shelves. No slow burner shit.

I want to see interesting NPDs. Not just worldwide (Which is not a bad thing)

This is Sony's big chance to capture the entire market again.

As do I.

It's a shame how the current gen went down. PS3 started slow and didn't pick up momentum until the end. That said, Sony won me over this gen with their excellent first party titles. Regardless of how the hardware for the next gen shakes down, I am buying the PS4 because i have more faith in their game development. If they can manage a seller lineup of launch titles, i think they will sell a ton of consoles.

MS is going to have to work hard to get me to buy their console... If it's just another Halo box, forget it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
was the combined bandwidth number anything more then some random assumption by a blogger?
It was more a joke by Proelite. You can't add bandwidths like that, unless you're making something that never needs to copy anything from main ram onto esram, which if you're making a game, won't ever be the case.

True, but that effects how well the hardware can be utilized. Basically console optimizations are possible due to the thin layered API found on these consoles. By introducing multiple hardware SKUs that are all compatible with these games, you're moving over to a fatter API so devs don't have to write code for each hardware SKU.
Yes, this is absolutely the case. Fatter API, weaker hardware utilization, first year worse results than a competing console, but next year (just as devs on PS4 are coming to grips to more fully utilizing it...): "buy this new hotness which performs better than competition!". There would be lots of peope IMO who would buy into this.

A major drawback is that new hardware price wouldn't ever go down, and console market is not lucrative enough anymore to sustain continuously high prices of these machine. *However* the last year model would be sold for cheaper, so that could be the answer to that problem.


I this confirms that finalized specs of the retail PS4/Orbis (planned even) are still not known at this point. At least not by any sites reporting on info.

It might be a month at least before we can get leaks on that. I think what vgleaks posted today is all we're going to get for a while. We're bound to get a bunch of fakes between now and then though.

Suposedly, final [or very close to final] devkits will arrive in summer. By then they will place every part of the system on a lockdown and will start production of retail boxes.
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