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WaPo: Trump bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries applying for visas

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Al-Qaeda and Iran are on opposites of the coin when it comes to ideology. Sunni extremists see Shia's as the greatest affront to their worldview which is why the Syrian conflict has seen both sides try to lay claim, battling each other all the way to Iraq.


CNN has their summary of what changed from the first EO:

CNN said:
Here's what's different from Trump's original travel ban:
- Drops Iraq from the list of banned countries
- Makes clear that lawful permanent residents (green card holders) are excluded from ban




Canadian-born citizen denied entry. Told to get an immigrant visa.


CNN has their summary of what changed from the first EO:

So basically none of the reasons it was shot down in court are addressed?

He just wants it to get shot down again so he can mope about what a victim he is.

God I'm just so fucking tired of this guy. He's a nobody who should be living in a 100 square foot apartment shitposting on the Fox News comments section, not holding an office which dictates the course of history.


So basically none of the reasons it was shot down in court are addressed?

He just wants it to get shot down again so he can mope about what a victim he is.

God I'm just so fucking tired of this guy. He's a nobody who should be living in a 100 square foot apartment shitposting on the Fox News comments section, not holding an office which dictates the course of history.

Everyone shouod realize that they released this as it is today to distract us from the crazy shit he said this weekend.
So basically none of the reasons it was shot down in court are addressed?

He just wants it to get shot down again so he can mope about what a victim he is.

God I'm just so fucking tired of this guy. He's a nobody who should be living in a 100 square foot apartment shitposting on the Fox News comments section, not holding an office which dictates the course of history.

That's not a complete list. All the 'minority religion' stuff was pulled out too, for example, which was part of the constitutional challenge. There are other improvements. It's still shitty though, but now it has a none zero chance of withstanding a constitutional challenge.

What they haven't done is address the part where in the courts said there needed to be a reason for the bill beyond just 'but I wanna!' given that it was likely to hurt American companies, etc.
Everyone shouod realize that they released this as it is today to distract us from the crazy shit he said this weekend.

No. Can we stop this silliness?

This got pushed back to today from last week before he tweeted on Saturday.

Not everything shit he does is to distract from the last shit thing he did.

Most of them are just him doing shit things because he wants to do them.


So basically none of the reasons it was shot down in court are addressed?

He just wants it to get shot down again so he can mope about what a victim he is.

God I'm just so fucking tired of this guy. He's a nobody who should be living in a 100 square foot apartment shitposting on the Fox News comments section, not holding an office which dictates the course of history.

Basically. And I'll update the OP accordingly. If anyone finds a side by side comparison let me know and I'll add that too.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Reminder that there is still live litigation in the 9th circuit Court of Appeals on the old order, with opening briefs due in four days time. Latest ruling here.

I guess the WH will claim that this is now moot because of new EO and brief accordingly, but who knows - maybe they've forgotten about it.

EDIT: link to thread


Reminder that there is still live litigation in the 9th circuit Court of Appeals on the old order, with opening briefs due in four days time. Latest ruling here.

I guess the WH will claim that this is now moot because of new EO and brief accordingly, but who knows - maybe they've forgotten about it.

EDIT: link to thread

In the latest EO, They revoked it. So I'm not sure what happens with the old EO now.

Sec. 13.  Revocation.  Executive Order 13769 of January 27, 2017, is revoked as of the effective date of this order.


Unconfirmed Member
Everyone shouod realize that they released this as it is today to distract us from the crazy shit he said this weekend.

I bet there were people in the Wiretapping thread who said that his silly tweets were just a distraction from the upcoming tweaked Muslim ban.

This line of thinking needs to end.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
In the latest EO, They revoked it. So I'm not sure what happens with the old EO now.

Sec. 13.  Revocation.  Executive Order 13769 of January 27, 2017, is revoked as of the effective date of this order.

Ah. So this appeal that they stated they were going to pursue to the bitter end in order to prove the Pres has the absolute right to do anything ... they're just going to brief to drop the appeal? Wimps and wusses the lot of 'em.


Ah. So this appeal that they stated they were going to pursue to the bitter end in order to prove the Pres has the absolute right to do anything ... they're just going to brief to drop the appeal? Wimps and wusses the lot of 'em.

He said the same thing with the Trump university suit.

But his base doesn't know, and wouldn't care if they did.


3 months of trump presidency god it's feels like 8 years gone by :( after all the stressed we all going to be bald haha.


There's a protest building at the White House currently.

About 100 people here initially. We got pushed off the (pedestrian mall) road back to the park north of the White House.


This shit is all so depressing. Like literally nobody asked for this bullshit. And the real threat countries arent even in the ban., and the official fucking studies say this doesnt stop terrorism. I mean we are about to have a regime change in America. I full expect a war with Iran as some initial power grab step.



We just need to put up the signs at the borders, no Browns allowed, and be done with it. Stop pussyfooting around.
Brown Canadian vacationers are even turned away.
"You look brown and we don't want brown people here. If we let you in to vacation in Vermont, you might want to stay. Better get a visa."

I agree. This politically correct bullshit is insulting. Just put up the "no brown people wanted" signs and be done with it.


Just watched the press conference making the announcement. It was weird to hear them all basically say "Trump can do this. Deal with it. For SAFETY!". It reminded me of Miller's "The powers of the POTUS will not be questioned" statement and that's just scary.

That said, I think the new version will do much better in court. But that's not saying much though since the last one was laughable so I'll put it another way...If this revision doesn't stick, the next one will.


This is the second time he's attempted this, it will get shot down two times, and this is only the second month. If this keeps up, we only have 46 more bans to shoot down in court.
The core issues haven't yet been tested in court. The prior order was struck down based on the aspects of it that were removed from the second version, and the government stopped fighting.

This is absolutely not true.

The previous ban was NEVER TESTED on the merits. The only thing that was tested in court was the validity of the preliminary injunction.

The prior order was never struck down. Instead, the federal judge's injunction against enforcing it was not overturned. There's a very important distinction there.


If this gets shut down by the courts as well we're probably in for another nice twitter meltdown.


-Character limit reached.


The changes don't seem to do much to obviate the 1st and 5th Amendment issues that doomed the first order. I'm not sure what could, given that there's no way to wipe away everything the President said about "muslim bans" over the past two years.


And the changes mean little.

Customs agents are acting like cunts. They do whatever they want. This is just a guideline, but they know what trump voters want. Like the Canadian couple above... that's the intent. Then they just pass the buck to customs saying they work in mysterious ways..

Just avoid the nation for a while. We went open racism and bigotry.


And the changes mean little.

Customs agents are acting like cunts. They do whatever they want. This is just a guideline, but they know what trump voters want. Like the Canadian couple above... that's the intent. Then they just pass the buck to customs saying they work in mysterious ways..

Just avoid the nation for a while. We went open racism and bigotry.

I think this is one of the biggest problems we as a nation face. And it can be extrapolated to police in general. It's like, if people can be jerks when put in "enforcement" roles, then they will be jerks.


3 months of trump presidency god it's feels like 8 years gone by :( after all the stressed we all going to be bald haha.

People keep saying three months, but it's actually only been half that. It's been six weeks. A month and a half.
Al-Qaeda and Iran are on opposites of the coin when it comes to ideology. Sunni extremists see Shia's as the greatest affront to their worldview which is why the Syrian conflict has seen both sides try to lay claim, battling each other all the way to Iraq.

You can't expect Trumpies to know (or give a shit) about the Sunni-Shi'a split


No. Can we stop this silliness?

This got pushed back to today from last week before he tweeted on Saturday.

Not everything shit he does is to distract from the last shit thing he did.

Most of them are just him doing shit things because he wants to do them.

Can we at least agree that everything they do is a balance between placating their base, self serving villainy, and damage control.

no saudi arabia yet, huh?

He does business there, duh.


It is basically setting up that Iran is a bad guy and enemy of the US and they need to be taken care of.

This same claim was used for Iraq and justification for war. It was proven incorrect, or in other words was never proven, they didn't sponsor ALQ.


They are quoting Obama's goverment report on how Iran is top supporter of terrorism:

On Iran, the report said that country "remained the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in 2015, providing a range of support, including financial, training, and equipment, to groups around the world."

This stuff will hold in court especially since they are providing previous administration's findings.


And the changes mean little.

Customs agents are acting like cunts. They do whatever they want. This is just a guideline, but they know what trump voters want. Like the Canadian couple above... that's the intent. Then they just pass the buck to customs saying they work in mysterious ways..

Just avoid the nation for a while. We went open racism and bigotry.

they were always like that... those Canadians also had problems last year, both her mother and her, and they are definitely not from Iran or Sudan, or other 5 countries.

I have a good Canadian (white) friend that often travels to the USA from Toronto and he has had some kind of problems ever since I became friends with him (1998), main thing back then was if he was actually working in the USA. And from 2001 on, it just got worse.

People dont realize that USA was always the hardest country to get legally into, no matter what administration, and Obama's administration has also made stricter rules throughout the years... which then makes it hilarious when Trump wildly accuses them of doing nothing.

My friend from Sweden that was just born in Iran and moved when she was 4, holding Swedish passport (and only having Swedish citizenship) and that lived in the USA for 5 years, was told that she has to get a visa to travel to the USA 2 years ago under new rules, despite other Swedish citizens not having to have it. That was when Trump was not even in the picture.

So yeah, it has been strict forever and people have had troubles forever, and it has gotten worse even under Obama throughout the years as they reacted to whats going on... Trump is just an idiot that has to make a show out of his stupidity. He sold his voters on Obama's policies toward immigration being lax when they were not and now he has to appear to do something even if it makes him look like an idiot, which he is.


The Center for American Progress has put together likely impacts on the United States suspension of the refugee program.

While much of the refugee and Muslim ban has been on hold, the January 27 executive order also slashed the number of refugees that the United States will resettle in fiscal year 2017 from 110,000 to just 50,000; this reduction has already gone into effect even as it remains the subject of ongoing litigation. It is significant that in the midst of an unprecedented global refugee crisis, this target of 50,000 refugee admissions is the lowest figure set since presidents began setting annual targets pursuant to the Refugee Act of 1980.

Given that the United States has already resettled roughly 35,000 refugees this fiscal year, that only leaves 15,000 more people to enter for the rest of 2017. This does not include the 67,000 refugees who are in the U.S. pipeline and already approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, or DHS. Additionally, the U.N. estimates that worldwide there are 65 million displaced people. With such a significant decrease in the number of refugees accepted into the country, families will be forced to wait longer overseas. These longer wait times will create a further backlog on top of whatever backlog is created by those individuals having to restart the process due to expiring clearances under the pause.

Additionally, with disruptions to the refugee program, organizations who resettle families in the United States will also have to halt the work they do to process refugees and prepare for their arrival, creating longer backlogs and logistical hurdles. Without a functioning resettlement program, resettlement organizations and their local partners run the risk of shutting their doors permanently, dismantling our country's capacity to serve refugees already here and welcome new refugees when a future administration decides to reverse these cuts in arrivals. In fact one resettlement agency, World Relief, recently laid off over 140 staff and closed five of its offices.

So there will be 67000 refugees already under consideration who will not be able to come to the United States this year. And the infrastructure to settle refugees is breaking down, with World Relief directly blaming Trump as the reason for its layoffs.

And the narrow timeframe where refugees can move:

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