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What exactly is manufactured hype?


Neo Member
I view manufactured hype as PR folks imitating the perceived reactions of their players. When the players' reactions strongly differ from that of PR, the hype is manufactured.


Titanfall maybe. I don't think No Man's Sky though is manufactured hype. It's not that big of a production, it just pushes all the buttons the gaming world is after at this point it time, and it had a really good showing at its reveal and this E3. People are legit excited for this game. Whether or not it reaches expectations is another matter.

Watch Dogs was definitely not manufactured hype initially. That first E3 showing was completely mind blowing for the time, and a complete left field surprise. That hype was real. The hype after the delay up to its launch was definitely "manufactured" though. Imo.

I think the difference is whether people actually care about the game and are eager to play it in contrast to ads and articles paid by the publisher to be in everyone's face. Not whether the final product reflects the hype before launch.


Titanfall's hype was generated by gamers themselves, not artificially.

Yea no. I remember words like "Redefining,Revolutionary,True Next Gen,Must Own,etc,etc" and this is all before the beta came out. There were a MILLION commercials and ads on television and all over the interwebs for TITANFALL the must have next gen game on XB1.

I have never seen anything hyped as much disappear as fast as Titan Fall..... and I have been gaming since before the NES existed. Titanfall is the definition of manufactured hype.

Edited to add

"Meet the Next Big Thing in multiplayer gaming." yea this was also used to describe Titan Fall.... sheesh


Titanfall is the most recent example. Just because it's not manufactured by the developer/publisher themselves doesn't mean it's not still manufactured hype.

I tend to view it as any hype that's drummed up by people that aren't actually the gamers themselves. When a bunch of actual gamers, folks here on GAF who went out and paid money for it, and just sit at home playing it, start talking about how amazing something is, that's when I'll take notice. Until that point, I take everything as being spoon-fed directly from the publisher's marketing department.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Well the "have you seen Titanfall?" meme was born before many gamers had seen it - so that is a good indication of manufacturing.

How is that any different from normal marketing? It was a random quip from major nelson.

Like...what is artificial marketing.
Yea no. I remember words like "Redefining,Revolutionary,True Next Gen,Must Own,etc,etc" and this is all before the beta came out. There were a MILLION commercials and ads on television and all over the interwebs for TITANFALL the must have next gen game on XB1.

I have never seen anything hyped as much disappear as fast as Titan Fall..... and I have been gaming since before the NES existed. Titanfall is the definition of manufactured hype.

Agree to disagree. Titanfall's hype was very real near around the time people started getting their hands on the beta and early impressions started coming out.

And, contrary to what people think, Titanfall hasn't disappeared. Respawn is still working on the game and releasing DLC. They wouldn't be doing that if no one was playing.


In the business world manufactured hype normally means hype created and generated by analysts and media. Why do so many of you believe it doesn't exist in the video game world?
No man's sky = genuine hype.
Marketing companies didn't get involved initially, peopel just saw what they like.

Titanfall = manufactured hype
Most of its attention was due MS and EA "OMG greatest thing since sliced bread". Platform exclusivity and an immense marketing budget.


this makes me wonder about spore where the hype around the game was based on the concept which peaked everyones interest and their imaginations filled in the rest. to me that seemed just as artificial as marketing produced hype. no mans sky could potentially fall into this category at some point as well, although i really hope it doesnt.
Titanfall, the praise from the "journalists" almost sounded like the game was the second coming of jesus. Gaming had Mario, CoD, Minecraft and the next big thing was to be Titanfall.



3 months after its release, no one talks about it anymore.


On NeoGAF it means hype for a game series you don't like or for a tentpole game releasing on a console you don't like.

Done and done.

It isn't manufactured if you are excited for a game. Even if you haven't played it yet.

In any case, why are people here saying the gaming media aren't gamers?


In the business world manufactured hype normally means hype created and generated by analysts and media. Why do so many of you believe it doesn't exist in the video game world?

Cause people seem to cry out "manufactured hype" when people are excited for a game, but they themselves aren't.


Agree to disagree. Titanfall's hype was very real near around the time people started getting their hands on the beta and early impressions started coming out.

And, contrary to what people think, Titanfall hasn't disappeared. Respawn is still working on the game and releasing DLC. They wouldn't be doing that if no one was playing.

Guerrilla is still supporting KillZone Shadowfall and Respawn is still supporting Titan Fall both are in the same boat at the moment. Compare the player base to games that came out before it.
I remember in the early 90s when Bubsy somehow found his way on the cover of every gaming magazine and all of the previews I read suggested that the game was going to be as big as Sonic or even Mario. Accolade was very successfully in marketing the game the gaming media, who in turn marketed to the product to us. Even as a kid, I could tell that the previews were full of shit and that game wasn't going to amount to anything. I knew the hype the game was getting was completely unwarranted and likely due to good PR (before I even knew that there was a term for it.) The articles I read for that game may as well have been advertisements. At the same time, there were a ton of great games that were getting no attention from gaming magazines. It was very easy to tell what was going on. I don't necessarily think much has changed since then.
Just buying into the manufactured hype, brah. Also extensive research was done all over the internet to come to the conclusion that nobody cares, we're dealing with analytical experts here.

Ahh right, I forgot. Manufactured hype also has the magical ability to extend far past the game's release date and into the future.


Cause people seem to cry out "manufactured hype" when people are excited for a game, but they themselves aren't.

Ok? So people use it improperly... This happens all the time with a lot of things. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist though and it is disingenuous to say so. Seems saying it doesn't exist is doing practically the same thing as people who use the world to crap on games they don't like.

In any case, why are people here saying the gaming media aren't gamers?

Jim Sterling is a gamer, Escapist, Jimqusition, and ect is not a gamer. When the media(IGN/ect) and the people use work their, hype a game under the flag of that media group it is manufactured. When a person shows hype for a game it isnt manufactured, when the media does it, it's manufactured. If you cant tell the difference, I would suggest watching ESPN or your 24 hour news channel of choice.
The worst scenario I've seen of manufactured hype is GameStop TV.

When I was an ASM with GS, I cannot tell you how many employees the company kept in a constant state of poverty due to GameStop TV. The employees(high school and college students) would sit there and have to watch and listen to the video reel for their entire shift. Every game they talked about, they hyped up to ridiculous degrees. It created this buzz in their minds that they literally had to own every game that came out.

A few years after I'd left, I was talking to my best friend, who's wife was a part-time employee. I mentioned it to him, and it was like a light-bulb went on over his head. The exact same thing was happening with his wife. She was preordering everything, and would get pissed if they didn't have the money to get it all.

Bad stuff, man. Those easily susceptible to peer pressure are screwed in that type of an environment.


If someone thinks Evolve is manufactured hype but No Man's Sky isn't, please explain, lol.

No man's sky = genuine hype.
Marketing companies didn't get involved initially, peopel just saw what they like.

Titanfall = manufactured hype
Most of its attention was due MS and EA "OMG greatest thing since sliced bread". Platform exclusivity and an immense marketing budget.

They both had reveals and were subsequent buried in praise. How are they different? I remember tons of people getting excited when they saw it at the end of E3, so I'm very confused by this statement.
Evolve won some awards at E3 but it didn't get the best-shit-ever type of previews that TitanFall did from the press, at least I didn't read any yet. Maybe I missed 'em.

I don't even know if Watch Dogs' hype was manufactured. I think that was more of a case where we just got bombarded by SO MUCH media and marketing for it over the past 2-3 years that it was just guaranteed to sell well. It was in fact one of the first next-gen games to be revealed so there's been this massive time frame of media bombardment that most games don't get.
If someone thinks Evolve is manufactured hype but No Man's Sky isn't, please explain, lol.

I don't think either are. But you can go back to the NMS reveal thread and the hype was already huge without any press previews. Evolve on the other hand was met with a rather lukewarm response when it was revealed.
Really not seeing how Titanfall was manufactured hype. Yeah, some circlejerky articles got written, but tons of regular people who played it at events/played the beta reacted extremely positively toward it. Tons of people are still playing and loving the final game too, including me. Titanfall turned out to be a pretty good game at the end of the day - even if you think it was a bit lacking in content.
Guerrilla is still supporting KillZone Shadowfall and Respawn is still supporting Titan Fall both are in the same boat at the moment. Compare the player base to games that came out before it.

The funny thing is we don't have player base stats.

Just a whole lot of anecdotal evidence that claims no one is playing either game anymore.
This doesnt actually disprove that there wasnt manufactured hype for the game. This just shows that there was legitimate hype for the game as well, both can indeed exist at the same time with the same game.

Wait, so now manufactured hype and legitimate hype can exist in parallel?

My head hurts... -_-

EDIT: Meant to be facetious.


Really not seeing how Titanfall was manufactured hype. Yeah, some circlejerky articles got written, but tons of regular people who played it at events/played the beta reacted extremely positively toward it. Tons of people are still playing and loving the final game too, including me. Titanfall turned out to be a pretty good game at the end of the day - even if you think it was a bit lacking in content.

So actual hype cancels out manufactured hype? I liked Titanfall a lot... I was excited(hyped) for the game. IGN manufactured a lot of hype for the game.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
lol at all the people saying Titanfall was manufactured hype. The hype wasn't only from the media but everyone who played the game during E3, public events and even Beta. Everyone loved it and it was and still is a fun game.The game received negative comments because of the content it had. No body would have known this until the game shipped.

So stop saying Titanfall was manufactured hype, even if we assumed Microsoft paid the media to hype it. That doesn't explain all the positive reception and hype it received from the gamers after the final beta.


I don't think either are. But you can go back to the NMS reveal thread and the hype was already huge without any press previews. Evolve on the other hand was met with a rather lukewarm response when it was revealed.

but following the reveal, with all of these articles and E3 awards, how is the hype not manufactured? It's not like the gameplay previews actually tell anything because literally nobody has an idea on how the game actually plays yet. we've had, what, two videos that just show flying/landing and whatnot? The game looks amazing and sounds amazing, but I would say a lot of the hype coming from it is because every time the game is mentioned on a site, it's unanimously positive, like Titanfall.
Evolve won some awards at E3 but it didn't get the best-shit-ever type of previews that TitanFall did from the press, at least I didn't read any yet. Maybe I missed 'em.

I don't even know if Watch Dogs' hype was manufactured. I think that was more of a case where we just got bombarded by SO MUCH media and marketing for it over the past 2-3 years that it was just guaranteed to sell well. It was in fact one of the first next-gen games to be revealed so there's been this massive time frame of media bombardment that most games don't get.

I feel like reactions after Watch_Dogs E3 2012 reveal were genuine enough, but then after that it was just a race internally at Ubisoft to make sure it appeared player's frothing demand for the game maintained the same level for the next 2 years.

Wow...Good grief.


Wait, so now manufactured hype and legitimate hype can exist in parallel?

My head hurts... -_-

How is this hard to understand? You can be hyped for a game or a sports event or player, and the media can manufacture more hype for the game, sports event, or news. This doesnt mean you are not actually hyped for something, it just means that the media can manufacture hype around an event.


Titanfall from about last E3 to the beta. Possibly Destiny until space magic made us all believe again. ....thank you basedBungie, thank you.


I'm surprised to see a lot of Watch Dogs mentions, most of what I saw about it over here before release was anti hype, it sure as hell didn't seem like +5 millions seller before release.
I wouldn't consider Titanfall to have been manufactured hype. Hype was generated all on its own because of the pre-release betas for PC and Xbox One. Gamers were crawling all over each other to get an install key. Respawn hardly had to do anything but dangle them in front of everyone's faces.

But why did people want to play the beta?
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