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Video: Gamestop manager threatens to release angry customer's details over GTA V spat

I can't believe how socially inept people on this message board are.

You walk in, You show your ID, you get your product, you say thank you, you walk out. If there is a problem, you react appropriately. You react proportionate to magnitude of the situation.

You don't throw an tantrum like a child.

Fuck this creepy asshole.

People deserve respect, patience, and understanding by default.

You know how may first class upgrades, free shit, fee's dropped, free repairs, free food, free drinks, and free service I've received simply because I treat people kindly and deal with problems calmly and professionally?

Life is too short to whine about you video game.

Finally the voice of reason on these boards. I act the same way when I have an issue with a company. Normally if you act calmly you end up getting what you want and if you don't life isn't fair, you move on and live your life. This was an ass but so was the clerk plain and simple.
Thats the gamestop closest to me! But ive never seen that lady before, just the guy next to her. Anyways, its bogus she got fired. Retail sucks enough without douchey customers acting entitled even though youre just enforcing a corporate policy. She ended up doing him a favor it seems and he still couldnt just walk away. Yeah, she took the last word cause the guy's a whiny nerd. Everyone is soft who thinks this lady DESERVED to get fired, and youre actually the ones defending the major corporation.

You cannot be serious. If so, this is the viewpoint of someone who likely has zero real world experience behind the counter.

The customer was being a little unreasonable, but that is NO excuse for this woman's behavior. Has nothing to do with the fact Gamestop is a corporation. My mother and myself run a small business. I don't give a shit how rude a customer is being. Being incredibly snarky, condescending, and sarcastic to them does not help defuse the situation at all; it only encourages it and embarasses our brand in front of other customers who may be in the vicinity because they likely would not know the context of the incident, despite how "right" the employee may be. Encouraging other customers to harass them AND threatening to give out personal information would get your ass fired from my store immediately under any circumstances.

High-fiving other customers and saying she won? Not fit to be in any management role whatsoever.
What kind of totalitarian society do you live in? I'm old enough to remember when Americans took pride in the fact that it was the Soviet Union where people had to carry government papers wherever they went, and that we Americans were (and are) not subject to such oppression.

The only ID I have in the USA is my passport, and I never carry that around casually. We don't live in some magical happyland where there are no pickpockets or muggers, and lost wallets are returned with their contents intact. If you carry legally-binding ID around with you every day of your life, eventually something is going to get lost or stolen, and then you run the very serious risk of identity theft, and good luck sorting that out.

Every game I've ever pre-ordered has either given me a receipt, an order number, a confirmation e-mail, or some combination of the above. Every time I've gone to pick up the game, I've had those things with me and have received the game without problems. The store clerk doesn't need to know my birthdate or my address or even my name.

(People are asking why the customer is demanding the manager's last name. Is it because he wants to make a complaint, or is it the principle that in demanding ID from the customers, she gets to know their full names? And their birthdays, and their nationalities/addresses/SS#s/whatever else is on their papers. And she's griping about keeping her last name secret?)

Is this sarcasm? I can't tell.
Guy deserves it to be honest for bringing a damn business card as ID. Who in their mind would accept that as ID?

Doesn't matter. This is about professionalism. This is a business, not a fucking middle school playground.

If a business card is against store policy, then you politely tell him you can't give him the game without approved ID. You don't take it, give him the game anyway, mock him all the while and then rally the other customers together to mock him again as he's leaving. Tell me what part of that is professional? Do you think people seeing this video will be encouraged to shop at Gamestop?


In customer service, you ALWAYS take the high road. If the customer is being abusive-- cursing, physically threatening, etc-- then you ask the person to leave the premises and refuse service. I've had to do it, and I'm willing to bet that scores of other customer service professionals have had to do it.

The employee in question here decided instead to fight fire with fire, and unnecessarily made a bad situation worse by opening her mouth.

If I did something like that, I'd expect to be fired. I didn't do my job. Thankfully, I know better. I know how to defuse a customer's anger in most cases, and when to eject myself from an escalating situation in the few cases that I cannot. I know when to keep my mouth shut and that you just don't badmouth a customer, especially when he/she is within earshot.

All that said, inciting the customer wasn't this employee's only blunder. The stock room door was propped open, which is a major loss prevention no-no... especially in a packed store with lots of opportunity for brute theft. She also shouldn't have allowed video to be shot in her store. It's one thing to claim that she didn't know about it, but she was playing to the camera. She should know that Corporate Communications frowns upon video being shot in stores.

Those make strike two and strike three. Manager's out, as she should be. What I'd worry about if I was her now is that there's video evidence of her being a poor customer service representative and it's been linked with her name. She's a toxic hire to any employer that has a customer service component.

Yeah right... life is easy for you isn't it. just count the mistakes and get rid of "toxic" hires (hate that word used for people)... But there are many things that you can't see on a video... maybe she is the best seller/manager in the world, very positive, very good at getting costumers' fidelity, very good with her staff,...

Imo, if you fired that woman only based on this video, you are a toxic manager.
Yeah right... life is easy for you isn't it. just count the mistakes and get rid of "toxic" hires (hate that word used for people)... But there are many things that you can't see on a video... maybe she is the best seller/manager in the world, very positive, very good at getting costumers' fidelity, very good with her staff,...

Imo, if you fired that woman only based on this video, you are a toxic manager.

It's very clear by her general demeanor and the way she handled this situation, she shouldn't have been in that role. You don't just flip a switch and act like that on a whim, especially at her age.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Are you fucking kidding me? He's the one funding the employees with his business, that woman had no right to threaten to give out his personal information.

She should be arrested for threatening to give out his email address that he had listed on his business card which he freely hands out to everyone.
Doesn't matter. This is about professionalism. This is a business, not a fucking middle school playground.

If a business card is against store policy, then you politely tell him you can't give him the game without approved ID. You don't take it, give him the game anyway, mock him all the while and then rally the other customers together to mock him again as he's leaving. Tell me what part of that is professional? Do you think people seeing this video will be encouraged to shop at Gamestop?
I never said it's professional, it very much wasn't the right thing to do. Still, guy's still an idiot for thinking a business card will fly. Who knows what led to this though, video starts in the middle of the conversation anyway. Maybe she did politely tell him at first and he kept at it? Who knows.
She should be arrested for threatening to give out his email address that he had listed on his business card which he freely hands out to everyone.

Context. She was threatening to give it out so all the other customers in line, who she was already verbally working up against him, could harass him. Beyond unprofessional.


Anyone trying to justify the GameStop manager's actions has obviously never worked in Customer Service.

The dude had already paid in full on a pre-ordered game. For whatever reason he didn't have an I.D. on him or forgot he needed one. These things happen. If you've ever worked in customer service in any shape or form you'll understand that there are always customers that might have a problem whether it's a bad day or they forgot something or just want to blame you for their problem.

It's your job to handle the situation,

It's not anyone's job to eat shit.

I feel bad for the people in this thread who seem to think it's your JOB to be treated like shit. Your employer should stick up for you if you are being abused. Get a new job for Christ sake.

I guarantee this woman did not start off acting like that. This douche bag was being a dick long enough for someone to pull out a camera.


Yeah right... life is easy for you isn't it. just count the mistakes and get rid of "toxic" hires (hate that word used for people)... But there are many things that you can't see on a video... maybe she is the best seller/manager in the world, very positive, very good at getting costumers' fidelity, very good with her staff,...

Imo, if you fired that woman only based on this video, you are a toxic manager.

If you leave the stock room door propped open when you have a store full of people, you invite theft. That's one pretty big offense right there.

Then you make a bad situation worse-- on video, no less-- by inciting a customer as he's leaving.

Yeah, you're fired. If that makes me a toxic manager by reducing potential shrink and eliminating a person who clearly couldn't handle a pretty low-end customer service situation, then yeah.
The guy who was recording is an idiot. I have to cringe at him taunting the customer and high fiving the manager. He probably thought when he uploaded this, most people would be on the manager's side. Instead, he probably helped her get fired. Nice backfire there.


Why was she being sarcastic and mocking him? I have worked retail in the past and never acted like that with anyone no matter what they said to me. You are always trained to diffuse the situation not escalate it....

This video alone is not enough to get her fired though, she must have had other problems beforehand to get fired.

Also to the guy, a business card is not a valid I.D. If store policy is to only take a valid I.D. then you leave the store go home and get your I.D.
Asshole customer doesn't have to be nice. It's a retail employee's job to provide quality customer service, it's what they are PAID to do.


As dumb as using a business card as ID is, she deserved to get fired for behaving the way she did. Talk about poor/no managerial skills.


Threatening to give out personal info is crossing a major line. I know people working in retail have to deal with a lot of shit but that is a line you just do not cross. She should have been fired. Lines people, lines.


Yeah right... life is easy for you isn't it. just count the mistakes and get rid of "toxic" hires (hate that word used for people)... But there are many things that you can't see on a video... maybe she is the best seller/manager in the world, very positive, very good at getting costumers' fidelity, very good with her staff,...

Imo, if you fired that woman only based on this video, you are a toxic manager.

According to a couple of comments on the video from her supposed underlings, she was exactly that. A toxic manager.

It goes both ways. Regardless of how "amazing" she could be for certain things, you don't openly mock a customer then try to get the crowd involved in the mocking. Its one thing to be curt with them, its another thing entirely to turn the sarcasm level to 11 and ask for crowd participation.

ITT: People excuse a whiny, entitled customer because the manager was behaving badly too.

Obviously she deserved to be reprimanded but anybody who supports how the customer was acting obviously has no concept of what it's like to deal with shitty customers and is probably a shitty customer themselves.

He wasn't in the clear there at all. He clearly fucked up by not bringing a photo ID, if it ended there when he left that would be the end of it. But it wasn't, she mocked him as he was leaving and tried to goad the crowd into joining her mocking as he was leaving. That is just plain NOT ACCEPTABLE.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ITT: People excuse a whiny, entitled customer because the manager was behaving badly too.

Obviously she deserved to be reprimanded but anybody who supports how the customer was acting obviously has no concept of what it's like to deal with shitty customers and is probably a shitty customer themselves.
I never said it's professional, it very much wasn't the right thing to do. Still, guy's still an idiot for thinking a business card will fly. Who knows what led to this though, video starts in the middle of the conversation anyway. Maybe she did politely tell him at first and he kept at it? Who knows.

That's not an excuse to start getting pissy.


ITT: People excuse a whiny, entitled customer because the manager was behaving badly too.

Obviously she deserved to be reprimanded but anybody who supports how the customer was acting obviously has no concept of what it's like to deal with shitty customers and is probably a shitty customer themselves.

There's no excuse for the customer's rude behavior up to the point where the manager incited him as he was walking out. He handled himself immaturely and did not want to understand company policy. He should be criticized for that, as well as holding up the line at that point.

His behavior after the manager decided to exacerbate the situation should have been better, too. He was already angry and she sent his temper through the roof. What he did by obtaining the manager's info for a complaint was fair, but his voice didn't need to be raised and persistently asking for a last name (that she did not need to give) was out of line.

Both parties here are in the wrong. I'm just more surprised/disappointed at the manager's actions and response here as someone who's been in customer service for 15 years.
ITT: People excuse a whiny, entitled customer because the manager was behaving badly too.

Obviously she deserved to be reprimanded but anybody who supports how the customer was acting obviously has no concept of what it's like to deal with shitty customers and is probably a shitty customer themselves.

Too many people in this thread are assuming that just because the manager is being criticized, the customer is being lauded and praised by default. NOT the case. The customer was dumb for not bringing his photo ID. But she totally made that situation what it was with her horrible attitude.
Yes, but being wrongly arrested for no ID is far from being killed because you don't have ID. The judge even through the case out in seconds and reprimanded the officer. It was an isolated bad decision of which he had no justification.

And I don't know what being a minority has to do with it, the article you provided doesn't indicate the girl involved was a minority (and for the record, while I may not an immigrant in the US, I am in Canada).

Seems very silly to live your life in such a fearful way because of these rare incidents. It's like saying your always gonna walk around in a bullet-proof vest because you might be a victim of attempted murder.

What you should have just said was "I don't understand what it's like to be a minority in America, and that not having ID on you could have very bad consequences," and left it at that.
It's not anyone's job to eat shit.

I feel bad for the people in this thread who seem to think it's your JOB to be treated like shit. Your employer should stick up for you if you are being abused. Get a new job for Christ sake.

I guarantee this woman did not start off acting like that. This douche bag was being a dick long enough for someone to pull out a camera.

Talk about hyperbole to the max. "It's not anyone's job to eat shit." This is a oversensationalization of the situation. How does an angry/upset customer escalate to "eating someone's shit"? These people don't know you in real life. These people should have no effect on your life whatsoever. Their issues with you are not personal; they are professional. Learn to seperate the two or go find a job where you don't deal with other human beings. In that environment, you better always be ready to professionally deal with the lowest common denominator. ALWAYS.
So that's a license to be a dumb and try to use a business card as a proper ID?

What the fuck kind of argument is that? A customer doing something harmlessly dumb like that is not a license to encourage harassment from other customers and exposure of personal information with intent to encourage more anonymous harassment.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Sick sarcastic response bro, you sure made us all laugh

Thanks! And let's keep in mind that he's funding the employees with his business.

Mr. Enigma, I agree, it WAS beyond unprofessional. I'm not excusing her behavior at all. I just think it is all being blown out of proportion around here. I just can't personally see myself giving a flying shit if a store employee gave me attitude, at least to the level of filing a complaint with her boss. What she said was just so damn mild. Or maybe I've grown insensitive living in NYC so long.
He was dumb, she got dumber. You don't threaten the customer. Should absolutely be fired. I'm not buying that YouTube comment until we get confirmation from somewhere else. Anyone could have written that. I could have written that.

I didn't, though.


What the fuck kind of argument is that? A customer doing something harmlessly dumb like that is not a license to encourage harassment from other customers and exposure of personal information with intent to encourage more anonymous harassment.

How personal is the information on a business card?


Both of them were being assholes. If I were her I would have just told him he'd have to leave and get proper ID because there are people in line behind him. I mean seriously, using a business card as ID? lol...

But yeah she was being paid to deal with the customer and shouldn't have snapped like that.
Both were fucking bad, but the woman was worse. Seriously, act like a goddamn professional and keep your stupid sarcasm shit to yourself. Especially with that story by blaming the missing money on a girl that killed herself just goes to show what kind of person she actually is. Fuck her.

I deal in IT customer service, I know of a ton of really stupid people and guess what, I man up, get the work done and get through all the stupid.


The reason why she got fired:

As the customer was leaving, the manager had the audacity to continue to mock the customer by threatening to reveal his name/email/phone number to other customers in the store.

There is good reason why she got fired. Had she not done that and continued to be cordial this video would have made GS look good. Instead the opposite has happened.
How personal is the information on a business card?

Last time I checked, personal information could be on a business card. And again, CONTEXT. She was threatening to give it out because she had already worked some customers in the store up against him. She knew without saying it that if she gave out his information, especially since she KNEW she was being filmed by some douche on a cell phone, he would likely get a huge wave of anonymous harassment.


The thing is, neither of them are in the right. That guy was an idiot and she had a right to internally rage, there was no reason for him to gloat about never coming back to the store when he should be thankful that she still gave him the game without a proper ID.

However based on her comments about harassing him and the way she acted at the end is all it takes for her to get the axe. She was the employee in this situation, even if she was "more in the right" what she did was still worthy of being fired over.


Yeah it's amazing that anyone can defend that over grown baby trying to buy GTA5.

I'm actually defending the 'grown baby' trying to buy GTA V.

The manager was in the wrong. She clearly was being overly aggressive for a manager. Part of the responsibility of a manager is to be cordial and keep the peace. She did none of that.


Both parties here are in the wrong. I'm just more surprised/disappointed at the manager's actions and response here as someone who's been in customer service for 15 years.

Have we established that the customer knew in advance that he had to bring ID with him, but tried to get the game without it? Or was this sprung on him when he arrived? Because if he had his receipt or some other form of order confirmation and then she tells him that isn't enough, after he's already left home/school/work to get the game, he has every right to be angry. Correctly informing customers about the process of ordering and paying for merchandise is as important a part of customer service as attitude is, and we already know that she failed the latter portion.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Yeah it's amazing that anyone can defend that over grown baby trying to buy GTA5.
I think people can defend him because we, ourselves, can easily project ourselves into his situation and can empathize during the threat of privacy. It doesn't matter that we would never be in that situation ourselves.
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