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VR: My Morpheus and Oculus Impressions. Fairly Detailed

All sounds awesome! I'm wondering if the Rift is going to get it's own official Move style controllers for it's consumer release. It's funny how perfect they've been for VR considering how overlooked that tech was. A wand in each hand really does sound like the most ideal way to do it besides gloves.


Jesus, your description gave me chills.

I cannot wait to try this myself. I'm a person that gets fairly easily immersed into a game -- this can only help.


Omni-directional treadmills? Seriously? If people are actually going to need something like that then VR is either going to fail spectacularly, or developers will have to come up with some other less ridiculous means of locomotion.


Great impressions!
And no motion sickness issues? That's my biggest worry, I have enough problems to play first person games as it is.


Having the complete ecosystem w/ defacto controllers and such really aids the PS4 side of things.


AM: One thing that has surprised me about the Oculus side of things is that they're very locked into the seated experience. That's a surprisingly safe way to go.
I don't like that... it is my safely... so I want to walk and yeap I want to crash into the walls.
Really sounds promising.

That description of the VR with the two Moves sounds really cool.

I hope the wait until they're ready to release something doesn't take overly too much longer.
Reading those impressions, it sounds like Sony should convince OR to use Move as it's official controller, please let it, or let there be a standard. I'm planning on buying both HMDs already, I dont want to spend extra on Move knockoffs or that super expensive Stem controller.

Castle demo. Of all the VR stuff I tried out, this was by far the best. Although that’s really due to the nature of the demo, it wasn’t necessarily better than anything else on a technical level, but it gave me by far the most immersive experience.

Can't wait what Sony's studios will put out in VR. These demos are nice and all, but shit will get real once Naughty Dog does something with it. Dunno but I feel like MediaMolecule's next game is gonna be a showcase for Morpheus.
On another note, and I hope I don’t come off as a fanboy when saying this, but it kinda saddens me that it isn’t Mario ushering in all this amazing VR goodness. We desperately need some Rez, OutRun 2, and some MGS VR Missions.

In any case, I’m very excited for the future. Thanks for reading.

Totally. One thing that has bothered me is that people are so short-sighted that they can't see how awesome a 3D Mario game would be with these VR headsets. Everyone immediately thinks first-person shooter because the bar is set so low and it requires so little imagination to get going. But just controlling Mario traditionally with an analog stick, while freely looking around the environment would be the most immersive feelings since Mario 64. Unfortunately I suspect it'll be a while before we get more ambitious creative minds developing games for the VR tech.


On another note, and I hope I don’t come off as a fanboy when saying this, but it kinda saddens me that it isn’t Mario ushering in all this amazing VR goodness. We desperately need some Rez, OutRun 2, and some MGS VR Missions.
Betting that Media Molecule are the ones working on *that* legendary VR experience we will end up remembering fondly.


Totally. One thing that has bothered me is that people are so short-sighted that they can't see how awesome a 3D Mario game would be with these VR headsets. Everything immediately thinks first-person shooter because the bar is set so low and it requires so little imagination to get going. But just controlling Mario traditionally with a analog stick, while freely looking around the environment would be the most immersive feelings since Mario 64. Unfortunately I suspect it'll be a while before we get more ambitious creative minds developing games for the VR tech.

That's kind of what Lucky's Tale for Oculus Rift wants to be.




lol and people complained that they wanted regular button controls because it became tiresome to waggle the wiimote in long play sessions ;) playing video games all day long with that thing would be like running a marathon


You know what is best about VR? It'll be the ultimate win of playability over graphics. You can't compromise on framerate or response time in VR since the immersion would instantly break. So devs ALWAYS need to prioritize that. It's the dead of 30FPS gaming. It's a dream come true. YES!
2D, 3D, VR, the next (and last?) evolution will be to be truly in the virtual environment, full immersion. Direct interaction with the nervous system.





I used to create hotas controllers with legos and play all day imagining being inside a varitech. My childhood dream, so close to fruition.


Sounds like the combo of Morpheus and Move is gonna be quite special. I still think the analogue stick attachment needs full motion sensing tech. You can move fully with the stick then ane still use your left arm for blocking with a shield, grabbing stuff etc. Otherwise if you want full freedom of movement you can only interact with your right arm. Always thought it held Move back.


Just want to relay a post from a friend TheSonicRetard. He doesn't have a GAF account as yet but he wanted to clear up some misconceptions he saw that people may have about Oculus and such

TheSonicRetard: First up, optical tracking doesn't exist as people think it does and the cameras for the rift and morpheus aren't responsible for positional tracking, rather they provide error checking. The positional tracking comes from the inertial motion unit inside the rift and project morpheus that track orientation.

To get position from the imu, you integrate a reading (acceleration) over time, this yields velocity. Integrate the derivative (velocity) over time again and it yields position. The problem is gravity - accurate positional needs to cancel out gravity from the equation, and to do that we need to know the direction of gravity. to do this, we use a gyroscope to get the direction of gravity. Problem is, the imu polls at 1000 hz, while the fastest gyroscopes poll much slower. That means, inevitably, you'll wind up with a reading where the gyroscope is saying gravity is in the wrong direction. Because gravity is subtracted out of the first derivative, this error is cumulative, subsequent readings are quadratically incorrect. This is so-called drift, but that name is a misnomer, because you actually ramp up in the wrong direction, going increasingly faster towards infinity.

The cameras provide a real world landmark to error check against (the led matrix on the headsets themselves). Because the shape and orientation of the headsets it's always constant, the camera can look at the way the headset is facing and figure out the correct direction of gravity.

The cameras poll at 120hz, meaning approximately every 100 polls from the imu, the camera will correct for drift. This prevents quadratic drift and allows for positional tracking. A camera alone is much too slow for positional tracking - that's quite literally Kinect. People hoping the Sony camera will be able to track limbs or bodies are in for disappointment, we need an IMU to track that sort of stuff fast enough.

I work extensively with positional and orientation tracking, and I'm developing half life 2 vr for the omni directional treadmills people are talking about. I read that threads all the time and have a ton to contribute. You guys might remember that I talked about morpheus in January during steam dev days."

Mention it's from TheSonicRetard if you don't mind. Thanks a ton for helping me relay info, btw.
So here's a quick question, would Garrys Mod work with this to any real degree, to have like sort of a VR Lego toolbox of sorts?
VR is my future. I cannot wait until it arrives. Imagine piloting a Gundam, slaying a dragon, or even taking flight as Superman. This is going to revolutionize the world.
Great impressions!
And no motion sickness issues? That's my biggest worry, I have enough problems to play first person games as it is.

None what so ever. Once it all clicks, it feels very natural.

Having the complete ecosystem w/ defacto controllers and such really aids the PS4 side of things.

I have zero doubt in my mind that there'll be a motion controller in time for Oculus launch. I also am pretty confident that Morpheus will work with PC. I don't think either of these companies is gonna try to limit their hardware. They're gonna want to push this stuff as much as possible.

It's ultra naive to think this isn't gonna be a huge boom that has everyone flooding the market with their on headsets.

Honestly, video games are such a tiny aspect of what VR is gonna bring to the table. Imagine what Facebook is gonna do. Virtual movie theaters, or better yet, hang out with your friends that are all over the world, in the location of your choice.



Will these be comfortable with glasses? I tried the original Sony headset a few years back at CES and I seem to remember it was comfortable.


Reading those impressions, it sounds like Sony should convince OR to use Move as it's official controller, please let it, or let there be a standard. I'm planning on buying both HMDs already, I dont want to spend extra on Move knockoffs or that super expensive Stem controller.

Can't wait what Sony's studios will put out in VR. These demos are nice and all, but shit will get real once Naughty Dog does something with it. Dunno but I feel like MediaMolecule's next game is gonna be a showcase for Morpheus.
People are getting a bit overhyped about Move. Yes, it works and its cool. Is it the future of VR though? Probably not. I don't think we've really reached a point yet where its viable to set a standard control scheme for VR. The potential is still so great, it'd only be limiting to lock anything down just yet.

And the main issue is that standing VR will be the more 'gimmicky' platform in the short term. It will mainly involve standing still, as people are not going to be able to wander around in VR yet(at least not in their homes, not practically). That's quite limiting and while there's certainly some cool, immersive experiences to be had like that, the real 'gamer' games will be seated experiences in the short term. We need things like the omnidirectional treadmills and a Kinect-like full body tracking system to take off before we really get into the hyper VR realm and that's a ways off yet. It'll be tough enough to sell a headset, let alone a big old treadmill setup, ya know? But I'm glad its being worked on and it will come.

And its always great to hear more people experiencing VR for the first time, so thanks for sharing OP! I think we'll get more and more hype about this as time rolls on and people discover this aint 3DTV.


Neo Member
I've been waiting on a revolutionary moment like op mentioned ever since Mario 64 too! Consider me all aboard the VR hype train!
Betting that Media Molecule are the ones working on *that* legendary VR experience we will end up remembering fondly.

Yup if our hunch is correct, especially after reading these impressions, then there is no doubt it will blow minds.

Really, just imagine what MM will be able to do if they implement this with VR. There should be no doubt, especially considering how MM's games always have strived to include options for all PS peripherals, that they'll try to couple this with Morpheus.

The god of dreams - Morpheus - and MM's dream recorder, a match made in heaven.


James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Betting that Media Molecule are the ones working on *that* legendary VR experience we will end up remembering fondly.

Yup. And if not, it's very short sighted. I suspect their next game is a world builder of sorts, and may not be exclusive to VR, but it absolutely needs to be the flagship launch title.

Hope they can release a Morpheus/move/MM game bundle in time for holiday 2015
Yeah I hope our intuitions are right, but they have to be, just can't see how it would be any other way.

Damn, just thinking about all the potential is getting me very excited.
Since you tried the Morpheus first, did you find the expanded FOV of the Oculus to be an improvement? Did you notice?

I don't want to just be stuck in a chair with a regular controller the whole time.

Eh, I do. I've had my fill of flailing around with motion controllers, VR or no. Don't get me wrong. If this was a holodeck-style experience I'd be all for getting off my ass, but the current motion control methods seem fraught with potential annoyances, such as not wanting an omni-directional treadmill in my house.


Thanks for the detailed impressions. I hope I can try it myself in the near future. It sounds amazing. Playing fallout or no man's land with vr is going to be crazy.


Playstation Move was just too far ahead of its time.

Great impressions. Thanks!

If Move is what we get for a VR controller I am going to be pretty disappointed. Would like something with sticks on each hand and more buttons.

Something like the the Razer Hydra would be much more suited...


Can’t stump the diablos
I really don't see what you are saying when you think it will have a huge impact on smartphones.

Why would giant tethered clumsy goggles have any impact on the device I make phone calls from that sits in my pocket?


The sit down controller in hand demos are closer to how it will be. And what I personally want.

I just want to be able to look around in a game with head tracking and not do any sort of stand up motion controls.


If Move is what we get for a VR controller I am going to be pretty disappointed. Would like something with sticks on each hand and more buttons.

Something like the the Razer Hydra would be much more suited...
I think even the Hydra is short-sighted as a 'standard' VR controller.

Really want a proper Kinect, full-body tracking system and maybe even have 3d image processing that puts us in the game, as ourselves. Then something like a power glove would be really cool so we wouldn't have to keep a closed fist and worry about holding onto anything.
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