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WaPo: The white flight of Derek Black (son of Stormfront founder)

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After reading the whole article it is great to hear that Derek has learned enough about the world and his peers to disavow the movement he helped create. It's a very familiar story and one I and I'm sure many others have seen happen in person.

Almost every single racist I cross paths with has the same story. They were raised being isolated from anyone 'different' from them. Due to this upbringing their young minds are shaped and molded (brainwashed) to believe the sensational BS they have heard their entire lives. None of them have any actual interactions with the groups they think they hate and once they do if we are lucky they start to understand that their belief system is built on bullshit.

I keep the same principles in mind when I meet racist people that the college did. "Maybe we can change their mind". Sure, sometimes it's difficult to 'play nice' with people who think you and you family are sub-human but you only stiffen their resolve if you ostracize them. Be inclusive, discuss things rationally, try to make yourself understand why they think the way they do. I don't have to agree to understand why they have the mindset.

This approach doesn't always work and honestly isn't successful most of the time but the only way these types change their views is through positive interaction with a variety of people.

You're right that with many shame and humiliation won't help, but the only way to make it easier for the ignorant and misinformed to learn is to both educate them while also shaming and humiliating the outright bigoted.

My best examples for the two approaches would be my Mom and my former employer:

- My mom was VERY misinformed and ignorant, but over time she has turned back into being a lot more socially liberal and receptive to more moderate views. It took me years to accomplish this but it was well worth being able to have productive political talks with my own mother.

- My former employer was straight up bigoted. As I tried to educate him and encourage him to do actual research, he simply became more and more stubborn in his support of Trump. Eventually I just flipped the switch and just talked to him like he was shit and demeaned his political views and the result is that while he isn't changing his bigoted views, he is less and less comfortable openly expressing his bigotry.
WTF do white nationalists have against tap water?

White Nationalists tend to be the biggest conspiracy theorists, to the point that they believe that even the following are part of grand conspiracies:

- Fluoride in the tap water
- "Chemtrails"
- "Zionist" Media
- Every single terrorist attack or mass shooting
I think it's always important not to shun completely those who hold views we find detestable but to reach out to them and try to educate them. Great article.
I think it's always important not to shun completely those who hold views we find detestable but to reach out to them and try to educate them. Great article.

Depends on their age and how far down the rabbit hole they are.

If they are young and/or clearly open to new information, then yes the focus on them should absolutely be slowly turning them into a more accepting person through education and understanding.

But if they are too old to change their views and too far down the rabbit hole of bigotry, then you are better off just shaming and humiliating them until they stop being comfortable being openly bigoted. They will never change their viewpoints, but when they stop spewing their bigotry the overall discourse is improved and you will have an easier time educating others without the bigots shoving their views onto everyone.
Man, that read felt satisfying.

I personally haven't dealt with white supremacists near me, or any sort of Trump supporter, but having experience with relatives and close friends who have views I really strongly disagree on, I can relate to what happened here. Of course, Matthew went even further, but I've found that rather than give up on people, if you come into a conversation or relationship with some guidelines, you can legitimately change people's mindsets.

1) Don't base your emotional well-being and satisfaction on your success in this. Any conversation should be one you come into detached.

2) Engage on points, that you think you can make the slightest amount of progress on, the common ground that you think that based on their founding beliefs, you believe you can change their opinion on the very essence of these secondary beliefs/applications.

3) Accept that sometimes, you won't get change. If you're dealing with someone much older, for example, there are time when you very well won't be able to get anything out of them, at least at that moment. Don't continue to bother them about it, souring your relationship, etc. You're making it more unlikely that you might change their views.

4) Be happy with any minor progress. Honestly, if you've made a minor amount of progress, even if you only made them admit that their view on something, in the most circumstantial of circumstantial of cases, maybe shouldn't apply, then you've made progress you should be proud of.

If you come into an argument demanding full change, or you don't try and find some common ground off of which you can work, you won't get anything done, and yes, you're better off not engaging whatsoever.

Depends on their age and how far down the rabbit hole they are.

If they are young and/or clearly open to new information, then yes the focus on them should absolutely be slowly turning them into a more accepting person through education and understanding.

But if they are too old to change their views and too far down the rabbit hole of bigotry, then you are better off just shaming and humiliating them until they stop being comfortable being openly bigoted. They will never change their viewpoints, but when they stop spewing their bigotry the overall discourse is improved and you will have an easier time educating others without the bigots shoving their views onto everyone.


No, no, no. I would say that this is a case where you should honestly not engage with them, because you're only making the situation worse.

If they're older, and more set in their views, then yes, it will take much more work, and yes, it may very well be that they would die before you got a full change, but there is always progress you can make. If you come into it thinking: "let me see what progress on this person's views I might be able to help happen", rather than "By the end of this this person will have changed their views", then you can make some progress. I don't really believe in the idea that people are fundamentally lost causes, although I can understand if you don't find it worth the personal effort to engage and thus choose to disengage.

Over the internet it's probably different, because although it's played a role in changing my views in many ways, and probably many other's people's, it just never seems as effective as personal communication would be. There would need to be a much more receptive two way conversation for nay sort of change to happen in my experience.

No, no, no. I would say that this is a case where you should honestly not engage with them, because you're only making the situation worse.

If they're older, and more set in their views, then yes, it will take much more work, and yes, it may very well be that they would die before you got a full change, but there is always progress you can make. If you come into it thinking: "let me see what progress on this person's views I might be able to help happen", rather than "By the end of this this person will have changed their views", then you can make some progress. I don't really believe in the idea that people are fundamentally lost causes, although I can understand if you don't find it worth the personal effort to engage and thus choose to disengage.

Over the internet it's probably different, because although it's played a role in changing my views in many ways, and probably many other's people's, it just never seems as effective as personal communication would be. There would need to be a much more receptive two way conversation for nay sort of change to happen in my experience.

I was specifically talking about how to engage with people in real life.

And I get that I have an extremist view for believing you can categorize some people as lost causes, but:

1) Look at people like Curt Schilling who are literally defending Trump's most unacceptable comments. You don't deal with those types by changing their views, you deal with them by making them learn that society will NOT be tolerant of their open bigotry.

2) The whole point is that you will have an easier time educated those that are NOT lost causes when the lost causes aren't spewing their bigotry constantly.

With regards to your claim that I shouldn't engage with them at all and that I am only making the situation worse:

1) Not responding to them at all makes them feel that their viewpoints are valid and that our side is afraid of them.

2) I am absolutely improving the situation by making them associate social survival with not expressing their bigoted beliefs. The result is that less people will be influenced by their bigoted bullshit.



Matthew making Dr. King proud.
Can someone explain to me why Jewish people aren't considered "white"? I'm asian, immigrated to the US as a kid so this whole prejudice is completely lost on me. Is it because they're not Christian?

That's a complicated one. I've always considered them white. I can't always tell a Jew based on their appearance, they just look white to me. Usually I have to hear their name. On the other hand, I've always considered Hispanics to be non-white. Race is a super weird construct, man.
Fantastic article, and much needed. The amount of "Trump supporters are sub-human" sentiment I've seen growing here has worried me. More people need to read this.

There was an interesting study I ran into years ago - it turns out that college doesn't "make students more liberal/less religious" as conservatives complain/fear. Rather, freed of social pressures at home and in their community, kids who are already predisposed in a more liberal/less religious direction end up being able to move towards where their own personal views actually lie.

Great article/story.

Do you remember where you found this? I'm interested in reading it.
What a read. Maybe there is hope for people to redeem themselves.

They have to be willing to learn and to be able to see outside of their bubble. Most racists are perfectly content to engage in hate without understanding why, something Derek clearly wasn't, seeing his willingness to learn.
I don't think people should take this as some handbook for race relations. The kind of racism and ignorance Derek Black was raised with are divorced enough from reality that he began to question them on his own, which was a big part of his turnaround with Matthew being patient enough to help bring him the rest of the way.

The more insidious racism is the quiet racism, the racism that hides thing behind "I'm a liberal but" and out of context MLK quotes. The racism that is rooted in profit and thirst for power.

I'm sure this resonates with a lot of people here because of how many posts there are about "my racist family/FB friends" but people need to keep in mind that there is a considerable mental cost and sometimes threat of bodily harm for anyone who chooses to engage up close and long term with racist people.


That's a complicated one. I've always considered them white. I can't always tell a Jew based on their appearance, they just look white to me. Usually I have to hear their name. On the other hand, I've always considered Hispanics to be non-white. Race is a super weird construct, man.

Jewish people are a diverse lot. European Ashkenazi Jews look nothing like Ethiopian Jews for example, obviously. But they're historically not considered white because their origins lie in the Middle East, not from the mix of Neolithic farmers, European hunter gatherers, and Indo-European that formed "white people". Of course, none of those people looked like modern white people anyway, which makes it all kind of funny.


Can someone explain to me why Jewish people aren't considered "white"? I'm asian, immigrated to the US as a kid so this whole prejudice is completely lost on me. Is it because they're not Christian?

Originally in the US, the label "white" referred only to people of British and Northern European Ancestry. Overtime, the term began to include Italians, Irish, Jewish people, Arabs, Iranians, Germans, Spaniards, etc... but for some people, like those who post on Stormfront, "overtime" never happened with some groups. In addition, in the US, social labels like white are more often about looks vs any actual logic, so if someone doesn't "look" white, they may not always be treated as such, regardless of if we are talking about racist at Stormfront or what white is "supposed to look like" for the average person in the US.


Oh great, another thread were folks put the onus is on the oppressed to change the oppressors. Fuck that.

I don't think anyone is saying "Hey POC, it's all your fault if you dont do this!", just that it may be a worthwhile strategy in dome cases for those willing to put up with the bs that it entails.
Originally in the US, the label "white" referred only to people of British and Northern European Ancestry. Overtime, the term began to include Italians, Irish, Jewish people, Arabs, Iranians, Germans, Spaniards, etc... but for some people, like those who post on Stormfront, "overtime" never happened with some groups. In addition, in the US, social labels like white are more often about looks vs any actual logic, so if someone doesn't "look" white, they may not always be treated as such, regardless of if we are talking about racist at Stormfront or what white is "supposed to look like" for the average person in the US.

I'm also Asian and I had a talk with my cousin about who he would consider white. I asked if he thought Salma Hayek or Ricky Martin were white. He said "no, they're Hispanic". Then I asked him if he thought Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz were white. He gave me the same answer. I corrected him and told him that they're Spaniards. Then he said "damn, I never thought about it that way".

I thought the same thing to for a long time until we had a thread on GAF about it some years ago. I also wonder what these white nationalist think about many southern and Eastern Europeans who have a different look from the Western ones.


Great read. While I don't think that you can change everybody's viewpoint it certainly is worth a try. Derek Black seems like a smart, intelligent young man who grew up in the wrong household. His worldview could not be reconciled by his experiences and he thus adjusted.

Major props to his friend too. He basically changed that guy's life, and in doing so, may have changed much more than that. If he hadn't done so, Derek would most likely be one of the leaders of the alt-right movement now, rallying support for Trump and planning the future of the movement.


I'm also Asian and I had a talk with my cousin about who he would consider white. I asked if he thought Salma Hayek or Ricky Martin were white. He said "no, they're Hispanic". Then I asked him if he thought Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz were white. He gave me the same answer. I corrected him and told him that they're Spaniards. Then he said "damn, I never thought about it that way".

I thought the same thing to for a long time until we had a thread on GAF about it some years ago. I also wonder what these white nationalist think about many southern anf Eastern Europeans who have a different look from the Western ones.

They tend to think that they are non-white sub-races of the Caucasian/Aryan race, with the whites being the pinnacle. Also they come up with convoluted schemes to prove that the ancient Greeks and Romans were pure white so they can claim them.


They tend to think that they are non-white sub-races of the Caucasian/Aryan race, which the whites being the pinnacle. Also they come up with convoluted schemes to prove that the ancient Greeks and Romans were pure white so they can claim them.
That's nothing. They claim ancient Egyptians of Pyramid fame were white as well.


I'm proud of Derek for confronting and moving away from his past. I'm even more proud of Matthew for reaching out to him and helping Derek change into a better person. Matthew is awesome. And honestly, I probably wouldn't have it in me to do what Matthew did. I'm not even going to lie. I mean, just a few months ago I broke off from a friend because he was a racist and two more friends because they were Trump supporters. I probably wouldn't last five minutes with a person who was raised that way before leaving them in the dust. So once again, Matthew is an incredible person with an incredible heart and he should be proud for what he did.

I kinda know where you're coming from, but I could probably bring myself to be like Matthew depending on the person I have to deal with. Derek is pretty rare (in my experience) among racists - intelligent and logical. I've only had dealings with the ignorant and stupid variety, so I tend to have the same viewpoint as you, but at least now I know there actually are "Dereks" out in the world.

Basically, this article shows there's a remedy for racism, but unfortunately, there's no cure for stupid.


Do you remember where you found this? I'm interested in reading it.
It was a conservative/religious research thing out of Texas, weirdly enough. Was looking into the origins of something that got posted/locked and noticed the article on their website- they clearly had a different reason for doing the study, but the data was still good and had very interesting takeaways.


I was specifically talking about how to engage with people in real life.

And I get that I have an extremist view for believing you can categorize some people as lost causes, but:

1) Look at people like Curt Schilling who are literally defending Trump's most unacceptable comments. You don't deal with those types by changing their views, you deal with them by making them learn that society will NOT be tolerant of their open bigotry.

2) The whole point is that you will have an easier time educated those that are NOT lost causes when the lost causes aren't spewing their bigotry constantly.

With regards to your claim that I shouldn't engage with them at all and that I am only making the situation worse:

1) Not responding to them at all makes them feel that their viewpoints are valid and that our side is afraid of them.

2) I am absolutely improving the situation by making them associate social survival with not expressing their bigoted beliefs. The result is that less people will be influenced by their bigoted bullshit.

This is a pat theory, in that it's entirely self-reinforcing. If you treat people as irredeemable, they'll rarely disappoint you.
Can someone explain to me why Jewish people aren't considered "white"? I'm asian, immigrated to the US as a kid so this whole prejudice is completely lost on me. Is it because they're not Christian?

This article saddens me because my best friend is a Trump supporter. He's been my best friend since I was 9. I get that we lived in a small country town so his views are automatically shifted to the right but it still sucks. I thought him transferring to a university would expand his world views like this article, but it just seems like he's become a shut-in instead... just working at a grocery store and then drinking. I'm proud of him for working his way through college, staying at his parents for a few years while getting his AA so he won't be in debt but a part of me just wishes he had the full experience, meet people outside his comfort-zone, but alas...

Needless to say we dont' talk about politics, only Dragon Ball Z, videogames, and pizza.
Same reason italians weren't considered white for a few decades

The people in power weren't Jewish or Italian and saw them come to do what they did it didn't want to risk to see if they were going to get power the same way, (killing and lying)


All the best to Derek and respect for having the open mindness to confront reality and accept others as they are, regardless of race.

It takes a lot of courage to go against your family and all the teachings you've received so far in your life.

Many praise Matthew (rightly so) but many racists would have just flat out refused his initial invitation because of prejudice or for fear of being in an hostile environment. It would have been the easy way to just refuse and seclude yourself.

The Kree


Matthew making Dr. King proud.

They shot him in the face and threw the Black Panthers in jail. Darkness still works wonders when you're the one in power.

They were just enough of a nuisance to White America to get the Civil Rights Act, but not enough to keep the Klan out of the law enforcement, senate, and congress.

Pats on the back for Derek and Matthew, but it's barely a drop in the bucket.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
They shot him in the face and threw the Black Panthers in jail. Darkness still works wonders when you're the one in power.

They were just enough of a nuisance to White America to get the Civil Rights Act, but not enough to keep the Klan out of the law enforcement, senate, and congress.

Pats on the back for Derek and Matthew, but it's barely a drop in the bucket.

It's easy for people to stand back and enthuse about how fair and reasonable everyone must be to avoid becoming intolerant bigots themselves. And yes, that is important. That philosophical pillar must inform one's actions as they fight the enemy so as not to become the enemy.

But in the meantime the intolerant and bigoted can do a lot of damage while everyone is waiting for them to see reason and enjoy eye-opening life experiences.
I'm proud of Derek for confronting and moving away from his past. I'm even more proud of Matthew for reaching out to him and helping Derek change into a better person. Matthew is awesome. And honestly, I probably wouldn't have it in me to do what Matthew did. I'm not even going to lie. I mean, just a few months ago I broke off from a friend because he was a racist and two more friends because they were Trump supporters. I probably wouldn't last five minutes with a person who was raised that way before leaving them in the dust. So once again, Matthew is an incredible person with an incredible heart and he should be proud for what he did.

You're so right. These past few weeks, I've been thinking I would try to avoid anyone who is a diehard Trump supporter. That may be the easy path, and I probably still will, but like you said, Matthew's path is the right path.

Thanks to the OP and everyone elsw who urged reading the article in full. I'm really glad I did.
That guy is pretty brave. There's a world full of people in far less serious situations who aren't strong enough to stand up to their parents when it matters. He basically lost the respect of his family and everything that he was.

On the other hand, living in that white supremacist world must be such a dark, depressing, chokingly oppressive life. Always having to maintain cognitive dissonance, blocking out the real world around you to maintain your beliefs. A philosophical view and self-narrative defined by anger, resentment and hate. All maintained for the dream of something that they must know can never really come.


What a fantastic story. It's also very fortunate someone like Matthew was in his life. It would be so easy to write someone off like that and never interact with them again. But to extend that 'olive branch' and get to know him better, I'm really impressed.
His dad got 3 years in prison for attempting to take over a tiny island nation with automatic weapons and explosives... 3 FUCKING YEARS. If that ain't white privilege, then I don't know what the fuck that is.


His dad got 3 years in prison for attempting to take over a tiny island nation with automatic weapons and explosives... 3 FUCKING YEARS. If that ain't white privilege, then I don't know what the fuck that is.

That was mind boggling. How could that not be automatic life imprisonment?
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