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What's the biggest drop in quality between a game and its immediate follow-up?


For me it's the multiplayer in Uncharted getting worse and worse. Uncharted 2 was nearly perfect, even after they changed the damage levels. Then UC3 mp was still ok, but really unbalanced. And now UC4 mp lacks any soul in my eyes. I've ditched UC4 and have gone back to playing Uncharted 2 mp on PS3 instead. I don't know why NaughtyDog didn't listen to the community when making the mp for part 4. I can't stress how disappointed I am that my favorite multiplayer has just gotten worse and worse with each installment. And with part 4, they act like all this free DLC is a good thing, when it's content that shoulda been in the game at launch. Both Uncharted 2 & 3 had a theater mode at launch, and part 4 just now got it when nobody is playing it anymore, and instead of giving us a classic mode, which every fan wanted since the first beta, they go and give us Kill Confirmed instead.

Think about that. The entire community since the first beta just wanted a classic mode, and after so many months, instead they give us Kill Confirmed...

I just don't understand them...
Red Faction: Guerrilla to Armageddon. Just take everything that made Guerrilla great and throw it in the trash. Fuck. Makes it worse that Armageddon is just a unremarkable, forgettable game.
Deus Ex to Invisible War


Runner-up: MGS to MGS2. From short, tight, and sweet to big, dumb, whiny, repetitive, and rambling.
Valkyria Chronicles to Valkyria Chronicles 2.

I cannot explain further, lest I accidentally summon into this world a demon drawn to resentment and facepalms.
Massive 3 fan? Aye!! If konami was competent I'd love a HD remaster of 3&5 or at the very least 3&5 as ps2 classics

Ugh.. seriously.. III had a pretty damn good plot what with so many characters involved. Geddoe, Jacques, Watari, Masked Dude, the Zexen knights.. I really enjoyed the different perspectives.
I fell in love with the game when it was on a demo. I think the demo also had Wild Arms 3. I was sold on the PS2.

Then V came along and did a pretty good job as well. But III was awesome. Really sucks we probably won't ever get to visit Harmonia.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Im sure its been said a million times, but they removed the rpg aspects from the gameplay and turned it into a VERY mediocre tps. The story went nowhere and the new characters were mostly forgettable or unlikable. Its not a horrible game but failed to build on the first one.

The new characters in 2 include some of the series very best. Mordin and Legion in particular are better than anyone in 1 outside of Wrex.


Castlevania LoS 2 was the biggest personal disappointment that I can suddenly remember. Such a piece of sh*t. I don't understand what happened with the development because the first game had a vision. This had nothing but good memories to burn.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward --> Zero Time Dilemma is one of the biggest cases of blue balls I've ever felt with a game series.


Now that I think about it, pretty much every Mega Man X game from X2 onward with the exception of 7->8. 7 is an abomination and 8 is alright.

Order of Ecclessia -> Lords of Shadow: The best Metroidvania to one of the most boring games I've ever played.

This too. This thread makes LoS2 kinda scary considering how incredibly dull and unremarkable the first game was, it's hard to imagine how worse the sequel can be lol.
Probably an unpopular opinion but

Gears 3 - Gears Judgement

I mean, what the fuck was Judgement? I didn't even beat it, I just felt like I was playing a fan made game.

EDIT: I decided to check out the reviews of Judgement and realised it's received some pretty good scores... I guess I'll have to try another attempt sometime this week with BC. I hope it changes my judgement
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward --> Zero Time Dilemma is one of the biggest cases of blue balls I've ever felt with a game series.
Been reading the whole thread, waiting for this.

-Relatively tame, but interesting, atmosphere
-Multifaceted characters (except Quark, Clover and Alice and tbh the other six was enough) that tie into the series meta and to each other's pasts in incredible ways
-Treatise on the Prisoner's Dilemma, and some incredible scenarios resulting from that
-Practically brand new OST save for a couple tracks
-Incredible endings
-Good old pseudoscience

-The previous game was shat on for going 3D, so let's crank that up to 11 and also turn it into a shittily animated video game, because who wants to read visual novels amirite
-Too much violence with no substance
-The game tries to continue from the emotional high of VLR's finale but does so while introducing absolutely nothing fucking new and not even paying any proper homage or thought to the previous games
-Too short
-Thanks to the Team and Fragment system, character interactions are limited, there is no character development to speak of whatsoever, and there's almost no long and proper storyline
-Reuses old tracks and remixes WAY too much


Ōkami;221048131 said:
Devil May Cry to Devil May Cry 2.


People of course are entitled to their opinions but to this day I have never known anyone to say that they liked 2 over 1. And I've seen some crazy opinions.


Danganronpa 2 ----> Despair Girls
The Curse of Monkey Island ----> Escape from Monkey Island

Both series follow up suffers from changing the gameplay and artstyles.


Junior Member
I'm glad that we've gone through seven pages without a mention of Jet Set Radio to Jet Set Radio Future, because anyone who would say that would be wrong.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Resistance 1 to 2. From a great sp campaign to one of the worst fps campaigns I ever played through. Felt like a different team made it. Luckily Insomniac redeemed itself with 3.


Ultima VII--> Ultima VIII
Star Control 2 ---> Star Control 3

Two absolute all time classics followed by games that were average at best
San Andreas -> GTA IV.

Oh shit, this is the one for me. GTA III to VC to SA was such a wild ride, with Rockstar introducing so many new gameplay ideas and expanding the scope, honing their craft, and then GTA IV came around and they went right back to square one. Further back, even. GTA IV is significantly more limited in scope and freedom than even GTA III was. That game is so strict, so heavily scripted that it's like your presence as the player is more of a nuisance than anything else. Car chases where you literally aren't allowed to catch the bad guy until you've seen all the scripted stuff along the way, and every other mission is just a miserable shootout in a dreary warehouse.

I feel like GTA IV's success led to so many awful trends in the industry, too. I blame Rockstar for all these games where your character only moves at walking speed when you push the analogue stick all the way forward, and I'll never forgive them :p


G***n S**n*bi
Devil May Cry to Devil May Cry 2.


DMC1 defined and revolutionized an entire genre. How do they follow that up? By doing nearly the exact opposite of what made the first game so god damn amazing. That's cosmic levels of fuckery, folks.
I remember Alundra 2 being some pretty hot garbage. The first Alundra may have been a Zelda clone, but I liked it more than most of the actual Zelda games. It's like the second one went out of its way to remove everything that was good about the original.

Alundra 2 was pretty fun.


Dark Souls 2 was great. Best pvp and replayability in the series. It didn't have quite the same highs and the lows were considerably lower than DS1 but I found it overall more consistent and thankfully the awful parts like Harvest Valley were incredibly short lived. Like 2-4 minute runs through them if you knew what you were doing. Save for the optional bosses the DLCs were amongst the best add ons I've ever played in a game. DS1 had great pvp too but I will not gloss over things like Blight Town and the second half of the game. Tomb of the Giants was absolute garbage in terms of game design. Even though I can probably run through it with my eyes closed now it does not change the fact that learning it was an unfun slog. Although I can see why people would consider DS2 to be the worst offender at least there were redeeming qualities for me. Soul Memory is indefensible though and agape ring was a slap in the face.

It was shocking how mediocre DS3 was in comparison to Bloodborne though, which is my pick. The auto stun/ poise frame system was complete garbage. There was no point in my multiple playthroughs/ many hours of PVP that I ever felt like this was an improvement. PVP was completely broken. 90% of the locations and lore were uninspired and half of the appeal was vapid fan service. Took me a while to reach this conclusion but the more time goes by the more I turn around on DS3. I felt like I was lying to myself before when as I realize my contempt for it now. It does a lot of things well but nothing I felt was worthy of an entirely new game. It needed at least an extra year in the oven.

Where DS2 took many risks and failed in several key ways at least it succeeded in others. DS3 played it too safe and came out worse for it. Meanwhile Bloodborne continues to be the game of the generation.

A less controversial answer would be comparing New Vegas to Fallout 4.


Zero Escape series as a whole really lol. VLR wasn't bad but it felt like disappointing follow up that was going a bit too ridiculous, and then ZTD comes around to blow my mind in so many bad ways that went so far beyond VLR. I pretty much viewed 999 as a very nice standalone since.


G***n S**n*bi
The people posting ME2 are blowing my mind... At least it was, objectively, a competently made video game. It may not have been what you want.. but at least it was still a well crafted game on it's own that many people loved.

DMC2 though? lol Not so much.
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